Actual or Written



  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:surrender not quite I went what is the right formula that the game uses to figure out weapon and rings and such into the magic attack. Because logicly if I add a 0 to the end of the attack on the weapon it end up the damage most of the time but that negates the rings and isn't the same as the stated attack. I have stated I never wanted to know about damage or how my magic attack is figured from my weapon is more of my question. I already know how damage is figured from my magic attack its how I get that magic attack is my question or is it valid. How does this go into this how do they figure the number out


  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Not sure about the maths, but Pressa is turning into MagicHamsta's protege

    *runs for hills * he has corrupted the forums with his Hamsterisms b:shocked

    sorry for double post but just have to b:dirty Hamster didn't corrupt me there is just one of us on each server b:pleased Hamster has lost and I have HT
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Your base mag damage (the one that shows up in your char sheet)

    Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery) * ( equip attack )

    Equip attack = your level + dam from weapon + sapphire shards in weap + damage from rings

    if you have a skill that does base damage + 100% weapon + 3000 you do:

    Skill Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    You do that skill under advance spark (+400% weapon damage)

    Advanced sparked damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00 + 4.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    Now this is the damage you do to same or lower level mobs that have 0% resist. Do it on a horse or hen and you will see close to this damage. Fighting orange or red mobs gives you a damage penalty.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Your base mag damage (the one that shows up in your char sheet)

    Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery) * ( equip attack )

    Equip attack = your level + dam from weapon + sapphire shards in weap + damage from rings

    if you have a skill that does base damage + 100% weapon + 3000 you do:

    Skill Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    You do that skill under advance spark (+400% weapon damage)

    Advanced sparked damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00 + 4.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    Now this is the damage you do to same or lower level mobs that have 0% resist. Do it on a horse or hen and you will see close to this damage. Fighting orange or red mobs gives you a damage penalty.

    Um your formula is off a bit aster doing that same formula instead of giving 17k it gives me 14k meaning its a bit off and thats all of magic buffs stuff
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Your base mag damage (the one that shows up in your char sheet)

    Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery) * ( equip attack )

    Equip attack = your level + dam from weapon + sapphire shards in weap + damage from rings

    if you have a skill that does base damage + 100% weapon + 3000 you do:

    Skill Damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    You do that skill under advance spark (+400% weapon damage)

    Advanced sparked damage = (1 + Mag/100 + mastery + 1.00 + 4.00) * (equip attack) + 3000

    Now this is the damage you do to same or lower level mobs that have 0% resist. Do it on a horse or hen and you will see close to this damage. Fighting orange or red mobs gives you a damage penalty.

    Magic users don't have their masteries automatically added in like phsyical people, as their mastery is dependent on which skill is used. Equip a bow, only thing that matters is bow mastery, so it shows. Equip a magic sword on a cleric, and metal mastery won't show, since plume shot doesn't use it. And wizards have 4 different element types to juggle. So it is only added on at cast. And the lower mastery amount has lead to believing it is an all-over multiplier, otherwise it would matter too little considering the caster's stat isn't a portion like physical DDs. And since the damage increase is pretty noticeable when playing, it pretty much has to be multiplied against the whole thing.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Magic users don't have their masteries automatically added in like phsyical people, as our mastery is dependent on which skill is used. Equip a bow, only thing that matters is bow mastery, so it shows. Equip a magic sword on a cleric, and metal mastery won't show, since plume shot doesn't use it. And wizards have 4 different element types to juggle. So it is only added on at cast. And the lower mastery amount has lead to believing it is an all-over multiplier, otherwise it would matter too little considering our stat isn't a portion like physical DDs.

    Ahh I wasnt sure about the masteries being in the char sheet. Reading the mastery descriptions for magic users it doesn't mention weapon attack so it does sound like an damage multiplier. It probably adds with the other damage multipliers like extreme poison, amplified damage, and HF.
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  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ahh I wasnt sure about the masteries being in the char sheet. Reading the mastery descriptions for magic users it doesn't mention weapon attack so it does sound like an damage multiplier. It probably adds with the other damage multipliers like extreme poison, amplified damage, and HF.

    Possibly, but coding-wise seems easier to seperate them. Skill A consists of all that stuff already added together off of the player character in a nice-neat package. It does its function and gives a set amount of damage out. Amps occur outside it based on the target. Seems kinda strange to over-lap them, but it is possible I suppose. Easy thing to test though, just cast without weapon equipped and check if the number you get from normal casts is amped by the exact number of the amp. If it is, then mastery is added pre-amp, and gets amped as well.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Possibly, but coding-wise seems easier to seperate them. Skill A consists of all that stuff already added together off of the player character in a nice-neat package. It does its function and gives a set amount of damage out. Amps occur outside it based on the target. Seems kinda strange to over-lap them, but it is possible I suppose. Easy thing to test though, just cast without weapon equipped and check if the number you get from normal casts is amped by the exact number of the amp. If it is, then mastery is added pre-amp, and gets amped as well.

    Most things you think could multiply together simply add. Like if I have a 10% evasion ring and buff myself with 30% more evasion I end up with 40% evasion and not 43%. The 5% HP you get from a sky demon pearl adds with barb hp buff.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
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  • Fruitluips - Lost City
    Fruitluips - Lost City Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:cold okay no offense people but thats really not even remotely similar to what I asked read the dam post don't just skim. Pressa hates skimmers I don't want how much damage I do to a mob or how I figure it out. Pressa wants to know how 800 weapon attack becomes 6k and don't say my points in magic cause Pressa is going to give you a swift kick if you do cause you ain't reading.
    I can't help but skim your posts because you type like a total idiot
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
  • Aneemah - Heavens Tear
    Aneemah - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Again for @Telarith and @Asterelle:

    "Cayeon's Guide on Full Attack Clerics"
    >>> Exactly how much base magic attack does MAG give?

    It depends on your level and your equipment magic attack. Basically it goes like this:

    (level+equipment magic attack)/100

    For example, if you have 550 equipment magic attack at level 50, every point in MAG will give you 6 base
    magic attack.

    >>> What is the difference between equipment magic attack and base magic attack?

    Equipment magic attack: You get it by adding all +magic attack giving equipments, i.e. weapon, rings,
    soulstones and bonus stats.

    For example, if your weapon gives 500-650 magic attack, your rings 100, your soulstones 15, and your
    bonus stats 25, your equipment magic attack is 640-790.

    Base magic attack: This is the value you see under Magic Attack in your character window. You can
    calculate it with the following formula:

    (1+(MAG/100))*(level+equipment magic attack)

    For example, if you have 1100-1500 equipment magic attack and 500 MAG at level 100, you’ll have
    around 7200-9600 base magic attack.

    You see, it’s not a simple addition. MAG actually acts as an amplifier.

    >>> How did you calculate the damage of all the different builds?

    The approximate formula is: ((base magic attack)+(MAG+weapon magic attack)*(magic attack % from
    skill)+skill add-on damage)*(100% + additional % from metal mastery)

    Please note that it doesn’t take into account the mob’s defense. Unless you can figure out how much
    damage reduction a specific mob has exactly, you can only calculate your damage on the extreme low
    level mobs like goats and dogs.

    >>> Where did you find these formulas? Are they really 100% accurate?

    I came up with the MAG and magic attack formulas myself, and I’m very sure they’re accurate. Numerous
    calculations all have come up with exactly the right value. If you’re in doubt, you can test them yourself;
    they’re relatively easy to calculate.

    The damage formula I got from the official forums of PW-PH, but here my tests have shown some minor
    deviations from the expected results, so I cannot guarantee its absolute validity. Still, it did a good job to
    accurately predict the % damage loss of the alternative armor builds compared to Pure MAG.

    Hope you get the best out of it.