Assassin's Killing Guide



  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    umm i never said Tstorm was my only atk i do have other abilities plus the scenario was me having already used WoG so i cant be stunned I'm sry if you misunderstood my post but that was the actual scenario WoG>wing shell>thunder shock>thunderstorm>and if needed lightning strike

    but this can be debated over and over forever and i think we should just put this debate behind us cuz there is always a counter for everything thats how the game was designed. so i can say one skill you say another and that just continues and tbh were just wasting our time debating instead of playing so lets get back to the game XD
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If the psy is skilled, then you will be a dead sin. You have to learn how to counter their souls b:surrender

    I usually counter their retaliation with ribstrike as we usually have CoD on us anyways so taking our own attack speed debuff means nothing. So basically:

    Maze steps (immune to soul of stunning) > rib strike (Knock off their retaliation) > deep sting fastest status effect we have > nuke

    You COULD maze steps > shadow teleport (waste IMO but faster) > deep sting

    if they get soulburn on you (... eww takes to long to get on you) or more important, CAST PSYCHIC WILL, you must stealth right away cause that's 8 seconds of you being unable to do anything. Dunno if you can shadow teleport (since it doesn't physically hit them) but you can't use any attack to deal status on them cause being physically immune makes them immune to the side effects too.

    this is of course we're coming out on stealth on them. If they got the jump on you, you are in a pickle if they have their soul of retaliation on cause you can't stealth again when they use psychic will.

    as for dealing with archers: Archers have 2 shields, (3 with demon wingspan)..

    the general way for an archer to survive a good assault is to use absolute domain after the first strike from the sin. Otherwise the sin can stun/seal/sleep lock to death (on equal terms) after that throw up shields + wingspan (if demon cause that throws a shield too) People tend to forget archers have two physical melee attacks...
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Damn ussi! Not suppose to tell the counters b:chuckle But.. Yeah Shadow Escape hurts under SoulBurn..
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Damn ussi! Not suppose to tell the counters b:chuckle But.. Yeah Shadow Escape hurts under SoulBurn..

    o_O... shoot shadow TELEPORT** hurts still?? dam

    I'm just throwing a bone to the sins who couldn't figure out how to counter themselves. It still takes real practice to use a sin and to do what i said XD without losing your head on your chi and trying to sleep the psychic before he gets a hit on you.
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • HimeJunsei - Sanctuary
    HimeJunsei - Sanctuary Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nice thread here. Somehow people ignore or try to ignore venomancer. Everyone thinks: they put their pets on charge and they are squishy robe class that go down fast. -Wrong-
    Veno is actually the most versatile class in the game, as you all know. More and more venos go LA or even HA after mid 70's. I'm still hanging to arcane for now, but my phys def is somewhere in ~1400 human form and ~3000 def in fox form. And I got 1star amulet and necky with %exp and crappy phys def, so I could always increase my def pretty much.
    Bramble Guard is on 24/7 (60% reflect dmg) and fox form + soul transfusion are instant cast, both life savers. I hear people claim a fox can never hit a sin cause of the high dex of sin. A LA veno has dex(nuff said here). Even I can hit a lvl 70+ sin, because of the 200% acc increase in fox mode.
    So.. that's how i beat ->ALL<- sins i dueled, but one. He is very skilled knows what he is doing, more then i know veno class. My respects to him.

    They come out from shadow and try to gank me/sleep me. Ofc i got bramble on and ofc they take some dmg. Pet comes in if i'm stunned and gets some shots ot the sin. If i have the Hare, it will shriek him, interrupting his skill, then damaging him. Note that skill animation on sin will continue, and he will have cooldown on skill, so they told me. If i have magmite/eldergoth, it will bash them with some decent dmg.
    At this point, if the sin is stupid, will go for the pet(you'd be surprised how many do that, not just sins, but overall, over half the ppl i duel go for pet), if he's smart, he will continue to dmg me. Somehow i never got killed after stun was over. Then i cast Soul Transfusion and a fast spell that has 80% chance of stun(at lvl 7, 95% at max lvl) and duh, it stuns. If it doesn't i turn fox and put amp dmg on him and kite or cast debuffing mist which drops sin acc BY 70%. Sometimes i fail on that cause they got some skill that nerfes that, i dunno the names of them exactly. If it fails, i repeat it (has 3 sec cooldown + adds a nice bonus dmg) then i turn human and stun again. Even an LA can deal decent magic dmg on a non robe class.

    "Only thing" annoying about sins is that they can blink like the wizzie, crit a lot like an archer and stun/reduce channeling like a bm. Scared yet? But they can not do all that at once, lucky me. I keep all other classes at a nice distance and i keep archers in the point blank range with my innate speed skill summer sprint and the genie speed skills. Not sins.

    So basically all that mentioned up (it's all situational ofc) and the pet added dmg/debuffs can bring a sin down, the longer the fight goes on, the more chances a veno gets. Considering that venos are created speciffically for pve and sins are created for pvp, I think i do pretty well at not dieing and actually winning.

    I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt that a high lvl sin(90+ ofc) will have much more experience with his char and own almost all robe venos his lvl, but so far, i haven't found a sin that can kill me if i'm not sleepy, careless or hands filled with mobs. Just one pwns me almost every time, but that guy is pro, imho, and i still managed to kill him a few times(he didn't crit, i stunned him twice). Also he sais that LA fox builds give him hard time because they debuff him and leech him dead, lols (don't ask me how, i'm not a fox).

    That's my exp in sin area so far.(duels, remember)

    BIG FOOT NOTE: I will roll a sin as alternate char and prolly make it main, since that's my true playing style. I think a perfectionist can use a sin properly. Waiting to see how they handle TW.
    L.E.: forgot to mention... ofc if a use a bleed pet the sin will go down twice as fast or faster.