recruit restriction, why flam the executors -.-?

wolframson Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2010 in General Discussion
Okay guys i'd like to hear a few ppls opinion on this matter, cuz personally i find it 100% unfair that some individuals start flaming my executors, for the lvl and class restrictions the faction has set.

we just moved our lvl restriction from lvl1 ot lvl35+, also we limited the classes to not include venos. Now the lvl got no problem, but the fact we don't take venos do. Now the reson we don't take venos right now, is that the fact mainly consist of venos, 1wizard, 2clerics ... minor problem if u want balance right?

Anyway when my executors use WC to catch new players, (which is our main target so new gamers can get a good start), or more experienced players, we like both alot, they get falmming answers like this.

"So u don't want a lvl80+ Herc veno =O" ... "Well then ill just stay in XX" okay sorry but that XX (i won't name the faction) is like one of the best factions on my server, that veno was never ever interested in our low lvl faction, seriously only out to flame people.

Some other venos threw "veno racesist" at both me and one of my very sad(after some venos had harased him) executor. As soon as we re-fomulated our recruit to name all classes but venos, funny enough the only venos we got just wanted to make sure that we let out the venos on porpose.

So all the ones harasing me executors only do it to harase they were never near interested in joining -.- ... like everyone got an alt veno just for the money give me a break ... and veno racesist? im a veno myself give me a break! and no im not scared of competition, i love teaming with venos for a kill.

Plz leave ur tuts on this, cuz personally i find it unfair towards my executors (flame me i don't care, then we can talk about it), all my executors are caring ppl that love to help others more than anything.
Post edited by wolframson on


  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Nope not unfair at all its perfect for your guild situation. Those venos are just givin yah a hard time and probably mean nothing by it don't pay them mind thats exactly the kind of people you don't want in your guild anyway.
  • Charisma - Raging Tide
    Charisma - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just ignore it, many factions set class restrictions... people such as a lvl80+ should know this by now. It's a general problem for servers, just blacklist the people if they start harassing you too much. If people want to be immature, let them. :p
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:cute
    Lieal - 95 Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Retired
    Charisma - 86 Cleric - Raging Tide - Retired
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    there are some people out there that hate on a specific class because they had some situation with a not so smart player.
    Like today the first BH i joined on my psychic.. people were already given me a hard time about keeping agro before we got in the dungeon, they havent even ever played with me. So i left that party and ignored them. Joined a new party and was complemented on how good i can control my psychics agro. It felt great.
    Then there was this one faction i joined and one night in the chat a couple of people were bashing venos. Saying that people play venos because they suck at the game and stuff like that. Ugly people really.. so i can see where the remark for "veno raccist" would come.. it could be a bit of frustration on the venos part, because maybe they were hated on before for being a veno.

    Ignore, its not what your looking for.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The only thing I would think would be a problem is if someone said: Hey! I have this friend I quest with I'd like to add to the faction. If that person was a veno and said no, you probably just lost 2 members.

    Good people are good people no matter their class. You could emphasize that you would like them to recruit all but veno's but if a veno actually asked specifically to join your faction why would you turn them away?

    If someone is active, helpful, nice and friendly; why would you not want them in your faction? Trust me those people are hard to come by. Very few people in this game have all of those qualities and respect others.

    Or lets say someone's wife starts playing and she's a veno, again; you'd be losing 2 members. A husband is likely going to want to be in the same faction as his wife.

    Its not so much veno racism lol... but maybe you should rethink the rule just a bit. There are ways around it, instead of excluding venos your recruiters could say: Faction xxxx is looking for Barbs/Clerics and Wizards! Then people usually know that you are looking for a specific class, but if they are interested enough in what the recruiter had to say other classes might want to join too!

    /end giant wall of text!
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    there is always gonna be someone who takes a perverse pleasure in putting down other people - the best advice to give your execs when they get pm's from these people is to use the blacklist button.

    And restricting recruitment by class/level is standard practice for most serious factions as they try and balance their membership. Most people who have spent any time in the game (or any game where guilds/factions exist) will understand this.

    Sounds like you are on the right track and look to be a really concientious (sp?) leader - keep it up and don't let the @%#*s get you down!
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree with the balance thing. A lot of large factions wont recruit classes they have too many of or set crazy high level restrictions for recruiting. But excluding venos altogether seems a little much however.

    Try something like wc'ing (example)

    "XXfaction recruiting any lv35+ active (veno's lv45+, barbs and clerics preferred)"

    That way you get your new recruits and more balance without excluding anyone. Lets face it, unless you're only a few away from the member limit, a few more high-level veno's can't hurt you.
    Don't mind the 80+ veno's flaming you though. Basically it's just a childish " you think you're too good for ME!?".
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    venos have this "EVERYBODY HATES ME" complex so they become spiteful at any hint of what they think is class discrimination despite the intent. just read pw-wiki lol

    i never experienced veno hate tho...not on my veno.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • wolframson
    wolframson Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thank you very much for all the constructive responses. Yes a good player is a good player what ever class they play, and as soon as possible ill take it up with my director (maybe all officers) and re-think the veno restriction, we are currently lvl2 (not planing to mass recruit and get lvl3 unless its nessecary) so 100spots, still space.

    Last night i talked with all officers online to correct their recruit to:
    "XX recruit 35+ wiz/arch/cler/barb/bm ...." less negative responses, cuz it doesn't catch the no venos part =/. I'll try convince the others to restrict the class half way like making it higher lvl or some other way.

    For now i have just asked my executors to send flamers to me or ignore em. (annoying ability to be understanding and friendly when ppl are being mean to me)

    Again thx for all the repleys, and open to any comment still (already named or not) will definatly keep up the work with the faction.
  • Ardaanaa - Heavens Tear
    Ardaanaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I would say that in WC when comes to recruitment should be only set up minimal level for addmision <for example +30> and class part should be left out from announcemment what will help to cut off such flame replys.

    For example:

    "Faction XYZ recruit active lvl +30, please PM our Executors for more informations if you are interesting to join".

    No specyfic class indicated to avoid flaming and during addmision talk Executor can explain for example high level veno that cright now faction would not accept her because they seek more balance and they have in off venos for the moment.
    I think every problematic situations can be resolved via talks <little diplomacy never hurt in long run> and in case when someone ask for adding his/her friend too to faction whit set up class/level limit... hmmm it is little complicated.
    Once faction will make such exception there is no guarantee that soon or later another similar situation will pop up actually forcing another more or less unwanted addmision because once you will do exception pretty soon another one will follow putting entire faction recruitment policy in danger.

    I think major question which faction leaderheads <leader and officers> must answer is if they want quantity or quality when comes to faction members.
    First part is easy.

    Quantity means that faction will add everyone who will show sign of interest... however here lays big catch which must be taken under heavy consideration and i mean such faction will become platform for faction hoppers.

    Quality means strict restrictions when comes to level or class and in matter of fact if faction did undertake such route must remain on her no matter what circumstances will occur and faction members must known that there will be no exceptions for that rule.
    I understand that quality rule is pretty hard to maintain because might bring for a some time less members than quantity rule but in the long run such investment in search for really valuable members might bring much better effects.

    To conclude.
    Once recruit rules will be set up must be maintain without exceptions and flamers who criticize that should be dealt without any hesitation b:bye.
  • Solariz - Harshlands
    Solariz - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    iff there wasent a nix 2 begin with maybe venos wouldent we a hated class period. nix in my opinion is why venos got hated the most with all its right in my opinion.
  • wolframson
    wolframson Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think every problematic situations can be resolved via talks <little diplomacy never hurt in long run> and in case when someone ask for adding his/her friend too to faction whit set up class/level limit... hmmm it is little complicated.

    ^AMEN talking is mostly a good idea. We do keep strict rules, and quality before quantity, but ppl gotta get in the faction before u can figure out how they are. and example on quality we only promote ppl cuz they deserve it, we have also given no to some ppl. Both Director and myself + the one being promoted need to say yes, just one no means fail for the time being. So far all our executors and our marshal was asked by director/leader to join the ranks. Also if anyone should complain over one of our members, we don't hesitate to talk with our members (had one 2days ago when recruiting).

    And plz try keep the discussion about venos being hated out of this thread if possible thx, was not why i made this.