Don't let them get away with it again!
I burst out laughing when I saw that pic.0
Basch - Lost City wrote: »Sorry if I'm some redneck without a fancy college degree. I made my attempt and come so very close. BTW, I'm not an english major so I wouldn't know a run on sentence. But either way, the one you think is Asiris posting here isn't who you think it is. Comparing his posts on our forums to the ones u claim to be him its very different. As for you, is your english any better than his or mine? I think not.
Guessing that you are from the US, I think you should have learned about run-on sentences in 4th or 5th grade. Even if you attend clown college, it is assumed that you should already know what a run-on sentence is. Without any knowledge of what they are, it's kind of obvious if you actually read the words and put a little thought into it. b:surrender Is your real name Cletus?
When people learn English as a second (third, fourth) language, it is expected that they will make mistakes. When someone is raised learning English and they still manage to butcher it so badly, their true ignorance is shown. BTW I'm terribly sorry for assuming that ****-iris has terrible grammar. he looks pretty dumb to me, is it just me or is he really rocking a pony tail. NO HE REALLY IS ROCKING A PONY TAIL. Seems like he just jacked his look from dungeon and dragons.
ALL HAIL WADZIO THE POLISH KINGBasch - Lost City wrote: »Does it really matter where someone shops? It's all the same **** with different brand names and price tags. Saying someone shops at Wal-Mart means they are a bit more sensible in how much they spend on items that only have a short life span.
That is not Wadzio.
That picture is over 3 years old.
He would be swimming in that ponytail.
Does it really matter what hairstyle someone has? It's all the same ****ing protein molecules with different pigments and shapes. Saying someone wears a ponytail means they are a bit more sensible in how much they hair they want. To keep their head warm in the winter and pulled back in the summer.Devil - Lost City wrote: »You're all ugly."Help!!!!! I can't find my e-peen under my fat rolls b:infuriated"
Sorry other picture was like 348123423 years old; this is the most recent photo.0 -
w4termel0n wrote: »
That is not Wadzio.
That picture is over 3 years old.
He would be swimming in that ponytail.
Does it really matter what hairstyle someone has? It's all the same ****ing protein molecules with different pigments and shapes. Saying someone wears a ponytail means they are a bit more sensible in how much they hair they want. To keep their head warm in the winter and pulled back in the summer.
IJS, Llama did say his pic was 2 years old + So I don't feel you can really give that as an excuse for Wadzios picture if he can't use the same one.
LLama is a ginger kid and Wadizo has a Polish Mullet, both are equally silly.
I'm here to keep this argument clean, classy and fair that is all. b:victory
Also... it's official... SAINTS/COLTS SUPERBOWL... **** YEAH9x WB
Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
DestroyTokyo - Lost City wrote: »IJS, Llama did say his pic was 2 years old + So I don't feel you can really give that as an excuse for Wadzios picture if he can't use the same one.
LLama is a ginger kid and Wadizo has a Polish Mullet, both are equally silly.
I'm here to keep this argument clean, classy and fair that is all. b:victory
I'm older than you! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS LA.
b:angry Don't you dare put "equally" in a sentence with my name and his.Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
Llama - Lost City wrote: »I'm older than you! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS LA.
Might I suggest these? (for the ample gentleman) Faded Glory - Big Men's Carpenter Jeans, 2 Pairs
Or what about this? Cotton Traditional Plus Size Muumuu"Help!!!!! I can't find my e-peen under my fat rolls b:infuriated"
Sorry other picture was like 348123423 years old; this is the most recent photo.0 -
w4termel0n wrote: »Metabolism gets worse and slows down as you age. That picture being "from like 3 years ago" coupled with the fact that you eat, sleep, breathe PWI, I would say that you most likely increased in size.
I'm going to use your logic and be a dumbfk as well, let's see wadzio eats, sleeps, and breathe PWI as for him a thousand dollars on a game is chump change, yet, he does look like the average typical nerd that plays dungeons and dragons, "Magic" (card game), as a matter of fact he took a picture of himself standing next to a medieval looking statue (oh hai) that coupled with that fact that he had long hair means it is very unlikely to have changed now. So he does have a ponytale, and therefore looks like a guy built on a girl frame.
Point being : He's no better than LLama at his worse.0 -
Doesn't matter how fat LLama could be, maybe he likes being that way or maybe he isn't fat anymore b:shocked
either way, seems I overestimated your reading comprehension skills, simple lines of sarcasm are serious business for you.
I am going to assume you quoted the wrong post."Help!!!!! I can't find my e-peen under my fat rolls b:infuriated"
Sorry other picture was like 348123423 years old; this is the most recent photo.0 -
TriggerHappi - Lost City wrote: »@ wadzio
u keep telling ppl they hve no life & fat & ginger face
but look wat i found u were on my old msn b:chuckle
now u might knw who am i now b:laugh
@eat spoon guy
showing this stuff might be against w/e TOS u got
its only for fun
so ill accept my 1st warning
Pretty sure this picture of LLama trumps the one you posted. Reminds me of the WoW guy in that South Park episode.b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
This entire thread reminds me of the glory days of the LC forum section. Where one guild is up against another and feels the need to flaunt that they each have access to each others forums.
What amazes me the most is that one win in a double attack has fueled such a thing. I mean Spectral is taking one win and turning it into the most fantastic thing that has ever happened on this server. Please, it seems that the server knows that Spectral would never be able to win in a double attack since they have shown time and time again that they do not show up. They have never even given themselves a chance to see if they could do it. It is sickening to hear that this is going to happen when finding out in guild since more then a few people believe that Spectral could so it.
I mean, if you look at it from an outsider point of view, this entire thread is the most re.tarded thing that I have ever seen. I say this for more then a few reasons and if I have to explain myself then you all are a bunch of idiots as would already be implied. Myself included for posting here.
Whether any of the pictures in this thread are true or not, we all have to agree that each party will deny the pictures as well as anything that is presented in them. Even with the most evidence showing that one or the other is false, each party has made up their minds to what the truth is and that will not change.
What I see here ultimately is each side doing the same thing and showing everyone who reads this how stupid the human race can be. This is even more truthful due to the fact that this is a game and we are bringing in the real world, or so-called aspects of it, into what should be a fun and semi-neutral environment.
I am waiting for those in other guilds to post what is on the Spectral picture thread. There are some good ones there I can personally assure you but dropping down to the level of these people who supposedly do not take the game so serious is meaningless in my life. I think it is both sad and comical. I will lay out a few points to end this wall o text.
First, who gives a flying **** where and if someone shops at a certain location. I myself know more then a few millionaires that shop and buy clothing and other items at Walmart. If you do not shop there then so be it. It is a tag and a label, nothing more.
Second, people in this world come in different shapes and sizes and styles and colors and races and whatever any intelligent person can get what I am saying here. To think you are better then one person or another in respect to any of the above means you are an ignorant fool and deserve whatever negative things can be handed down to you in life.
Thirdly, for those of us who have access to all of the forums mentioned, I can assure you that there are winners and losers in both guilds. It is nothing to get on your high horse to single out one person or another in any on part of the Picture posts in those forums. Had that been the case, I personally could have outed more then a few on both sides who are in this discussion or whatever you want to call it. I however like to think that I am better then all of you who feel the need to make yourself feel better about your sorry existence or whatever insecurity you may have in your life.
Fourth, those of us who have spent money on this game have done so of our own feel will. Those of you who choose to spend an ungodly amount makes me feel sorry for you, more so since there are those on both sides that fail greater then I have the time to explain. Now, this brings me to this, those that decide to flaunt the fact that they have spent thousands on this game makes me laugh. Is it supposed to make you feel better knowing that there are those that have gear and weapons ten times better and have spent nothing on the game? It is something to ponder.
This entire thread just proves the immaturity of more then a few people. I think my favorite line is when people say post on your mains. That is fine and good and I think that 95% of the people here should post on their mains, but they are scared to do so because of what they are posting. I personally have chosen not too since I am of both guilds and wish to remain in both guilds for my own reasons. I do favor one over the other though and one does have people friendlier then the other. They also both have their faults as do the people. I would like to point out one thing though, I have yet to post anything negative in terms of links from either of the forums that have been used here to fuel some type of hate. I like to think that I for one am better then that. Should this continue in such a way though, I could offer up comparisons and then see who would be walking away laughing. I can assure you it would be me.My specialty is being right when other people are wrong.0 -
SassySis - Lost City wrote: »This entire thread reminds me of the glory days of the LC forum section. Where one guild is up against another and feels the need to flaunt that they each have access to each others forums.
What amazes me the most is that one win in a double attack has fueled such a thing. I mean Spectral is taking one win and turning it into the most fantastic thing that has ever happened on this server. Please, it seems that the server knows that Spectral would never be able to win in a double attack since they have shown time and time again that they do not show up. They have never even given themselves a chance to see if they could do it. It is sickening to hear that this is going to happen when finding out in guild since more then a few people believe that Spectral could so it.
I mean, if you look at it from an outsider point of view, this entire thread is the most re.tarded thing that I have ever seen. I say this for more then a few reasons and if I have to explain myself then you all are a bunch of idiots as would already be implied. Myself included for posting here.
Whether any of the pictures in this thread are true or not, we all have to agree that each party will deny the pictures as well as anything that is presented in them. Even with the most evidence showing that one or the other is false, each party has made up their minds to what the truth is and that will not change.
What I see here ultimately is each side doing the same thing and showing everyone who reads this how stupid the human race can be. This is even more truthful due to the fact that this is a game and we are bringing in the real world, or so-called aspects of it, into what should be a fun and semi-neutral environment.
I am waiting for those in other guilds to post what is on the Spectral picture thread. There are some good ones there I can personally assure you but dropping down to the level of these people who supposedly do not take the game so serious is meaningless in my life. I think it is both sad and comical. I will lay out a few points to end this wall o text.
First, who gives a flying **** where and if someone shops at a certain location. I myself know more then a few millionaires that shop and buy clothing and other items at Walmart. If you do not shop there then so be it. It is a tag and a label, nothing more.
Second, people in this world come in different shapes and sizes and styles and colors and races and whatever any intelligent person can get what I am saying here. To think you are better then one person or another in respect to any of the above means you are an ignorant fool and deserve whatever negative things can be handed down to you in life.
Thirdly, for those of us who have access to all of the forums mentioned, I can assure you that there are winners and losers in both guilds. It is nothing to get on your high horse to single out one person or another in any on part of the Picture posts in those forums. Had that been the case, I personally could have outed more then a few on both sides who are in this discussion or whatever you want to call it. I however like to think that I am better then all of you who feel the need to make yourself feel better about your sorry existence or whatever insecurity you may have in your life.
Fourth, those of us who have spent money on this game have done so of our own feel will. Those of you who choose to spend an ungodly amount makes me feel sorry for you, more so since there are those on both sides that fail greater then I have the time to explain. Now, this brings me to this, those that decide to flaunt the fact that they have spent thousands on this game makes me laugh. Is it supposed to make you feel better knowing that there are those that have gear and weapons ten times better and have spent nothing on the game? It is something to ponder.
This entire thread just proves the immaturity of more then a few people. I think my favorite line is when people say post on your mains. That is fine and good and I think that 95% of the people here should post on their mains, but they are scared to do so because of what they are posting. I personally have chosen not too since I am of both guilds and wish to remain in both guilds for my own reasons. I do favor one over the other though and one does have people friendlier then the other. They also both have their faults as do the people. I would like to point out one thing though, I have yet to post anything negative in terms of links from either of the forums that have been used here to fuel some type of hate. I like to think that I for one am better then that. Should this continue in such a way though, I could offer up comparisons and then see who would be walking away laughing. I can assure you it would be me.
^ This is the most sense anyone has made since Friday night. I applaud thee he-who-sits-on-the-fence-line.0 -
Astoru - Heavens Tear wrote: »Thread summary: Flaming pile of verbal ****.
This is why I didn't roll in a PK server. b:surrender
Are you kidding me?
This is why I should've rolled in a PK server. b:cryElena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Quilue - Sanctuary wrote: »Are you kidding me?
This is why I should've rolled in a PK server. b:cry
join us~~~~
we has cheesecake and flames.
b:chuckledarthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
w4termel0n wrote: »Metabolism gets worse and slows down as you age. That picture being "from like 3 years ago" coupled with the fact that you eat, sleep, breathe PWI, I would say that you most likely increased in size.
Might I suggest these? (for the ample gentleman) Faded Glory - Big Men's Carpenter Jeans, 2 Pairs
Or what about this? Cotton Traditional Plus Size Muumuu
the muumuu might be a tad pricey for llama. his welfare checks has to fund his pwi addiction first0 -
CrimsonScyth - Lost City wrote: »the muumuu might be a tad pricey for llama. his welfare checks has to fund his pwi addiction first
jeans: $20
lunar glade wand +10: $1000
hiding behind an alt: priceless b:chucklei am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss0 -
SassySis - Lost City wrote: »This entire thread reminds me of the glory days of the LC forum section. Where one guild is up against another and feels the need to flaunt that they each have access to each others forums.
What amazes me the most is that one win in a double attack has fueled such a thing. I mean Spectral is taking one win and turning it into the most fantastic thing that has ever happened on this server. Please, it seems that the server knows that Spectral would never be able to win in a double attack since they have shown time and time again that they do not show up. They have never even given themselves a chance to see if they could do it. It is sickening to hear that this is going to happen when finding out in guild since more then a few people believe that Spectral could so it.
I mean, if you look at it from an outsider point of view, this entire thread is the most re.tarded thing that I have ever seen. I say this for more then a few reasons and if I have to explain myself then you all are a bunch of idiots as would already be implied. Myself included for posting here.
Whether any of the pictures in this thread are true or not, we all have to agree that each party will deny the pictures as well as anything that is presented in them. Even with the most evidence showing that one or the other is false, each party has made up their minds to what the truth is and that will not change.
What I see here ultimately is each side doing the same thing and showing everyone who reads this how stupid the human race can be. This is even more truthful due to the fact that this is a game and we are bringing in the real world, or so-called aspects of it, into what should be a fun and semi-neutral environment.
I am waiting for those in other guilds to post what is on the Spectral picture thread. There are some good ones there I can personally assure you but dropping down to the level of these people who supposedly do not take the game so serious is meaningless in my life. I think it is both sad and comical. I will lay out a few points to end this wall o text.
First, who gives a flying **** where and if someone shops at a certain location. I myself know more then a few millionaires that shop and buy clothing and other items at Walmart. If you do not shop there then so be it. It is a tag and a label, nothing more.
Second, people in this world come in different shapes and sizes and styles and colors and races and whatever any intelligent person can get what I am saying here. To think you are better then one person or another in respect to any of the above means you are an ignorant fool and deserve whatever negative things can be handed down to you in life.
Thirdly, for those of us who have access to all of the forums mentioned, I can assure you that there are winners and losers in both guilds. It is nothing to get on your high horse to single out one person or another in any on part of the Picture posts in those forums. Had that been the case, I personally could have outed more then a few on both sides who are in this discussion or whatever you want to call it. I however like to think that I am better then all of you who feel the need to make yourself feel better about your sorry existence or whatever insecurity you may have in your life.
Fourth, those of us who have spent money on this game have done so of our own feel will. Those of you who choose to spend an ungodly amount makes me feel sorry for you, more so since there are those on both sides that fail greater then I have the time to explain. Now, this brings me to this, those that decide to flaunt the fact that they have spent thousands on this game makes me laugh. Is it supposed to make you feel better knowing that there are those that have gear and weapons ten times better and have spent nothing on the game? It is something to ponder.
This entire thread just proves the immaturity of more then a few people. I think my favorite line is when people say post on your mains. That is fine and good and I think that 95% of the people here should post on their mains, but they are scared to do so because of what they are posting. I personally have chosen not too since I am of both guilds and wish to remain in both guilds for my own reasons. I do favor one over the other though and one does have people friendlier then the other. They also both have their faults as do the people. I would like to point out one thing though, I have yet to post anything negative in terms of links from either of the forums that have been used here to fuel some type of hate. I like to think that I for one am better then that. Should this continue in such a way though, I could offer up comparisons and then see who would be walking away laughing. I can assure you it would be me.
I refuse to believe that anyone can make this much sense on this server! b:angry
By reading through this carefully, I can tell which guild you favor the most.Conqueror
I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup0 -
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