TW Battlefront Report - Dreamweaver: 04/12 - 06/12

Lieal - Dreamweaver
Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Tideswell (East)
Hello Dreamweaver forums! =) How are you all today? b:chuckle
For the past several months you probably have seen topics popping up here and there written by myself and Kardie on TW Reports - Kardie took over a short while after I took a break from the game, and since I've been back for about a month now and haven't seen a report from Kardie in a while - and they haven't replied to my PMs ingame, shame =( - I decided to try and see whether or not I'd be interested and have the motivation to write these again... and I'm always interested in a partnership, if Kardie or anyone would be interested.

But anyway, to stop getting off topic, with the new expansion coming - -insert many spazzes from reading lurkers here- - and with new lands coming out, and new classes, it seems that a lot of factions will be having blank days while their members try out these mysterious Tideborn... but oh, what's this? New lands, you say? Many factions will be vying to take these PvE lands for themselves soon enough, and I'm sure we'll see at least one new color on the map. ;)

So, without further ado... and apologies for this big wall of text, you can just skip over here... the upcoming TW Weekend of Dreamweaver.

EDIT: So it looks like me and Kardie will be working together to bring you this pseudo TW news story, even though not nearly enough of DW members read the forums like Sanctuary's do... -draws circles in a corner-
But anyway, we will both be alternating who will write these and if you have anything you want us to include, or want to see in these reports - do you like signing? I have been serenading a few people quite a lot lately - then PM us here or ingame, or mail or even shout for us in WC (we'll appreciate the love ;)) and we'll answer.

I hope you guys enjoy reading these again!


Territory War Weekend of 04/12/2009 – 06/12/2009

This week’s major breakdown:

Oh wow, so many wars this week... Calamity has a total of 1 offense, 7 defenses; Equinox has 1 offense, 1 defense; Dynasty has 2 defenses, and HDT has 1 defense.


Friday (04/12)
MadHouse - Wellspring Village - Calamity (8:00 PM)
DraGonS - The Great Lake - Calamity (8:03 PM)
Pinoy - Stairway To Heaven - Calamity (8:06 PM)

Saturday (05/12)
Valour - Buried Bones - Calamity (2:00 PM)
MDK - Walled Stronghold - Calamity (8:00 PM)
Vanquish - Mount Lantern - Calamity (8:03 PM)
Equinox - Plain of Farewells - Calamity (8:06 PM)

xBushidox - Black Mountain - Dynasty (8:09 PM)
Legends - Dreaming Cloud - Dynasty (8:12 PM)

Kindrid - Forest of Haze - HDT (8:15 PM)

Sunday (06/12)
Calamity - Etherblade - Equinox (8:00 PM)


Oh wow, an old face has popped up - let's welcome xBushidox back into the TW field! Who are you rooting for this weekend? ;)

On Saturday Calamity did their usual rush path TW -MadHouse was first to go in barely 5 minutes with only 2 people bothering to show up; DraGonS had a nice number of people show up for the first TW in a while, falling in 7 minutes; Pinoy, newcomer to TW, fell in 6 minutes. Good job to Calamity, and good job to MadHouse, DraGonS, and Pinoy for participating. =)

On Saturday morning, Valour staged an attack on Calamity's lands and after a great job for their first TW, Calamity went through their towers and crystal in a total time of ten minutes - great job Valour, welcome to the TW field, and hoping to see you again!

On Saturday afternoon was the real thing going down - MDK, a fake faction with no players to bother showing up for it and a refund of 10k coins, went down to Calamity in 4 minutes - afterwards, after a good fight of 29 minutes Vanquish also failed in their attack; however, the Equinox vs Calamity fight still going on that started at 8:06 was still going on - neither faction was able to get past the base towers of the other, with Equinox showing a change of strategy, moving from the paths very quickly and giving Calamity quite some trouble. A "Dead Body Spying" strategy was also employed, leaving dead players at the entrances of Calamity's gates (let us have a moment of silence for these poor soldiers...) that stayed throughout the whole fight.

Equinox made a total of four (?) pushes into Calamity's base, with Calamity rushing to defend their crystal that dropped low several times; Calamity's catapults rushed into their base and managed to get the crystal down to 50% before Equinox made a large rush into Calamity's base and dropped their crystal, after a long time of an hour and 58 minutes - this makes the FIRST victory of Calamity since the server opened!

CONGRATULATIONS TO EQUINOX! b:flower They put up a good fight, and have finally managed to conjure up the organization and strategy to defeat Calamity! As someone in WC shouted, "History has been made." What will go on tomorrow, when Calamity attacks Etherblade?

Now, Dynasty had a gank on them staged by Legends and XBushidoX - and I'm glad to say, XBushidoX is finally back on the map, winning in the a quick time of 6 minutes! Legends fell within 12 minutes. Full info, brought to you by Kardie"

Dynasty had 2 TWs this weekend against Legends and XBushidoX. Dynasty had to split their forces, and ended up dividing them equally between both battles. The war between Dynasty and XBushidoX ended in 6 minutes. Miscommunication and underestimation of the enemy caused XBushidoX to prevail over Dynasty. Once the war between Dynasty and Bushido was over, reinforcements arrived and overwhelmed Legends. The war between Legends and Dynasty lasted 12 minutes.

HDT had an attack staged on them by Kindrid, and successfully defended and overpowered within 12 minutes.

GOOD JOB TO ALL FACTIONS TODAY! =) let's look forward to Sunday!

Sunday comes bright and sunny (in Canada anyways) - a second war for the empire of Etherblade started at 8 PM EST on the clock and was over in just over 30 minutes, Calamity claiming victory once again. After several pushes into Equinox base and well played defenses by Equinox, Calamity outright ignored their defensive squads and rushed into base, destroying both C lane towers outside and went right for the crystal. Some people say Equinox just got lucky last night, others say they finally stepped up their game; who knows what it is? We're back to what we had before this week - Plain of Farewell for Etherblade? Quite the nice trade off, I think.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week with a report brought to you by Kardie, and thank you and congratulations to all factions that participated this week!! b:heart

Hmm, this report is already so long...ZZzz... I mean, okay, hello! :D

A stray little birdie has whispered in my ear that the rumours of Equinox having spies inside of Calamity are indeed true - sometime during the week, a post went up in Equinox forums, stating: "Calamity's TW strategy, straight from their forums, and my counter strategy against it." -insert gasps here- Well, we've all known all along that factions are bound to have spies within the others - come on guys, this is virtual WAR! -coughcough- While I do congratulate Equinox on their first TW win - honestly, a lot of people inside and outside of Calamity agree upon the fact that Calamity and the server needed this a LONG time ago, I'd like to mention to Equinox members and others that Calamity's base strategies and team set ups can be found right here, at the PWI Wiki, where they have been since August of this year. These two factions have been fighting since nearly the beginning of this server, and with a good computer (I lag too much, can't observer...-sigh-) it is quite visible to see Barbs, their Clerics, and their protectors. However, does this mean Calamity also has their spies inside of Equinox? Unfortunately, little birds for this are currently nonexistent... Looks like Calamity needs to start working on their defensive strategies a bit better! I am having a strange deja vu of what happened in Equinox's and Calamity's first TW, where Equinox refused to defend when needed...hmm... is there going to be a pattern here?

(And from Lieal's point of view, again, congratulations to TEMPL/\R, Illyana, Typhoeus, Pucker, Peenice, Zeratul, HaloAngel, Gabriel, and Azazel for this win!! I love you guys, and welcome back to Gabriel and Azazel <3333)

In other news, a lot of Dynasty members have been seen migrating to Equinox - what could this mean for the sever? Are these just stray people looking for a new environment, or is there something going on in the shadows here? Am I sensing a merge in the future? And what is to happen when these fabled Tideborn lands come out - will Equinox's new side faction attempt at these lands? What about Armagedon, Dynasty, and any other new faction hoping to take a spot on this map?

Concerning these, no news has been brought yet whether or not Calamity will be going for these lands - afterall, Lost City still stands as NPC land in the middle of this big, red splotch. Will Equinox relocate if they happen to lose all their lands, or will they gather enough strength again to overtake and defend against Calamity?

HDT's leader, Shino_Kirase, had this to comment when asked upon relocating: "It'd be dumb to give up the only land I have for a chance to not get a land," he says, when asked about whether or not he will be trying to relocate in a chance to get more land. When asked what his current plans are, he commented, "Building my faction to take on Calamity."

EDIT: It seems that on Sunday morning, a meeting among level 2 factions took place whether they wanted to merge together or blitz out an attack on Calamity, including factions such as Equinox and XBushidoX; Equinox has been known to try and gather up higher levels of smaller factions - and examples of this have already taken place with Dominion and Armagedon - and take out Calamity. It's rumored that XBushidoX will be staging an attack on Calamity themselves - guess we'll see next week!

Current TW Breakdown:

Calamity : 37
Equinox : 3
HDT: 1
Dynasty : 1
XBushidoX : 1


Following the color trend of PWI servers, our red faction - Calamity - was the first faction on Dreamweaver server to take a land on the 2nd week of its opening. This land was non other than Dragon Wilderness, taken in an average time of an hour and a half, very useful for the teleport to Twilight Temple. Beside them, to the right, an orange land appeared - BloodPact - and to the top, yellow took place with Immortal. BloodPact fell quickly to Calamity while Immortal was stuck between Calamity and Equinox; later on in the game, Calamity also took the first city - City of Plume - and went on to the southeast after Armagedon and Dreamweaver Port, and then north long after Immortal was wiped out and took One Thousand Streams. Lost City sits empty in the middle of all of it, still waiting for Calamity to wage war against it. To this day, Calamity has proven itself to be a great titan - started at the very beginning of the server by a player named Seraphim, class: wizard - and has not lost a single TW (coming quite close to it several times, though). With the new expansion coming, no info has been given whether or not Calamity will go after these lands. The only two leaders of Calamity have been Seraphim (quitting game last August) and Tyranny, with Directors being Tyranny - now leader - and Lightaine.

Known alliances were Calamity and Equinox.

Current leader is Tyranny, with Lightaine as Director. Factions taken down by Calamity also include Elysium with King's Feast (most moved to Equinox), and rogue Calamity players in Covenant at Buried Bones.

No feeder or sister factions has been known. A stray faction made up of ex Calamity members was Covenant.

For fun, first TW: Click here and here.

Equinox :
A merge faction between two smaller factions - Empire (still seen today) led by xJaYx (cleric) and Momentum led by Zion (barb) to create one new faction, "Equinox", led by xJaYx and Zion as its Director. This faction took their first land - Avalanche Canyon - to the north in a time of 2 hours and 16 minutes, and moved on through the north parts of the map, taking out TheTitans to the northeast, Dominion to the north, Bliss at Great Lake at the center, and later on Crusaders - a faction turned EQ side faction - to the east. Equinox took Etherblade a short time after Calamity took Plume and has held it since then; they are currently left with 3 lands, most taken over by Calamity. A well known alliance pact between Equinox and Calamity stood for quite some time until Equinox attacked their territories, losing after a tough and fun TW (this was also effected by their then Director and TW Planner leaving the night before to Calamity, and their leader arriving late to the TW); who knows, had this maybe not happened, things in the future could have gone down differently. Equinox still stands strong with faithful members, only being taken down by Calamity and defending successfully against all other factions attacking them, including a small-known TW faction of XBushidoX, a faction that started up mainly composed of ex Immortal members after their leader left. Their original director quit and was replaced with Lightwish, who later became leader with Lieal as an alternating Director due to no set Director suitable; soon after, Lightwish left game and leadership was passed on to Wolfgang, with Supernova as Director. Ajay soon took over the position of Director, alternating with Wolfgang as leader for TW bidding.

Equinox alliances have included Calamity and Equinox, Equinox and Dynasty (when Dynasty held Harshlands), Equinox and Crusaders, and a merge with Armagedon in an attempt to defeat Calamity that eventually broke down Armagedon from the inside and lack of TW players.

Known side and "feeder" factions of Equinox have been Solstice, Crusaders - sister faction - and Inversion.

Current leader is Wolfgang, with Ajay as Director. Other faction defeated by Equinox is DamageInc (info unknown).

For fun, first TW: Click here and here.

Full name is "High Death Toll". HDT was originally created by Shino_Kirase. The faction HDT was created 2 weeks after the start of the server. However, HDT only started to become a factor in TW during July. Their first TW was on July 11th. Their opponents in TW were ENVY, Armagedon, Equinox, Crusaders and Dynasty. Forest of Haze was HDT's first ever land that was captured. Shino_Kirase is the current leader of HDT, but there was a time during September where he took a break and passed the responsibilities of leadership to Satchiko. The current Director of HDT is Devilness. The former Directors included Underoath, zangetsu, Leartes during most of the summer, and Phyrexia.

And straight from the words of their leader, HDT was created April 16, 2009; their leader created a cleric to join BloodPact at the time, and then after being kicked from TheTitans, he and a lot of their active members decided to bring up HDT again.

One of the smaller factions that took a land at the beginning of the server, with __Cloud__ as leader. Dynasty started during the first days of the server. The core members originated from another server, and were literally a family. On the 3rd week of TWs on the server, Dynasty had finally conquered Black Mountain. However, Armagedon had other plans, and attacked Dynasty and took away Black Mountain. Dynasty then located to Harshlands. After a while, Equinox also had other plans for Dynasty, and Dynasty was once again wiped off the map. Dynasty then went to attack Black Mountain. Then Dynasty hopped over to Dreaming Cloud with a combined attack with Bushido. A threatening gank to Calamity was about to occur, but was saved by inopportune timing. Armagedon then decided to wipe off Dynasty from the map for a second time, thus sending Dynasty to Immolation Camp. Dynasty lost Immolation Camp after some time to Exclusive, and headed back to Armagedon for revenge. Dynasty was successful in their assault on Armagedon. Dynasty then headed over to Black Mountain for Hunter's territory. Dynasty had managed to attain two territories and hold off an attack from the returning Armagedon. Over the course of the Server, Dynasty recruited many people, mergers were offered, but none succesful occured. Dynasty has been wiped off the map on several occasions, only to come back and regain territory. A truly persistent and determined faction.

Current leader is SmexyGal, Director WackyTaffy. Thanks to Kardie and WackyTaffy for the info! :D

Click here for current map.

*No personal insult is meant to go out to anyone now, or in any future reports. Names will not be mentioned with the exception of officers.*

*If you notice any MISTAKES in here (please facts only, the RUMOURS/BEHIND THE SCENES are only what I have OBSERVED, please feel free to notify me*

Hope to see you all next weekend.
Post edited by Lieal - Dreamweaver on


  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I look forward to working with you Lieal :]
  • Thrivelia - Dreamweaver
    Thrivelia - Dreamweaver Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Current TW Breakdown:

    Calamity : 38 (?)
    Equinox : 3
    HDT: 1
    Dynasty : 2

    cala has 37 territories i think.. or did I count wrong.. b:embarrass
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    cala has 37 territories i think.. or did I count wrong.. b:embarrass

    Haha thank you... it was a pain to count them straight from the ingame map. @_@
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:kiss to ya both D:
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • SultryShade - Dreamweaver
    SultryShade - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Welcome back to the reporting biz Lieal ^^ I for one like reading what you and Kardie write on the TW going ons, as I am factionless and could care less about the TW map so I really don't pay attention, since I have no doubt it'll all be owned by Calamity some day anyway, but its still interesting to read (also nice to stay updated when I take breaks)
    I will not hesitate to beat you over the head with your own stupidity.

    Yes I am a hypocrite.
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I heard a rumor in archosaur from my friend that dates one of the cousins' best friend of the duke's 9th wife... that Calamity doesnt takes city of the lost so gms wont reset the map b:chuckle
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Trista_Zel - Dreamweaver
    Trista_Zel - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I heard a rumor in archosaur from my friend that dates one of the cousins' best friend of the duke's 9th wife... that Calamity doesnt takes city of the lost so gms wont reset the map b:chuckle

    GMs won't reset the map anyway. City of the Lost isn't a big concern for them at the moment because they own all the territory around it so no one else can even make a try for it. Once they own every thing else on the map, maybe they'll go for it. But really, they could take it at any time.
    Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
  • Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver
    Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Welcome back Lieal great job

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver
    LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    "... HDT has 1 offense."
    We're defending against Kindrid, not attacking :]
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ah thanks, I'll fix it. ^^ And thank you for the welcome backs. =)
  • Tyranny - Dreamweaver
    Tyranny - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Great reading as usual. I loved the links to the screenies. Sure takes me back. Anyways, current and ex-leaders/directors of Cala were mentioned but I want to emphasize that it is both the entire roster of officers and commissioners that make Calamity what it was and what it is. I personally want to thank everyone for their hard work and perseverance.

    Thank-you again for the great read Lieal and I look forward to seeing everyone on the battlefield.
  • Zynobia - Dreamweaver
    Zynobia - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Great to see another update from you Lieal, always looked forward to reading your reports. Very small correction for you though, (I is the Matthew) and I was never director, just a Marshal.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Great to see another update from you Lieal, always looked forward to reading your reports. Very small correction for you though, (I is the Matthew) and I was never director, just a Marshal.

    Hmm I remember seeing Director above your name... oh well, thanks :D
  • Lightaine - Dreamweaver
    Lightaine - Dreamweaver Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Tyranny found the forums? Quick, hide the crabcakes! b:shocked
  • SultryShade - Dreamweaver
    SultryShade - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Quite the interesting read on the histories, though you did mention names b:chuckle
    I will not hesitate to beat you over the head with your own stupidity.

    Yes I am a hypocrite.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Quite the interesting read on the histories, though you did mention names b:chuckle

    Yes, but cant exactly go into histories without the names of Leaders and Directors...hmm, maybe I should remove that from the disclaimer. b:laugh
  • Kardie - Dreamweaver
    Kardie - Dreamweaver Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There was nothing derogatory stated about them, so its all good.
  • donbo
    donbo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I heard a rumor in archosaur from my friend that dates one of the cousins' best friend of the duke's 9th wife... that Calamity doesnt takes city of the lost so gms wont reset the map b:chuckle

    b:chucklewe just like having lost that color b:bye
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Lieal!

    nice report, enjoyed reading it.

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Loarvion - Dreamweaver
    Loarvion - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    eq didnt take midnight midnight merged with dominion about 3 weeks before eq decided to attack dominion ^^

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Equinox alliances have included Calamity and Equinox, Equinox and Dynasty (when Dynasty held Harshlands), Equinox and Crusaders, and a merge with Armagedon in an attempt to defeat Calamity that eventually broke down Armagedon from the inside and lack of TW players.

    The only alliance HDT ever had was a coordinated attack on Armagedon by them and Dynasty.

    Dynasty was successful in their assault on Armagedon.

    Am not trying to flame, nitpick your 'mistakes,' or make excuses for why armagedon failed to hold off.. or get back land from Dynasty. I realize it is from what you and maybe a few others observed.

    Anyways I was IN armagedon, we all left for our own reasons, (I for one left due to me not wanting to feel like I HAVE to help out the new recruits 40+ was a little too low imho) but armagedon merged with exculsive. Though not all of arma members went to exculsive a few went to Equinox like maybe 10 or so, others went to dynasty, and maybe even a few others went to different factions.

    Also armagedon only just recently lost to dynasty and it was a bad turn out for armagedon, like 55ish to 80. Dynasty tried for three consectivue weeks to 'gank' armagedon, and it wasnt until the third week, and tigger decided to move the faction up north, and this is kind of where it fell apart. (I think he made the right choice trying to get into a gank with equinox, it is only inevitable that calamity would have turned its attention to us, and the other faction(s) holding lands) Though as I am sure some of you could imagine some of the people didnt agree with this or like it, and left when arma made the move.

    One more thing about the ganking that hdt did with 'dynasty' I could have swore that it wa HDT, and xBushidox that ganked armagedon.

    EDIT: BTW FYI I am in equinox now, but I was in armagedon, so I had a kind of first hand experience with what happened with the tw.
    As for Damageinc well I was in them too, they unforunately fell apart due to a stubborn leader never being on, and not giving up his spot until he could.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thanks Loar, I'll go edit it ^^

    As for Silvaf's post - thank you for the information, I myself never was in Armagedon or had any close friends there, so indepth reasons for Armagedon's actions have always been a little tough to get. =p The above HDT and Dynasty information was passed along to me with WackyTaffy and Devilness writing it out to Kardie, who then mailed it to me - I'm sorry if it's wrong or has false info, and thank you for leaving this here to show your point of view as an ex-Armagedon member ^^

    And don't worry, unless someone outright starts insulting me and Kardie, I don't take anything as flaming... so guys, if you see any mistakes here or something you'd like to comment on, feel free to do as long as you're polite. ;)
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thanks Loar, I'll go edit it ^^

    As for Silvaf's post - thank you for the information, I myself never was in Armagedon or had any close friends there, so indepth reasons for Armagedon's actions have always been a little tough to get. =p The above HDT and Dynasty information was passed along to me with WackyTaffy and Devilness writing it out to Kardie, who then mailed it to me - I'm sorry if it's wrong or has false info, and thank you for leaving this here to show your point of view as an ex-Armagedon member ^^

    And don't worry, unless someone outright starts insulting me and Kardie, I don't take anything as flaming... so guys, if you see any mistakes here or something you'd like to comment on, feel free to do as long as you're polite. ;)

    ^^ :D lol good was still able to understand me more or less despite my typos. =x lol

    I'll be honest with you its very possible that hdt tried working out a gank attempt with dynasty against armagedon, I can't really remember atm. (that or i just didn't hear about it) My memory isn't what it used to be.

    Btw it was indeed a interesting read. :) And thank you and your partner for writing these reports I for one am too lazy to keep track of this stuff. =x lol
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Miiko - Dreamweaver
    Miiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thank you for bringing us these reports again, they're a good read. b:cute
    Miiko: a Venomancer powered by coffee. c[_]

    Dynasty recruiting people level 75+ ^-^
  • _vincent - Dreamweaver
    _vincent - Dreamweaver Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Dynasty lost to another gank b:cry. There's always next week though b:victory.
  • Aurin - Dreamweaver
    Aurin - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Way is city of the lost npc?...
    Ill get real about training once i have a fraction/ new classes pop up
    Im looking for a fraction
  • Shino_Kirase - Dreamweaver
    Shino_Kirase - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:chuckle So you all know HDT had another successful defence.. only cause these small faction are easy and boring =P but yeah I managed to die 3 times twice by towers and once by a group of 8 people that kept getting rezzed around me x.x but meh we didn't even build Towers against Kindrid Obly needs to step up his game =P Hopefully we get more organized and start having fun TWs with Calamity soon
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:chuckle So you all know HDT had another successful defence.. only cause these small faction are easy and boring =P but yeah I managed to die 3 times twice by towers and once by a group of 8 people that kept getting rezzed around me x.x but meh we didn't even build Towers against Kindrid Obly needs to step up his game =P Hopefully we get more organized and start having fun TWs with Calamity soon

    next TW week might be interesting...
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    In other news, a lot of Dynasty members have been seen migrating to Equinox. these are just stray people looking for a new environment

    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Shino_Kirase - Dreamweaver
    Shino_Kirase - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Mizuoni I love you sometimes you're pretty funny =P