So whats the point of the new classes

Arthios - Raging Tide
Arthios - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Psychic
other then distractions for players who have pretty much done everything in PW... ive done sins (ill be honest only to about 2X) and a psy to 51 and i find them kinda pointless...

Psys: hit hard (black voodoo ups ur dmg by a good bit), solo well since they get a knockback early mp like no tomorrow...

ok Duel wise? from 5X experience and with a pure build its difficult...did ok vs archers and other mages...toss on SoS (soul of stunning) during countdown + Bubble, throw up soulburn while theyre stunned then spam nukes... barbs/BMs and sins were pretty much impossible but thats most squishy classes in duels (since they start like 5 meters from u they can just bash ur face in lol) but unlike clerics we cant sleep then spend 5 days laughing at their face before we spark + lighting them to death >.<

TW-PVE, not bad the dmg we do isnt horrible only ran 1 TW on my psi and the mobs were 70+ still managed 500-1k dmg

Parties? how many gamma or zhen parties u see in WC asking for psys? >.> thought so b:surrender no dragons breath, arnt good lurers, cant tank...and we'd drain our mp too quickly to aoe well at all even though we have 4+ aoes

summary, ok solo class,pointless for anything else want a nuker go wiz then at least youll be in some demand at 70+ >.>

Sins: ok Light armor + melee...ouch i hope u have a TON of life powder if u solo a lot...parties? useless, i can see some use in bloodpaint on tanks but sorry clerics (unless they stink) are more then enough, DD? no thanks ill just grab a archer (who can stay out of some aoe boss's range unlike a 1 shot sin) or a wiz b:surrender

TW: pve, not bad on some mobs but there are better DDs, and once u hit the TW boss the sin becomes pointless, since the min they get near the boss theyll get 1 shotted (experience from the sins in guild that i ran TW with)

Duels/Pking: id give sins this theyre one of the best duelers (less theyre goin against a decent BM or Barb) and pkers gank + invis who could ask for more , even beat archers as the best gankers...

so summary, like killin random white names play a sin but be prepared to be unwanted

so total paragraph summary: i can see why most guilds when recruiting say "level 20 old, 40+ tide" >.> its not cause of over population of the new classes its because theyre kinda pointless =X also my 51 psy is on the 7 day deletion period b:surrender
Post edited by Arthios - Raging Tide on


  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    reroll. its as simple as that. sin and psy are still in the experimental stages. its barely been a month since they been out and most if not all of the 8x psy/sins are oracle noobs that are giving bad names to the class because they dont know how to use them. so with that said if u cant find a use or purpose for them then just reroll a BM/barb/veno/wizz/archer/cleric. these classes actually do take dedication in order to find out tactics and builds and strategies that will work in RB/TWs/FBs/etc etc. also it should be noted that both sin and psy are unfinished classes.

    so again, all i can say to u is pick another class.
  • Arthios - Raging Tide
    Arthios - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Already planned on it :3 but trying to see if anyone else was able to actually find a use for them...experimental or not, not much about them will actually change except of course for Demon/Sage and minor tweaks like skill/buff if u cant find a use for ur skills atm dont expect to be a whole list of new stuff in the future >.< just not how PW works b:shocked

    already listed above where i believe both classes excel at...just saying the classes in place already fit the roles better...and ok i can understand not considering veno to take dedication that is def easy mode when it comes to classes...but BMs arnt exactly point and click >.>

    anyways thats completely off subject, the subject at hand is where do the new classes come into play b:thanks
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    reroll. its as simple as that. sin and psy are still in the experimental stages. its barely been a month since they been out and most if not all of the 8x psy/sins are oracle noobs that are giving bad names to the class because they dont know how to use them. so with that said if u cant find a use or purpose for them then just reroll a BM/barb/veno/wizz/archer/cleric. these classes actually do take dedication in order to find out tactics and builds and strategies that will work in RB/TWs/FBs/etc etc. also it should be noted that both sin and psy are unfinished classes.

    so again, all i can say to u is pick another class.

    Please do note that no new skills will be added, neither will existing skills be nerfed.

    The only incomplete thing left will be sage and demon skills and possibly weapons.

    Also, the OP has actually brought out valid points that the class seems to be a jigsaw puzzle piece that will not fit well in RB (due to low hp), zhenning (due to low mana and hp).

    The only good they might do is in TW and duels. Lvling too will become a painful process from 70-90.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The gamma psy as i see it.
    gather beans then switch btwn the 4 aoes you have(with the mana and chi auras you'll cast them non stop)and third stay in the middle of zhen and aoe heal if things get tougher(double wave for example).
    It's you as a psy that need to find your use in a squad not the others have to find an use for you.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The gamma psy as i see it.
    gather beans then switch btwn the 4 aoes you have(with the mana and chi auras you'll cast them non stop)and third stay in the middle of zhen and aoe heal if things get tougher(double wave for example).
    It's you as a psy that need to find your use in a squad not the others have to find an use for you.

    Your AOE heal is not spammeable .... did you forget that?

    Edit: So you got one shot and better pray that it's enough to save everyone, which a cleric's BB could do better.

    Maybe collecting beans is what you can do, but a veno could do it too. ANd Veno is part of the 'rainbow' squad.

    Psys are not part of that squad.
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well meanwhile you guys will QQ of how much you suck and I'll be doing gammas.Life is tough.
    Cry me a river,build me a bridge,and get over it.
  • Kimbley - Harshlands
    Kimbley - Harshlands Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Please do note that no new skills will be added, neither will existing skills be nerfed.

    The only incomplete thing left will be sage and demon skills and possibly weapons.

    Also, the OP has actually brought out valid points that the class seems to be a jigsaw puzzle piece that will not fit well in RB (due to low hp), zhenning (due to low mana and hp).

    The only good they might do is in TW and duels. Lvling too will become a painful process from 70-90.

    O.O How do you know this?! And... why would they not be nerfed/tweaked?
  • enosynse
    enosynse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ive found a lot of use in squads so far for my psy. The only major problem is stealing aggro but if you are smart and work it easy, its not that bad. We do damage. Lots and fast. If you run in and go balls to the wall how are you working with a squad anyway? Sure we are going to die. I get left out of a lot of BH runs when they hear my class. People just need to take the time to get to know what we can do. If the char is played right we are a good addition to any run. It is in fact the person behind the class playing to.
  • _Anemone_ - Sanctuary
    _Anemone_ - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Psy is not useful? you guys haven't been parting with the right psy and apparantly haven't noticed the status affects of our aoe. not to mention psychic will, soulburn, and soul of retaliation. a good psy is a nasty DD and heads up i've beaten bm and cleric in a duel. cleric +7 lvls on me so yeah.

    where do we fit in party? we are a DD of course. can replace archer or wizzy. i do it all the time. my fac members always ask me to be a DD for them. we could never replace a cleric and wouldn't try the idea is silly. we DO have one awesome buff for parties called empowered vigor. also something not mentioned here. does wonders on barbs. b:victory
  • EvilVisage - Heavens Tear
    EvilVisage - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    other then distractions for players who have pretty much done everything in PW... ive done sins (ill be honest only to about 2X) and a psy to 51 and i find them kinda pointless...

    Psys: hit hard (black voodoo ups ur dmg by a good bit), solo well since they get a knockback early mp like no tomorrow...

    ok Duel wise? from 5X experience and with a pure build its difficult...did ok vs archers and other mages...toss on SoS (soul of stunning) during countdown + Bubble, throw up soulburn while theyre stunned then spam nukes... barbs/BMs and sins were pretty much impossible but thats most squishy classes in duels (since they start like 5 meters from u they can just bash ur face in lol) but unlike clerics we cant sleep then spend 5 days laughing at their face before we spark + lighting them to death >.<

    TW-PVE, not bad the dmg we do isnt horrible only ran 1 TW on my psi and the mobs were 70+ still managed 500-1k dmg

    Parties? how many gamma or zhen parties u see in WC asking for psys? >.> thought so b:surrender no dragons breath, arnt good lurers, cant tank...and we'd drain our mp too quickly to aoe well at all even though we have 4+ aoes

    summary, ok solo class,pointless for anything else want a nuker go wiz then at least youll be in some demand at 70+ >.>

    Sins: ok Light armor + melee...ouch i hope u have a TON of life powder if u solo a lot...parties? useless, i can see some use in bloodpaint on tanks but sorry clerics (unless they stink) are more then enough, DD? no thanks ill just grab a archer (who can stay out of some aoe boss's range unlike a 1 shot sin) or a wiz b:surrender

    TW: pve, not bad on some mobs but there are better DDs, and once u hit the TW boss the sin becomes pointless, since the min they get near the boss theyll get 1 shotted (experience from the sins in guild that i ran TW with)

    Duels/Pking: id give sins this theyre one of the best duelers (less theyre goin against a decent BM or Barb) and pkers gank + invis who could ask for more , even beat archers as the best gankers...

    so summary, like killin random white names play a sin but be prepared to be unwanted

    so total paragraph summary: i can see why most guilds when recruiting say "level 20 old, 40+ tide" >.> its not cause of over population of the new classes its because theyre kinda pointless =X also my 51 psy is on the 7 day deletion period b:surrender

    You obviously spent NO time on this conclusion.

    Psy for example.

    I personally can beat all of the following in duels/pvp WITH EASE.

    Archer, Wiz, Veno, Cleric, and Assassin. The only classes I have a hard time w/ are BMs and Barbs(barbs I can nearly beat, if I kite a little).

    Its called actually knowing how to play your class. Psy is overall more versatile than a wiz. We do mass amount of dmg, and are great DDers. We also have an effective method of stopping agro from being pulled (Pop White Voodoo).

    TW would be great with a Psych (I have yet to do one, waiting on 80+).

    Low mana on a Psych? Are you insane? I have almost 8k MP at lvl 75. I can keep pounding away for almost an indefinite amount of time before popping a crab meat or my charm ticks.

    The only way a psych uses ALOT of mana is if you are a fool and lvled all your soulforce skills (Which most don't change except for range and MANA COST).

    We would be great in most parties. In my opinion people who actually know how to play Psychs will become quite a bit more desirable compared to a Wiz. Wiz is good for dmg, but Psychs can control dps easier, and we also have alot of helpful skills. Our party heal can be the lifesaver at times with aoe bosses. We also have have many status effect skills.

    We may be a little squishy, but we are a great class.

    I personally think that you didn't spend NEARLY enough time to draw a reasonable conclusion of the class.

    If you don't like it, don't play it. We'd rather not hear you bashing the classes because of your lack of experience.

    Thats just my 2 cents.

    Got fish?
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You obviously spent NO time on this conclusion.

    Psy for example.

    I personally can beat all of the following in duels/pvp WITH EASE.

    Archer, Wiz, Veno, Cleric, and Assassin. The only classes I have a hard time w/ are BMs and Barbs(barbs I can nearly beat, if I kite a little).

    Its called actually knowing how to play your class. Psy is overall more versatile than a wiz. We do mass amount of dmg, and are great DDers. We also have an effective method of stopping agro from being pulled (Pop White Voodoo).

    TW would be great with a Psych (I have yet to do one, waiting on 80+).

    Low mana on a Psych? Are you insane? I have almost 8k MP at lvl 75. I can keep pounding away for almost an indefinite amount of time before popping a crab meat or my charm ticks.

    The only way a psych uses ALOT of mana is if you are a fool and lvled all your soulforce skills (Which most don't change except for range and MANA COST).

    We would be great in most parties. In my opinion people who actually know how to play Psychs will become quite a bit more desirable compared to a Wiz. Wiz is good for dmg, but Psychs can control dps easier, and we also have alot of helpful skills. Our party heal can be the lifesaver at times with aoe bosses. We also have have many status effect skills.

    We may be a little squishy, but we are a great class.

    I personally think that you didn't spend NEARLY enough time to draw a reasonable conclusion of the class.

    If you don't like it, don't play it. We'd rather not hear you bashing the classes because of your lack of experience.

    Thats just my 2 cents.


    No way you can control DPS easier. The psys that I have done BH with pulls aggro from barbs and blamed them for not holding aggro.

    How are the barbs gonna hold aggro if you start nuking before the barb has full aggro?

    How's the barb gonna hold aggro is you keep chaining your spells?

    You being the DPS? You may be joking. Wanna try who starts snatching aggro first between an archer with W&C with - interval gear and a psy who can chain cast?

    While you are doing your second casting, my second shot would have been out and my 3rd shot is already on it way.

    So basically, you still need a charm and crab meat to sustain your mana, or simply, you mana pool has exceeded your mana usage by a few times.

    And one psychic done a white voodoo to prevent pulling aggro, he still did with a +4 weapon.

    The only way not to pull aggro is to SPACE out your nukes.

    Seriously, this is the reason why we do not wanna squad with psys, because you guys are mostly noobs who just simply chain casted, pullling aggro and even dying from it when cleric refuses to heal.

    People want wiz is because they do not chain cast like the psy and ignoring advices on preventing squad wipes.

    Yes, TW and duels are prolly the best you can do.
  • Kimbley - Harshlands
    Kimbley - Harshlands Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No way you can control DPS easier. The psys that I have done BH with pulls aggro from barbs and blamed them for not holding aggro.

    How are the barbs gonna hold aggro if you start nuking before the barb has full aggro?

    How's the barb gonna hold aggro is you keep chaining your spells?

    You being the DPS? You may be joking. Wanna try who starts snatching aggro first between an archer with W&C with - interval gear and a psy who can chain cast?

    While you are doing your second casting, my second shot would have been out and my 3rd shot is already on it way.

    So basically, you still need a charm and crab meat to sustain your mana, or simply, you mana pool has exceeded your mana usage by a few times.

    And one psychic done a white voodoo to prevent pulling aggro, he still did with a +4 weapon.

    The only way not to pull aggro is to SPACE out your nukes.

    Seriously, this is the reason why we do not wanna squad with psys, because you guys are mostly noobs who just simply chain casted, pullling aggro and even dying from it when cleric refuses to heal.

    People want wiz is because they do not chain cast like the psy and ignoring advices on preventing squad wipes.

    Yes, TW and duels are prolly the best you can do.

    Where did the guy you quoted say he chained and spammed spells? b:surrender
    Please do note that no new skills will be added, neither will existing skills be nerfed.

    The only incomplete thing left will be sage and demon skills and possibly weapons.

    And i would still love to know where you got that info from =P
  • Titan_itachi - Raging Tide
    Titan_itachi - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    psychic weak!!b:shocked you think that your low channeling time doesnt give you any edge .melee mobs and magic mobs will die before they hit you and archer mobs will get 1 hit or 2 if you were close to them .in bh or fb you are a dd .do you watch wizards in fb/bh they basically spam the first 3 elemental nucks its true that wizards skills other than the basic ones do more damage but black voodoo even this out for us and we have low channeling time in bhs i go full power against earth mobs since we are really weak against them and watch my damage with other mobs but mostly fire mobs .after 59 duels against archers /barbs/bms are easy thx to psychic will and soul of retaliation .my soul force is over 7k now without any refined equipment end of the game psychics will have about 15 k if not more soul force .thats 4 seconds stun with soul of stun and about 10% chance for soul of silent to work when in bh or fb i like to put soul of silent on the tank notice when maxed your opponent will be silent for 5 seconds .good luck any way
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    u do know when this game first came out ppl had the same problem right? once upon a time the old classes were new classes as well and everyone tried to figure out the roll of each class and what they will and will not do. no diffrent from sins/psys.

    most ppl will usually invite anyone into a party as long as there available. just because u are a psy/sin does not mean u wont get invited to such events like RB/fbs/tws and etc. just do wat u got to do and ur roles in these parties will come naturally just like it did for the older classes.

    also u guys have to remember that even BEFORE the expansion hit that the psys and sins will be mainly a PvP class. i beleive the GMs even said themselves that they excell the best in PvP and that there roles in parties will be important. there a backup support class to improve the abilities of the older classes and help them take down bosses/enemies faster.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Where did the guy you quoted say he chained and spammed spells? b:surrender

    And i would still love to know where you got that info from =P

    If you have noticed, most psys luvs to do do that as if they are solo grinding.

    The info came from some psychic posted here, mentioning the present skills will not be changed.

    With the exception that Bubble of life will have larger aoe radius to 13 m (upcoming patch on next deployment), nothing else has been scheduled for change.

    Well...things could get worse that fishies do not gets completed b:shocked

    No new tt or lunar weapons, no sage or demon, well... it could get worse.... b:chuckle
  • PurpleBomber - Dreamweaver
    PurpleBomber - Dreamweaver Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ok the OP made alot of valuable points which got me thinking as well BUT its not the class is a year old it just came out so the builds are experimental and the skills most people don't even know when to use landslide.

    I have mastered only 3 skills so far in which when to use them and the damage they do and such, out of the many psychic skills i mastered 3 so far. Nobody in this game is able to tell when you use what skill or when to use what aoe or whether white voodoo is any good. So just coming out of the blue and saying they are worthless when not even 6mths have passed is too early.

    I who have fallen in love with their racking damage alot faster than wizzie but the damage is less not far less but like mid -range(like half or a little over of what a wizzie hits). Psys to me are DDers but not the same type to group with wizzies. Also a duels to me speak nothing, best way to test your psy is pvp cause the player wont stand directly infront u so he can get in his stun a matter fact he will have to run his **** to you by that time his life will be less than half.

    This is how i deal with clerics whether be pvp or w/e

    clerics are annoying spamming IH and such so the best way to kill them is as the duel or u see them in pvp just nuke them until they attack u thats when soul of stunning will take affect then instantly cast soul burn as soon as soul burn is finished casting they will attack you then landslide to protect from the whirlwind nuke and soul of vengeance and soul burn will instantly finish the job. Almost forgot a spirit blast and a definite win if we calculate how damage that was it was more than 5k i dont even have to ask or recheck it cause soul burn works those ways (all without the use of diminished vigor)

    One major upset of soul burn is that its long casting time which will kill you if you cast it too late or too early. I have found a way to get rid of that 2sec cast time cast time T.T soul of stunning is like the perfect way to get rid of it, so basically they work as a combo but it matters on timing.

    Now archers i dont need to make an opinion on how to kill them

    BMs are one problem i have in duels i havent fought any in pvp yet so i cant give you a detailed win but i will tell you this much it is related to how i beat clerics in duels/pvp . As long as you can get soul burn in the game you win. Yes soul burn is a deciding factor in pvp or duels but like i said its long cast time makes it less pretty coming back to the cleric hint. As long as you get soul burn on him juke him at twice and game is over he will literally kill himself or u both die(which would be epic)

    Wiz i have no problems against because of their longer cast time i just use landslide when u see the water spinning around it always tells danger your about to be nuked. soul burn is not even need against a wiz. But i do warn u if a wiz did get a skill in ure as good as dead, so solution kill him/she before they get one hit in other words dont use aqua impact only use your nukes!

    Aqua impact to me is a don't come near me i don't want to die skill it doesn't do much damage to praise only thing i use it for is the slowing effect and thats it.

    Landslide itself is a nuke with a terrible secondary effect interrupts channeling i can't tell how much time that this skill saved my **** in duels/pvp

    Spirit Blast is your basic nuke and nothing more

    Barbs is annoying class to due to the HUGE hp pool there But can be dealt with, you just haven't found the way to deal with them yet.
    As i said before we rack up damage pretty fast so you think about it from there.

    Also one skill i recommend on barbs is the aoe earth skill sandblast is does fairly good damage and lowers accuracy since barbs already have an accuracy problem.
    so you just Aqua impact > Spirit blast > sand blast burst > landslide(by that time they already in your 10meter range) interrupt whatever nuke they had planning for you and thats where soul of stunning would step in and i would soul burn same time in which when stun is over barb should have less than half of there maximum hp left and soul of vengeance should already be on to work hand in hand with soul burn that will further bring his life down more by that time your life should be well low last but not least landslide and BOOM should be just about done or you both kill yourself which happen to me once.

    Anyways these are my combos i use and they work for me there also my opinions so you may bash away at will if you like. These are what i use and they benefit me alot b:victory
    Its like when you look into the eyes of a cute kitten or puppy it silently steals your soul.

    But cmon THEY'RE CUTE!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Cute punchy kitty. Please don't punch me with your cuteness. >_<
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If you have noticed, most psys luvs to do do that as if they are solo grinding.

    The info came from some psychic posted here, mentioning the present skills will not be changed.

    With the exception that Bubble of life will have larger aoe radius to 13 m (upcoming patch on next deployment), nothing else has been scheduled for change.

    Well...things could get worse that fishies do not gets completed b:shocked

    No new tt or lunar weapons, no sage or demon, well... it could get worse.... b:chuckle

    that is for a patch. that doesnt mean the skills wont becoming at all. it actually takes some time to implement all that. the skills will be coming. it would be insanely stupid for psy/sin being the only class not having sage/demon skills and the TT weapons. they will be at a bad and unfair disadvantage.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    u do know when this game first came out ppl had the same problem right? once upon a time the old classes were new classes as well and everyone tried to figure out the roll of each class and what they will and will not do. no diffrent from sins/psys.

    most ppl will usually invite anyone into a party as long as there available. just because u are a psy/sin does not mean u wont get invited to such events like RB/fbs/tws and etc. just do wat u got to do and ur roles in these parties will come naturally just like it did for the older classes.

    also u guys have to remember that even BEFORE the expansion hit that the psys and sins will be mainly a PvP class. i beleive the GMs even said themselves that they excell the best in PvP and that there roles in parties will be important. there a backup support class to improve the abilities of the older classes and help them take down bosses/enemies faster.

    Seriously, I do not see how it helps the squad to take out things faster when Psys are pulling aggro here and there.

    Exception of squad buff on barb, having a psy or not in the party makes no difference.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    I who have fallen in love with their racking damage alot faster than wizzie but the damage is less not far less but like mid -range(like half or a little over of what a wizzie hits). Psys to me are DDers but not the same type to group with wizzies. Also a duels to me speak nothing, best way to test your psy is pvp cause the player wont stand directly infront u so he can get in his stun a matter fact he will have to run his **** to you by that time his life will be less than half.

    One major upset of soul burn is that its long casting time which will kill you if you cast it too late or too early. I have found a way to get rid of that 2sec cast time cast time T.T soul of stunning is like the perfect way to get rid of it, so basically they work as a combo but it matters on timing.

    Now archers i dont need to make an opinion on how to kill them

    Wiz i have no problems against because of their longer cast time i just use landslide when u see the water spinning around it always tells danger your about to be nuked. soul burn is not even need against a wiz. But i do warn u if a wiz did get a skill in ure as good as dead, so solution kill him/she before they get one hit in other words dont use aqua impact only use your nukes!

    Aqua impact to me is a don't come near me i don't want to die skill it doesn't do much damage to praise only thing i use it for is the slowing effect and thats it.

    Landslide itself is a nuke with a terrible secondary effect interrupts channeling i can't tell how much time that this skill saved my **** in duels/pvp

    Spirit Blast is your basic nuke and nothing more

    Landslide. Has a lower casting range than you nukes, much akin to will of the phoenix.

    The only difference is that WOTP aren't able to disrupt channeling. But you got to be close range to cast that.

    Any wiz with half brain will never allow you to use that. Any competent wiz fighting you will always have stone barrier up, because that's where your nukes comes mainly from.

    Let's not forget psys have no way in closing up the distance to cast landslide in and wiz and archers tend to keep maximum range.

    Any classes that gets drops on anyone else usually winz, so tw-pvp is not a fair way to proof your class worth.

    Being an archer, I will seek to stun you and aim low you if necessary and finish you off with normal crit shots.

    You think you are good? That's because you probably sniped them from behind where they couldn't react in time and that's not true pvp, because clearly, we can see who has won already.

    I'm not sure who you are dueling with, because the way you won them sounds as if they are not competent at all.

    Anyway, TW and PVP is what you are probably good at, for everything else, there are always other classes more competent than you.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    that is for a patch. that doesnt mean the skills wont becoming at all. it actually takes some time to implement all that. the skills will be coming. it would be insanely stupid for psy/sin being the only class not having sage/demon skills and the TT weapons. they will be at a bad and unfair disadvantage.

    If they are planning on new skills, be sure someone over in china be leaking news all over the place.

    All you have are self assurance on skills that will be coming and when will it come? Perhaps next year in 2011?

    If the skills are coming, why did they tweaked the Bubble of life which is essentially not doing much for the class?

    If your TT 70- 90 weapons are coming, kindly explain why TT-100 weapon is in the game before 70-90 is implemented.

    You have always been in unfair disadvantage while you are owning classes here and there.
  • Magikrap - Lost City
    Magikrap - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Seriously, I do not see how it helps the squad to take out things faster when Psys are pulling aggro here and there.

    Exception of squad buff on barb, having a psy or not in the party makes no difference.

    if psy pull aggro then psy shouldnt attack as much or wait for barb to get goo aggro hold
    according to your logic wizards suck as well on bosses
    wizards have just slightly lower dps
    psy can just attack less or turn of b voodoo to compensate
    psy is a dd
    yeh its replacable and not in demand
    but thats what dds are like
    psy can contribute with empowered vigor on tank
    it will really help healing

    just calm down everyone
    we dont know if psyhichs suck just yet
    i like wizard cos it is a versatile damage dealer at the cost of chi
    high dps with sutra
    high damage per hit with ice dragon, rock ulti
    and good pdef with stone shield

    but wait for psychcihs to reach hi level
    and wait for sage/demon/fapping/79/100 skills to be developed and released if ever
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm shocked that nobody is talking about Tide Spirit. I tried it and it seems really nasty to me. I remember some people saying that it was "kinda like Sutra" but I think it's just like it, with a weapon damage bonus.

    You instacast any spell with Tide Spirit, and they deal a little more damage than the usual. Red Tide and Earth Vector seem really good to me too, the bleeding effect can be deadly I think.

    Although, I thought there was one big flaw when I accessed to my last spells. Sparks cost. This is my first char on the game so I don't know if it's the same with Wizards (if someone would tell me I would appreciate), but it feels like our final spells cost a lot of sparks. Tide Spirit, two sparks. Soulburn, one spark. Earth Vector, one spark. Red Tide, two sparks. Basically it would mean that we would either have to chose between some kind of Earth Vector/Red Tide or Tide Spirit/Earth Vector or Soulburn/Tide Spirit or Soulburn/Red Tide, etc... combination, and then chain the basic spells for the rest of the buff. This assuming we wouldn't have a Veno giving us Chi. (Then again this could be a bunch of **** due to my lack of knowledge of this game as for this moment)

    To me it seems like Psychics could be a though class to master because we would have to play with our basic spells to get enough Chi to really hurt, and then chose our combos. As for now I rarely use Soulburn in PvP, but I think it's the perfect sneakspell in war, use Tide Spirit and cast it on someone, it will hurt. I think I'd still prefer Red Tide and Earth Vector tho.

    Oh and by the way, the more I think about it the more I see Psychics as some kind of anti-cleric class. Imagine this, a Cleric affected with Disturb Soul while the tank is debuffed by Diminished Vigor (provided you get a chance to cast both, I guess this needs work) well it would pretty much **** everything up. Maybe that's what Psychics are all about : weaken or disturb in order to strike harder.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Sericea - Raging Tide
    Sericea - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No way you can control DPS easier.

    White voodoo does not work?

    Meditate does not work?

  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    @Risingston-In TW you use Soulburn mostly on the people that constant aoe or BB.It will insta kill them pretty much and also is good to break the zhenning at gates or on crystal etc.
  • PirateRobert - Sanctuary
    PirateRobert - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, where to start...

    Easy one first....I've done BH's daily since I've been able, and have NEVER been asked to leave a party. I don't think I'm the only one, so the idea that nobody wants to squad with a psychic is probably just a tad over exaggerated.

    Second, a psy isn't an automatic aggro stealer. Its up to the player to learn to control it, just as it is for a player using an archer or wiz. So why slam the class for having the same capability for DD as an archer or wiz?

    I've only just gotten the lvl 59 skills, so, unlike others, I won't speak to their abilities without knowing them firsthand. However, of the ones I've used, enhanced vigor, soulburn and bubble of life are all very useful to parties. No I'm not a cleric, but I can now go on BH's without one. Everyone has to be a 'little' more careful, but the party still survives. Enhanced vigor means weaker clerics can do more to keep a tank alive.

    Hmmm, aoe skills...Take RB for example: What's to prevent my psychic from standing on the gods eye and spam cycling through all my AOEs? I cant spam them one at a time, sure, but I should certainly be able to loop through them until I can't stand it any more. I'll see how that works now that I've actually gotten all of them. But, just compared to an archer, I think you get more, since their barrage just does damage. With my skills you get high damage and status effects as well. You say mana drain is an issue in RB? It is for all the other magic users too! What fixes it for them, fixes it for me as well. Zhen? Any zhen party I went on with my archer had to be charmed. I'd expect the same if I were to go on my psy. Except in this case, I don't have to talk someone into letting me win a duel using barrage...

    As for new seems odd, compared to other classes, that we wouldn't be able to get any new skills for the 79 and demon/sage cultis. I don't know if they'll come, but would REALLY be surprised if they don't. If anything kills these classes, that would be it, IMO.

    BTW, I'm not an oracle noob...I can count the number of oracles I've used on 1 hand.

    So, back to the OP, I think you're wrong. You either haven't played the new class long enough, or haven't thought through your skill usage enough (or maybe its both) to see how to take advantage of the difference these new classes offer.
  • EvilVisage - Heavens Tear
    EvilVisage - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No way you can control DPS easier. The psys that I have done BH with pulls aggro from barbs and blamed them for not holding aggro.

    How are the barbs gonna hold aggro if you start nuking before the barb has full aggro?

    How's the barb gonna hold aggro is you keep chaining your spells?

    You being the DPS? You may be joking. Wanna try who starts snatching aggro first between an archer with W&C with - interval gear and a psy who can chain cast?

    While you are doing your second casting, my second shot would have been out and my 3rd shot is already on it way.

    So basically, you still need a charm and crab meat to sustain your mana, or simply, you mana pool has exceeded your mana usage by a few times.

    And one psychic done a white voodoo to prevent pulling aggro, he still did with a +4 weapon.

    The only way not to pull aggro is to SPACE out your nukes.

    Seriously, this is the reason why we do not wanna squad with psys, because you guys are mostly noobs who just simply chain casted, pullling aggro and even dying from it when cleric refuses to heal.

    People want wiz is because they do not chain cast like the psy and ignoring advices on preventing squad wipes.

    Yes, TW and duels are prolly the best you can do.

    Then you are another fool who has no idea how to properly play the class.
    I apologize for "flaming" but it is quite annoying to see people degrade the class and try to say that all psychics are horrible. I level my char legit without oracles, and I know how to play the class. I don't spam chain spells or any other non-sense in BH/FB/etc.

    Controlling dps is possible, and very easy. If your dag on White Voodoo is high enough for -99 atk level, then you will have NO problem with this. Even with a +4 weapon (I always use atleast +3 until lvl 90, no point going higher)

    And common sense goes a long way.

    The main problem is that most of you people complaining, are the ones who squad with the oracle noobs. The people who lvled so quickly, they don't know how to properly play their class.

    So stop your complaining. I'm a lvl 75 Psychic, and I can attest to how good the class is. And it IS a viable alternative to a Wiz. And quite a bit more versatile as well. Our nukes can be devastating (Most of them have status affects added, stun, bleed, etc). Our AOE skills help alot as well, and with white voodoo, we don't need to worry about grabbing agro so much.

    There are plenty of valid points to the class. The only bad ones I've really seen, are from the morons who don't know how to play their class.

    I would also like to note, that if you truly have mana problems (This doesn't apply to non-pure builds, because they WILL have mana problems) then you messed your character up or something. I have 7.5k mana and the only time I run out is when I spam skills for well over 2-3 minutes. And I will reiterate that IF you leveled all your soul skills, then you may have mana problems (Its pointless to lvl the majority of them past lvl 1, because they only benefit from Range and MANA COST increases).

    Plain and simple; If you have no idea what you are talking about, keep it to yourself.
    Got fish?
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm starting to wonder a lot about White Voodoo. I've come to find out it can be very useful in certain situations. But from what I understand the level description and growth on ecatomb is wrong, so can someone who has maxed it give me an accurate description on the increased def/lowered attack ?

    I think it shouldn't be maxed tho, maybe level 2, 3 or 4 is enough to defend us and not too crippling to make our attack useless. Not to mention it takes some extra spirits that could be better spent in our final nukes and AoEs.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • EvilVisage - Heavens Tear
    EvilVisage - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm starting to wonder a lot about White Voodoo. I've come to find out it can be very useful in certain situations. But from what I understand the level description and growth on ecatomb is wrong, so can someone who has maxed it give me an accurate description on the increased def/lowered attack ?

    I think it shouldn't be maxed tho, maybe level 2, 3 or 4 is enough to defend us and not too crippling to make our attack useless. Not to mention it takes some extra spirits that could be better spent in our final nukes and AoEs.

    I will reiterate once again. You do not need to level most of your soul skills (besides vengeance really).

    You should have PLENTY of spirit. White voodoo at max lvl is +66 def lvl, -99 atk lvl.

    I also had at lvl 75(Before dumping into my genie) 2.2 MILLION SP. And most of my skills that are viable, maxed. Only thing holding me back is coins. So I reiterate that its not really that big of a deal on SP.

    Contrary to popular belief, it ends up halving my dmg. Not crippling it. And the half dmg can be very useful when providing DPS on a boss, or elite mobs.
    Got fish?
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I didn't level up my Souls. I just spent my spirits on maxing Black Voodoo, Spirit Blast and Aqua Impact.

    Now, I'm maxing my AoEs (currently have level 5 Glacial Shards, level 4 Sandburst Blast, level 1 Red Tide and Earth Vector and every other 59 skills and level 4 Landslide). and my passive skills (aqua and earthen improved damage), and I'm probably gonna keep maxing my nukes. I had around 600K spirit at lvl 59, spent all of them and now I have like 60K left, I could spend them on White Voodoo but I'm hesitating, hence my asking.

    edit : just so you know, I do every single quest so I can have a lot of spirits.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Im_Wet - Lost City
    Im_Wet - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If they are planning on new skills, be sure someone over in china be leaking news all over the place.

    All you have are self assurance on skills that will be coming and when will it come? Perhaps next year in 2011?

    If the skills are coming, why did they tweaked the Bubble of life which is essentially not doing much for the class?

    If your TT 70- 90 weapons are coming, kindly explain why TT-100 weapon is in the game before 70-90 is implemented.

    You have always been in unfair disadvantage while you are owning classes here and there.
    CN is getting the 79 heaven/hell skills the end of this month or beginnig of next month. We will get them soon after as they have been pretty good about localizing the patchand getting it to us pretty quickly. Just gotta have a little patience b:chuckle