Lunar Valley (valleys 1 till 4)

Posts: 81 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
Hello All,

As we did a few days ago Lunar Valley, with a unexperianced sqaud with the little info on hand of the internet we came till Valley 5, and now i want to share this info i have with the rest of you. So maybe other people can try it to. or even give more info about lunar valley on this thread.

Sqaud mode Valley 1: wather element.
Sqaud: bm 90, cleric 87, veno 89, cleric90, barb 89, archer 92

We entered the valley and the mobs you get here are not that hard we just pulled them 1 by 1 on a fast ratio.
The mobs give wather debuffs but if tanks keep agro its very simple.
only watch out for the gray mobs they are hiding behind stones and you dont see them that well. So make good use of your radar.

Boss - Buddah's Servant: He haves around 3mill hp and gives every few minutes a group debuff what drops you wather defence allot down. After he haves around 10% HP left he's starting with a Very Strong! Aoe attack. Be sure 1 cleric is purifying the sqaud. if not you all die because of the debuff.
Try all to have all atleast 3 sparks full and try from this point to kill the boss as fast as possible so you dont get 2nd or 3rd Aoe attack. (we failed 1 time then we started purifying whole sqaud not only tank,and no BB and we all lived the 2nd try) Look movie for his Aoe... ----> got the 1st time our cleric killed.

Now the teleporter apearce on the right path on top and you can go to valley 2. look movie ---->
Sqaud mode Valley 2: Non element.

Now at Start of this valley you get the qeust mobs, this you have to do carfully otherwise your sqaud will be wiped out instanly.

You have a circle of little mobs around 2 big mobs dont worry about the little ones. The big mob on the left "Forckolai" as you see on this movie---->
is the trigger of this whole thing. Pull him first out of the group!
Note* for the veno that if the pet hitted this Forckolai mob call it quick back before the shoveal mob attacks your herc, because he does it with a Instanly Killing AOE.

So pull the Forckolai mob out kill it, Movie ----> is a easy mob. now the trigger is away and the ''Shoveal'' mob dont Aoe's anymore. we found this out after 2nd try. look movie ---->
if your attack the shoveal mob first stun him, then aoe the place so all little mobs are dead.

Then you come on a crossing take right path and then right path again.
be shure you kill the Not Agrassive mob 'Shang' on the way (look movie ----> he will trigger the 2nd boss at the end of the valley.

Boss - Wang Tail: He is a big Hp boss (7.25 million) with a Nasty Group Poision.. does me like 1100 damage a time.

so we didnt maked it with barb.. because he was uncharmed so we tryd last option for us because there was not a charmed barb i had to try tank it. So we called in more clerics. we got 2 more and barb got out and archer got out. :( so we got 1 cleric that was purifying everyone the whole time. 1 cleric BB for the tank. and the other 2 spamming the tank in this case because we had no barb.

The boss seems to level around every 30 seconds when he seems to level the whole group getting Full Chi. so i could use that good with the 3rd spark eruption sage' it heals me 20% what is a nice help. and the damage ofcourse.
Look movie ---->

After you killed it the teleporter apearce again and you can go to the 3rd valley.

Sqaud mode Valley 3: Wood element.

you come in and there are all simple mobs. got little wooden debuffs but there not that hard, and they have no special things to think about like in valley 2. so just pull 1 by 1 and fight your way to the end of this valley and you will see the 3rd boss at the end.

Boss - Mistical Jarax: its giant boss with 5.3mill hp it will debuff only the tanker. and every 5min it seems to stun the whole group for 3 seconds so be wise with your 3rd spark and healing skills tanker. It seems you lose agro sometimes but it isnt he haves automaticly changing agro he beats 1 person now and then... but if your 85+ your survive. we had 1 cleric healing me, other cleric healing me and sometimes purifying me. from there we had took 2 DD's in, a wizzard and veno so it was going Faster. look movie

then the teleporter apearce again you go to Valley 4

Sqaud mode Valley 4: Earth element

Again just like other mobs pretty easy, this time kill the whole valley and the boss will appear in the middle of the valley. its a nice valley that for sure.. look movie ---->

The boss - Here we stranded.... As soon as you attack the boss 3 mobs respawn around him and will walk around him look movie ---->
but the mobs react on you if your to close... and you die... dont try to pull them out because they just respawn back.
so we tryd to from far distance to attack him. the mobs didnt react to that because we out of range. but the boss just kills instanly 1 person each time... Look movie
> and dont mather who is killed.... the boss reagain his hp then instantly to. then we run all out of time and we called it a day.

Well i hope you can use this stuff. and i hope you will get pass this boss where we stranded and so i hope to get awnsers to, or if anyone have qeustions feel free to do, ill try to awnser them.
Post edited by WhiteShot - Sanctuary on


  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    <<-- completed! if u even want to try to complete go w 95+ squad!!b:chuckle

    2 bm's
    2 cleric's
    1 wiz/archer(/veno)
    1 barb

    some1 got to be able to pull w genie (or pet if veno in squad)!

    some mobs needs to keep stun locked or they wipe the whole squad! other bm can be replaced w other dd but then barb must use sage mighty swing to assist w stuns (this kind of squad recommended only for exp'd squads!

    the whole quide is really im not going to write it now! xD but ive done it enuf to CRAFT (not from anni's !! b:angry) lunar gold wep!so....i guess im exp'd b:chuckle


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