11/2 Server Maintenance COMPLETE!!!



  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol try being the only cleric healing your FB with a demon veno and a demon archer playing aggro tag b:surrender

    -.- yeah, well try being pure magic and only have 1.somethingk hp during 7x
    b:sad try that for squishy

    I actually had the first part happen, was a Barb and Archer tho. The Barb was fighting the end boss and the archer was to the side shotting, two clerics healing the Barb.... and the archer decides to spark and use its hail of arrows (not sure of correct term) and the boss proceeds to the archer..... switch to healing the archer...... Barb has to run over and beat on the monster to get it back... Switch back to boss hitting Barb and the Clerics healing him.b:shocked
    All I could say to the archer in squad was 'no more rain'.

    Not sure about being pure mag but my mag is twice my vit....doesn't really add up to fighting monsters but I would rather hit like I do then live aslong as some do and still be fighting the monsters.
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This truely defines which one pwns the dinner table.

    hahaha i guess it doesb:laugh
  • sayuxchan
    sayuxchan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lolz. i just finished dling the client and the patch like 2 hours ago. then i went to eat dinner. i came back and tried logging on. i was having this problem with logging on. it kept saying cannot connect to server. i was freaking out, checking forum threads for help, etc. and then when i sat and stared at the main site, i realized that the servers were down. and then. this post. im just too smart b:victory
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    yeah... but you know i enjoy tanking and stealing aggro XP then the cleric 1 shot tempest me and i am likwb:shockedb:surrender

    one of these days you're gonna tick off every cleric on your server
    and you will be doomed.
    lol and after that is when I get called in.........b:surrender

    How to resolve the issue: make sure all clerics know how to heal decently
    Its not hard to pay attention to hp and spam heal D;
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    one of these days you're gonna tick off every cleric on your server
    and you will be doomed.

    How to resolve the issue: make sure all clerics know how to heal decently
    Its not hard to pay attention to hp and spam heal D;

    not really most clerics like me i even will aggro and drag to keep a cleric alive and i have a mini aid that flys around me XP and i have overstock in healing items haha.
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I actually had the first part happen, was a Barb and Archer tho. The Barb was fighting the end boss and the archer was to the side shotting, two clerics healing the Barb.... and the archer decides to spark and use its hail of arrows (not sure of correct term) and the boss proceeds to the archer..... switch to healing the archer...... Barb has to run over and beat on the monster to get it back... Switch back to boss hitting Barb and the Clerics healing him.b:shocked
    All I could say to the archer in squad was 'no more rain'.

    Not sure about being pure mag but my mag is twice my vit....doesn't really add up to fighting monsters but I would rather hit like I do then live aslong as some do and still be fighting the monsters.

    Lol the term is "barrage" and its one of the funnest things an archer does (Technotic uses me as bait, uses the glitch by dueling me and killing me with barrage, then I run around and kill his mobs for him)

    And I'm pure magic lol, legit, not a spec of my points have gone into vit, bare minimum of str. for my TT80 gold gear and the rest pumped into magic. If I remember correctly I have 384 magic points as of current.
  • Hikarue - Harshlands
    Hikarue - Harshlands Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I actually had the first part happen, was a Barb and Archer tho. The Barb was fighting the end boss and the archer was to the side shotting, two clerics healing the Barb.... and the archer decides to spark and use its hail of arrows (not sure of correct term) and the boss proceeds to the archer..... switch to healing the archer...... Barb has to run over and beat on the monster to get it back... Switch back to boss hitting Barb and the Clerics healing him.b:shocked
    All I could say to the archer in squad was 'no more rain'.

    Not sure about being pure mag but my mag is twice my vit....doesn't really add up to fighting monsters but I would rather hit like I do then live aslong as some do and still be fighting the monsters.

    When it comes to fb, bh, tt and so on, I enjoy being DD. My dex is more than my vit, and my mag. I don't mind the usual arggo that I get, or the fatalities. I just like being able to deal some hard hits on those bosses. Most of the time I am the one tanking with a barb, or bm. With clerics...they seem to be few and far b/w when you need them. Squsihy maybe, but dang well needed. Woot to all clerics for amazing heals and rezes. b:victory
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    not really most clerics like me i even will aggro and drag to keep a cleric alive and i have a mini aid that flys around me XP and i have overstock in healing items haha.

    You just jinxed yourself.
    right there.
    way to go.
    Kuddos to you. xD
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    How to resolve the issue: make sure all clerics know how to heal decently
    Its not hard to pay attention to hp and spam heal D;

    Inorite? But most Clerics LOVE being DD's.........they shoulda chose Wiz b:lipcurl
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    When it comes to fb, bh, tt and so on, I enjoy being DD. My dex is more than my vit, and my mag. I don't mind the usual arggo that I get, or the fatalities. I just like being able to deal some hard hits on those bosses. Most of the time I am the one tanking with a barb, or bm. With clerics...they seem to be few and far b/w when you need them. Squsihy maybe, but dang well needed. Woot to all clerics for amazing heals and rezes. b:victory

    b:thanksb:victory glad to know someone appreciates clerics. b:heart
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    And I'm pure magic lol, legit, not a spec of my points have gone into vit, bare minimum of str. for my TT80 gold gear and the rest pumped into magic. If I remember correctly I have 384 magic points as of current.

    You would make an excellent PKer on Harsh....aslong as you were one of the good guys/girls.b:victory
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    You just jinxed yourself.
    right there.
    way to go.
    Kuddos to you. xD

    nu uh i have said it many times in game XP i am a clutz naturally i got stuck in game walking on a flat surface..... gravity fail?b:laugh
  • Candeh_Love - Sanctuary
    Candeh_Love - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    sometimes IH spamming is NOT enough, I've experienced that and I consider myself an average towards good cleric. But yeah when there's only one cleric in the squad he rarely, depending on the situation, should be a DD.
  • Hikarue - Harshlands
    Hikarue - Harshlands Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    You would make an excellent PKer on Harsh....aslong as you were one of the good guys/girls.b:victory

    -Cough- I am a reformed pker. xD Glad to be on the good side for a change. b:mischievous
  • ShadeBloom - Heavens Tear
    ShadeBloom - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yay maintenance again xD Guess what folks.......I got the beers b:sin
    The Name Is Bloom......ShadeBloom aka The Shadester b:victory
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Woot to all clerics for amazing heals and rezes. b:victory

    I agree on this and disagree a slight slight slight slight bit (coming from a cleric remember).... I have been PKed and had my girl come and rez me and then some even higher lvl came thru and PKed the PKer..........and my girl rezs the PKer and he kills me again........... and my girl is like 'what happened to your health?'b:surrender
  • Xenaaah - Heavens Tear
    Xenaaah - Heavens Tear Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yay maintenance again xD Guess what folks.......I got the beers b:sin

    PWI needs it's own brand of beer. PWI beer!
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Inorite? But most Clerics LOVE being DD's.........they shoulda chose Wiz b:lipcurl

    no kidding, sometimes I wonder if people ever remember which class they are.
    You would make an excellent PKer on Harsh....aslong as you were one of the good guys/girls.b:victory

    b:chuckle well sometimes I wish I chose a PVP server, just because I'm such a huge fan of TWing and PKing.
    But not only do my attacks hurt, but my heals are so rockin' I'm not scared to solo heal anything.
    nu uh i have said it many times in game XP i am a clutz naturally i got stuck in game walking on a flat surface..... gravity fail?b:laugh

    o:! Speaking of glitches, ever had a ground turned flying mount glitch? I made my silvermane fly the other day, I seriously wanted to scream happily that I got a unicorn/pegasus.
  • PimpDale - Heavens Tear
    PimpDale - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    darn, beat me to it.

    *wonders if my post will go above yoursb:laugh
    lol thanks guys forgot to look there, and whats with that
  • Epidemik - Lost City
    Epidemik - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yay maintenance again xD Guess what folks.......I got the beers b:sin

    now its a real party b:laugh
    i want to see wet t shirt contests! nao!!
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    -Cough- I am a reformed pker. xD Glad to be on the good side for a change. b:mischievous

    I hate PKers with my low lvl..... I was PKed 9 times Sunday.b:sweat
  • Hikarue - Harshlands
    Hikarue - Harshlands Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yay maintenance again xD Guess what folks.......I got the beers b:sin

    I will steal all your bears. Muahahaha b:cool
  • ShadeBloom - Heavens Tear
    ShadeBloom - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    now its a real party b:laugh
    i want to see wet t shirt contests! nao!!

    awwww sorry I am getting married with my beautiful cleric. Instead lets make Griffin do a sexy strip dance b:sin
    The Name Is Bloom......ShadeBloom aka The Shadester b:victory
  • Candeh_Love - Sanctuary
    Candeh_Love - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    PWI beer with cotton candy taste! I can haz it? ;o
  • Hikarue - Harshlands
    Hikarue - Harshlands Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I hate PKers with my low lvl..... I was PKed 9 times Sunday.b:sweat

    I remember getting pked like that when I was in my lvl 30's. Not so much now. But with rpking, I set it aside. Time to foucs all attention on leveling, and the breaks in b/w in Plume. b:pleased
  • MaeDawn - Sanctuary
    MaeDawn - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    sometimes IH spamming is NOT enough, I've experienced that and I consider myself an average towards good cleric. But yeah when there's only one cleric in the squad he rarely, depending on the situation, should be a DD.

    But a good cleric would have -% channeling gear, be able to spam stream of rejuv a few times to knock health back up to 100% and be able to continue IH spamming from there all in the mean while keeping the tank purified (if needed) and squad healed (if needed again)
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    no kidding, sometimes I wonder if people ever remember which class they are.

    b:chuckle well sometimes I wish I chose a PVP server, just because I'm such a huge fan of TWing and PKing.
    But not only do my attacks hurt, but my heals are so rockin' I'm not scared to solo heal anything.

    o:! Speaking of glitches, ever had a ground turned flying mount glitch? I made my silvermane fly the other day, I seriously wanted to scream happily that I got a unicorn/pegasus.

    0o i think that would be a cool mount...*runs to submit a ticket*
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    awwww sorry I am getting married with my beautiful cleric. Instead lets make Griffin do a sexy strip dance b:sin

    Anything for the chicks. And only for the chicks.b:victory
  • TehMage - Lost City
    TehMage - Lost City Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    SERVERS UP!!! b:cuteb:victory
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I call BS.

    It is BS.....