Heals Show on Screen!!!

Black_lce - Heavens Tear
Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Suggestion Box
This will probly be moved, but i wanted it here to see wat other clerics thought of the idea ^^.

i was thinking in a TT tonight, "y don't heal crit?" It's a stupid question but theres no proof as to them criting or not cause we have no idea how much were healing at a time.

So we got to thinking, wat if heals show'd up on ur screen like dmg does on a mob. like if i'm healing a tank and use wellspring, in blue(or green xP) writing 3425 poped up over his head and thats how much it healed him for. or if i used ih it could show up like a DoT skill. that way we could track out heals and know wat our limits r, other than eyeballing it.

also it would hlp prove if heals crit by having "Critical Heal" pop up like "critical hit" does haha

Share ur ideas ppl, i wanna see blue numbers goin crazy on my screem as i spam ih xD
Post edited by Black_lce - Heavens Tear on


  • Lenyel - Harshlands
    Lenyel - Harshlands Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This will probly be moved, but i wanted it here to see wat other clerics thought of the idea ^^.

    i was thinking in a TT tonight, "y don't heal crit?" It's a stupid question but theres no proof as to them criting or not cause we have no idea how much were healing at a time.

    So we got to thinking, wat if heals show'd up on ur screen like dmg does on a mob. like if i'm healing a tank and use wellspring, in blue(or green xP) writing 3425 poped up over his head and thats how much it healed him for. or if i used ih it could show up like a DoT skill. that way we could track out heals and know wat our limits r, other than eyeballing it.

    also it would hlp prove if heals crit by having "Critial Heal" pop up like "critical hit" does haha

    Share ur ideas ppl, i wanna see blue numbers goin crazy on my screem as i spam ih xD

    I want this b:dirty
  • Henchman - Dreamweaver
    Henchman - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I would love it. DD's get to talk about there highest critical hit was. Us clerics can brag about our highest IH crit XD
  • Mkto - Heavens Tear
    Mkto - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This will be awesome b:victory
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This will probly be moved, an i already have it in the cleric forums xD, but i wanna spread the idea to get to happen b:victory.

    i was thinking in a TT tonight, "y don't heal crit?" It's a stupid question but theres no proof as to them criting or not cause we have no idea how much were healing at a time.

    So we got to thinking, wat if heals show'd up on ur screen like dmg does on a mob. like if i'm healing a tank and use wellspring, in blue(or green xP) writing 3425 poped up over his head and thats how much it healed him for. or if i used ih it could show up like a DoT skill. that way we could track out heals and know wat our limits r, other than eyeballing it.

    also it would hlp prove if heals crit by having "Critical Heal" pop up like "critical hit" does haha

    Share ur ideas ppl, i wanna see blue numbers goin crazy on my screem as i spam ih xD
  • Pegasi - Lost City
    Pegasi - Lost City Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think this would be highly useful because every level I make it to seems to be a whole new learning process. People have different HP, my heal only does so much and I have to eye it a lot before I know what I can and cannot do. A shown number would help a lot, then I would know for sure if something was out damaging my heal.
    When Saukey decides she can swim, I know I didn't get the DC pop-up again. Wish she swam when it matters.
  • AngryInch - Dreamweaver
    AngryInch - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That's a pretty good idea, although with stacking heal spells that bring HP up over time like IronHeart, the heal numbers would be a bit... spammy. Especially with 2+ clerics healing a single target. I'm a bit on the fence with this one.
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Not a bad one, but it would get annoying. Make it optional. I personally would like to use it to see How much improvement in healing I get when I upgrade weapon.
  • Candeh_Love - Sanctuary
    Candeh_Love - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well it's a good AND bad idea xD
    Good because it would feed my curiousity and I'd have another thing to shout except "crit of X", I could go like: "crit heal of X" :D

    Bad because, frankly, it'd be another thing to be added to my panic attacks during spam healing! Just think of it

    Example: "Omg! I healed for 4k omg not good the mob is doing 4.5K *spams some more IH* Omg noes I only healed for 3.8k this time, omg we're all gonna die" xD Neah, seriously, it'd just be another stress adding factor and when I'm on my cleric I feel enough stress as I twitch every time someone's HP bar goes down a tiny bit b:surrender
  • MeatbunXD - Dreamweaver
    MeatbunXD - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ooooh I'd want this! b:shy
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This reminds me when I wondered, "What if clerics had zerk?"


    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That's a pretty good idea, although with stacking heal spells that bring HP up over time like IronHeart, the heal numbers would be a bit... spammy. Especially with 2+ clerics healing a single target. I'm a bit on the fence with this one.

    well its the same as a dot skill, and have u ever seen a fist bms dmg go up? lulz

    but only u would see the numbers, like when someone hits a mob, u dont see their dmg pop up, u only see ur dmg pop up. thus meaning only u can see ur healing numbers ;)

    it could be used not only for clerics, but fer bms, barbs, venos, and wiz's.
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well it's a good AND bad idea xD
    Good because it would feed my curiousity and I'd have another thing to shout except "crit of X", I could go like: "crit heal of X" :D

    Bad because, frankly, it'd be another thing to be added to my panic attacks during spam healing! Just think of it

    Example: "Omg! I healed for 4k omg not good the mob is doing 4.5K *spams some more IH* Omg noes I only healed for 3.8k this time, omg we're all gonna die" xD Neah, seriously, it'd just be another stress adding factor and when I'm on my cleric I feel enough stress as I twitch every time someone's HP bar goes down a tiny bit b:surrender
    lol A fully Stacked IH can overpower alot......So you really don't need to worry. I survived 2 Davinci's pounding on me In 1-3 just by spamming IH on myself. lol

    Like I said though....should make it optional if anything.
  • AngryInch - Dreamweaver
    AngryInch - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    well its the same as a dot skill, and have u ever seen a fist bms dmg go up? lulz

    but only u would see the numbers, like when someone hits a mob, u dont see their dmg pop up, u only see ur dmg pop up. thus meaning only u can see ur healing numbers ;)

    it could be used not only for clerics, but fer bms, barbs, venos, and wiz's.

    Oh yes, you're right. My head was in console RPGs where you see everyone's damage and healing. Spam wouldn't be as bad as I thought, so yes the idea's looking more appealing now!
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well it's a good AND bad idea xD
    Good because it would feed my curiousity and I'd have another thing to shout except "crit of X", I could go like: "crit heal of X" :D

    Bad because, frankly, it'd be another thing to be added to my panic attacks during spam healing! Just think of it

    Example: "Omg! I healed for 4k omg not good the mob is doing 4.5K *spams some more IH* Omg noes I only healed for 3.8k this time, omg we're all gonna die" xD Neah, seriously, it'd just be another stress adding factor and when I'm on my cleric I feel enough stress as I twitch every time someone's HP bar goes down a tiny bit b:surrender

    well w/ the numbers u could tell if u can heal them alone, or if u needed some help, making it less of a stress then not knowing and failing, soon after to get yelled at by the party =/
    This reminds me when I wondered, "What if clerics had zerk?"



    ya, y dont magic weapons have added effects? o.o
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol, I was thinking of critical healing. I wanted to make a light cleric. If it is possible to crit heal, I would definitely play as one. This is a great way to check =^^=

    Maybe put it in suggestions :D I'd vote yes.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Candeh_Love - Sanctuary
    Candeh_Love - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol A fully Stacked IH can overpower alot......So you really don't need to worry. I survived 2 Davinci's pounding on me In 1-3 just by spamming IH on myself. lol

    Like I said though....should make it optional if anything.

    Indeed it can but still...pwi gods are sometimes merciless upon the one I heal :(
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol, I was thinking of critical healing. I wanted to make a light cleric. If it is possible to crit heal, I would definitely play as one.

    Maybe put it in suggestions :D I'd vote yes.

    i'm LA, soo that sparked the idea haha
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i'm LA, soo that sparked the idea haha

    Coolness ^^
    Did you find your heal greater than an arcane at times?

    Hey... don't you owe me axes >w<
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Candeh_Love - Sanctuary
    Candeh_Love - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    well w/ the numbers u could tell if u can heal them alone, or if u needed some help, making it less of a stress then not knowing and failing, soon after to get yelled at by the party =/

    Hmmm good point, that might lessen the squad rampage with forks and torches upon clerics ;x
  • mazzle
    mazzle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Qq Qq Qq
    1 2 3
    Oh while we're at it, why not make the heals use masteries so they heal more, i mean clerics already heal pretty well as it already but adding some useless content such as crite healing wont cause any unbalanced side effect.

    can do same for veno too god knows they dont heal enough to keep herc alive.
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ok i moved this to the Suggestion thread and added a poll so the GM's can see how many ppl want this and how many don't. take it as the un-official, official vote for it xP.

    i was thinking in a TT tonight, "y don't heal crit?" It's a stupid question but theres no proof as to them criting or not cause we have no idea how much were healing at a time.

    So we got to thinking, wat if heals show'd up on ur screen like dmg does on a mob. like if i'm healing a tank and use wellspring, in blue(or green xP) writing 3425 poped up over his head and thats how much it healed him for. or if i used ih it could show up like a DoT skill. that way we could track out heals and know wat our limits r, other than eyeballing it.

    it would also work for other classes too, not just for clerics. like a bm's sutra, barbs sunder, venos pet heals, and wiz's morning dew.

    the numbers would only show up on ur screen and the person ur healing's screen.=brought up by Vraii ^^

    also it would hlp prove if heals crit by having "Critical Heal" pop up like "critical hit" does haha

    Share ur ideas ppl, i wanna see blue numbers goin crazy on my screem as i spam ih xD

    if u dissagree, or have an idea to make it better. just post or else it wont get any better =/
  • Sir_Martin - Lost City
    Sir_Martin - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol i think this is a awesome idea xD and funny one also =P
    [SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ok, I was actually thinking about this very thing the other day, and I think I have a good, albeit long, way of testing; just as with testing any other critical hit related topic, you need a MASSIVE sample to draw from.

    Best way is 3 ppl, all in pk mode. For our purposes, I say barb, wiz, and cleric. Everyone fly to a remote location where no one will hassle you, maybe where the lvl 102mobs are.

    Have barb strip off all gear, and wiz knock him down to about 1/4 hp. Have cleric use wellspring surge, taking note of barb's hp before and after. Repeat. A lot.

    To make it easier, your cleric will want a a high critical hit %, which isn't always easy. Another way to do it would be w/ wizard doing the heal, as LA wiz will have higher natural crit than most clerics.

    You get the idea. After a few hundred heals, some statistician can figure out how many, you "should" have gotten the heal to crit. If not....
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Coolness ^^
    Did you find your heal greater than an arcane at times?

    Hey... don't you owe me axes >w<

    i dont really c the difference from heal since i changed =/ i can still solo heal the same as before, but i was hybrid (7,2,1) haha

    UR THE WINNER!!!!!

    lmao xD

    mazzle wrote: »
    Oh while we're at it, why not make the heals use masteries so they heal more, i mean clerics already heal pretty well as it already but adding some useless content such as crite healing wont cause any unbalanced side effect.

    can do same for veno too god knows they dont heal enough to keep herc alive.

    we dono for a fact that heals dont already crit ;)

    im just saying to make the number visable so we dont have to guess wat were really healing, and it i said it could be for the other classes heals too. like a crit surta, sunder, pet heal, wiz's heal thingy(forgot the name, fail -.-), and such.
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ok, I was actually thinking about this very thing the other day, and I think I have a good, albeit long, way of testing; just as with testing any other critical hit related topic, you need a MASSIVE sample to draw from.

    Best way is 3 ppl, all in pk mode. For our purposes, I say barb, wiz, and cleric. Everyone fly to a remote location where no one will hassle you, maybe where the lvl 102mobs are.

    Have barb strip off all gear, and wiz knock him down to about 1/4 hp. Have cleric use wellspring surge, taking note of barb's hp before and after. Repeat. A lot.

    To make it easier, your cleric will want a a high critical hit %, which isn't always easy. Another way to do it would be w/ wizard doing the heal, as LA wiz will have higher natural crit than most clerics.

    You get the idea. After a few hundred heals, some statistician can figure out how many, you "should" have gotten the heal to crit. If not....

    how does a LA wiz have a higher crit than a LA cleric? o.o

    anyways, bak to the topic haha
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ok ppl, i made a post in the suggestions section, and it has a poll on it(yay -.-)

    so go click yes or no for the idea, as this thread will probly be closed haha

    and for the lazy ppl that hate looking for the forum>
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ok ppl, i made a post in the suggestions section, and it has a poll on it(yay -.-)

    so go click yes or no for the idea, as this thread will probly be closed haha

    Go vote xO!!!!!

    and for the lazy ppl that hate looking for the forum>
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i dont really c the difference from heal since i changed =/ i can still solo heal the same as before, but i was hybrid (7,2,1) haha

    UR THE WINNER!!!!!

    lmao xD


    -Takes out axes-

    I wantz more axez for my collectionz. Give it! Else we'll test that crit heal :D



    Anyway, I know I don't make the same amount of heal every time for my pet. It isn't constant. So, there may be a possibility to crit heal considering it goes on mag attk. range and mag. atk. can be effected by criticals.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Throw your computer out the window NAO! It's an excellent idea!b:angry
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    aww, u posted before i got my reserved in =(

    and dont be afraid to post in a poll forum haha

    share the luv ^.^

    even a simple "+1" is a post xD
This discussion has been closed.