Is this game only for PROS?



  • Lunk_Warleg - Sanctuary
    Lunk_Warleg - Sanctuary Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    To OP : well if you think this game is only for pros : check out this funny funny link (just popped in mind) :

    Don't worry about it, everyone does stupid things at some point!
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sinead777 wrote: »
    I was in party goin to an fb to add my help to the party and i auto routed to the main member who needed the quest. I went to the bathroom en-route and came back and the members were not shown on map but apparently i was gone completely the wrong way.

    Many gamers lack courtesy. Instead of being ready and waiting: they form a party and show up last and not even ready for all aspects of the FB. Because Human / Untamed / Elf all have different FB locations: a courteous tabber will wait at or near the entrance to the FB so there are no issues in people finding it, or knowing which one. Another issue is that we don't always know who the tabber is because someone may be setting up the squad for them. In this case: they should state which person (location) to go to. I've seen my share of discourteous tabbers and if I feel I can make rep faster than helping them: cya!

    They were well into the fb but i cudnt get there at all. They explained to me Gate of Delirium. Cudnt find it on map.

    so i know im thick and im kinda hopin for non abuse by these uberly intelligent gamers here cos I feel stupid right now and I feel upset and I feel so embarassed that my party were in there nearly at boss and I still cudnt get there.

    So im very bad with maps i admit it full hands down. But am I the only one or is this game for pro gamers as apposed to thicks like me?

    Um embarred but any way you dev team cud make map more simplistic for thicks like me?

    You made a n00b mistake (understandable), but the party also sounded unhelpful. The game is full of thick people. Examples: people who ask for a res or for help w/o giving coords, people who request specific classes when other classes are often better or more available, people who demand wine for fb59 and Eden, people that think because you're on their friends list that you should stop what you're doing and fly across the map to help them with a boss when they haven't even gone to the area to see if theirs already a party there or forming for it. etc etc. I'm glad to see you at least care!
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    given that the OP was a lvl 5x, and presumably had done their fb39, they should have known where it was. if not the exact name of it, at least the location. (example, i know where 59 is, but i sometimes forget what it's called in the illusion stone menu).

    with that said, there is the illusion stone in arch, 2 of them, one by south teleporter and one by west teleporter. it can teleport you directly into the dungeon. this is how most people get to their dungeon destinations these days. and the one or sometimes two people per party who dont use the stone to get there, flying instead, are considered noobs, and often, rightfully so.

    and as for the team mate icons on the map.. when somebody enters the dungeon their icon disappears from the world map, cuz theyre not on the world map, theyre in the dungeon. if you found you were going in the wrong direction.. you were probably following someone to the stone, which they used to port into the dungeon.

    and hopefully you know by now that if you click the map (press M) it'll zoom in, showing more/different names for more specific regions. the mouse-hole looking icons on the map, those are dungeons. when you zoom in, it says the name of the dungeon right on top of the icon.

    and yea, the game is for everybody. just dont expect all the pros to have patience for "thicks" (whatever the hell that means)
  • VirtuousVeno - Heavens Tear
    VirtuousVeno - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hey there Heavens :)

    I'm suprized I was able to figure this was you but I guess this explains why you didn't respond to us when we were trying to talk and get to you and then you logged out on us.

    You told me you were auto routing to me (Which I didn't know you could when so far) so I assumed you knew more about this game than me at this point (and I still need to figure out how you did what you did). I told you not to do that cause I was all the way at "City of Misfortune" (Look at the North East part of your map) and I told you I was going to teleport form Etherblade.
    At this point, I was able to meet up with Saph, and waited awhile on Narri. I checked my map to find where you were and you were all the way in Etherblade 10 minutes later or so. You told us to go ahead and you would meet us at the boss so I'm still not sure what you really wanted.

    We started doing this BH (Bounty Hunter) quest for me and before we even killed the first boss, Saph teleported out to go and lead you to us (I stink with directions so I was scared to move and that was Narri's first time in there) and she said you weren't replying to her and probably afk (This is why I guess you were typing this forum topic at that time)

    We were waiting for you and Saph even left to go find and lead you to us but you logged out on us. We are here to help you when you need it but you gotta open yourself more to advice and guidence on game. I just became your friend yesterday so I need more time to figure ya out silly goose :P
    Don't feel bad for making us wait for 10 minutes more and all that non-sence, heck, just read our faction name if you doubt that! b:chuckle

    Oh and about being thich headed, I told you to click your map for a zoomed in view and search for "Gate of Delirium" is because I didn't know what it is called on the general view :P we are all learning, and far from perfect. If you can't learn it, make it into a habit. I find myself having to do things from instinct when I can't memorize it.
  • sinead777
    sinead777 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Heya Veno XD

    Sorry I should have paid more attention to the squad chat but I was like focusing too much on the darn old map, when I guess I cud have saved all my silly carry on if I had read the party chat lol. My big bad there. I did say to you guys I was logging out as I cudnt make it there so I didnt log out without telling ye..

    Oh for the auto-route thing, I clicked M to see you on map and then I positioned the mouse over your map pic and pressed ALT key. That auto routes to you but the auto route can fail if you move from spot. Its bit like double clickn on the green writing in quest list to auto route to quest monsters. At least I know 1 thing lol.
  • Gve - Sanctuary
    Gve - Sanctuary Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i get lost 2 don't feel bad did that already in fb39 attempted solo wanted farren accidently went to. Trioc I saw him and said "oops wrong way" and went right way.
    hell gate london rocks best fps game ever wanting hell gate ressurection out this year

    Status-semi afk log on when i want
  • Elezara - Sanctuary
    Elezara - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Don't feel bad though, over time you will learn the locations of these things on the map, or 'about where' they are and be able to find them easier. Just give yourself some time to adjust to the game.

    I still forget where some of the caves are, and have to stop and think a minute before remembering their locations (it comes from being old.. we get forgetful now and again).


    Hey, who you calling old & forgetful! Take a look at my siggy (that Sai made me, btw) and you can see that SOME of us are just "Directionally Dyslexic", and get lost a LOT! (which I do in RL, too, lol) Has nothing to do with those little grey cells we call the brain, it's just that some of us have brains that are wired differently ~ Oh, yeah, the suggestion for printing out the map and marking names on it is a good one. Cheers!
    Go north.... NO Elezara! YOUR OTHER NORTH! Oh Gods you went South!
    Thanks Saitada for the great sig!
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sinead777 wrote: »
    cos im thick - im absoluty the most thickest so called gamer you will find in the world of gaming.

    I was in party goin to an fb to add my help to the party and i auto routed to the main member who needed the quest. I went to the bathroom en-route and came back and the members were not shown on map but apparently i was gone completely the wrong way. They were well into the fb but i cudnt get there at all. They explained to me Gate of Delirium. Cudnt find it on map.

    so i know im thick and im kinda hopin for non abuse by these uberly intelligent gamers here cos I feel stupid right now and I feel upset and I feel so embarassed that my party were in there nearly at boss and I still cudnt get there.

    So im very bad with maps i admit it full hands down. But am I the only one or is this game for pro gamers as apposed to thicks like me?

    Um embarred but any way you dev team cud make map more simplistic for thicks like me?

    It's not easy to read the whole map. I know coz I just started on WQ, flying here and there.

    You can always refer to PWI for information on the dungeon, maps or bosses info.

    Try Encce's quest guides / guides section. It will help immensely. b:cute
  • Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver
    Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    you will get a hang pretty fast, we all started at zero. I won't call myself a pro gamer just cuz i know the map or anything, besides i value the way ppl are to eachother higher, though that might have nothing to do with being pro, but to me it has. keep going im sure u will be great!
    Dreamsweavers GhostDogz are looking for you to join the pack =). We are still small but are growing into a fun, friendly and helpful fact. We value that our lower lvls also get the experience they need for their class, so we get some awsome ppl =). all we ask of u is to be okay active (not has to be on 7days a week, 1 is enough) and to bring ur good mood =3 cya ingame!

    Keyla (USA)
    All but Keyla from Europ, and all l=low cast L ()^.^()
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sinead777 wrote: »
    Heya Veno XD

    Sorry I should have paid more attention to the squad chat but I was like focusing too much on the darn old map, when I guess I cud have saved all my silly carry on if I had read the party chat lol. My big bad there. I did say to you guys I was logging out as I cudnt make it there so I didnt log out without telling ye..

    Oh for the auto-route thing, I clicked M to see you on map and then I positioned the mouse over your map pic and pressed ALT key. That auto routes to you but the auto route can fail if you move from spot. Its bit like double clickn on the green writing in quest list to auto route to quest monsters. At least I know 1 thing lol.

    Oh wow. I will be damned. I learnt something too.

    Thanks for this invaluable infor.

    Now i shall auto route anywhere i can..muhahahahaha
  • Auldwulf - Dreamweaver
    Auldwulf - Dreamweaver Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, don't feel bad. I'm also lv. 50 now, and still learning. This game isn't designed to learn in a day, that's one of the things about PW that make it so compelling and challenging!b:victory

    As far as getting lost, heck, I think everyone is there to some degree in the beginning. When I first started out in the City of Raging Tides, and looked at the game map, I was taken back at how much area there is, (and at the time, I hadn't found out about the auto track functionb:shocked), but thanks to some wonderful faction friends, I soon found out that the information I need is just a message away.b:pleased

    Great game, lots of playing area, and a great community, glad to have you on board!b:victory
