venos in pvp



  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    are u saying that cuz u dont have one or cuz u really mean it?
    so if u duel one or two bad venos,that means all venos with nix are bad?
    that just mean u dueled with not so skilled venos,but that dont have nothing with nix or any other pet.alot of venos played long without nix,and got it on high lvl,pretty sure u would get owned by them in duel regardless of them having nix or not.
    i hope u do realize alot of those venos with nix,barerly even played this class.
    they played some other class,got tired of nixes,so they reroll,maybe even oracle up,spend 200$ to get nix and expected they will own all.on higher lvl,when people have good gear and weapons,they can easily survive bleed and kill veno,or get rid of nix 1st.
    but that doesnt mean nix isnt best pvp pet and nothing u say will change that (pretty sure ur the veno who make topic how sawfly is good same as nix).
    no1 said venos without legendary pets are less good then those who have it,but u just cant compare something of 200$ or in-game 50-70mil with a free pet,they are not same nor will ever be.wouldnt even be fair that they are,if u payed something so much it better be good.when u show me sawfly handling 3-4 higher lvl mobs in same time,then we can compare it with nix.
    like some ppl pointed out,besides pvp with nix grinding is easy too,much faster then with any other pet.
    ur right about one thing,nix dont make u good veno,takes skills too (maybe not on lower lvls as much since ppl dont have much hp then),plus theres alot of venos who knows just how to press bleed,but having nix makes pvp and grinding much easier.

    uh really ur text is booring to readb:tired
    lol i don't say sawfly is better..but if ya wnat to save coisn better use a sawfly with bleed.
    -.- lol nix don't make ya pro..its who ur use skills..and who to thing..i better like to see a lvl 86 veno with nix can be able to kill 101 archer ..that veno had died in 1 hit..xD if ya had learn who to use skills maybe had been able to make a hit.

    but if ya know who to kill ppl who are 20 lvls higer..mayeb been easier. i have learn good way to kill 100 ppl if thye not have charm..i alredy kiled 2 lvls 100s as lvl 70 by use my skills..i jsut sued my skill that i ahve learn by my self.
    i don't need charm poits or anything..

    lol i see lvl 70 veno kiled lvl 80s just use stone pet and sued axe. that person maybe look weak but she got skils that no other got.

    yeha make pvp easy but its just bc of bleed. try pk some1 without can see whats happen..

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i hope u do realize alot of those venos with nix,barerly even played this class.
    they played some other class,got tired of nixes,so they reroll,maybe even oracle up,spend 200$ to get nix and expected they will own all.on higher lvl,when people have good gear and weapons,they can easily survive bleed and kill veno,or get rid of nix 1st.

    quite true with how easy it has become for players to lvl fast by spending a little bit of real life money were getting so many power lvlers 80-90 and with hypers and fcc getting to 90+ who dont know how to properly play their class. just makes it all that easier for those of us who have played for a long time and know what to do and what not to do. like having the herc use reflect before trying to pull pole. XD -squad wipe- maybe next time theyll let the tabber pull for the hell of it instead.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted