"What's the best class?" >.>



  • BadBoii - Lost City
    BadBoii - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    jadeouro wrote: »
    Well good player with good equips can beat any class lower lvl/same lvl/slightly higher lvl almost everytime.

    But overall taking out the player skill factor here's how I see it after all my PW experience (regarding 1 vs 1 free pk):

    Blademaster - Good early game, good middle game, worst endgame. <= Blademaster have 3 stuns/seal, they can aoe really gud, n can dragon a whole group. (Bms can change a TW around.)

    Wizard - Worst early game, worst middle game, best endgame.

    Barbarian - Average early game, good middle game, very good endgame.

    Venomancer (with nix) - Very good early game, very good middle game, good endgame.

    Archer - Best early game, best middle game, average endgame. (It all depends on the player)

    Cleric - Good early game, good middle game, average endgame. (It all depends on the cleric)


    Assassin - (probably a mirror image of a fist blademaster) Good early game, Good middle game, bad/worst endgame.

    Psychic - (assuming the damage is around what a veno can do) Good early game, average middle game, average endgame.

    Early game-lvl 30(pk enabled)->lvl59(start getting ultimate skills)
    Middle game-lvl 59->lvl 89(demon/sage paths)
    Endgame-lvl 89->105(max lvl)

  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    With GOOD gear, barbs and wiz's at end-game lvls, are the best pkers. I don't die to my lvls in pvp unless Im ganked, Yea, some classes are harder to kill then others, but in the end, if you are a good player and know the role of your class, you win.

    dont underestimate a demon sparking fist/claw bm. i saw one kill a CHARMED barb in SECONDS...

    but then again, ANYONE can go demon and swith to a fist/claw build lol

    even barbs b:sinb:sinb:sin

    Edit: in fact, check out this thread, it will BLOW U AWAY
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • NPH - Harshlands
    NPH - Harshlands Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yea that vid...almost made me cry, it was insanely epic. Now, imagine that with +10 HH100 Striking Dragon Fist, rofl...that would be insane
  • HunterPK - Harshlands
    HunterPK - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    dont underestimate a demon sparking fist/claw bm. i saw one kill a CHARMED barb in SECONDS...

    but then again, ANYONE can go demon and swith to a fist/claw build lol

    even barbs b:sinb:sinb:sin

    Edit: in fact, check out this thread, it will BLOW U AWAY

    a barb cant stun with fists b:embarrass

    the other barb was stupid and tried to tank 5.0
  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    a barb cant stun with fists b:embarrass

    the other barb was stupid and tried to tank 5.0

    they dont NEED to stun with fists b:cool

    and give that other barb some credit lol, i wouldnt expect a barb to pull some claws out of his **** and start demon sparking mine.
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • Wulfkin - Harshlands
    Wulfkin - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well I can't say I have alot of end game experience but I have had every class bu pyschic at one point in time. Honestly speaking the one that I saw with the most capabilities was the archer. Of course it all depends on the skill of the player. At my level I have mauled BMs as if they were nothing. My friend though, he is the same level as me and I have a tough time bringing him down much past half.
    (After 4 times of being one shotted by Dipster, once with a friend)

    Me:-sits barely outside of mob radius- Dipster...I know we have had our differences, but I have learned that violence solves nothing. So I make my peace with you. I will forgive you hitting me for 10k damage and one shotting me. I will even forgive you one shotting my friend and then sitting on him. Now I will go in peace...but rememeber the first rule in battle... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!!!
    -Charges at Dipster in tiger form hitting him with Flesh Ream before being hit for 10.5k-

    Quote:Never Wrong, just misguided. -Wulfkin
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    That was true before but I'm not so sure if thats true anymore.

    Like how assassins can completely disappear, and the psychics with their extreme fast spells. But we'll see if it evens out later b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    jadeouro wrote: »
    Well good player with good equips can beat any class lower lvl/same lvl/slightly higher lvl almost everytime.

    But overall taking out the player skill factor here's how I see it after all my PW experience (regarding 1 vs 1 free pk):

    Blademaster - Good early game, good middle game, worst endgame.

    Wizard - Worst early game, worst middle game, best endgame.

    Barbarian - Average early game, good middle game, very good endgame.

    Venomancer (with nix) - Very good early game, very good middle game, good endgame.

    Archer - Best early game, best middle game, average endgame.

    Cleric - Good early game, good middle game, average endgame.


    Assassin - (probably a mirror image of a fist blademaster) Good early game, Good middle game, bad/worst endgame.

    Psychic - (assuming the damage is around what a veno can do) Good early game, average middle game, average endgame.

    Early game-lvl 30(pk enabled)->lvl59(start getting ultimate skills)
    Middle game-lvl 59->lvl 89(demon/sage paths)
    Endgame-lvl 89->105(max lvl)

    Wow. Lmfao.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Sooner or later both Psychics and Assassins will have their skills nerfed for PvP at least. They're both new classes so it's understandable that their either too strong or too weak for PvP, even if the case is that they're too strong.

    Just give the devs time, it's likely that both classes will have a few skills nerfed so the PvP aspect of the game will be balanced. Of course if you don't want to wait you could always gank the living **** out of them.b:victory
  • Skippy - Dreamweaver
    Skippy - Dreamweaver Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    if ya ask me,,, every 1 is to proud to admit thad an other class from wich they play is stronger then he/she is. im a barb 97, i do pretty well in PK 1v1
    i almost kill all, and really i tell ya its about timing, skill, genie, etc.

    every class has an * ahem * easy target. every class is an anti version of the other one.

    their isent really an OP class,, sure a fist claw BM hits fast,,, but they lack in HP, an axe hits low, has great HP. so on and on.

    your strengt also makes your weakness.
  • Hitumura - Lost City
    Hitumura - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Cleric wins against all... WE CAN HIT EVERYTHING! MU HA HA HA HA! Oh and we can stun... debuff... sleep.. heal and repeat whilest doing damage to thee!!

    Obviously... there aren't enough FAC's in the game yet...
  • Avoniz - Harshlands
    Avoniz - Harshlands Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I'll cover them all for you

    Veno with nix are good from start to end OP and cheap pet if you'd ask any non veno player b:laugh that PvPs. Cleric get pretty strong at 90+ due to their effing physical shield, sleep and like godly 3 spark lighting zap combo. Archers are decent I would say from personal experience, if you know how to play that is... Squishy class are a fairly easy challenge (unless the other player is mad geared) but Holy Path is a must to avoid fast death in PvP situations. Barb is just like roflcopter, no class want to mess with them if they are charmed because it's a waste of time, it will take them forever to kill anyone unless they land like a Armageddon Zerk Crit with GX's , meh it's safe to say they are not meant for PvP. Bm is a joke unless he like dragons after charm ticks and lands a Zerk Crit also keeps you stunlocked, pretty hard class to master I would say. I would of definitely rerolled a mage if tideborn class didn't come out because this is where the true pro'ness comes at when your very high level, their skills is simply OP due to this games setting : Magic attack never misses and can crit。Not to mention a well geared mage can easily tank some of his nemesis class the archer's hit.
    It will all come down to the new classes now, but from the skills I see, assassin seems REALLY good at 1 vs 1, it will all come down to their damage, because stunning is useless if you can only tick the opponent's charm.
  • Nudefoxy - Lost City
    Nudefoxy - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ok here is how i see the 2 most wanted classes in game are barbarian(for tank) and cleric(for heal), almost everytime u will get into raid, as for other classes i personally started a veno, very fun and easy to level and sexy too, also have a barbarian, as for archer i istarted one but then quit it cause i just dont have patience for him, clerics are hard to level, wizzles(no idea honestly), warriors are just fun, and the fish classes are just boring at least for me
  • MrKillAlot - Lost City
    MrKillAlot - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I feel like ending all threads that ask "which class is the best for PvP?".

    This is the only true answer. Each class can beat every other class, it just depends who's more skilled with the class they play. Gear is a major factor, as are genies, the level of the skilsl used, and the weapon, but the point is...


    Thanks for you're time b:bye

    the answer is a wizard with good gear. PWI doesnt have completely balanced classes. bye.
    I made an assassin called MrKillAlot yo.
    I like to kill alot yo.
  • DrkLordZ - Sanctuary
    DrkLordZ - Sanctuary Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I feel like ending all threads that ask "which class is the best for PvP?".

    This is the only true answer. Each class can beat every other class, it just depends who's more skilled with the class they play. Gear is a major factor, as are genies, the level of the skilsl used, and the weapon, but the point is...


    Thanks for you're time b:bye

    WIZZIE with +12 rank8 are endgame pvp! 1 ice dragon will hit 30k on heavys!
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    WIZZIE with +12 rank8 are endgame pvp! 1 ice dragon will hit 30k on heavys!

    point the cashshopasaurus class is highly OP but 6k US dollars will buy a lot i suppose
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Sheeeba - Dreamweaver
    Sheeeba - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    having played every class, i personally prefer the cleric for pvp. veno is prolly my least fav for pvp.

    (and no, i don't have a herc or a nix cuz i don't cheat) =P

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
    ClericNico: 7x Cleric(Mainly Support), Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 6x Barbarian, Einherjar

    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."