Psychic Skill guide (+suggestions to devs)

Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
Posts: 798 Arc User
Ok, first of all, this is my first character guide, and it probably won't all fit on one post, so I'll try to quickly respond enough to get all the useful info in. Notes to Devs in red
This is NOT MEANT TO TELL YOU WHAT EVERY SKILL DOES, but to give a more basic run down of some of the uses of the psycic skills. If you want to know what the skills do has always been useful, and the site's owner is working on updating the site to cover psychics more effectively.
Aqua Impact - One of your first skills, and a great skill for soloing long into... forever. It has a lovely addition of a slow, 50% chance for 40% at level 10, so it makes a great lead off skill when attacking mobs at a distance.
Sage should be 100% chance for 50% slow, demon should be 60% chance 80% slow. Duration for both cultivations should be doubled.
Spirit Blast - The other of your starter skills, and still a factor in my single target macros, it does more damage than Aqua Impact, and fills the recharge delays efficiently.
Good choices for skill from beginning, balanced with wizard/cleric. Sage should add an additional 100% of weapon damage, demon should add a Damage over time = 200% weapon damage.
Black Voodoo - Inherent skill that makes Psychics a valid alternative to a Wizard, without this skill, Psychics would be a tiny bit weaker than wizzies, and with the lack of a sustained aoe, psychics are left needing something to bring them up to the same level. However, the +22 atk level/-11 def level at max just doesn't seem like that much of a BAM!
+Atk level should increase with leveling while -def level should decrease rather than leveling in parallel. A good point for max atk level would be +33 with a good point for - def level being around -15 with them starting at +8/-35 or something of that sort. Sage should nullify -def level, Demon should increase +atk lvl.
White Voodoo - Necessary for instances (other than TT) in which you're using a herc tank or a barb tank weaker than yourself. However, I cannot stress this enough, until the stats are changed on this skill DO NOT LEVEL IT, max level cripples your character and makes you useless to your squads.
Ok, what the hell, max level -99 Atk level? I'll say a similar thing as my comment on black voodoo, it should level in contradictory directions with def level ending where it does +66 but atk endin somewhere between -50 and -33, as it is, it's a skill people should not want to level. Sage should nullify -atk level, demon should increase + def level.
Soul of Vengeance - Ok, I love that this skill exists, but there's really no need to level it until you're taking part in fb 69(maybe 51), TT 2-3+ or TW. The only thing leveling does at the moment, is increases range.
Another mistake on the need/lack of need to level for this skill. the % should start around 2% and end at 15-20% with the cost decreasing from 1.5% to about .5%. Also with the duration matching the recharge and that being 3 minutes, the buff should be unpurgeable. Sage should increase reflect by 50% over normal end value, demon should add a negative buff.
Torrent - Purely damage over time, and not remarkably much, only applies to a single target, not worth leveling unless demon/sage offers some nice bonuses.
Damage over time should be a bonus to a skill, such as cleric's thunderball, not the only aspect of a skill, unless that skill is an aoe. Add some instant damage and reduce the damage over time. Also, the name fails for a water dot skill, perhaps submersion or some more intense synonym if sticking to dot or switching to aoe dot. Sage should increase damage, Demon should reduce duration.
Bubble of Life - the description of the skill excited me initially, but I came to find out, it's really only effective as an occasional self heal (or if you stay close to others when fighting). It's essentially a weak off self aoe ironheart and not good for a quick save my **** situation, but useful for those inbetween periods when you need more hp before the next fight.
Increase the range, decrease the cooldown. Sage should add a spike heal to the initial cast, Demon should add mana recovery to the cast.
Landslide - Essential psychic soloing skill, this knockback puts you nearly in the same category as a wizard as untouchable by melee mobs if you're paying attention, as well as it lacks the aoe of the wizard's knockback, so you're less likely to disturb other nearby monsters when keeping a mob away from you.
Perfect skill. Sage should increase damage and knockback range. Demon should add 3 second stun to knockback.
End of Row 1, row 2 and 3 will be in consecutive posts.
This is NOT MEANT TO TELL YOU WHAT EVERY SKILL DOES, but to give a more basic run down of some of the uses of the psycic skills. If you want to know what the skills do has always been useful, and the site's owner is working on updating the site to cover psychics more effectively.
Aqua Impact - One of your first skills, and a great skill for soloing long into... forever. It has a lovely addition of a slow, 50% chance for 40% at level 10, so it makes a great lead off skill when attacking mobs at a distance.
Sage should be 100% chance for 50% slow, demon should be 60% chance 80% slow. Duration for both cultivations should be doubled.
Spirit Blast - The other of your starter skills, and still a factor in my single target macros, it does more damage than Aqua Impact, and fills the recharge delays efficiently.
Good choices for skill from beginning, balanced with wizard/cleric. Sage should add an additional 100% of weapon damage, demon should add a Damage over time = 200% weapon damage.
Black Voodoo - Inherent skill that makes Psychics a valid alternative to a Wizard, without this skill, Psychics would be a tiny bit weaker than wizzies, and with the lack of a sustained aoe, psychics are left needing something to bring them up to the same level. However, the +22 atk level/-11 def level at max just doesn't seem like that much of a BAM!
+Atk level should increase with leveling while -def level should decrease rather than leveling in parallel. A good point for max atk level would be +33 with a good point for - def level being around -15 with them starting at +8/-35 or something of that sort. Sage should nullify -def level, Demon should increase +atk lvl.
White Voodoo - Necessary for instances (other than TT) in which you're using a herc tank or a barb tank weaker than yourself. However, I cannot stress this enough, until the stats are changed on this skill DO NOT LEVEL IT, max level cripples your character and makes you useless to your squads.
Ok, what the hell, max level -99 Atk level? I'll say a similar thing as my comment on black voodoo, it should level in contradictory directions with def level ending where it does +66 but atk endin somewhere between -50 and -33, as it is, it's a skill people should not want to level. Sage should nullify -atk level, demon should increase + def level.
Soul of Vengeance - Ok, I love that this skill exists, but there's really no need to level it until you're taking part in fb 69(maybe 51), TT 2-3+ or TW. The only thing leveling does at the moment, is increases range.
Another mistake on the need/lack of need to level for this skill. the % should start around 2% and end at 15-20% with the cost decreasing from 1.5% to about .5%. Also with the duration matching the recharge and that being 3 minutes, the buff should be unpurgeable. Sage should increase reflect by 50% over normal end value, demon should add a negative buff.
Torrent - Purely damage over time, and not remarkably much, only applies to a single target, not worth leveling unless demon/sage offers some nice bonuses.
Damage over time should be a bonus to a skill, such as cleric's thunderball, not the only aspect of a skill, unless that skill is an aoe. Add some instant damage and reduce the damage over time. Also, the name fails for a water dot skill, perhaps submersion or some more intense synonym if sticking to dot or switching to aoe dot. Sage should increase damage, Demon should reduce duration.
Bubble of Life - the description of the skill excited me initially, but I came to find out, it's really only effective as an occasional self heal (or if you stay close to others when fighting). It's essentially a weak off self aoe ironheart and not good for a quick save my **** situation, but useful for those inbetween periods when you need more hp before the next fight.
Increase the range, decrease the cooldown. Sage should add a spike heal to the initial cast, Demon should add mana recovery to the cast.
Landslide - Essential psychic soloing skill, this knockback puts you nearly in the same category as a wizard as untouchable by melee mobs if you're paying attention, as well as it lacks the aoe of the wizard's knockback, so you're less likely to disturb other nearby monsters when keeping a mob away from you.
Perfect skill. Sage should increase damage and knockback range. Demon should add 3 second stun to knockback.
End of Row 1, row 2 and 3 will be in consecutive posts.
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
Post edited by Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear on
Skill row 2 in equippable
Aqua Cannon - The psychic's near equivalent to the cleric's siren's kiss, will prove an essential skill to your future as a Psychic in rebirth, but early on has little use outside of escaping in pvp.
Only complaint is the range, hopefully sage will increase the range of the skill while demon will make it freeze or seal instead of slow.
Sand Trap - Not the strongest skill in your arsenal, but a nice addition for things like pk when you want that little bit of hp more off the foe after the charm tick as a potential difference maker. Not neccessary to level, and not very beneficial.
Same statement as Torrent.
Diminished Vigor - This skill increases the recharge time of targets hp charm and decreases the effect of healing on them, giving you an increased amount of time and greater liklihood to kill them. One of the reasons I wanted a psychic to begin with, I was a little dissappointed by this debuff as it's only castable once every 90 seconds, which makes it very easily purifyable. When in 1v1 against any class besides a psychic, cleric, or sage veno, it is however an excellent skill.
Should have a 60s recharge or recharge halfed if target dies. Sage should be aoe with 60 sec recharge/duration while demon should be 15-30s recharge/60s duration
Soul of Stunning - At present leveling this skill does absolutely nothing, but it is a good skill to start off with.
Soulforce should be decreased per time leveling this skill ending at about 3000/additional second, or leveling this skill should increase the number of times it can be triggered before going away.
Glacial Shards - Excellent water aoe, does acceptable damage, with a nice 60% chance to freeze targets for 4 seconds at level 10. Combined with Aqua Cannon and Sandburst Blast will be an essential factor in rebirthing.
Sage should be 12m range, demon 100% chance to freeze.
Empowered Vigor - This skill reduces the amount of time it takes for your or your target's charm to tick again and also increases the healing benefits of the recepient of the spell. On the same timer as Diminished vigor, you become forced to choose between survival or killing when opting which of these skills to use in battle.
Should not be on the same timer as Diminished vigor as one honestly has nothing to do with the other, though they are similar spells.
Sandburst Blast - A nice quick damage aoe, with the additional (unknown probability) bonus of 50% reduced accuracy, this skill is a very nice leadoff when pking a lot of melee/phys attack players, it also has a good deal of use in the earlier levels of pve (before everything starts having ranged attacks) if you have a group of monsters all attacking you from the same direction or all right on top of you.
Sage should have 12m aoe range and 100% chance of the 50% decrease in accuracy/Demon should have same chance of 100% decrease in accuracy.
Soul of Silence - Can only be cast when Soul of Vengeance is not, at level 82 (10989 soulforce) the protected only has a 6.59% chance to seal when hit. Increasing level increases duration of the seal by .1 seconds.
Both this spell and soul of vengeance should have greatly reduced recharge and instead of not being able to be cast when the other is, should overwrite each other, much like black/white voodoo do.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
Skill row 3 in equippable. All of a Psychic's chi using skills are in this row.
Disturb Soul - Increases Channelling time of your target, at level 1 is 53% increase. This skill is geared primarily towards pvp, as there's not many times that 12 seconds of increased channelling time on a mob is going to save your butt. Most defensively effective when used on a wizard if you can predict right before they cast their "ultimate" skill on you. Uses 30 chi.
Sage either increase duration and/or make it an aoe, demon reduce recharge and/or increase channelling time increase.
Soulburn - When target attacks, in any way, to anything, does damage equal to your soulforce. With each time leveling this skill, the duration of the effect increases. Uses 1 spark. Very nice when fighting a target that attacks you rapidly, such as a fist blademaster, the faster they hit, the faster they get hit. Skill can damage immune to damage mobs if they attack you.
Needs clarification that it's armor ignorant damage only related to target level vs character level.
Tide Spirit - Increases damage x% for x duration, also increases channeling time for x duration. Uses 2 sparks. It's like a low level demon spark basically. But it overwrites Rainbow Blessing, a genie skill.
Channelling speed is increased FOR x duration not AFTER x duration as the skill states.
Red Tide - Does base+x%+y# damage to 8m range. Also has % chance to bleed equal to soulforce over decreasing duration. The only skill that can really be defined as a Psychic's "Ultimate," this skill does massive instant damage to a target+high chance to bleed them for more and more damage as time increases. Uses 2 sparks. Other than the bleed damage, this skill does approximately the same damage category as Glacial Shards and Sandburst Blast making the 2 spark usage compared to those skills somewhat silly.
Sage should increase range while demon doubles bleed. Total damage should be doubled at normal levels to make skill equivalent to Wizard spike skills that cost the same.
Earth Vector - does weapon damage +x%+y# damage to 8m range. Also has % chance to stun for a decent duration. Many people's favorite psychic skill to see from my experience, and a very fun leadoff in duels/pvp as it gives you some time to start/recover to decide what to do and or prep for the rest of the battle. Uses 1 spark. % damage is half the damage additive of Glacial Shards, Sandburst Blast, Aqua Cannon, and Red Tide making the skill only highly useful for the aoe stun probability.
Should have a partner skill for red tide in the earth column, and this doesn't quite fit the bill with the lower damage (though it does have a higher spammability.) Damage should be made equal to Glacial Shards and/or Sandburst Blast but the stun does qualify the use of a spark for the skill.
Psychic Will - skill description states that it purifies target when it only works on yourself, increasing level does not increase cost, but does increase duration of physical immunity add.
Skill description needs to be fixed as it is self cast only, not targetable. Sage should affect other targets within a 6m radius of self, Demon should add magical immunity along with physical.
Soul of Retaliation - Reflects/prevents damage once up to half of Soulforce, leveling currently affects nothing but cost.
Tide Form - Skills don't work, Increases defense level by x and swim speed by y%
Skills need to be made to function in tide form, or it's a useless skill.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
how about actually describing what each skill does, like in the asassins guide???
coz like this it more looks like a personnal opinion on what skills u use, and a rant on what sucks about other skills,...0 -
hmm ur description differs a bit from my personal experience , when it comes down to some of the skills u listed, eg bubble and white voodo
bubble is pretty easy to use IF u tell ur squadmates to gather round u, the heal gets petty nice as lvl increases
same for white voodo - ive been using it as a kind of *oh damn* button
couldnt see the sense in buffing it for boss fights , i just pop it uf im overaggroin or did some stupid mistake- also is pretty nice in addition with soul of vengeance ---
i-turn both on
ii- run in mobs
iii ????
iv- profit!
cant say mich about the 49 and 59 skills , as i didnt have the spirit and money to fully fund em--- but what i have seen so far - the 59 spells are frkin nice in pvp ^.^0 -
how about actually describing what each skill does, like in the asassins guide???
coz like this it more looks like a personnal opinion on what skills u use, and a rant on what sucks about other skills,...
My guide, written with my opinions. Skill descriptions can be found on ecatomb or by making a psychic and mousing over the skills.Szol - Harshlands wrote: »bubble is pretty easy to use IF u tell ur squadmates to gather round u, the heal gets petty nice as lvl increases
same for white voodo - ive been using it as a kind of *oh damn* button
Gather around can be extremely detrimental in some cases in the higher levels of gameplay
I use white voodoo that way too sometimes, but my primary usage is to reduce damage to avoid needing the oh damn I pulled the boss off the tank usage.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
but instead of having white voodoo turned on and dpsing the boss continuosly.. aint it better to turn black and heal and buff ur team, debuff the boss - and occasionally get some 5-6 sec od dpsing between...
would end up with nearly the dmg under white .. and still be able to be some utility ;-)
but as u said .. higher lvl dungeons require different strats--- cant really say anaything tot his .. as i only experienced in instances up to wraithgate with my psy
edit . with dpsing i mean doing actual dmg to the boss - from dps- damage per second--- we used this term in some other mmo .. dunno if its uses here though0 -
Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear wrote: »My guide, written with my opinions. Skill descriptions can be found on ecatomb or by making a psychic and mousing over the skills.
yeah thats kinda my point,... either like tell where to find ecatomb,... and put info on the skills on what they do each level in the guestbook on ecatomb so they can update it there, or dont call this a guide,... since its kinda saying ur opinion on stuff, assuming the people know what the skills do before they look in ur guide,... while mostly ppl look in a guide coz they wnna know what it does,... not coz they wnna know what a certain person thinks about em,...
just my opinion on this topic,... do with it what u want,... but ppl that wnna play psy wont play it coz they dont know what ur talking about,...0 -
Szol - Harshlands wrote: »but instead of having white voodoo turned on and dpsing the boss continuosly.. aint it better to turn black and heal and buff ur team, debuff the boss - and occasionally get some 5-6 sec od dpsing between...
would end up with nearly the dmg under white .. and still be able to be some utility ;-)
but as u said .. higher lvl dungeons require different strats--- cant really say anaything tot his .. as i only experienced in instances up to wraithgate with my psy
edit . with dpsing i mean doing actual dmg to the boss - from dps- damage per second--- we used this term in some other mmo .. dunno if its uses here though
I'm a pure magic build. Even with White Voodoo on constantly, throwing down soul of vengeance and Enhanced Vigor on the tank, I still managed to pull aggro off a slightly higher level Tank with gear refined higher than mine who was spamming flesh ream at every opportunity. Maybe there was something missing in what he was doing that I didn't see, dunno.
Without any Voodoo on using a same level (as myself)herc tank on any mob not outleveling the party, it rarely took but a few hits to steal aggro. So, to save myself the trauma, on anything light yellow and down in relation to my level, I opt to use white voodoo, still leaving me hitting a decent amount but without risking my survival and the survival of the party for a simple increase in speed.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
I feel that most of this thread belongs in suggestions.
However, I think that you do not understand how psychics work. yet, Aneurysmal, if you think all of these suggestions are valid.0 -
Sericea - Raging Tide wrote: »I feel that most of this thread belongs in suggestions.
However, I think that you do not understand how psychics work. yet, Aneurysmal.
I dont' claim to know the functions in and out, I'm writing from experience, and as any reasonable person would realize, it's been out 6 days, 3 of which I've been playing in groups/instances trying to increase my understanding of my limits in the method I prefer to play in. If the GMs don't like this guide, they can feel free to remove it. It's an attempt to help both players and devs from my limited experience, take from it what you will.
I'm going back to playing now, feel free to continue flaming.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
Having played a Psychic for a while now, I have to say... I agree with most of the things said in the OP.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I really think Black Voodoo is better than White Voodoo, if you manage things well with Landslide, Aqua Impact and Spirit Blast, creeps can't touch you more than twice.
And regarding PvP, I really don't think the bonus of White Voodoo does any difference, damage increase of Black Voodoo on the other hand...
Plus, with the 59+ buffs and debuffs (Psychic Will, Tide Spirit, Red Tide, etc.), I think White Voodoo really becomes useless.0 -
Having played a Psychic for a while now, I have to say... I agree with most of the things said in the OP.
Thanks andra, and considering I assume being a mod you probably got a little bit of a head start on some of the gameplay involving the tideborn, I'm curious what other insights you might have into the class or pointers/suggestions for the current implemented version of the psychic..Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
Giodia - Heavens Tear wrote: »Andracil, for white voodoo, Ecatomb states + 99 def lvls and - 66 attk lvls, is this description correct?
i believe its wrong since my lvl 5 white voodoo has 74 atk level its daily time0 -
I really think Black Voodoo is better than White Voodoo, if you manage things well with Landslide, Aqua Impact and Spirit Blast, creeps can't touch you more than twice.
And regarding PvP, I really don't think the bonus of White Voodoo does any difference, damage increase of Black Voodoo on the other hand...
Plus, with the 59+ buffs and debuffs (Psychic Will, Tide Spirit, Red Tide, etc.), I think White Voodoo really becomes useless.
try one or none. and I'm not even PASYCHO (pure arcane psycho). I'm LA. The first mob I came up against that took a chunk out of my life was the torgrim warrior. so I changed my normal routine up. I used to do aqua -> sprit -> landslide -> spirit (mob dies).
On those I started doing spirit -> landslide (toon runs to and meets the torgrim to cancel its longer range attack) -> aqua (torgrim stuns me) -> sprit (torgrim dies). No damage taken. Just about anything else though is the good old aqua -> spirit -> landslide -> spirit[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retired..0 -
on the torgrin i did AI > SB > AI and they were dead0
Nice gathering of info, but you seem more concerned with the aspect of Pk(pvp) more than actual gameplay or questing, grinding. The skills that you shunned are the ones you get from the start. Now how many people you think lvled up 2 or more of those skills at least to lvl 4-5? Lol and this is not a FLAME, but i want to optimize my characters potential in endgame rather that pvp....not to say TW isn't to be considered.
Stay Frosty Valour!
0 -
i think my wizard was in the valour TW. I didnt want to fight cala cause it would be charm kill x.x0
Amouriv - Dreamweaver wrote: »on the torgrin i did AI > SB > AI and they were dead
what level were you when you did it? and what's your build? Did you have black voodoo up?
reason I ask is that I did em at 28 on my LA build with no black voodoo.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retired..0 -
white voodo maxed out :
def lvl +66
atk lvl -990 -
Speaking from practical gameplay experience, I agree with most of the thread starter's opinions on the skills.
So far it's been a fun class to play at the mid levels.0 -
Senses - Dreamweaver wrote: »Nice gathering of info, but you seem more concerned with the aspect of Pk(pvp) more than actual gameplay or questing, grinding. The skills that you shunned are the ones you get from the start. Now how many people you think lvled up 2 or more of those skills at least to lvl 4-5? Lol and this is not a FLAME, but i want to optimize my characters potential in endgame rather that pvp....not to say TW isn't to be considered.
Stay Frosty Valour!
I really don't use that high of a variety of skills in pve, only about 6 of them in grinding/instances and a few more for rebirthing. Endgame optimization/TW I think draw a major parallel here and I stand by DO NOT LEVEL WHITE VOODOO as it's crippling for common use. If you're a hybrid/light armor Psychic however, as the usage of white voodoo in instances would be less necessary for avoiding pulling aggro, there's less harm in leveling it for greater defense. Though then you're back to overwriting it with black voodoo once you get the mobs off you and overall increasing your cost.
Of the first 5 skills, I shunned only one, and stated leveling of one other was unneccessary.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
Baalbak - Dreamweaver wrote: »what level were you when you did it? and what's your build? Did you have black voodoo up?
reason I ask is that I did em at 28 on my LA build with no black voodoo.
i did it when i got that quest which is the upper 20s and I didnt use black voodoo because a huge area of mobs makes me paranoid x.x0 -
Reading the OP, I'm drooling to get to lvl 59! b:dirty DAMN HOLIDAYS WHY MUST YOU BE HERE NOW!?b:cry Daddy wants to level! b:sad
Hey GM's can you delay christmas and New years for another 2 weeks? ty b:pleased
@Amouriv's post above large mobs get me paranoid too, though most of the mobs i've fought up until now aren't aggressive, I dance in there presence0 -
It's quite a nice text but imho the red text (your suggestions for the developers) are... not good at all. You're basically asking the devs to boost nearly all psychic skills and some of your suggestions would make them ridiculously powerful.0
It's quite a nice text but imho the red text (your suggestions for the developers) are... not good at all. You're basically asking the devs to boost nearly all psychic skills and some of your suggestions would make them ridiculously powerful.
The only suggestions I could think would be perceived as making the class OP would be the sage/demon suggestions, which are mostly an attempt to parallel the wizard/veno skills that are most similar to the psychic's and making the psychic more equivalent to a combination of these classes.
Oh, and additional note on soul of vengeance: make a barb roar 20+ melee mobs with this on when your psychic is higher level and it looks like they've got manadrain on. Rather funny, but completely cripples the barb simultaneously. right now for me it's 88 mana every time the barb gets hit, I've seen 100 barbs with less than 1500 88x20=1760 1 hit by all=mana goodbye! lolMain:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
Updated with some further explanation of skills, suggestions for use, suggestions for changes to balance class, and suggestion for addition of demon/sage skill levels.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
here me go~~~ sowwy for taking so long (>.<)' had to learn exactly what most of the psychics skills did.
Aqua Impact....not going to happen. not even wizard gush at level 11 can do 100% chance to slow.
Spirit Blast....probably not going to happen as it be the analogue of wizard's pitfall/Crown of fire...both don't add weapon %
Black Voodoo....sure but the total attack increase should be nerfed.
White is a defensive skill.... but ya -99% does seem like too much of a decrease lol...
Soul of Vengeance....50%? that just sounds OP right there. negative buff? sure me would be okie with that.
Torrent....not sure exactly what it does at the moment so no comment. (^.^)
Bubble of Life....ya mayhaps a bit more healing per second or something. (x_x)
Landslide....sure with the sage but the demon should be a % to stun. (free 3 sec stun every 8 seconds sounds a bit wrong)
Aqua are agree with this.
Torrent...sounds like a regular attack skill.
Diminished Vigor....sage okie....demon....sounds rigged lol perma hp charm nerf?
Soul of Stunning....also not quite sure what it comment...
Glacial Shards....ya me okie with that.
Empowered Vigor....ya me also okie with that
Sandburst Blast....aoe blast that has a 100% to reduce accuracy by 50%? and you can use it again prety not sure the barbs and bms would be too happy about that...
Soul of guys can do soul of mirror/silence with a soul of stunning/retaliation right? two different time shares?
Disturb Soul....*note disturb soul not soul(s)* (^.^)' lol but it's already a 12 second wizard disable..... ._.'
Soulburn...yes all skills should list exactly what they do. (X_X)
Tide Spirit....sounds like the assassins's deep chill move. ._.'
Red Tide...."Total damage should be doubled at normal levels to make skill equivalent to Wizard spike skills that cost the same." You be joking right? This skill has a faster cast/channeling timedarthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
MagicHamsta - Lost City wrote: »here me go~~~ sowwy for taking so long (>.<)' had to learn exactly what most of the psychics skills did.
Aqua Impact....not going to happen. not even wizard gush at level 11 can do 100% chance to slow.
Spirit Blast....probably not going to happen as it be the analogue of wizard's pitfall/Crown of fire...both don't add weapon %
Black Voodoo....sure but the total attack increase should be nerfed.
White is a defensive skill.... but ya -99% does seem like too much of a decrease lol...
Soul of Vengeance....50%? that just sounds OP right there. negative buff? sure me would be okie with that.
Torrent....not sure exactly what it does at the moment so no comment. (^.^)
Bubble of Life....ya mayhaps a bit more healing per second or something. (x_x)
Landslide....sure with the sage but the demon should be a % to stun. (free 3 sec stun every 8 seconds sounds a bit wrong)
Aqua are agree with this.
Torrent...sounds like a regular attack skill.
Diminished Vigor....sage okie....demon....sounds rigged lol perma hp charm nerf?
Soul of Stunning....also not quite sure what it comment...
Glacial Shards....ya me okie with that.
Empowered Vigor....ya me also okie with that
Sandburst Blast....aoe blast that has a 100% to reduce accuracy by 50%? and you can use it again prety not sure the barbs and bms would be too happy about that...
Soul of guys can do soul of mirror/silence with a soul of stunning/retaliation right? two different time shares?
Disturb Soul....*note disturb soul not soul(s)* (^.^)' lol but it's already a 12 second wizard disable..... ._.'
Soulburn...yes all skills should list exactly what they do. (X_X)
Tide Spirit....sounds like the assassins's deep chill move. ._.'
Red Tide...."Total damage should be doubled at normal levels to make skill equivalent to Wizard spike skills that cost the same." You be joking right? This skill has a faster cast/channeling time
tide spirit is like sutra, it makes you channel faster not slower...Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0
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