Lost in the mountains

bandung974 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi everyone , i have just a little problem :s

I'm a Venomancer level 17 (yes a noob) and i wanted to see all the world of perfect world. (indeed a noob)
In my journey i arrived at "Valley of the Gods" and i fell in a hole and i encountered some impressive (for my level) monster a Nivasometing (kind of yeti) level 95...i died and revived at Avalance village.

And here i have a problem when i speak with the teleporter i can't use it (the destination can't be chose).
I don't see other player here.

What should i do ? (other than erase my character ;) )
Run and hope no monster will go after me ? Or i don't have the just amount of coin ?

Post edited by bandung974 on


  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As a female character, you have one useful option - beg a higher level male character to carry you and fly you out.

    Alternately, if you just stick to the paths you should be able to sneak back home.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bandung974 wrote: »
    Hi everyone , i have just a little problem :s

    I'm a Venomancer level 17 (yes a noob) and i wanted to see all the world of perfect world. (indeed a noob)
    In my journey i arrived at "Valley of the Gods" and i fell in a hole and i encountered some impressive (for my level) monster a Nivasometing (kind of yeti) level 95...i died and revived at Avalance village.

    And here i have a problem when i speak with the teleporter i can't use it (the destination can't be chose).
    I don't see other player here.

    What should i do ? (other than erase my character ;) )
    Run and hope no monster will go after me ? Or i don't have the just amount of coin ?


    1.Expensive way (I never used it):
    at item mall (to enter it at game press alt+o) - http://pwi.perfectworld.com/store/itemmall you can buy Geographic Map Portal_Geographic-Map_pic.jpg for 5 gold which you can use to learn every waypoint in Perfect World (to use teleporter).

    2. Run and hope no monster will go after you (I prefered myself)

    3. Ask some male to carry you to other town, because your character is female.
  • bandung974
    bandung974 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thanks a lot guys ! b:thanks
    I have followed the path and threw my body in the river and reached a safer land b:kiss