Potentially Awesome Psychic Build Endgame?

Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear
Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Psychic
NOTE: Thought I'd make a separate thread about this instead of posting in another thread like I did yesterday....

Well oki here's a potential build I thought up of (Expensive of course lol):

Also don't flame me cuz there might be something I could be missing or didn't understand so plz keep that in mind....Anyways...

There are 7 types of gears that can have 4 sockets embued, so why not embue them all with 28 Defense +1 shards?

Think about it. It'll work very well with both Voodoos.

Black Voodoo MAX reduces Defense Level By 11, and with the shards equipped it'll be compensated, hence giving you still +17 Defense and +22 ATK lvl.

White Voodoo MAX increases Defense Level by 66 (according to ecatomb), 66+28 = 94 (Maybe 96 if you're able to put defense shards in weapon). Now correct me if I'm wrong plz but I am thinking that w/e damage you take has been reduced by 96% (unless opponent has ATK level shards or something to make the difference). That imo right there is a super tank build. If what I'm thinking is correct, then that means you are the ultimate meat shield (that will fail miserably to get aggro lol) BUT you can be useful in TW by manipulating the opponents and whatnot with Diminished or Empowered Vigor...or you could prolly use the Catapault and tank everything/Soul of Vengeance/Stun/or w/e u think.

I dunno, I could be COMPLETELY wrong but this is just a hypothesis. Someone of better/higher knowledge of this game plz confirm that this can be a very good potential build

Tried my best to help out a good Psychic build.
Oh and I apologize beforehand if this has been mentioned but I thought of this idea up completely off the top of my head.
Post edited by Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear on


  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Unless you have $1,000 or A LOT of time this is not going to happen. Sometimes i fantasize about the amazing gems I could socket with xD.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its a pretty nice idea if you want to be offensive all the time. You can also try the +2 defense level items.

    I noticed that black voodoo -def level is lower with blessings.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear
    Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its a pretty nice idea if you want to be offensive all the time. You can also try the +2 defense level items.

    I noticed that black voodoo -def level is lower with blessings.

    Well I was more interested in the defensive aspect of that build. And now that you've mentioned the other important belt/necklace gears that adds ATK/DEF +1, you can potentially become even more of an indestructible tank....but only a tank b:chuckle

    +98 Defense level b:shocked

    And if ATK/DEF does not affect the Soul of _______s then that means you can become a very scary support/disruptive class, especially in TW.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    These idea actually already mentioned by some people. b:laugh
    But the chance to reach that end game was kinda small and we also need lots of cash to reach it.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
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  • Antiseptic - Harshlands
    Antiseptic - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It seems pretty doable actually since +1 def level shards are cheap compared to g9+ citrines/garnets (Only 4m in cat shops, 3m if you bargain with them). The only problem is crafting/finding 4 socket 9x gear. I wish there was a real world comparison between the def lvl sharded gear compared to a garnet/cit build to see which one would be more worth it.
  • Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear
    Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cool, but here's my question. Let's say if I were to gett DEF lvl +100 does that mean I am completely immune (0 damage) to every attack OR I just have twice as much defense from my gear?

    Cuz this is the description of Defense Levels:

    For each Defense Level point you have over Target's Attack Level, you take 1% less damage.
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    6 pieces of armor with 3 sockets each is pretty attainable without cash shopping

    u could get 18 defence level pretty easily

    18+66=84 defense level

    with a charm u would be pretty much unkillable in 1v1 even with 84 defense level

    if you grab some def level items and maybe are lucky ebeough to get 4 sockets and one ro two pieces of armor u could get 90 def level making u even more unkillable

    the downside of this is that when u are not using white voodoo u will be really squishy because
    more defense level added = exponential increase is survavbility

    thus small amount of def level eg 10-20
    will barely make u tanker

    defense level does scale linearly in terms of survavbility

    eg u have 100 hp
    person deals 100 damage

    if u have 0 def level u die in 1 hit

    if u have 50 def level u die in 2 hits

    if u have 80 def level u die in 5 hits

    if u have 90 def level u die in 10 hits

    id u have 99 def level u die in 100 hits
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited February 2010
    Don't know... def level is pretty useless in pve. Mobs don't have attack levels.

    From what I can tell in tw, pet flesh ream still wrecks you up even with white voodoo on.
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    volst wrote: »
    Don't know... def level is pretty useless in pve. Mobs don't have attack levels.

    From what I can tell in tw, pet flesh ream still wrecks you up even with white voodoo on.

    i dont think DOTs are effected my attack and def level

    for example psychic DOTs do not lose damage when white voodoo is on

    i think it is because DOTs actually count as debuffs rather than damage moves

    psychics shouldnt have problem with nix

    psychic will + genie skills skills + knock back should keep u alive
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i dont think DOTs are effected my attack and def level

    for example psychic DOTs do not lose damage when white voodoo is on

    i think it is because DOTs actually count as debuffs rather than damage moves

    psychics shouldnt have problem with nix

    psychic will + genie skills skills + knock back should keep u alive

    dots do low dmg anyway at 90+ :/
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    dots do low dmg anyway at 90+ :/

    psychic dots have 200% wep damage modifer on them and good flat spell damage adds

    they have good damage

    its just that u only have 2 dots and they both have 15 sec CD and last for 15 secs

    even though the damage is good you wont be killing anyone due to the long cooldown

    white voodoo+ around 20 def level from gear + charm = unkillable psychic in 1v1
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    *posted the same thing 2 months ago*

    and you forgot the blessing

    a psy can get 100 def levels in an instance with DOD sharded armor

    also there are def level +2 gems out now i beleive so if your really rich your basicly unkillable

    psys and sins need to be cashshoped for endgame viability anyways

    low channel high cast = little boost from - channel ear

    low weapon adds high static ads = little bonus from refines

    psys need high refines for def and soulforce as well as attack level def level gems to take full advanatage of voodoo
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    *posted the same thing 2 months ago*

    and you forgot the blessing

    a psy can get 100 def levels in an instance with DOD sharded armor

    also there are def level +2 gems out now i beleive so if your really rich your basicly unkillable

    psys and sins need to be cashshoped for endgame viability anyways

    low channel high cast = little boost from - channel ear

    low weapon adds high static ads = little bonus from refines

    psys need high refines for def and soulforce as well as attack level def level gems to take full advanatage of voodoo

    low weapon adds?

    yeh this is true


    i use spark lots on my psy for pvp

    and spark depends completely on weapon adds

    and spark + glacial shards + sandburst blast = dead people

    in a TW

    note: refines also help ure mattack which is a factor in all spells
  • Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear
    Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Good stuff so far. More questions to ensure this build's validity! b:shutup

    1. Can Venos Purge and Archer/BM Soul Shatter Voodoo Skills? (In other words, can they get rid of your Voodoo buffs?) EDIT: Yes they can.

    2. Does Soul of Vengeance work in PK/TW? Seeing as how Bramble doesn't work in PK.

    3. And with such a low ATK level, what can we use to compensate our damage? Soulforce related attacks? Triple Sparks?
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    low weapon adds?

    yeh this is true


    i use spark lots on my psy for pvp

    and spark depends completely on weapon adds

    and spark + glacial shards + sandburst blast = dead people

    in a TW

    note: refines also help ure mattack which is a factor in all spells

    but if u use white voodoo then with 3rd spark still sucks the dmg output, its ok u are not killable but u cant kill too, max with dot but to dot the spark burst dont ahve effect so if somebody have low hp maybe die by physic dot or from soulburn but no other way, ok still better than other defensive skills but idk will be changed or no.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    All I know is that if you can't become immune to damage no matter how high your defense lvl. I can't find the post but spoons said somewhere that there are built-in hard caps on things like that to prevent damage immunity.
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    but if u use white voodoo then with 3rd spark still sucks the dmg output, its ok u are not killable but u cant kill too, max with dot but to dot the spark burst dont ahve effect so if somebody have low hp maybe die by physic dot or from soulburn but no other way, ok still better than other defensive skills but idk will be changed or no.

    i wasnt saying that u have white voodoo on when using sparked aoes

    white voodoo is something which u put on when you need to surive

    eg in a TW u see 2 bms approaching u and u dont have any chi and genie os out of stamina

    having 80-90 def level will stop u from dying until help arrives/ there stuns lock finishes
  • BoozeLover - Dreamweaver
    BoozeLover - Dreamweaver Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ^1 BM can stunlock, what would 2 do ofc its around 1 minute of stunchains till voodoo wears off its likely that backup is there OR BM(s) can switch to purge spear and wish for it to activate removing white voodoo OR just use genie skill

    however idea is pretty good..however you might have to sell your own mother to get thatb:surrender
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    All I know is that if you can't become immune to damage no matter how high your defense lvl. I can't find the post but spoons said somewhere that there are built-in hard caps on things like that to prevent damage immunity.

    yep me saw that post as well that there be supposed built in game mechanics that prevents one from becoming immune to damage.

    of course me am just assuming spoons tested it out with 100 defense level himself or something.
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  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yep me saw that post as well that there be supposed built in game mechanics that prevents one from becoming immune to damage.

    of course me am just assuming spoons tested it out with 100 defense level himself or something.

    intristing...you know what that cap is and if its affected by reduction skills or debuffs such as the geni skill dragonfire?
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ^1 BM can stunlock, what would 2 do ofc its around 1 minute of stunchains till voodoo wears off its likely that backup is there OR BM(s) can switch to purge spear and wish for it to activate removing white voodoo OR just use genie skill

    however idea is pretty good..however you might have to sell your own mother to get thatb:surrender

    its actually quite cheap

    diamonds of dragon are 4-5 mil

    white voodoo lasts for 10 mins

    if you can have 2 BMs foccusing you for 10 mins straight in a TW you have put your team at great advantage

    if u get get purged by veno that is one purge which the barb does not have to take

    switching to purge spear is unlikely, most bms dont have it

    probably better do get an archer win heaven shatterer to attack

    hoping for purge

    either way you are drawing focus to yourself and still taking ages to kill

    which is putting ure team at great advantage in a TW

    u can always break bm stunlock with genie skills and pots as well
  • BoozeLover - Dreamweaver
    BoozeLover - Dreamweaver Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sry checked Ecatomb about duration of Voodoo, don't know myself where I pulled that 1minute

    White Voodoo lvl10:
    Increase your Defense Level by 66.0.
    Reduces your Attack Level by 99.
    Lasts 15 minutes.

    so Diamond of Dragon adds 1 def lvl(dunno)
    you need 34 of them to get 100def lvl aka "immortality" not proven

    34x4-5mil = 136-170mil which is in my scale lots of coins also you gotta get many sockets to your armor
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sry checked Ecatomb about duration of Voodoo, don't know myself where I pulled that 1minute

    White Voodoo lvl10:
    Increase your Defense Level by 66.0.
    Reduces your Attack Level by 99.
    Lasts 15 minutes.

    so Diamond of Dragon adds 1 def lvl(dunno)
    you need 34 of them to get 100def lvl aka "immortality" not proven

    34x4-5mil = 136-170mil which is in my scale lots of coins also you gotta get many sockets to your armor

    with just DOD and 24 armor spots you will also need cube neck and belt

    the G16 ones with +5 attack def levels

    wich take warsoul mats me thinks >.<

    thats where the price tag comes from
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear
    Pinball_Map - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Another reason why this build could be viable:

    Frenzy Genie Skill b:laugh