Eldergroth Warrior and sharpshooters?

ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Venomancer
I was out doing a quest getting some leather close to FB39.I went over and tamed both of these pets and one as a lvl5 bash and the other lvl3 or 4.I was wondering how good are these for those who need upgrading.

I used my C-Mag instead of my Herc even though Herc now as lvl 3 bash.The C-Mag has higher damage then the Herc even though both are the same lvl.The C-Mag still has a lvl2 bash.

To Tweakz What are your thoughts on this?
Post edited by ewingoil on


  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Warrior doesn't have range abilities, sharpshooters are just higher level marksmen. Their stats are basically half a level lower than that of a marksman at the same level.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ewingoil wrote: »
    I used my C-Mag instead of my Herc even though Herc now as lvl 3 bash.The C-Mag has higher damage then the Herc even though both are the same lvl.The C-Mag still has a lvl2 bash.

    To Tweakz What are your thoughts on this?

    The C-mag has higher atk, but the Herc has higher DPS (Damage per Second) excluding skills because of it's attack rate. Not sure if the C-mag is more suitable for anything that another pet isn't. I'm pretty sure there are better uses for your pet bag space.

    ps, and what Brael said.
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  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    tweakz wrote: »
    The C-mag has higher atk, but the Herc has higher DPS (Damage per Second) excluding skills because of it's attack rate. Not sure if the C-mag is more suitable for anything that another pet isn't. I'm pretty sure there are better uses for your pet bag space.

    ps, and what Brael said.

    I wouldn't disagree with you as I am doing a few last runs with the C-Mag before I retire it.I just noticed this that is all.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ewingoil wrote: »
    I used my C-Mag instead of my Herc even though Herc now as lvl 3 bash.The C-Mag has higher damage then the Herc even though both are the same lvl.The C-Mag still has a lvl2 bash.
    Based on Brael's finding of a 9.5 sec cycle time for Bash (in my timings it varies between 9 and 10 sec, so 9.5 sec average seems about right):

    At level 90 with Bash 5:

    Herc has 2672 atk with 0.8 sec attack speed.
    In 8 sec, it executes 6.4 regular attacks for 2672 damage.
    In 1.5 sec, it executes 1 Bash for 5344 damage.
    Total damage per 9.5 sec = 22,444.8 damage
    DPS = 2362.6

    CMag has 3240 atk with 0.6 sec attack speed.
    In 8 sec, it executes 4.8 regular attacks for 3240 damage.
    In 1.5 sec, it executes 1 Bash for 6480 damage.
    Total damage per 9.5 sec = 22,032 damage
    DPS = 2319.2 (about 1.8% less than the herc)

    A couple caveats however. Bash damage is front-loaded. That is, your first bash is essentially free (no wait for cooldown) and fires at the beginning of the fight. This gives the CMag a leg up on short fights since it opens the fight at 6480 damage vs. the herc's 5344 damage. For grinding on regular mobs (stuff that dies in about 15-20 sec), I could easily see a CMag out-damaging a herc, albeit by a small margin.
    Edit: It should take ~26 sec for the herc's damage to catch up to and pas the CMag's, but the damage progression is bursty and I'll have to plot it to get an exact answer.

    The lower the level of Bash, the greater the advantage of the herc. The CMag's base DPS (without Bash) is undisputedly lower than the herc's. Since Bash 5 gets it close to by not quite up to the herc's average DPS, having a lower level Bash will leave it further behind the herc in DPS.