A Cry For Help

Lenora_Pyre - Dreamweaver
Lenora_Pyre - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
edited December 2009 in General Discussion
I'm hoping someone can tell me something that will change my attitude towards PW. I've been racking my brain for weeks, trying to settle into an MMO my friends and I can all enjoy, and it's pretty much come down to PW or the MMO that shall not be named.

What do I have to look forward to with PW? My Wizard is level 51, so I've already reached the point where your quests fizzle out. I love the atmosphere and the character creation with this game, but these are my primary gripes...and yes, I'm QQing about it, but I'm really hoping a more experienced player might be able to help alter my perspective here.

-The game seems incredibly hard to solo. With a Wizard, I expected that, but things became brutal even for my level 25 Archer. (I had finally found a glimmer of hope in the Genie "Tree of Life" skill, but then they took that away not even a week later, which led to a long hiatus.)

-Money is too hard to come by. And I'm not talking about buying non-essential Cash Shop items through gold trading, I'm just talking about enough for learning skills and buying normal armor. I even told myself a long time ago to forget about Dragon Quests, because I desperately needed the money for the drops. What made me hit the wall here was when my Archer needed desperately to keep potions stocked, but wasn't getting enough money to buy them from the quests and mob drops at her level.

-Finally, I'm unsure what's to expect in the later levels of the game. I know it becomes a grind fest, and what I tell myself here is that PW has a non-enforced level cap. There's enough content to get you to a certain level, but if you WANT to go endlessly grind and gain levels past that point, you can. I can deal with it when I look at it that way. But what's there to look forward to? Are the instances actually interesting? Are there rewards that are earned and not bought later in the game?

Is the general consensus that PW is fine as it is, or do the dedicated players really want to see it improve? These things would only happen if there were a demand for it.

I really want to find an MMO to settle into and enjoy, and somehow PW is at the top of my list, but it most definitely has some glaring flaws. If it looked like these things were at least going to be improved in time, I'd be happy to spend some money in its cash shop...just don't FORCE me to do so. And if someone shines a light into this bottomless pit of despair and shows me that there are ways to work around these problems, I'd be extremely grateful.

Sorry to whine about it.
Eloquence is sexy. Learn to type!!!

Post edited by Lenora_Pyre - Dreamweaver on


  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    It's not a grind fest at higher levels, it's a daily fest. All that 99% of high level players do is WQ/BH/CS, cube, rebirth and frost over and over and over and over and over and nothing else. :/

    The game is exceptionally easy to solo. Unlike my old MMO where you needed a healer class glued to you 24/7 after level 65ish, in PWI you can pretty much hit 100 completely on your own.
    Your problem is your classes. Wizards and archers are squishy early on and hard to work with, but become extremely powerful late-game. Maybe try a venomancer, no pots required and minimal equips/skills work just fine. Also levels 50-70 can be rather tough, but it gets a good deal easier from there.
  • Kiyogashi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyogashi - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I thought like you once Nora.. Than I heard the best thing to happen to me while playing this game. A higher level player said "... The Game doesn't really begin until you're 80-85+.."

    For awhile it didn't make sense. So, I thought about while leveling up. After finally reaching 79/80 I realized what he meant. 1-79 is all preperation to get you ready for what else is too come at higher levels.

    Things you get to do at higher levels;

    ~ Frostcovered
    ~ Territory Wars
    ~ Solo FBs/BHs
    ~ Solo Bosses
    ~ Hard Twilight Temples
    ~ Teleport to another world (OHT)
    ~ Zhen
    ~ Orders
    ~ New Daily Quest in OHT

    ( Please note; I'm not saying you haven't done any of those, just named a few typical higher level things )

    And the list goes on. Nobody can force you to stay, that is entirely up too you. If you find no interested playing, don't play? It's that simple. However, if you want to experience this game too it's fullest, march on.

    Good luck choosing. :)
    Please, call me Kiyo. b:thanks

    "..Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... "
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    we all know which game has better gameplay and graphics atm...

    b:dirtyi want the new pet for ym veno
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I've played another MMORPG for some years and migrated to PW with guild mates.

    As I see you play at Dreamweaver. That's a PvE server. Seems like you're not into PvP, so PW is a good pick for you. I also play at a PvE server for the sole reason I didn't like the PvP formula PW chose.

    Another thing I noticed is that the role-play part of PW is rather weak, except for the customization of characters. Other games allow several different builds and more complex character planning. PW makes it easy for those who aren't experienced with MMORPGs though.

    This game, like all F2P titles, was developed to be profitable so coin sinks and advantages to cash shop players are to be expected. Even then, it's quite easy to make your own fortune if you wish to spend some time with the market.

    PW is not really hard. The fact is that low levels for archers aren't easy and wizards are even worse until 60. Perhaps you'd enjoy another class a bit more but I grant you these classes really shine at higher levels. And being a cash shopper makes these 2 classes much easier. Charms are probably the most important cash shop items.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    What do I have to look forward to with PW? My Wizard is level 51, so I've already reached the point where your quests fizzle out. I love the atmosphere and the character creation with this game, but these are my primary gripes...and yes, I'm QQing about it, but I'm really hoping a more experienced player might be able to help alter my perspective here.

    A lot of stuff. There's a lot of high level instances, such as TTs, Frost and TW.
    -The game seems incredibly hard to solo. With a Wizard, I expected that, but things became brutal even for my level 25 Archer. (I had finally found a glimmer of hope in the Genie "Tree of Life" skill, but then they took that away not even a week later, which led to a long hiatus.)

    You picked the wrong classes. Archers and Wizards have the hardest time playing solo. Personally, I played with a friend from 1-19, then pretty much soloed my way until 76, when I joined my current faction. Other than the fact that I needed help for most elite mobs, not to mention all instances and the like, it's been pretty decent.
    -Money is too hard to come by. And I'm not talking about buying non-essential Cash Shop items through gold trading, I'm just talking about enough for learning skills and buying normal armor. I even told myself a long time ago to forget about Dragon Quests, because I desperately needed the money for the drops. What made me hit the wall here was when my Archer needed desperately to keep potions stocked, but wasn't getting enough money to buy them from the quests and mob drops at her level.

    Inflation, huge inflation. Also, you still have a long way to go. You still haven't had the chance to farm TTs, which are one of the main sources for coin in this game. Or you could just farm some higher level mats, they sell pretty well for little effort.
    -Finally, I'm unsure what's to expect in the later levels of the game. I know it becomes a grind fest, and what I tell myself here is that PW has a non-enforced level cap. There's enough content to get you to a certain level, but if you WANT to go endlessly grind and gain levels past that point, you can. I can deal with it when I look at it that way. But what's there to look forward to? Are the instances actually interesting? Are there rewards that are earned and not bought later in the game?

    Daily quests, high level instances, TWs and complaining about charm costs. Personally, I have barely grinded since I was 69. Well, I have done maybe 30 quests total since then, but I have mostly spent my time doing daily quests. Grinding just gets rather unrewarding when you have to kill about 100 mobs to get 1% exp. Well, the coin is still decent, though. Except that the higher levels of skills cost a lot.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver
    Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Its possible to solo the game without problems. Wizards archers and Clerics might have it hard though. If u are the type of person to go solo a MMO like this then i'd suggest Barb, BM or Veno ... ppl are often falming venos becuz they can solo most likely anything except too high bosses for their lvl. I first really started to play in my summerbreak, and the picture i got of PWI is that its base of gameplay might be to work in groups. Now this fit me perfect cuz i prefere to work in groups (yes im veno still love it =3)

    When it comes to money then yes its hard to get, also for skills and stuff like that. Well sell all the DQ items u pick up like i can understand u r already doing. Also i can suggest that u make a veno for money grinding if u want to. Like i think someone mentioned, a veno don't need to spend much money (my only costs are pet food) This is a problem we all have to deal with, but i guess compared to all the good stuff then its okay. (yes i do have money problems i never passed 1,6m >.> and my skills r sooooo low lvl xD, but DQ items don't wanna drop for me b:sad)

    Umm later lvls ... im not sure here since im in my lvl7x right now so. About lvling u don't have to grind badly to do so, just gather some BH's over a few days, try get a full house, and then run em all at once, for me that would give me 2runs and 30% (more i think) over 3 days ... not too bad ^^. And yes at the later lvls u run out of quests, but the experience i got is that u do that in all MMO's ... at least the ones i tried. (pst and they didn't have daily quests to make up for that b:chuckle)

    I hope u will settle down in PWI, it took me some times but now its really the best btw im a dreamsweaver too ^^ feel free to pm me if u got questions, can't promis i can answer but i can try =P (Sinalee low cast L) HF gaming =)
    Dreamsweavers GhostDogz are looking for you to join the pack =). We are still small but are growing into a fun, friendly and helpful fact. We value that our lower lvls also get the experience they need for their class, so we get some awsome ppl =). all we ask of u is to be okay active (not has to be on 7days a week, 1 is enough) and to bring ur good mood =3 cya ingame!

    Keyla (USA)
    All but Keyla from Europ, and all l=low cast L ()^.^()
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the only thing i can tell you to look forward to..
    you become the most godly class in the game once you hit 89.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:cute If you want to get to a high level without spending cash its highly possible but this game isn't a solo act by any means and most things will require you to grab at least 1-2 other people to assist unless its random grinding quests.

    BMs- 1-12 these are good levels easiness is the word. 13-29 These are the worst levels you will ever experience the mobs are crazy powerful compared to you. You can stun but it doesn't quite cut it you will still have to sit after every mob if you don't want to use alot of pots. But after that it becomes really easy so level 30-100 is cake cause after your 29 dungeon you can heal yourself with a spark now all you need is mp pots and you can grind for hours very easily. They are also the single greatest solo grinders in the game once their level starts getting up there.

    Wizards are a pain in the **** to level 1-15 are easy once you hit that 15 mark you should invest in getting a partner or its going to be really hard. On the bright side after your fb 19 you have a easier time then a BM until about 39 when things start to get rocky. And they don't stop getting rocky until after 80 when you can get undine and 80 TT and suddenly a whole new world of pain opens to your foes.

    Cleric your typical healer class slow as **** but despite being requested to EVERYTHING they are one of the easiest classes ever to play but if you are really proactive and lazy about things they are also the most expensive class.

    Archer level 1-8 is easy but up till you get your knock back arrow at I think its 14 or 15 those are going to be some slow levels cause you get hit more then a wizard cause your damage just sucks compared to them at those levels even with a pure build. 20-40 is a royal pain in the **** to pull off but if you get past there is a easier glide to 70. After 70 it starts to be your the boss of damage get out of your way or get hurt. After 90 you are god of damage noone has better dps then you.

    Barb this guy is one of the slowest classes to level your damage sucks unless you go str and you don't want to do that cause your a barb you choose life. 1-100 easy but extremely slow but despite being the slowest levelers from 1-80 you run the fastest out of all the classes after you can rebirth gamma and delta you can level crazy fast and if your good you can get cash like no other.

    Veno kick start this class and you will find 1-14 are seriously easy if not a bit slow cause you get extra quests just cause your a veno and thats how it works. 15-25 are a pain in the **** for venos if you make it past that you have cut one of the major bottle necks that gets people to stop playing a veno. 26-35 are alot easier from there and its actually fun. 36-50 are total fairly slow but they are still pretty easy. 51-75 for venos are the slowest god dam levels of any class anywhere the only one that matches the difficulty of these levels in any sense is the Wizard. Because although the veno has the pet the mobs hate the veno and will plot to spawn behind you and kill you almost without fail and if they don't kill your pet will die to inattentiveness. So in essence it is terribly hard but this is where you learn all of your skills as a veno this is the second bottle neck that reduces veno population. (60-65 is easier then the others in the second bottle neck but it is still very very slow. Oh and pets hate the water in the 60s)
    76- 90 is quite a simple task because at this point you are strong enough even without great gear to do just what you want to do because you survived the second bottle neck you would have the skills to duck dodge and weave thru most enemies better then almost all the class and because you have the speed that almost rivals a barb you can do it too. So far even 90-100 is pretty easy so after 76 things start speeding up. Veno is the most inexpensive class to play due to the low repair costs however unless your willing to either spend enormous amounts of time and or cash on this game don't let people tell you it is the best money maker. However if you are then yah it is the best cash generator to people who have the resources to start with. Solo is a option but by no means a requirement.

    I hope the colors ease the wall of text.

    But the whole thing with the cash for the skill and such is so you don't get all your skills at once you have to work for them most 90+ don't even have their skills fully maxed yet some do don't get me wrong but alot don't. The level cap is 105 but thats going to take 2 3 4 years to reach unless you have a lot of cash. And of course we want improvement however for a free to play game it is pretty much the best out there.

    We don't know if they are working on improving them but there are new classes and races coming out on the 16th of this month so we will see how much of a improvement they bring.
  • Alacol - Sanctuary
    Alacol - Sanctuary Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    -The game seems incredibly hard to solo. With a Wizard, I expected that, but things became brutal even for my level 25 Archer. (I had finally found a glimmer of hope in the Genie "Tree of Life" skill, but then they took that away not even a week later, which led to a long hiatus.)

    Archers... They're not much fun to level on in any of the early on levels. Reason being, you don't do enough damage to clear mobs before they reach you. Leads to a lot of potion usage/meditation time. You also don't have the critical hit factor working for you yet, which is where alot of our damage comes in.

    -Money is too hard to come by. And I'm not talking about buying non-essential Cash Shop items through gold trading, I'm just talking about enough for learning skills and buying normal armor. I even told myself a long time ago to forget about Dragon Quests, because I desperately needed the money for the drops. What made me hit the wall here was when my Archer needed desperately to keep potions stocked, but wasn't getting enough money to buy them from the quests and mob drops at her level.

    Agreed, money is a bit hard to come by. The game is made so that you can't really afford the nicer things in the game unless you're willing to either spend hours at a time on the game, or use the boutique. I've never really seen DQ become profitable, so I usually place the items in the AH/my cat-shop.

    -Finally, I'm unsure what's to expect in the later levels of the game. I know it becomes a grind fest, and what I tell myself here is that PW has a non-enforced level cap. There's enough content to get you to a certain level, but if you WANT to go endlessly grind and gain levels past that point, you can. I can deal with it when I look at it that way. But what's there to look forward to? Are the instances actually interesting? Are there rewards that are earned and not bought later in the game?

    I'd say the only real grinding levels are 60-80, maybe 70-80. Within that time period, you're basically finishing up the training you need to be able to fully experience the game. On Sanctuary, it's very rare to be invited onto a Rebirth Gamma run, unless you have friends/faction mates that are willing to teach you as you go along. That, and your thought of as too weak before hand, so it's difficult. Others have said it already, there are many new things to do when you reach 8X, such as Frostcovered and Rebirth, as well as the more difficult levels of the Twilight Temple.

    Is the general consensus that PW is fine as it is, or do the dedicated players really want to see it improve? These things would only happen if there were a demand for it.

    I think every devoted PWI player is looking for improvement, in fact, any player of any game is usually looking for improvement. However, we can only wait at this point, and hope that things like the Rising Tide Expansion, or whatever else the Devs' have in mind will only improve gameplay.

    I really want to find an MMO to settle into and enjoy, and somehow PW is at the top of my list, but it most definitely has some glaring flaws. If it looked like these things were at least going to be improved in time, I'd be happy to spend some money in its cash shop...just don't FORCE me to do so. And if someone shines a light into this bottomless pit of despair and shows me that there are ways to work around these problems, I'd be extremely grateful.

    Well, the only suggestions I can offer is stick to only the things necessary to play. Charms for instance, if you're reluctant to purchase them, be it off players or the boutique, use event food, since they're a good substitute. Things like mounts and aerogear, they are nice to have, but not a necessity, the money for them can be used elsewhere. Anyway, hope I helped.

    -Feeling like I just spit out what everyone else already did.-
    -Switching over to Dreamweaver. See you Dreamweavers soon.
  • Risingson - Dreamweaver
    Risingson - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This is a game that aims at not rewarding the player.. no, you're not going to have enough money for things unless you learn how to hustle... or pull out your wallet
    complete a quest at lvl 80, and guess what? i still get 1 worthless celestone FRAGMENT just like you... gee, ty PW...
    not to mention players of the other classes have failed so miserably at making money that they have carved their own little niche to get more than you. which, subsequently, is intended to hold you back so they can move forward.

    ..yea, i love this game..

    but you... if you dont like it now, you probably wont like it later... so either setup a catshop or quit.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You picked the wrong classes. Archers and Wizards have the hardest time playing solo. Personally, I played with a friend from 1-19, then pretty much soloed my way until 76, when I joined my current faction. Other than the fact that I needed help for most elite mobs, not to mention all instances and the like, it's been pretty decent.

    -Looks around- I don't remember having a hard time playing solo. Vit build FTW? b:victory Although I was charmed most of the time back when gold was only 100k ea.
    Siggy by Santacruz

  • Dustinmurphy - Harshlands
    Dustinmurphy - Harshlands Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm a pure dex archer I solo of course I do have a silver hp charm on my archer xD
    If anniversary pack threads keep getting made I'll keep trolling them until there isn't anymore!b:bye
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol whut?
    this game is easy as pie.

    seriously me heard all the QQ wizards are hard etc etc. but then as me leveled from 1-80 it just got easier and easier...

    also um.....why grind when you can just make a zhen session.
    let the barb/bm do all the dirty work.
    and zmog me wuv event pots.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    you could try a veno...my veno supplies pots for my wiz and bm. venos are squishy if something spawns near you while the pet is occupied but any other robie has a hard time if something spawns while you're already occupied. you just have to manage the pet and you so that you don't get hurt as much.

    archer suck horribly in the earlier levels. if you don't think so look at how archers are in the newbie areas versus the clerics. winged shell is good protection, since at earlier levels mobs hit less and it blocks more hits (at my level it only blocks 2 QQ). you also have your frost and knockback to keep mobs away as well as lightning and wing skills for melee range. for me the most pot drain was mana in the earlier levels. later it gets easier as you fight magic mobs that don't come into melee range.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty