PWE got a new kool-aid water cooler?

Blue_Tokyo - Heavens Tear
Blue_Tokyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Off-Topic Discussion
I have not been on a PWI server for some time now mainly due to instability of the in game economy and some cash shop items that i personally viewed as well.... unbalanced and undying i think are the words i will use. In a spite of boredom i came on this site and well "see how the grass was growing" on this side of the fence that i walked away from not to long ago. I was not surprised to see things like an anni packs back for sale or those aero mounts set to be perm. When i saw the new snake mount thing however i was taken aback by the ridicules attempts to make it look like the coolest thing ever. Seriously go read the article, im not even going to make quotes of it for fear google will give a link for this post when some one searches for "advertisements under the influence of nitrous oxide".

One of my theories is that the PWE stole Disney Worlds kool-aid recipe, those employees creep me out almost as much as newly-weds....