Should i start putting points into vit since i'm pulling aggro too much?



  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    @LiXiuYi It is well-known that you shouldn't level the Souls because nothing changes aside from the range and more importantly the manacost. The only Soul you could consider leveling is Soul of Silence, as the duration of the Silence increases with each level. But I think we should wait for Demon/Sage versions of the Souls before we level them.

    But it seems we have different "goals", because I aim for PvP. I really don't think Aqua Cannon has its place in the AoE combo. For example in Public Quest I usually cast until I get all sparks, and then go like this : Glacial Shards, Red Tide, Sandburst Blast and Earth Vector, all in a row. Huge AoE damage within like 15 seconds. In Public Quest I'm 10 levels lower than everybody else and I always rank at least top 8 out of ~20, top 11-12 if I get unlucky with random points.

    Aqua Cannon only affects the mobs that are 8 meters around you... and I think if they're around you, it's too late. Plus, if I want to slow my opponents I just use Aqua Impact, considering its ridiculous cooldown I can spam it like hell. Psychic Will can only protect you for 8 seconds maximum, and only from physical attacks, even if you use all of your AoEs I don't think you will have them all killed. Having maxed White Voodoo on won't keep you from dying either, I think that even if you have a guardian charm going on you will die if you are being attacking by more than 3 mobs in melee.

    So imagine with two BMs or two Barbs, or two Sins or even just one of them (eventho the Sins are rather weak against magic, I kind of struggle against them because they hit me hard but I 2shot them once their Deaden Nerves buff is gone). Considering our squishiness, I think it's in our best interest to kill before anyone reaches us, thus eliminating Aqua Cannon from our useful spells. Not to mention Aqua Cannon is nowhere near Glacial Shards and Sandburst Blast damagewise, and no need to compare it with Red Tide or Earth Vector. The same goes for the DoTs, I just don't think I would have time to bother with them in PvP. I got a lot of spells to handle already, between my Souls, my buffs, my debuffs and my nukes, I think I'm pretty covered without the DoTs. The bleeding effect of Red Tide is my DoT really, if it triggers I kill a Sin 100% of the time.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • LiXiuYi - Sanctuary
    LiXiuYi - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    @LiXiuYi It is well-known that you shouldn't level the Souls because nothing changes aside from the range and more importantly the manacost. The only Soul you could consider leveling is Soul of Silence, as the duration of the Silence increases with each level. But I think we should wait for Demon/Sage versions of the Souls before we level them.

    But it seems we have different "goals", because I aim for PvP. I really don't think Aqua Cannon has its place in the AoE combo. For example in Public Quest I usually cast until I get all sparks, and then go like this : Glacial Shards, Red Tide, Sandburst Blast and Earth Vector, all in a row. Huge AoE damage within like 15 seconds. In Public Quest I'm 10 levels lower than everybody else and I always rank at least top 8 out of ~20, top 11-12 if I get unlucky with random points.

    Aqua Cannon only affects the mobs that are 8 meters around you... and I think if they're around you, it's too late. Plus, if I want to slow my opponents I just use Aqua Impact, considering its ridiculous cooldown I can spam it like hell. Psychic Will can only protect you for 8 seconds maximum, and only from physical attacks, even if you use all of your AoEs I don't think you will have them all killed. Having maxed White Voodoo on won't keep you from dying either, I think that even if you have a guardian charm going on you will die if you are being attacking by more than 3 mobs in melee.

    So imagine with two BMs or two Barbs, or two Sins or even just one of them (eventho the Sins are rather weak against magic, I kind of struggle against them because they hit me hard but I 2shot them once their Deaden Nerves buff is gone). Considering our squishiness, I think it's in our best interest to kill before anyone reaches us, thus eliminating Aqua Cannon from our useful spells. Not to mention Aqua Cannon is nowhere near Glacial Shards and Sandburst Blast damagewise, and no need to compare it with Red Tide or Earth Vector. The same goes for the DoTs, I just don't think I would have time to bother with them in PvP. I got a lot of spells to handle already, between my Souls, my buffs, my debuffs and my nukes, I think I'm pretty covered without the DoTs. The bleeding effect of Red Tide is my DoT really, if it triggers I kill a Sin 100% of the time.

    Yup never much been interested in PVP. About lvling souls and them being well known not to lvl. :) After I'm done lvling all the skills of worth they are going to get lvled, working or not. They gotta get fixed and when they do mine will already have been lvled and ready for demon /sage. Need I say more about that?

    I understand and respect the wishes of anyone who does not want to lvl whatever. What I see works for me will get lvled. Aqua Cannon is another aoe of use and yes it does very decent dmg. Also it slows more than one target :).

    If you don't like DOT more power to you but I will say I have seen what torrent alone can do to a dueler when stopped ;). Yes we will have different opinions about what shoud be lvled with skills. There are some I will not bother with till late game because of the fact that they are only really worth lvling for pvp aren't quite working yet or just plain don't suit the need for the moment.

    I'm Primarily PVE. Also.. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but in PQ I'm usually in the top 3 when I go. #1 most of the time. Yesterday without buffs or cleric and 800 points behind the leader with a late start I was 600 points ahead in the end. (#1) None of that matters though. I'm here to share info not indulge in hoggish glory. Want my opinion about pq? if you ask me psys in a word have a slight advantage. They kill faster than most other classes and I don't have to tell you about the dmg of the aoes since you mentioned it in your last post. I have found that we can out damge wizs db (maybe not late game gotta wait and see) and veno's with herc (sometimes nix). pq rivals for a psy are usually another psy, an archer barraging, or veno with nix and a cleric bm combo. Those are the high dmg dealers. I have seen Sins rack mad points up too.

    Also about melee mobs. I may be setup different from you. With a cleric buff I have over 2500 p def. I imagine more with a bm buff. So for me its not that hard to stage kill mobs of melee and run / recover when low on resources stun and and repeat. Needless to say I'm not hp sharded. Psy are not BMs but can do as much or more dmg in aoes when setup right.

    More power to the people and their playing styles!

  • Paer - Raging Tide
    Paer - Raging Tide Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Basically, i guess i was with a noob barb. My job as we all know as a DD is to deal damage. But if i pull aggro from teh barb and they're close to my level and this happens reguarly i belive that i need to tone it down. I have recently since well thsi thread was first formed no idea how it's still alive probably random trolls posting in it.

    Recently, however, i was able to party with barbs that Roar, and also Spam fleshream so i know realize it wasn't me doing too much damage, it was the barb not wanting to do his job and using a macro. Since then as long as they're +/- 1 level of me i can just do whatever i want with no worries what so ever no sparks though yet... if they're 4+ levels above me i can spark. So it's jsut fail barbs out there.
  • _Anemone_ - Sanctuary
    _Anemone_ - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i will tell u what i have found to be true:

    If u are with a barb ask them to flesh reem. it is a constant aggro taker. if they do that as soon as it becomes availiable (i have a lvl 76 barb friend who does this for me) i almost never take aggro. A barb who does not do that u will steal aggro and should not go all out. in those cases if i think i will take aggro i don't use black voodoo or spark. if it still isn't enough i usually just space my attacks. (hit then wait for the like 3 sec cooldown and hit again) using white voodoo instead is a mana sink. u will be hitting more often using more mp doing the same amount of damage.

    tanking bosses is the only really useful thing about white voodoo. i used it today and tanked all of fb59. (yes even ofotis) in PvP white voodoo will drop your damage sooo much u won't be able to kill anything.

    DoT are a waste IMO because u will likey kill anything before it ends. glacial shard is awesome. lvl it and the chance of imobolize goes up. that + slow and i've killed barbs before they could hit me.

    best skills PvE?
    Aqua Impact
    Spirit Blast
    Glacial Shard
    Earth Vector
    Black Voodoo
    Bubble of life
    soul burn (for increased mag resist)
    psychic will

    best skills PvE boss?
    spirit blast
    aqua impact
    black voodoo
    psychic will (if u steal aggro this will save your life)
    white voodoo (for tanking)

    anything else is pretty much a mana sink

    Aqua impact (for slow if a barb or bm)
    glacial shard (for immobolize on bm or veno pet)
    earth vector (for stun)
    landslide (for knockback and channel cancel)
    psychic will
    soul of vengeance
    bubble of life
    vigor (either empowered or decreased take your pick)
    soul of retaliation (reflects some damage and most status ailments)

    PS- vit is a waste u get like 10hp per point. just stone your gear instead. either with hp or physical resist is the best way to go. that way u don't nerf yourself for grinding just so u don't steal aggro in dungeons.