Public Quest

Adroit - Lost City
Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
edited December 2009 in General Discussion
Well me and a bunch of friends went down and tried the new public quest (I'm guessing that is what it was..) and this is kinda how it goes.

You go to that island to the west of the tideborn city, pick up a quest in there and it starts. You first have to kill like 200 of these relatively easy mobs.. Our party zhen'd them (2 wiz cleric barb veno) there are no inc magic res mobs etc in there.. they are all just regular from what I could see.

During the time you're killing them, you can click on the ranking button next to where the quest is being tracked on your screen.. and everyone gets points (even the cleric in BB). Not sure exactly how its calculated, but I can tell you the 2 mages in the party got the most pts (not by much) and the barbs followed (party changed a few times during the quest) and then the cleric and venos (although they were all pretty close in pts.. its not like mages had wayyyy more or anything).

After you finish the first part, you get no reward, but the quest changes.. You end up having to dig these items (w/e they were) all around.. but mobs get in the way... so we had barb aggro as much as he could, kept the cleric healing him, and rest of the party was just digging. Pretty simple.. but the people digging the chests seemed to get more points, so the barb/cleric kinda get the short end of the stick in that part.

After that we had to kill 50 more of these tougher mobs.. these things sucked.. they all had over 2mil hp and hit pretty hard on squishies (hitting me for ~700 a hit) Tried zhenning.. but barbs didn't have alpha male and it was pure charm ****.. took forever eventually finished it.

Then we got to fight 2 bosses, both being ? (so dmg is reduced like HH bosses) and had just shy of 8mil hp each (omg that took forever to kill these things). Also good to note that you can't debuff them (sharptooth poison amp etc dont work on them). Didn't hit that hard, but the first had a skill sorta like occult ice that lasted for ~10 secs.. but was only used on whoever had aggro, so the cleric could easily keep him purified. The other boss had identical hp, but had a really weak aoe (hit for ~1k and was pretty infrequent.. nothing to worry about).

If memory serves, that was basically it, they tallied all the scores (had like a 1-2 min delay it felt like where it told you it was tally'ing the scores.. and then gave everyone Tideborn Guardian Medals. First place got 10, next couple got 8 and it down the list and the last person to get any got like 6. I think a total of 7 or 8 people got them.. but didn't count. The ranking showed how many each person got. They are untradeable (can't even be put in that new account stash) can't drop on death etc.. and says you can trade 150 of them for a sack of surprise.. and it kept on mentioning that you had a chance at some rare egg.. idunno. It also said you could trade them to some other NPC for rep... though when I went over to his coords.. he isn't there, so dunno if he is in a different zone or if there's some bug where he doesn't exist yet.

Took us I guess ~2.5 hours give or take (didn't rly keep track) and me and the other mage ate about 100k+ off hp charm and probably 20 or so mp pots... though that could easily be avoided if the barb held aggro better (alpha male for instance). I'd also like to note that the terrain has like 4 or 5 distinct looks through it, and when going through (as we were looking for our second boss) we saw other squads killing different mobs/bosses. I'm assuming the different region you're in gives you different quests that you need to complete.. but haven't tried it yet. You should also note that pk is enabled through here (when we started first boss.. Schoold popped out of nowhere and perditioned a couple of our squishies) He really wasn't too hard to take down with our party.. but the threat of pks are going to be there. After we finished the quest, it reset in about 2 mins.. and allowed us to pick it up again if we wanted, so I'm guessing its almost like a one man army where you can repeat it over and over. Anyway.. it was fun and worth trying out, but still not exactly sure what these rewards get me... no exp/coin reward.. and a missing npc for the rep.. and I'd need to do this like 10 times to see what I can get in a "sack of surprise"

Hope that helps =]
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  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You go to that island to the west of the tideborn city, pick up a quest in there and it starts.

    problem is that the npc to get the quest from are not there anymore.

    But reading from your try, I have the feeling this quest is not even worth bothering with anyway.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    problem is that the npc to get the quest from are not there anymore.

    But reading from your try, I have the feeling this quest is not even worth bothering with anyway.

    lol you're right... guess he disappeared for some reason x.x (just went back and checked)
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  • VenLooki - Heavens Tear
    VenLooki - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Seems like you were lucky seeing the npc..

    Searched alot around.. But couldn't find it, no one else could:(
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  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so anyone have any idea what those medals are used for yet?
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  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so anyone have any idea what those medals are used for yet?

    ultimate powah? yesh?

    or mayhaps a free fish taco.

    or mayhaps it's just a rare pet or something.
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  • SirLynxcelot - Heavens Tear
    SirLynxcelot - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you are at least level 60, you can take the first Public Quest from Pioneer Officer Windshaker at Rotflesh Trench.

    NPC offered quest for levels 60 - 80. Is there a public quest for 81 - 94? If there is where is npc for this level range?
  • Kar_rak - Sanctuary
    Kar_rak - Sanctuary Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just nice, from level 81 to 94 u can't get PQ? Come on, level up in that range of levels takes a lot of time, why do u do that to us? :\
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  • Amsel - Sanctuary
    Amsel - Sanctuary Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ya so everything u described we did too, though when we got there it was already on the 50 mob quest with 13 of them done. more and more ppl showed p they died quicker and we did the bosses and it was great at the end. i ended up with 6 medals and turned in by accident and got 66 rep
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i got 4 badges(or medals or w/e -.-) from the quest =D
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The 50 mobs don't hit that hard.. about 350-400 each in BB for me. We had a pretty epic zhen going with 3 archers and 2 wizard. They can be stunned / knockbacked too.

    For us the bb cleric won the 10 medals with everyone else getting 6 to 8. The guy you can trade the medals in has 'samples' of the eggs you can win but it doesn't show what's inside them.
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  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The 50 mobs don't hit that hard.. about 350-400 each in BB for me. We had a pretty epic zhen going with 3 archers and 2 wizard. They can be stunned / knockbacked too.

    For us the bb cleric won the 10 medals with everyone else getting 6 to 8. The guy you can trade the medals in has 'samples' of the eggs you can win but it doesn't show what's inside them.

    you know as I'm thinking about it, I think the ~700 hits were outside BB (from when I was digging those things.. kept aggro'ing them) and that would make sense if they hit about that much in BB
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