to lc server fail post ...

PequetteV - Lost City
PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
1- blt and rq started zerging everyone in swamp. here u have lost around 30% starter player on lost city
2- blt and rq ( they was lv 60+ ) started zerging people lv 30 ( newcomer ) in secret passage , u lost 10-15% newcomer
3- new server arrived u have lost 5% starter players and 25% newcomer
4- blt disbanded
5- creation spectral
6- half rq left rq

****now u know why cq owning server****

7- some rq joined cq ( here i say a big wtf ?! salary attraction who know ?! )
8- nsync creation
9- 1 year event pissed off lot cq
10- the newcomer that stayed on lc are now starting to show strenght ( harverster )
11- a*** is coming ( i dont know what will happen )
12- cq will end to fail somewhere

*/to the trifaction now winning tw ... get that 3 guild attacking same time sure 1 of them will win but if they get splitted on 3 days with non factor 2-3 members guild .....

**/to cq winning against spectral ... all i can say is u have too much ep :P we kill ep and ep and ep and ep ;) tokyo had 5ep healing if not more last sunday ;)

***/to cahshoppper every guild have their own .. dont hide behind that fact cq im sure i can find some in your guild also ...
genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

Post edited by PequetteV - Lost City on


  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    10- the newcomer that stayed on lc are now starting to show strenght ( harverster )


    10 char
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This thread made pain to my eyes.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Korren - Lost City
    Korren - Lost City Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ← reading forum while macro healing pet.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1- blt and rq started zerging everyone in swamp. here u have lost around 30% starter player on lost city
    2- blt and rq ( they was lv 60+ ) started zerging people lv 30 ( newcomer ) in secret passage , u lost 10-15% newcomer
    3- new server arrived u have lost 5% starter players and 25% newcomer
    4- blt disbanded
    5- creation spectral
    6- half rq left rq

    ****now u know why cq owning server****

    7- some rq joined cq ( here i say a big wtf ?! salary attraction who know ?! )
    8- nsync creation
    9- 1 year event pissed off lot cq
    10- the newcomer that stayed on lc are now starting to show strenght ( harverster )
    11- a*** is coming ( i dont know what will happen )
    12- cq will end to fail somewhere

    */to the trifaction now winning tw ... get that 3 guild attacking same time sure 1 of them will win but if they get splitted on 3 days with non factor 2-3 members guild .....

    **/to cq winning against spectral ... all i can say is u have too much ep :P we kill ep and ep and ep and ep ;) tokyo had 5ep healing if not more last sunday ;)

    ***/to cahshoppper every guild have their own .. dont hide behind that fact cq im sure i can find some in your guild also ...

    I doubt all that was based on actual studies and surveys
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I disagree with you reason for CQ being the strongest atm. That's inaccurate and it makes you look ignorant for someone who has been playing since the beginning or almost the beginning.

    BLT failed before new servers opened. It was their own damn fault they fell apart. they're just having trouble acknowledging that fact.

    I can agree that Conqueror will fail eventually but that is the fate of all guilds that are on top. No one wants to play a game forever. People quit and get bored quick. If Conqueror do fail know that it wasn't because any other faction was able to rise above them. Think of it as CQ not caring anymore.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Paigrande - Dreamweaver
    Paigrande - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    LostCity is lost TW wise, only server with only one dominating guild on the mapb:laugh
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    it maybe not in right order but i think all is here
    im not discussing about how guild fail or wil fail i just said they blt did

    and now it hard to say how it will end all 3 bigest guild have people from every of these guild ....
    some cq in spect some rq in cq ....
    now u have nsync ( and no it not full of cq alt ) , harvester, suteki ?!? ...
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    it maybe not in right order but i think all is here
    im not discussing about how guild fail or wil fail i just said they blt did

    and now it hard to say how it will end all 3 bigest guild have people from every of these guild ....
    some cq in spect some rq in cq ....
    now u have nsync ( and no it not full of cq alt ) , harvester, suteki ?!? ...

    Alright then, I guess that's true. Just a little.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Cbastor - Lost City
    Cbastor - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i dont agree with u at all
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    CQ probably wont be on top forever, for just the reasons Xtacy said. CQ goes takes the entire map, entire map is red CQ now dominates the server, they get a few weeks/months and eventually they will start asking themselves "now what?"

    I bet more fun was had taking the map than sitting around getting money.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Viriilink - Lost City
    Viriilink - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1- blt and rq started zerging everyone in swamp. here u have lost around 30% starter player on lost city
    2- blt and rq ( they was lv 60+ ) started zerging people lv 30 ( newcomer ) in secret passage , u lost 10-15% newcomer

    Don't know when those two happened, but whatever...

    Off-topic: What is the drop percentage in players on Lost City since 191514 release?
  • Caldaster - Lost City
    Caldaster - Lost City Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    How CQ gained power

    1. PVE their asses
    2. Carebear @ start
    3. Alliances that help ( the CQ GZ Integ trifecta )
    4. When ppl of Helpful guilds reached top they migrated to CQ increasing the number of high lvls.

    Thts it and nothing more -- they were not the best, but they played smart.

    And about other guild owning server.

    1) Every other player that reach top lvl join CQ till its full ( Safezone and Iam disbanded and merged ? )

    2) When rest of the server get a fighting chance - CQ will like "yah most of our high lvls have left" "you ppl cant defeat us otherwise" blah blah

    Wonder how different the ball game would have been if griminflamez was still around.
    Poor thing ... lucky me b:victory
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    **/to cq winning against spectral ... all i can say is u have too much ep :P we kill ep and ep and ep and ep ;) tokyo had 5ep healing if not more last sunday ;)

    Lol wut? I am damn sure I had ONE... ONE ep healing me... and that was Ishta, Fiddy was healing PandaLord. If you don't believe me please go check our CQ forums and check formations (because we know all specs have the info) I just live so long because of my hp and my mdef refinement on my stuff I wear for tw. No more no less.

    If I had 5 eps I wouldn't have died the one time I did >_>
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You suck, go get more hp.
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wonder how different the ball game would have been if griminflamez was still around.
    Hey lowbie 1 shot non-factor, flamez QQ quit due to guild drama, during that week when they first got rolled by CQ in TW.
    He even joined CQ for a minute and some people wanted to keep him as a pet too.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    You suck, go get more hp.

    QQ /wrists.... fml.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Desdemonaaa - Lost City
    Desdemonaaa - Lost City Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If I had 5 eps I wouldn't have died the one time I did >_>

    Hmm who was the one bragging about NOT dying in the last TW at all? At least keep your trash talking stories straight lol.

    & I call bs if you only died once with Ishta healing b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hmm who was the one bragging about NOT dying in the last TW at all? At least keep your trash talking stories straight lol.

    & I call bs if you only died once with Ishta healing b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh

    Then how did your crystal die in 2 pushes ?

    Explain PREEZE

    Also, if you bothered to read correctly I stated if you focused fired me more like you did @ the Naught pvp I might die MORE OFTEN in TW.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hey lowbie 1 shot non-factor, flamez QQ quit due to guild drama, during that week when they first got rolled by CQ in TW.
    He even joined CQ for a minute and some people wanted to keep him as a pet too.

    poor boy you forget already how you get forced to hide your self in sz befor flamez left the server for 2 weeks b:chuckle CQ was not able to grind any more everyone was just QQing about kos with BLT .

    good old days b:sadb:bye
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    focus fire clerics in tw ftw.
  • brutal1111
    brutal1111 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    poor boy you forget already how you get forced to hide your self in sz befor flamez left the server for 2 weeks b:chuckle CQ was not able to grind any more everyone was just QQing about kos with BLT .

    good old days b:sadb:bye

    And you are the one to talk? Had to QQuit LC and go to VenoLands so you can actually play again? Fail BM.
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol no i left to ms euro server cause of some friends and then moved to HL with the whole ms guild.After BLT leadership changed there was no reason for me to play on LC server.

    btw at least i post with my own account and im not posting like a pu$$y behinde an remember my char ? maybe i kicked your **** already hehe.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Its true, i hide in safe because pvp before it mattered is a waste of coins. You choose to charge money and waste them in pvp, I do not. b:surrender
    You won. What now?
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol no i left to ms euro server cause of some friends and then moved to HL with the whole ms guild.After BLT leadership changed no reason for me to play on LC server.

    btw at least i post with my own account and im not posting like a pu$$y behinde an remember my char ? maybe i kicked your **** already hehe.

    I dunno who brutal is, and I don't really care. However a lot of people on these forums use different accounts to post because their real names got banned from the forum. I dunno if that's what they're doing but...something to think about.

    Its true, i hide in safe because pvp before it mattered is a waste of coins. You choose to charge money and waste them in pvp, I do not. b:surrender

    like you don't have the money to waste...
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Its true, i hide in safe because pvp before it mattered is a waste of coins. You choose to charge money and waste them in pvp, I do not. b:surrender
    You won. What now?

    all i say is little boy is :dont act too cocky in your post and dont talk about ppl who are not even around to defend them selfb:victory
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A lot of them like to hide behind question marks though.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I only talk about things that are true. Never told a single lie.
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the way you talk little boy just the way you talk someone ask you a question and this is your true and serious answer?
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Cant answer you when you dont use commas or periods, I cant understand.