
VashtaNerada - Dreamweaver
VashtaNerada - Dreamweaver Posts: 157 Arc User
edited October 2009 in General Discussion
So I've been watching world chat for the past couple of days and have noticed a lot of players spamming for free coins. I'm sure some of them are just being sarcastic, but it makes me wonder:

Has begging and mooching gotten so bad that it has infected world chat? Is it happening on more than just my server (DW)?

I just can't see being shameless enough to beg like that.
- The Gaming Gearhead

Post edited by VashtaNerada - Dreamweaver on


  • TinyWiz - Heavens Tear
    TinyWiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    it doesnt make much sense if they acutally mean it when they ask in wc ....becuz they waste coins ...or gold for the wc
  • Yaxana - Sanctuary
    Yaxana - Sanctuary Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Probably just joking because of all the sales/annipacks and Gold being very expensive.
  • Kagusa - Sanctuary
    Kagusa - Sanctuary Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Probably just joking because of all the sales/annipacks and Gold being very expensive.

    yeah and they waiste coins for teles anyway
  • VashtaNerada - Dreamweaver
    VashtaNerada - Dreamweaver Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    That's one reason I asked. I had to wonder if any were serious considering the cost of teles. My guess is multiple broadcasts = joke? Though I'd leave single broadcast up in the air.
    - The Gaming Gearhead

    My hero:[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You get real beggars in nub towns. I don't go to nub towns often, but it's inevitable when you're on world quest. Newb players who are too damned lazy to one shot a couple level 1 mobs for coins to buy simple things they need.

    "ur high lvl so ur rich plz gift me coins?"

    No freaking way kiddo. Being high levelled dosen't instantly make me rich. Why they hell should I give you coins? What have you done to deserve them? My coins were earnt by my time and hard work. Not going to give them to some ungrateful random low level cus he's too lazy to play the MMO he downloaded.

    What pings me off more than that is when they ask for help on normal quest mobs. Level 19 mobs that are supposedly oh-so hard to kill and he dosen't want to find a squad his level for it and complains .. TO ME, a level 92 that he loses ALOT OF EXP when he dies.

    They don't understand that you can't power level them, you have your own hard quests to do that are actually much harder and he levels up by the exp he gets from his quest + the exp he gets from mob kills. QQ you have to kill 10 mobs, go tell someone who cares.
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I had someone ask me to borrow 2.8 mil to buy anni packs with. WTF I want them gone, why would I lend you money to buy them
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry
  • Imamandamnit - Heavens Tear
    Imamandamnit - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    So I've been watching world chat for the past couple of days and have noticed a lot of players spamming for free coins. I'm sure some of them are just being sarcastic, but it makes me wonder:

    Has begging and mooching gotten so bad that it has infected world chat? Is it happening on more than just my server (DW)?

    I just can't see being shameless enough to beg like that.

    You make it sound like world chat is the last bastion of decency...isnt wc the first place where you hear a lot of bs b:thanks
  • david12345
    david12345 Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I was once in Etherblade and some guy asked me for 700 coins... I checked his char and he was over lvl30.

    Naturally I told him to go kill a few mobs and get it himself and stop being lazy.

    He retorted that he was doing a survey to see how greedy high level people are in PWI, and like everyone he has asked before me, I failed.

  • wnight
    wnight Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    check this out :

    Me playing Heavy Armored Cleric on one of the BH runs getting in squad mode message from Barb :" Trade me your armor" . 1st i was like ok he might be joking but huh he repeats another 3 times his request to trade armor. I asking him like are you freaking serious?b:shutup He replies :" I need to have best armor for run"

    Ok. 1st I wasn't familiar with that person at all. 2nd like WTF you're freaking barb you must take care about your equips no?b:embarrass 3rd my armor was same lvl as his the only difference was that few pieces had nice stat/def/regen bonuses and it wasn't even legendary or 3 stars.

    P.S Honestly it was the most pathetic barb i ever met in history of PWI.b:irritated
  • Ftp_paytowin - Harshlands
    Ftp_paytowin - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Seriously what do you expect since the anniversary pack massacre, the poor F2P players (bar venos) HAVE to beg the almighty P2P players for money or they cannot function in the game.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    So I've been watching world chat for the past couple of days and have noticed a lot of players spamming for free coins. I'm sure some of them are just being sarcastic, but it makes me wonder:

    Has begging and mooching gotten so bad that it has infected world chat? Is it happening on more than just my server (DW)?

    I just can't see being shameless enough to beg like that.

    I've never seen this in WC. Then again, I almost always filter WC off, the entire concept of WC runs counter to improving your character. It costs money that could be put into your gear/skills/shards, it costs time to type that could be spent killing a mob even 1 second sooner, it spams everyone, and you can annoy people to the point they blacklist you with it.

    Just say no to WC.

    PS. Selling overpriced teles in west arch on my vendor. Best prices around. Those of you that whine in WC about how you can't afford CS or BH wines, go buy them, the ~500 a day I've been selling lately pays for mine.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Seriously what do you expect since the anniversary pack massacre, the poor F2P players (bar venos) HAVE to beg the almighty P2P players for money or they cannot function in the game.

    This is so untrue, and I'm tired people saying "i need my" all the time. If someone's needy: it's because they fail. I say: let them learn from their mistakes or they'll keep on being charity bags. I don't skip dailies and do OMA/merchanting just so I can give handouts to those who do otherwise. Also, sick of seeing people beg for drops after the fact. No agreement before run means random distribution. If you were willing to give up your drop for a class or some other stupid reason: you should have been up front rather than ask after the fact (because what you wanted dropped). Guildies are the worst beggars. I've left plenty of guilds because they're full of mooch bags.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.