PWI Page: Team Llama

Born_Free - Harshlands
Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Guild Banter
Team Llama

Question: What is Team Llama?

Team Llama is a faction based in good 'ol Archosaur, founded by our boss, Mr.Llama. The purpose of this faction is to seek the most powerful warriors in the Harshland severs to defeat the most powerful of enemies, to include other factions, or boss monsters, and to complete even the most difficult and grueling of quests.

Team Llama, despite the silly name, is a faction based souly on finding the strongest fighters, and weed out the weak and unfit. It's this "survival of the fittest" notion that keeps our veteran members from becoming weak, and transforms our newer members into ruthless war machines. While this mostly sides with the Celestial Demon side of the coin, we do accept those whose allignments are not under evil.

We're currently a growing level 2 casual clan based in Archosaur and we're very active and helpful to all players alike. We are seeking all active/talkative recruits so if that's you, feel free to sign up. Our goal is to be one of the greatest clans of all, but we are not focusing on that goal until we have 200 entertaining members with great personalities to help reach that status.

Blademasters, Wizards, Archers, Clerics, and Barbarians wanted:
With so many people becoming Psychics, Assassins, and Venomancers, there's not really a whole lot of people playing as the more orignal classes. If YOU join the clan as any one of the previously stated classes, you will recieve 50 Mana and Health potions directly from Born_Free's stocks....for free, of course.


Team Llama Leader:

(The Boss Man)

Team Llama Director:

Team Llama Marshals:

Team Llama Executors:

How to become staff- Go the extra mile!:
Share your knowledge of the game to new members and help them learn the ropes. Recruit frequently. Join in clan events and come up with your own. Be active frequently. Get your equipment up to snuff! Doing such shows your commitment to the clan and we'd love to have you as a part of our staff team.


-Use common sense!: I shouldn't have to clarify any further than this. If you are being excessively rude/offensive or annoying, expect to be kicked. Don't ask people for stuff and don't be a detriment in party runs.

-Don't store your characters here!: We're here to find and play with other players, new and old, so we're not looking to store a million alt characters. If you play long enough with us and become a "red" active member, you are allowed to enter one other character into the clan. Inactivity rule applies to each character.

-Try to seek out knowledge on your own!: We are NOT here to hold your hand through the game. There's so much to learn about this game and taking the time to delve into a few forum guides (located below) can vastly improve your enjoyment of the game. Ignorance is bliss but Intelligence is enlightening.

-Don't be inactive!: We understand that there's such a thing called "The Real World" so we don't expect you to be on 24/7. However if you're going to be gone for a while, let us know via a forum post or through your clan status.

-Don't be quiet!: If we don't notice your presence in clan then there's no point in keeping you. We want clan members, not just another number. If you're shy or don't talk much, don't bother joining. We love to converse with one another, and it really brings the clan together.

Every 5 days, the staff members evaluate each member of the clan and kick out any players that break these few simple rules. We're not strict though and we will gladly welcome you back if you talk with one of the staff for why you were kicked in the first place. If you're kicked multiple may want to try a new clan.

You're probably about the press that back button, aren't you? I bet you're wondering: "I don't care about Team Llama. Team Llama? That sounds stupid."

What our faction does:

Pvping and Territory Wars:
Although we're only a 20+ clan, we pack a mean punch when it comes to Pking! If one of our own gets smacked around, you know they're going to tell the rest of us...and you're history! A large mass of our players are over level 35, and capable of dealing some real hurt, especially with the groups of Pshycics and Assassins that we have!

We're also preparing for the epic battle of Territory Wars, and securing a place of our very own against the tyranical forces of Kingdom!

Bounty Hunter
If we're not out killing, maiming, or tearing limbs off, we're usually out hunting the strongest monsters they've got! A large majority of our members are always looking for groups to join in order to bring down foes from Quingzi to the most powerful of foes!

Racing is a passion which we take very seriously! We're always upgrading our Aerocraft, Wings, and Flying Mounts with the very best we can afford, and doing our very best to beat the competition! Our Faction Prides itself in winning, after all!

Shake dat ****: Special Clan Only Event:
Every so often, a person can get bored, so.....we have a scavenger hunt!
We're challanging our members to find the best booty (NPC, Monster, or otherwise,) and submit it to our "Shake Dat" Contest! The winner of the monthly contest will recieve a prize, so get those cameras snapping!

The Friendship Challange: Clan Only Event
Now that we've got a level 2 status, it's time to crank it up a notch! We're challanging you to get as many of your friends as you can to join Team Llama. For every clannie you collect, you'll get a point, and at the end of this year whoever gets the most will get a custom made weapon from XxMaleVenoxX, our very best craftsman! ((He makes GREAT weapons.))

Current Stats:

Mr.Llama: 8
XxMaleVenoxX: 5
Born_Free: 2
Oceans_Moon: 4
MiniLlama: 9
Aiko89 - 7
Akuhei - 7
Aniram - 1
Arkis - 1
arreiS - 1
Balberith - 9
Beastman - 1
Biartz - 2
Blanchere - 3
Bokukko - 5
BonaVentura - 1
Chidzuko - 1
Chiso - 5
Confushius - 7
Dalexi - 9
DevilTongue - 9
dramatt - 5
Gelway - 6
Gneo - 4
JetHero - 2
JudasPain - 8
Lilisette -7
LittleTenshi - 5
Martir - 2
Nightrain` - 2
Nineball - 7
Orcus - 5
Quististrepe - 3
SakuyaIzayoi - 10
Sarief - 9
Sleepycatz - 5
Takase - 8
Vierde - 1
youngblood90 - 2
Zachriel - 4
Ziggy161 - 3

Other things you should know:
Our Mascot is......

If you betray us, or we ban you because we hate you or something, this is who we sacrifice you to!

--Crafts R Us: We make a lot of crafts. XxMaleVenoxX makes some mean weapons, and Born_Free's potions are worth the money. We can always use someone who could make armor or items! We sell these things all the time to get some mula for the clan ranking!

Template for forum membership: (If you're joining us In Game, just send a whisper to Mr.Llama!)

In-Game Username:
Time Zone:
When I Am Usually On:
Current Level:
A Bit About Me: (favorite anime/videogame, food, etc)
How would you die in a horror movie?
Do these jeans make my butt look big?
What's a short term and long term goal you have in the game?
Post edited by Born_Free - Harshlands on


  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In-Game Username: Born_Free
    Time Zone: GMT: +01:00 (If you're in the central USA, you're seven hours behind me, sucka.)
    When I Am Usually On: Weekdays: Rarely, unless school is out Weekends: All day, unless schedule is "interrupted" by family.
    Class: Psychic
    Current Level: 32 (joined @ lvl 24)
    A Bit About Me: (favorite anime/videogame, food, etc): Uh...I'm pretty nutty. I'm a tad morbid....I'll hit you and bite you and abuse the **** out of you in the faction chat. I like to make potions explode...I enjoy running around casting Bubble of Life (most useful Psychic ability EVER) and then killing things. I hate a majority of factions, but I support any who take it to Kingdom's overpowered behinds! I read pretty much everything...I love Square enix games...and I like sweets....especially lemon pie. Lemon pie is good.

    How would you die in a horror movie? Something like this: b:faint
    Do these jeans make my butt look big? Yes. Loose some weight you fat slob.
    What's a short term and long term goal you have in the game? I wanna be the very best THAT NO ONE EVER WAS! (doo doo dee doo!) To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause! I will travel across the lands, searching far and wide! (doo doo dee doo) These Pokemon, to understand, the POWER THAT'S INSIDE!

    .-. Just kidding....I'm just out to take it to Kingdom's behind! I'll do my part, even if it's just sitting on the sidelines making potions. It's my goal to make this clan one of those that players will look up and say: "Now THERE'S a clan I'd so totally join. Those guys are awesome."
  • Jeroen - Harshlands
    Jeroen - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    raaw lama's will rule the world
    You got fb, bh, HH, TT, and FC but i have a BD ( Beer Drinking )
  • thatoneloophole
    thatoneloophole Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    hey buddies dont boot me from teamllama this my first word out im in germany trying to get a computer
  • hectitor
    hectitor Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I made a new char today its Hecturd
    You guys should send me an invite im going to start playing again on my new char
  • KisaRoze - Harshlands
    KisaRoze - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I love TL :D
  • kisaroze
    kisaroze Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    <3 Team llama
  • MrLlama - Harshlands
    MrLlama - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    O_O Lol Born Free Not Even In TL
  • SwapShop - Harshlands
    SwapShop - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In-Game Username: SwapShop
    Time Zone: CST(KS)
    When I Am Usually On: 10AM-2:30PM, 12:00AM-4:00AM
    Class: Assassin(39 Wiz I occasionally use)
    Current Level: 47
    A Bit About Me: (favorite anime/videogame, food, etc): Favorite anime is One Piece and Clannad/Clannad After Story. Food is ramen. Favorite game is L4D. (Bit of gameplay: )
    How would you die in a horror movie?: Go down fighting the biggest, baddest thing in it.
    Do these jeans make my butt look big?: It's ginormous.
    What's a short term and long term goal you have in the game? Short term goal.. Get a couple buds from another game to same level for team questing since we're on around same times. Long term.. A nearly unbeatable Sin with +10 equips(I do have the money to spend.. Lol.) and lots of reliable allies.
  • SwapShop - Harshlands
    SwapShop - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    O_O Lol Born Free Not Even In TL

    Lol wat?
  • doobie420
    doobie420 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    just no comment rofl b:shutup
  • Dollface - Harshlands
    Dollface - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Do you guys have a forum...I'm interested in joining b:bye
    Thankies Silvy <3
  • Dollface - Harshlands
    Dollface - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In-Game Username: Dollface (actual L's)

    Time Zone: eastern

    When I Am Usually On: almost everyday

    Class: Cleric

    Current Level: 59

    A Bit About Me: (favorite anime/videogame, food, etc) I love bleach & samurai champloo <3 I just turned 20 on monday :) Oh & im random :P

    How would you die in a horror movie? getting decapitated by an alien (Skyline reference)

    Do these jeans make my butt look big? No, honey you look great -cough-

    What's a short term and long term goal you have in the game? I want to be involved with more tws , fcs, tts, nirvanas etc. I just want to be a great high lvl cleric I that so bad ? b:surrender
    Thankies Silvy <3
  • SomebodyTwo - Lost City
    SomebodyTwo - Lost City Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    [...]I wanna be the very best THAT NO ONE EVER WAS! (doo doo dee doo!) To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause! I will travel across the lands, searching far and wide! (doo doo dee doo) These Pokemon, to understand, the POWER THAT'S INSIDE![...]


    Could you post the rest of the lyrics please? I can't find them anywhere lol.

    (For those who have no idea what I'm talking about --->
    My YT Page: "" I have HD PWI/Minecraft Videos
    I am a non-cashshopper. I registered on: 08-26-2008 22:21:23
    "Only those who worked hard for their power are worth to be respected..." - Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    "When life gives you lemon, set up a catshop and sell lemonade at 15% markup." Okeano - Harshlands
    Also, Minecraft is awesome.
  • tommyk152
    tommyk152 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    In-Game Username: Valsung

    Time Zone: Eastern

    When I Am Usually On: Atleast everyday usually between 5PM and 4AM

    Class: Blademaster

    Current Level:21

    A Bit About Me: Favorite animes: Hellsing, Bleach and Soul Eater (couldn't just choose one) Favorite game: Either Final Fantasy 8 or Borderlands

    How would you die in a horror movie? Probably get my head chopped off IDK

    Do these jeans make my butt look big? Ehhh, Ummm...........

    What's a short term and long term goal you have in the game? Have fun, and eventually be B.A