How to decompose armors?

Anadyon - Lost City
Anadyon - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2010 in The Crafting Nook
I want to make chi stones but to decompose equipment there's a blank box so do I need any other item besides the equipment to decompose it and get the materials to create chi stones?
Post edited by Anadyon - Lost City on


  • Contradicted - Sanctuary
    Contradicted - Sanctuary Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    depending on the item you need to go to a certain NPC
    armors - go to tailor
    weapons - go to blacksmith
    ornaments - go to craftsmen

    but then its not as simple as that :P to decompose things you need to have certain lvls in the particular manufacturing skill basically if your manufacturing skill is high enough to make the armor piece then you can decompose it.

    this empty spot your talking about happens to show how many chi stones you will get from decomposing the item if its blank after placing the item in for decomposing you will be getting nothing xD

    from memory only grade 2 and above items give chi stones
    1star and 2star items dont require any fee to decompose
    2star equips give the most chi stones but are usually hardest to get (seeing as they dont drop they can only be crafted)
    furthermore, 3 star equips dont give chi stones but rather Mirage Stones 3 star items require a fee to decompose them so always check how many mirages you will get compared to the fee of decomposing because 1 mirage for a fee of 20k just isnt right xD