Goodfight KY



  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    why should i lie? although the squishy would prolly lie and say he didnt kite all night. but w/e
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you didn't get it.
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • LEA - Harshlands
    LEA - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    and really guy? we took u down to 20% and u guys stoped attacking bc when it comes to u taking a land, u die. team work? // u lost a land b:kiss

    LOL the most funny thing the TW can last up to 3 hours as a attking team u spen more time defending at 30 mins left me and Taboo took out KY towers in base and took 50% oc HQ making Kylin hide in there base GZ KY.

    As for GG WC and wispers to me u make me LOL as we dont care about u taking land as long a KY dont

    pignir pms me saying we Face rolled KD GJ guy u can kill 34 lvl 8x GG ur pro

    to sum up the TW with KY

    it was a Great TW from both Guilds KY took KD down to 20 to 30% in first hour and a half KD defended very well, KD at this point took down all towers out side of base, Xulin runing around on mount "i see u" was funny KY defence was strong KD did well as they only has 25 sign up lol

    des get the vid up make sure u add the bit were i got ganked QQb:cry

    KD KY GOOD FIGHT same again next week

    GG gz on free land less trash talk next time its not really needed when u can take KD 1-1 then i will say well done Enjoy ur 3k tele to arc now u can PK lvl 3x more with that town port

    GG lets see how good u are Attk KY this week
  • UShoot_iLoot - Harshlands
    UShoot_iLoot - Harshlands Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LOL the most funny thing the TW can last up to 3 hours as a attking team u spen more time defending at 30 mins left me and Taboo took out KY towers in base and took 50% oc HQ making Kylin hide in there base GZ KY.

    As for GG WC and wispers to me u make me LOL as we dont care about u taking land as long a KY dont

    pignir pms me saying we Face rolled KD GJ guy u can kill 34 lvl 8x GG ur pro

    to sum up the TW with KY

    it was a Great TW from both Guilds KY took KD down to 20 to 30% in first hour and a half KD defended very well, KD at this point took down all towers out side of base, Xulin runing around on mount "i see u" was funny KY defence was strong KD did well as they only has 25 sign up lol

    des get the vid up make sure u add the bit were i got ganked QQb:cry

    KD KY GOOD FIGHT same again next week

    GG gz on free land less trash talk next time its not really needed when u can take KD 1-1 then i will say well done Enjoy ur 3k tele to arc now u can PK lvl 3x more with that town port

    GG lets see how good u are Attk KY this week

    That English is disgraceful x.x, just random capitals on some words for no reason =o
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LOL the most funny thing the TW can last up to 3 hours as a attking team u spen more time defending at 30 mins left me and Taboo took out KY towers in base and took 50% oc HQ making Kylin hide in there base GZ KY.

    50%? that was only our first push lol. got that HQ to 20% before they decided it was better to lose in 3 hours than let us **** their crystal with 1 squad.

    @tekk, i remember last week in the only 1v1 to this point. i seem to recall your HQ being at 25%, oh but we didnt win, shoot. no one gives two craps if you, as the attacking team damage the HQ but cant finish it. also what does it say about the situation that you guys can win in a 1v1, but you lose when you make us 2v1.....pretty sad statement on your part if you ask me. less talk from losing guilds please, ya didnt see me or any KD ranting about our loss last week, suck it up, and take a loss like a man.
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    oh btw, imma make a youtube video soon too. b:victory

    Going to show us how to perdition wicked yan pall?
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • HunterPK - Harshlands
    HunterPK - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LOL the most funny thing the TW can last up to 3 hours as a attking team u spen more time defending at 30 mins left me and Taboo took out KY towers in base and took 50% oc HQ making Kylin hide in there base GZ KY.

    As for GG WC and wispers to me u make me LOL as we dont care about u taking land as long a KY dont

    pignir pms me saying we Face rolled KD GJ guy u can kill 34 lvl 8x GG ur pro

    to sum up the TW with KY

    it was a Great TW from both Guilds KY took KD down to 20 to 30% in first hour and a half KD defended very well, KD at this point took down all towers out side of base, Xulin runing around on mount "i see u" was funny KY defence was strong KD did well as they only has 25 sign up lol

    des get the vid up make sure u add the bit were i got ganked QQb:cry

    KD KY GOOD FIGHT same again next week

    GG gz on free land less trash talk next time its not really needed when u can take KD 1-1 then i will say well done Enjoy ur 3k tele to arc now u can PK lvl 3x more with that town port

    GG lets see how good u are Attk KY this week

    who cares? we got a land
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    50%? that was only our first push lol. got that HQ to 20% before they decided it was better to lose in 3 hours than let us **** their crystal with 1 squad.

    @tekk, i remember last week in the only 1v1 to this point. i seem to recall your HQ being at 25%, oh but we didnt win, shoot. no one gives two craps if you, as the attacking team damage the HQ but cant finish it. also what does it say about the situation that you guys can win in a 1v1, but you lose when you make us 2v1.....pretty sad statement on your part if you ask me. less talk from losing guilds please, ya didnt see me or any KD ranting about our loss last week, suck it up, and take a loss like a man.

    i know its really sad but we didnt really care bout ur attacks, there is no poiint of bragging bout that. if u was so good u could have killed our hq sooner, dont u

    was a really good fight, and everything went slim till u turtled and went basically full defense, we wasnt prepared for breaking that. we will see whats next war bringing
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Tell that to the archers in Kylin that use normal shots on me.
    Metal would do more damage nubs >.>

    u die fast with my cv bow even fully buffed thoughb:chuckle
    u like being purged?
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    u die fast with my cv bow even fully buffed thoughb:chuckle
    u like being purged?

    u die fast with my dragonbow even fully buffed thoughb:chuckle
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    why should i lie?

    "hurrhurrhurr I get 40K HP soon guiz"

    We're still waiting Tekk.
    although the squishy would prolly lie and say he didnt kite all night. but w/e

    Damn.. why are you so bad Nurfed.. WHY MUST YOU KITE?!

    I'll be back to troll you after work Tekk.<3
    60 / 250.
  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    bawksy wrote: »
    land from who?
    "hurrhurrhurr I get 40K HP soon guiz"

    We're still waiting Tekk.

    Damn.. why are you so bad Nurfed.. WHY MUST YOU KITE?!

    I'll be back to troll you after work Tekk.<3

    Yeah, damn mages and their kiting.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    u die fast with my dragonbow even fully buffed thoughb:chuckle

    as if u can kill me 1 on 1b:chuckle
    btw u didnt kill me in tw.. I must admit Nurfed did 4 times... **** did but not u... what was funny is that mrrrr triple sparked and i tanked him xD
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    as if u can kill me 1 on 1b:chuckle
    btw u didnt kill me in tw.. I must admit Nurfed did 4 times... **** did but not u... what was funny is that mrrrr triple sparked and i tanked him xD

    you are a hero.

    are you happy now and stfu finally?
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    u die fast with my dragonbow even fully buffed thoughb:chuckle
    u cant kill me dude
    laaaawl wrote: »
    you are a hero.

    are you happy now and stfu finally?

    u r the one saying itb:chuckle
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    50%? that was only our first push lol. got that HQ to 20% before they decided it was better to lose in 3 hours than let us **** their crystal with 1 squad.

    I have no f*cking idea what your smoking but please sell me some. Why are you guys lying so much?? You took 1 tower down on A Grats! No towers on Bb:sad And 1 tower on C!b:victory And as for the crystal. We never even got the "Our HQ has lost 67% Durability or whatever untill there was 30min left in the TW and we took ever body in the whole TW and told them to Zerg. We know you guy "won" (If you can even call it a win") but dont lie about facts.
  • Cleon - Harshlands
    Cleon - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LOL the most funny thing the TW can last up to 3 hours as a attking team u spen more time defending at 30 mins left me and Taboo took out KY towers in base and took 50% oc HQ making Kylin hide in there base GZ KY.

    Your memory must be hazy, we were in full attack when 30 min where left, the only ones that were defending were those who died from attacking. That is why our base was unprotected and you and tabby could get trough.
    it was a Great TW from both Guilds KY took KD down to 20 to 30% in first hour and a half KD defended very well, KD at this point took down all towers out side of base, Xulin runing around on mount "i see u" was funny KY defence was strong KD did well as they only has 25 sign up lol

    Actually, before we pushed inside KD base we took down every tower outside, that's pretty good for an hour or so. Then KD stepped up the defense once the crystal went down to 20-25%.

    I'm pretty sure there were some towers left outside our base when the TW was over.
    50%? that was only our first push lol. got that HQ to 20% before they decided it was better to lose in 3 hours than let us **** their crystal with 1 squad.

    @tekk, i remember last week in the only 1v1 to this point. i seem to recall your HQ being at 25%, oh but we didnt win, shoot. no one gives two craps if you, as the attacking team damage the HQ but cant finish it. also what does it say about the situation that you guys can win in a 1v1, but you lose when you make us 2v1.....pretty sad statement on your part if you ask me. less talk from losing guilds please, ya didnt see me or any KD ranting about our loss last week, suck it up, and take a loss like a man.

    Wow, tabby tabby tabby.

    The 1vs1 we had was us defending against you, defending is much easier. Just do what KD, stay full defense when the crystal gets down and it ends when the clock runs out (or as we like to call: When the "Ajani" starts to sing, seeing as Ajani must be a fat-lady with all his talky-talk.)

    What we did when we won last week, we attacked while we were defending and we won. You made the choice to stay full defense. Big difference there Tabby-boy.

    Let's not forget that the only winners in this weeks TWs are GG, so get of your high horse and face reality, you got a stalemate vs. us, and lost against GG.
  • LEA - Harshlands
    LEA - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    you got a stalemate vs. us, and lost against GG.

    stalemate hmmm when u are on defence u can win 2 way take down the HQ or hold out for 3 hours we defended for 3 hours and KY lost but 1 thing its is easyer to defend then to attak next time we will bid on KY then we will have 2 TWs
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Your memory must be hazy, we were in full attack when 30 min where left, the only ones that were defending were those who died from attacking. That is why our base was unprotected and you and tabby could get trough.

    Actually, before we pushed inside KD base we took down every tower outside, that's pretty good for an hour or so. Then KD stepped up the defense once the crystal went down to 20-25%.

    I'm pretty sure there were some towers left outside our base when the TW was over.

    Wow, tabby tabby tabby.

    The 1vs1 we had was us defending against you, defending is much easier. Just do what KD, stay full defense when the crystal gets down and it ends when the clock runs out (or as we like to call: When the "Ajani" starts to sing, seeing as Ajani must be a fat-lady with all his talky-talk.)

    What we did when we won last week, we attacked while we were defending and we won. You made the choice to stay full defense. Big difference there Tabby-boy.

    Let's not forget that the only winners in this weeks TWs are GG, so get of your high horse and face reality, you got a stalemate vs. us, and lost against GG.

    b:shocked Cleon is pissed... he gonna become blood red soonb:surrender..
    the main defense for last minutes was 2 mages and a cleric... and as rhyme said we never got the system messade 65% down... well we definitely lost this battle yesterday but as Cleon said GG was the only winners this w.end... As tekk says the world is changing.. and the McDonald map was a bit too unhealthy for us.. kinda great now GG can make better tw with some fundsb:chuckle
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    as if u can kill me 1 on 1b:chuckle
    btw u didnt kill me in tw.. I must admit Nurfed did 4 times... **** did but not u... what was funny is that mrrrr triple sparked and i tanked him xD

    Thats how important u are.. i dont even bother targeting youb:cute
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Why are you guys lying so much?? You took 1 tower down on A Grats! No towers on Bb:sad And 1 tower on C!b:victory

    You guys didn't even notice the squad I was in when we destroyed BOTH of your outside base C towers. Get your facts straight.
    We know you guy "won" (If you can even call it a win") but dont lie about facts.

    You lose some, you win some. Don't trash talk when you win, and don't make up excuses when you lose. Accept that you could have done better, or find ways to improve what you already have. That goes for everyone. Not just Kylin, but Kingdom and GoodGame as well.
  • Last - Harshlands
    Last - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Juggernaut if the forums is not about PvE don't talk.
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You guys didn't even notice the squad I was in when we destroyed BOTH of your outside base C towers. Get your facts straight.

    Im not trying to flare up KD in a lie war. But unless towers can magicaly respawn, How did we have 1 tower left. Why the fack are we arguing about towers. You guys "won" by default. Grats!!!!!! Thank god for time limits huh? Its weird how when we defended you guys without time limit you blame this and that. You guys DIDNT touch our crystal until we took people off defense unless you count taboo Kamikaze inside and DYING in 5 secs taking 1% off the crystal. But Hey if you guys want to tell yourself these things to think that it wasn't because of a time limit then by all means continue. We accept the "Loss" we found areas in which we need improvement. But when you see the winning team blatantly lying about facts to make a server think we were put on full defense is just pathetic. If you guys are so worried about your image your missing the point of the game. To have fun. Im done with the this topic. You Guys won fair and square. We lost. You guys did great!b:victory Cya Next Week
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I have no f*cking idea what your smoking but please sell me some. Why are you guys lying so much?? You took 1 tower down on A Grats! No towers on Bb:sad And 1 tower on C!b:victory And as for the crystal. We never even got the "Our HQ has lost 67% Durability or whatever untill there was 30min left in the TW and we took ever body in the whole TW and told them to Zerg. We know you guy "won" (If you can even call it a win") but dont lie about facts.

    LMAO, dude you are so stupid seriously....all outer towers were down on all lanes, mid towers on C were down, base tower on the A side was down, and your HQ was at 20%, want an SS? get your KD spy to hook you up with our forum pic. Btw, i like the other people saying you werent even trying to defend us, that is such a lame excuse. the last 40 minutes of the war we were always met with at least 30 people with the 6 we had. oh and our last push......all your catas were still in your base and your whole guild was there, good offense. stfu you lost, no big deal dont need to sound like a moron making excused all teh time.

    btw, with the "GG is the only winner this week" BS, i find it funny that you brag about yourselves, but then when you fail suddenly oh, gj GG thats what we wanted to happen. i would love to see what kylin would do if both us and GG attacked them.
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    no big deal dont need to sound like a moron making excused all teh time.

    EIGHT CATAS!!! We messed up! EIGHT CATAS!!!

    Does that sound familiar?

    And yes i would like the Screenshot of all the towers on all lanes down. You guys never even tried to go through B gate... Both towers were up the whole TW. Im done arguing about towers it doesnt matter. Not once did i make an excuse. Im just correcting you on your clouded mind. Think about last week and tell me who was the one making excuses. Their are no excuses to use for our loss.b:bye
  • Cleon - Harshlands
    Cleon - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LMAO, dude you are so stupid seriously....all outer towers were down on all lanes, mid towers on C were down, base tower on the A side was down, and your HQ was at 20%, want an SS? get your KD spy to hook you up with our forum pic. Btw, i like the other people saying you werent even trying to defend us, that is such a lame excuse. the last 40 minutes of the war we were always met with at least 30 people with the 6 we had. oh and our last push......all your catas were still in your base and your whole guild was there, good offense. stfu you lost, no big deal dont need to sound like a moron making excused all teh time.

    btw, with the "GG is the only winner this week" BS, i find it funny that you brag about yourselves, but then when you fail suddenly oh, gj GG thats what we wanted to happen. i would love to see what kylin would do if both us and GG attacked them.

    Tabby, relax. We put everyone on attack for the last +30 min. The only people that you encountered were the ones that were re spawning in base when they died from the attack.

    As for your last "push", that was when about 4 min were left and everyone were just messing around. Oh no.. you can't have fun in a TW, must be all serious and shi.t, making every last second count so we can SS it and post it on the forums, YEY FOR US!

    Your QQ about GG and Kylin attacking KD is sad, let's just all hope that other factions don't jump on the bandwagon and KD has to fight 9 factions at the same time, I don't think the server can handle the KD-QQ that will come from it.

    Oh and let me just get this out of the way, if you guys decide to attack GG instead of us next week your are just a bunch of "insert vulgar word here".b:shocked
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Tabby, relax. We put everyone on attack for the last +30 min. The only people that you encountered were the ones that were re spawning in base when they died from the attack.

    As for your last "push", that was when about 4 min were left and everyone were just messing around. Oh no.. you can't have fun in a TW, must be all serious and ****, making every last second count so we can SS it and post it on the forums, YEY FOR US!

    Your QQ about GG and Kylin attacking KD is sad, let's just all hope that other factions don't jump on the bandwagon and KD has to fight 9 factions at the same time, I don't think the server can handle the KD-QQ that will come from it.

    Oh and let me just get this out of the way, if you guys decide to attack GG instead of us next week your are just a bunch of "insert vulgar word here".b:shocked

    I thought the game is about fun an all. Why do you care if we attack you?

    Buddy people like you are the ones that ***** about people bitching. People like me like to make fun of you cause I find it entertaining during my 2 separate breaks during classes and any other time im open to waste time.

    There are retar.deds in both factions but Il leave the ones in mine alone since we share a tag. But fighting you guys were great. I remember a few months ago back when you were under our shadow, I said it be nice to fight kylin lets wage war on them.

    I got replies raging about how I am not allowed to make decisions and back off, just really dumb feedback.

    Again on your comment, it makes no sense. Its funny really, I said let gg grab land....defend kylin for 3 hours...take back gg land next day. Rinse and repeat. I wanna see how many cry about tw again b:pleased
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LMAO, dude you are so stupid seriously....all outer towers were down on all lanes, mid towers on C were down, base tower on the A side was down, and your HQ was at 20%, want an SS? get your KD spy to hook you up with our forum pic. Btw, i like the other people saying you werent even trying to defend us, that is such a lame excuse. the last 40 minutes of the war we were always met with at least 30 people with the 6 we had. oh and our last push......all your catas were still in your base and your whole guild was there, good offense. stfu you lost, no big deal dont need to sound like a moron making excused all teh time.

    btw, with the "GG is the only winner this week" BS, i find it funny that you brag about yourselves, but then when you fail suddenly oh, gj GG thats what we wanted to happen. i would love to see what kylin would do if both us and GG attacked them.

    Cleon said it pretty good, but im just here to clear up a few things. We had no towers outside C (i think ill have to look at the tw map to really know what lane) and B, we had at least 1 (if not 2, i forget) outside A. One tower got killed inside the base when our whole guild went aginst your full defence. When we all went to atack you guys did take our crystal down pretty far, good job on that, but given that u only had people respawning to atack u its not a suprise.

    PS: i heard around half way though we had your HQ at 50%, that true?, but then u guys put more on defence (i knoticed your atacks were getting really weak), so i think it was true.

    ANyway good full defence tw with the random catas+clerics atacking us, at least next time u guys might atack our land and we can see some good atacks from kd :D im excited, since xulin alwase puts me on defence... and i don't get as much action as our atack and your def got. lol since i alwase get in trouble for going to far from our base QQ

    b:chuckle i actally do like def, gives me some time to get water, bathroom, etc, unlike atack does, so don't move me to atack :O

    Edit: i forgot about gg takeing your land and i figure u guys going to atack them next week... QQ
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • ibombjoo
    ibombjoo Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yadda yadda yadda. Who cares, really lol. Grats GG, you got a land. There's no need to brag about it when WE clearly told you we are/were focusing on get that out of your system. As for KY, it was a good fight. Had fun getting **** by all your nix's and 2 shotting your EP's, getting stunned by your BM's constantly etc etc etc. It was sketchy on our defense for awhile, but it did improve.

    So let's stfu, hug each other and perhaps grope each others asses and compliment it.
  • Cleon - Harshlands
    Cleon - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I thought the game is about fun an all. Why do you care if we attack you?

    Kylin vs. Kingdom is the only fun this server has to offer.
    But then again Kingdom going for the weaker faction is nothing new, so I wouldn't be surprised if you did.
    Buddy people like you are the ones that ***** about people bitching. People like me like to make fun of you cause I find it entertaining during my 2 separate breaks during classes and any other time im open to waste time.

    Cool story bro.
    There are retar.deds in both factions but Il leave the ones in mine alone since we share a tag. But fighting you guys were great. I remember a few months ago back when you were under our shadow, I said it be nice to fight kylin lets wage war on them.

    I got replies raging about how I am not allowed to make decisions and back off, just really dumb feedback.

    Again on your comment, it makes no sense. Its funny really, I said let gg grab land....defend kylin for 3 hours...take back gg land next day. Rinse and repeat. I wanna see how many cry about tw again b:pleased

    Thank god an idiot like you are not in charge of anything.
This discussion has been closed.