Light or Robes?

Erradicator - Harshlands
Erradicator - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Wizard
I have started a wizard right now, but i have that question: use light armour or robes?

I have also a cleric, and yes, close combat mobs can't even hit me, but long ranged physical attack mobs are a pain.

I dunno if in later levels with kitting+slowing+ etc.... ranged mobs can't hit us or they can.

Worths the amount of pdef the loss of damage? Doesn't worths? Or can we even socket gems with +mag or +magic dmg to fill in the gap?
Because even when socketing or getting robes with +pdef or something, i dont think it reaches the def of light armour. Or maybe i'm wrong.

Post edited by Erradicator - Harshlands on


  • Kimbley - Harshlands
    Kimbley - Harshlands Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm a pure mag wiz for robes... and i rarely get hit by melee mobs or ranged mobs =P The few times i do get hit by an archer mob i don't take enough damage to make me worry. Admitedly i would die rather quickly if a mob just kept attacking, but that will usually not happen if you kite/slow properly.

    And as for the pdef, i'm pretty sure that at high levels you can still get a respectable amount.
  • Mahdust - Harshlands
    Mahdust - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Speaking as a pure mage, if you want to PvP before 8x then LA will most likely suit you better. The crit rate and the extra pdef will make you last more than 1-2 hits from anyone that does phys dmg. (which is all but one other class)

    If you want to level fast to 8x though, go pure AA. LA really just reduces your damage and may let mobs that wouldn't hit you otherwise take away a tick of hp. Also when the Pdef might actually have come in handy at around 6x where all the mobs are ranged and you'll get hit anyway, a majority of them are magic based where arcane robes would suit you better. (Unless you have an extra set of gear, but you would still take more damage b/c of your lack of it)

    That's just my opinion, LA seems oriented mostly to PvP BEFORE 8x-9x, and Pure mg for PvE before 8x-9x, and both PvP and PvE after. Most of this is only what i've read on the forums, but this is mostly what people are going to tell you.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    PvE - arcane all the way
    PvP - if you are broke you can use LA from like 60ish-89 for a little bit extra survivability... using LA at 90+ is just ****

    If you are looking for reasons, there are a multitude of threads with a ridiculous number of posts where alot of the higher mages have already debated this question for months. Above is basically what came out of it, and if you don't believe me there is a search feature just waiting to be used.

    /end thread
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  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Me has a tip for use against physical ranged mobs.
    Hopefully if you has been leveling gush to as high as you can, it should have more range then physical ranged mobs.
    and with the slow effect it has, you can kite them until they die (just make sure you don't run into other mobs.)
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  • Erradicator - Harshlands
    Erradicator - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I made calculations of damage with LA and robes, and with LA, at lvl 100, with normal set (no epic, legendary or so), i lost arround 22% damage, that is not a small number.

    On the other hand, a bare (ie, not socketed) LA armour grants 2306 pdef and 4411 resistance, but robes gives 578 pdef and 7408 resistances.

    I know that ranged mobs can't hit us, but they are mobs but what about PvP with archers? I know little about archers, but i supose that they only need to press the "kill wizard" key, and bye bye. Is that right? And how about Plume Shot from clerics? That is phys dmg, and even being a low damage, we have low HP.

    But well, afterall, i think i will go robes pure int. At least, we have slower spell + teleport. Thats better than clerics b:laugh
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I made calculations of damage with LA and robes, and with LA, at lvl 100, with normal set (no epic, legendary or so), i lost arround 22% damage, that is not a small number.

    On the other hand, a bare (ie, not socketed) LA armour grants 2306 pdef and 4411 resistance, but robes gives 578 pdef and 7408 resistances.

    I know that ranged mobs can't hit us, but they are mobs but what about PvP with archers? I know little about archers, but i supose that they only need to press the "kill wizard" key, and bye bye. Is that right? And how about Plume Shot from clerics? That is phys dmg, and even being a low damage, we have low HP.

    But well, afterall, i think i will go robes pure int. At least, we have slower spell + teleport. Thats better than clerics b:laugh

    Im arcane since lvl1 nd let me tell ya, pvping from lower lvls as an arcane makes you learn alot about how to play with wizards cuz you learn to kite more, use well skills such force of will and etc, Now that Im level 83 arcane I seriously dont regret not having pvped as an LA.
    Other thing important to notice is that in survavibility LA are greater then Arcane, but wizards starts shining at lvl79 when they learn undine strike ;) My advice to u is, learn all the lvl79 skills but your priority should b undine strike nd dont go LA. :P
  • shiilune
    shiilune Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Make up your own mind with this thread:
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I made calculations of damage with LA and robes, and with LA, at lvl 100, with normal set (no epic, legendary or so), i lost arround 22% damage, that is not a small number.

    On the other hand, a bare (ie, not socketed) LA armour grants 2306 pdef and 4411 resistance, but robes gives 578 pdef and 7408 resistances.

    I know that ranged mobs can't hit us, but they are mobs but what about PvP with archers? I know little about archers, but i supose that they only need to press the "kill wizard" key, and bye bye. Is that right? And how about Plume Shot from clerics? That is phys dmg, and even being a low damage, we have low HP.

    But well, afterall, i think i will go robes pure int. At least, we have slower spell + teleport. Thats better than clerics b:laugh

    i call bs on your 22% difference
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Actually you can raise your pdef pretty noticeable even if you are using robes. Always keep your stone barrier maxed and use a mixture of garnet and citrine shards for your armor. Plus you should always use pdef necklace and belt. Granted, your pdef will not be great. But you can take a few hits. And at lvl 90+ mages become one of the most balanced classes defense wise. With all buffs, a lvl 95+ pure robes wizard can have 15k mag res and 10k pdef.
  • Lyzzern - Lost City
    Lyzzern - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    There are already so many threads about LA vs Arcane T_T Please stop! Use search button. If you wanna hit lower than an Archer, have lower HP than an Archer and trade both of them for double P. Def than an Archer, go LA
    Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory

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  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have started a wizard right now, but i have that question: use light armour or robes?

    I have also a cleric, and yes, close combat mobs can't even hit me, but long ranged physical attack mobs are a pain.

    I dunno if in later levels with kitting+slowing+ etc.... ranged mobs can't hit us or they can.

    Worths the amount of pdef the loss of damage? Doesn't worths? Or can we even socket gems with +mag or +magic dmg to fill in the gap?
    Because even when socketing or getting robes with +pdef or something, i dont think it reaches the def of light armour. Or maybe i'm wrong.


    learn2use search.
    With all buffs, a lvl 95+ pure robes wizard can have 15k mag res and 10k pdef.
    dude, how the hell did u got that number for mag def?
    Unless u take into consideration the mag def + shield, that's not possible on our servers at 95...not even at 100
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    With all buffs, a lvl 95+ pure robes wizard can have 15k mag res and 10k pdef.

    dude, how the hell did u got that number for mag def?

    Unless u take into consideration the mag def + shield, that's not possible on our servers at 95...not even at 100

    a) this build for max. Fire def.;
    b) this build for max. Water def.;
    c) this build for max. Earth def.

    Almost near 15k of mag.def.

    He take into consideration the mag def + shield.

    With Cleric's buff pure robes Wizard will get even more (see this - same build without shields with mag. def. up to 12 k, so with shields we will get near 18k).
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    a) this build for max. Fire def.;
    b) this build for max. Water def.;
    c) this build for max. Earth def.

    Almost near 15k of mag.def.

    He take into consideration the mag def + shield.

    With Cleric's buff pure robes Wizard will get even more (see this - same build without shields with mag. def. up to 12 k, so with shields we will get near 18k).

    Yeah, but notice they said 15k magic def AND 10k pdef. Your builds have no pdef close to 10k.

    BTW if they meant only 15k magic resistance for one element it's misleading stating it as 15k magic resistance it should of been 15k earth/water/fire resistance.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, but notice they said 15k magic def AND 10k pdef. Your builds have no pdef close to 10k.

    BTW if they meant only 15k magic resistance for one element it's misleading stating it as 15k magic resistance it should of been 15k earth/water/fire resistance.

    [url=""]This[/url] is so close to answer as possible.

    With all buffs and Stone Barrier pure Wizard's phys.def. will be near 10k along with possibility to get 15k at Earth, Water, Fire resistances.
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    [url=""]This[/url] is close to answer as possible.

    With all buffs and Stone Barrier pure Wizard's phys.def. will be near 10k along with possibility to get 15k at Earth, Water, Fire resistances.

    Eitherway its misleading to say 15k magic resistance. BTW it is doable but insane to go that far lol and um you know refining rings will give u magic def.

    This is a better build then what u showed since having under 3k hp unbuffed at that stage is very ewww and yes this is a cash shop build but it isnt too insane.

    If you want the 15k magic def +12 both rings lol.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    [url=""]This[/url] is so close to answer as possible.

    With all buffs and Stone Barrier pure Wizard's phys.def. will be near 10k along with possibility to get 15k at Earth, Water, Fire resistances.

    that build will get you killed if an archer with CV bow does even as much as sneeze in your direction. Are you kidding me? 3k HP?

    what _makina_ put is a decent build. That build will keep u alive in TW/PvP. Your build just doesn't have the HP to survive....anything.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    that build will get you killed if an archer with CV bow does even as much as sneeze in your direction. Are you kidding me? 3k HP?

    what _makina_ put is a decent build. That build will keep u alive in TW/PvP. Your build just doesn't have the HP to survive....anything.

    As you can see above build is unrefined ...

    If we will refine it, then we will get (according Which is more effective? HPvsDef shards and seals) survivabile build.

    Rings can be refined too ... if you want.

    I don't like PvP. It is like "buy HP/MP charm and drop it" .
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    4k is not survival after 95.
    survival starts at 5K HP and minimum of 10k pdef.
    Quizenbort (lvl 100 archer with all sockets +attk lvl and +11 cv bow ) can crit 4.8k on me when self buffed only. So yeah at 5k I'm not a 1 shot, but I'm not far from it :D. Buffed at 6.5k I have a chance, but I would not put any money on it, lol.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As you can see above build is unrefined ...

    If we will refine it, then we will get (according Which is more effective? HPvsDef shards and seals) survivabile build.

    Rings can be refined too ... if you want.

    I don't like PvP. It is like "buy HP/MP charm and drop it" .

    Its ok, enjoy your wiz the way you want. Build it like you want.