Safetly Lock

Abide - Harshlands
Abide - Harshlands Posts: 92 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Does safetly lock like not make your items drop even if your DARK red name?
~! Pkers Cons !~
Pking Noobs = Raging Noobs = Noobs get high level ( Also feeling sorry that level 30's getting pked by 80s+ = Them same Noobs that was being pked and now is a higher level Thurst bang them same high levels that were pking them = Hurting the Clans that pk low level noobs because in the long run them same noobs might would of want to join your faction but now they think otherwise and go to another faction.

This is the life line i will live.

완벽한 세상이 프로.
Post edited by Abide - Harshlands on


  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yes as it is locked it does what it says more in it in the Tech forum
  • Worship - Harshlands
    Worship - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    yeah its great for low level pkers... make sure you have time remaining on your lock then go have fun. Though there is a small percent chance that a piece of your gear might shatter when you die.