About Tokens

LudaSihron - Lost City
LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
edited December 2009 in General Discussion
Hello,i just wanna ask GMs something..
Can u guys add some item that drops Tokens?
I mean something like Anniversary Packs,
but just for tokens or something that wouldnt make gold's price high >.<

Asking this because i like the Flawless Shards xD b:scorn
~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
Post edited by LudaSihron - Lost City on


  • Davester - Lost City
    Davester - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so... you're telling us that.. just because you want them means they should be put in the game. Theyve been here for a long time you should have gotten your flawless by now. They should not bring them back because by popular demand people do not want them here.
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Pretty much what Davester said.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Dont want tokens back.. well not until the price has risen high enough so I can make a killing off the one's I have saved
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lmao so u like buying Perfect HP Shards 5 mil each?
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so... you're telling us that.. just because you want them means they should be put in the game. Theyve been here for a long time you should have gotten your flawless by now. They should not bring them back because by popular demand people do not want them here.


    the demand was to get rid of the packs...

    not of the tokens

    you did get 9/10 times token with the anniversary packs
    Tokens =
    - cheap oracles to level your toons; more oracles with new packs
    - affordable way to have your sage/demon book; page drops 1/5 times.. so books will be 5 to 10 times more expansive
    - shards fot cheap; price will go up a bit

    whatever pack you chose to buy now, gives you a chance to obtain "kikitoudur" equipement, the same anni did.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lmao so u like buying Perfect HP Shards 5 mil each?

    They like to sell them. And until moment when they will sell all tokens, they don't want to buy tokens again.

    As this was after every other event.

    QQ about AP must gone was from those, who now sell them.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    An equivalent question would be - "You like buying frostland gear at 100m each"?

    Yes, people do indeed want there to be some challenge in the game.

    Saying that - if normal tokens dropped from, say, bosses in FBs? Or in TT? Not many, but a few - that would not be unreasonable. They're nice, but not that good.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    oh please bring tokens back so people can continue to buy their levels too (from me). how can we level without them now? b:surprised
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lols i didnt mean bring Tokens so ppl can get oracles -.-
    I Suggest GMs to remove Oracles,
    Not using them and not going to waste my $ on em,
    Prefer to lvl slowly and learn things instead of hitting 9x with oracles and slack around with zero experience about the game >.>
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • _ShOt_ - Lost City
    _ShOt_ - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    oh please bring tokens back so people can continue to buy their levels too (from me). how can we level without them now? b:surprised

    By actually DOING something?! b:scorn

    Don't QQ about something that almost completely ruined the game (you lose!), unless it's QQing that they almost let it completely destroy the game. >:|

    Yay first on page two! =D
    [Sigpic][/Sigpic] <----*sigh*... Summer... :\
    "Even on the most beautiful throne in the world you sit with your ****." ~Michel de Montaigne

    Every individual music instrument is like a person.
    Every individual music instrument has a different personality
    Every individual music instrument has a different voice.
    Every individual music instrument has a different face.
    Every individual music instrument has a different dialect.
    Every individual music instrument uses different words.
    And the type of music is the language it speaks.
    There is no 'best' type of music instrument, and if you think there is, then you're racist, because it's just like saying there is a 'best' skin-color or nationality.
    Even though bass guitar rules all.

    Heheh, I like the way my sig usually takes up more space than my post :3
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    figure out what sarcasm is.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Can u guys add some item that drops Tokens?
    Asking this because i like the Flawless Shards xD b:scorn
    Saying that - if normal tokens dropped from, say, bosses in FBs? Or in TT? Not many, but a few - that would not be unreasonable. They're nice, but not that good.

    For those who like challenge and want Flawless Garnet Shard, for example, it drop from (see link):
    Waning Moon, Stubborn Cenequus, Cerberean Sentinel, Terranis, God's Bestowal, Son of Dragon: Chihwen, etc.
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Basically you want oracles taken out, so that people can't out level you, but you want tokens put in so you can shard all your gear and be better than everyone else. I wonder where people get these ideas from?

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Basically you want oracles taken out, so that people can't out level you, but you want tokens put in so you can shard all your gear and be better than everyone else. I wonder where people get these ideas from?

    Gosh dude,sorry to say that but ur post is dumb and all i can see is,
    ure just trying to rise ur post counts,visit other topics pls,dont spam on this one with ur useless posts -.-
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    then again people's biggest gripe about tokens was that you could literally buy levels, among other things. if they make tokens an in-game drop...it would actually involve playing the game, which wouldn't be that bad of an idea.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Gosh dude,sorry to say that but ur post is dumb and all i can see is,
    ure just trying to rise ur post counts,visit other topics pls,dont spam on this one with ur useless posts -.-
    It's amazing how many people like you I've seen here. And I haven't even been here long. Someone says your idea is a load of bull, and you say he's trying to raise his post count. That just continues to prove how self-centered you are. You COULD take away oracles. But then what about all those people who make money off of shards? All those people who WORKED to get those amazing shards, which will become pretty much half of what they were originally worth. Unless, of course, the drop rate was low. But then we would have people like you QQing all over the forums again. How about you go out and earn some money and buy those shards instead of asking for tokens to remain. It's not that hard.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    It's amazing how many people like you I've seen here. And I haven't even been here long. Someone says your idea is a load of bull, and you say he's trying to raise his post count. That just continues to prove how self-centered you are. You COULD take away oracles. But then what about all those people who make money off of shards? All those people who WORKED to get those amazing shards, which will become pretty much half of what they were originally worth. Unless, of course, the drop rate was low. But then we would have people like you QQing all over the forums again. How about you go out and earn some money and buy those shards instead of asking for tokens to remain. It's not that hard.

    Listen up dude,ure right about the ppl who work to get the shards,
    But the thing is,its a F2P Game....GMs do whateva they want

    Better spend more time ingame instead of forums so u can see what im talking about.
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Listen up dude,ure right about the ppl who work to get the shards,
    But the thing is,its a F2P Game....GMs do whateva they want

    Better spend more time ingame instead of forums so u can see what im talking about.
    What are you talking about? I'm talking about tokens and shards, your talking about GMs doing what they like because this is a F2P game. Are you a GM? No. Do GMs want tokens back? Don't think they care. So bringing GMs into this is a complete waste of time.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    What are you talking about? I'm talking about tokens and shards, your talking about GMs doing what they like because this is a F2P game. Are you a GM? No. Do GMs want tokens back? Don't think they care. So bringing GMs into this is a complete waste of time.

    Gosh..by saying GMs do whateva they want,i meant that they dont CARE about Peoples Hard work,this is why i bring GMs into this.

    If we start talking about peoples hard work,there shouldnt be any oracles,any 2xp events so being high lvl would be something appreciated..
    There shouldnt be any packs or tokens so gettin' shards n stuff would be harder and appreciated ....lols

    The thing which is waste of time is that u keep posting without reading my posts carefuly.
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Gosh..by saying GMs do whateva they want,i meant that they dont CARE about Peoples Hard work,this is why i bring GMs into this.

    If we start talking about peoples hard work,there shouldnt be any oracles,any 2xp events so being high lvl would be something appreciated..
    There shouldnt be any packs or tokens so gettin' shards n stuff would be harder and appreciated ....lols

    The thing which is waste of time is that u keep posting without reading my posts carefuly.
    What you don't understand is just because the GMs don't care doesn't mean we shouldn't either......lols

    They need all that stuff to get money to run this game. However, why should we bring tokens back just because a couple of people want them to? Are they the people who worked their backsides off to be good in this game? Most probably not. They're the people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter. With a free buttler. Why should YOU have free shards while other people had not? If you want to shard your armor, get off your lazy butt and grind. Or market. Or whatever it is you do to earn money.

    The only thing which is a waste of time is that you keep arguing with me.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • LudaSihron - Lost City
    LudaSihron - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So...ure telling me to grind lmao..Dude im coming from another mmorpg game,
    Dont wanna say the name of that mmorpg but there are no Quests,
    No daily Quests,there is only f....ing Grind and i know what is grind.
    Hited 82 almost in 3 months,its just bcos i dont waste my time around n when i have time to play,i prefer to grind.
    I Left that game bcos the pvp got messed up,so i moved here on PWI.

    So m8,ill do as ur signature says,Will stop feeding the troll,
    in this topic ure the troll and im feeding u by answering u...
    So guess what im gonna do .....

    sya ingame
    ~ Miracles happen to those who believe in them ~
  • Malley - Lost City
    Malley - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    luda makes me laugh b:surrender
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Should this Thread not be merged with the Christmas list thread???

    While we are at it asking for outrageous requests.

    Could the Devs make a mob that is solely killable by me that drops Nix Feathers??

    GM's don't care??? When did a GM have the power to change something for us?? They are here to moderate the game, not MODify the game. Get your ideas straight and QQ to the correct people.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Incarnata - Harshlands
    Incarnata - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you really really really want to be buying flawless shards, can you not currently get them buy buying gold and using your gold to buy Lucky Zongzi boxes?
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So...ure telling me to grind lmao..Dude im coming from another mmorpg game,
    Dont wanna say the name of that mmorpg but there are no Quests,
    No daily Quests,there is only f....ing Grind and i know what is grind.
    Hited 82 almost in 3 months,its just bcos i dont waste my time around n when i have time to play,i prefer to grind.
    I Left that game bcos the pvp got messed up,so i moved here on PWI.

    So m8,ill do as ur signature says,Will stop feeding the troll,
    in this topic ure the troll and im feeding u by answering u...
    So guess what im gonna do .....

    sya ingame
    I'm telling you to make money and stop QQing.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Flawless shards (and above) are meant to be RARE. Not cheap junk made from leftovers of event packs. Tokens are still relatively cheap anyway...go buy some.

    Personally I did the sensible thing and stocked up enough while I had the chance to quadruple socket my entire TT90 in immaculate.
  • Darcwolf - Lost City
    Darcwolf - Lost City Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To all you low level noobs who don't want tokens back, just wait till you hit 89+ and need to get sage/demon skill books, good luck with that without tokens.

    IM 98 and have 5 skills, and only 1 is really useful, I still dont have my sage hp buff skill, my tiger phy def skil, and a few other useful tanking skills, I WAS saving up tokens for the skill book pack in 1k stream but now it looks like I have to give up on that.

    and you can say go farm FB all you want, for 1 its VERY rare for a book drop, especially for your specific class, and 2 not all of us can spend all day doing that, some of us have a life outside the game.

    And no I dont encourage oracle noobs =P
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Things are meant to be rare. Lets keep it that way. b:bye
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To all you low level noobs who don't want tokens back


    Epic trolling.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To all you low level noobs who don't want tokens back, just wait till you hit 89+ and need to get sage/demon skill books, good luck with that without tokens.

    IM 98 and have 5 skills, and only 1 is really useful, I still dont have my sage hp buff skill, my tiger phy def skil, and a few other useful tanking skills, I WAS saving up tokens for the skill book pack in 1k stream but now it looks like I have to give up on that.

    and you can say go farm FB all you want, for 1 its VERY rare for a book drop, especially for your specific class, and 2 not all of us can spend all day doing that, some of us have a life outside the game.

    And no I dont encourage oracle noobs =P

    Tokens b:dirty I want them too back. I need MORE flawless shards, and more pages to get skills level 11. Also, no one is farming substances nowdays, so that's the cheapest way to get them.
This discussion has been closed.