Gold prices (again)



  • Mala_Curica - Lost City
    Mala_Curica - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    cant just sit and wait so prices go down cuz theres ppl in this game which dont use cs but still got alot of coins (factions salary) which gonna keep buying gold and keep price as it is.
    u cant order them to stop buying it,only those who not getting salarys and cant use real money are mostly affected with this price of gold.
    i am sure those with high salary dont like to pay alot either for charms etc. but still they can afford it,
    which is alot harder for others who got daily over 70k,repair bills etc. + charms for 1mil
    yeah we could grind it,but some ppl cant play much cuz of w/e reasons.
    i got 3hrs at day for playing which i usually use to do wq and bh,so only when i can grind for money are weekends and u need hella high rate of dq drops to get back money which u spend during week for dailys and repair bills,so charm is out of my options for now b:surrender

    squad up and dont get any of dq drops.. lol
    bad idea,u gonna get even less money like that.. well depends on ur luck xD
    till 6x u really dont even need a charm unless u gonna go in tw's so u should get one,
    but on higher lvls u should have it,especially if ur gonna pvp cuz most of high lvls have it,and
    u wont survive without it
  • _ShOt_ - Lost City
    _ShOt_ - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ydodo wrote: »
    The OP seriously needs to learn something about Economics, and History: Communism vs. Capitalism. Price control never works, it just leads to shortages. And food shortages means rationing and famine, apparently these painful history lessons are never learn in school nowadays.

    Talking about school and communism, I heard that every one in every school in U.S.A. gets the exact same education...
    I thought America was capitalistic, but this sounds like Russia! :o

    EDIT: Oeh kool 50 posts exactly. xD

    EDIT2: BTW do you like my sig? just made it :3
    [Sigpic][/Sigpic] <----*sigh*... Summer... :\
    "Even on the most beautiful throne in the world you sit with your ****." ~Michel de Montaigne

    Every individual music instrument is like a person.
    Every individual music instrument has a different personality
    Every individual music instrument has a different voice.
    Every individual music instrument has a different face.
    Every individual music instrument has a different dialect.
    Every individual music instrument uses different words.
    And the type of music is the language it speaks.
    There is no 'best' type of music instrument, and if you think there is, then you're racist, because it's just like saying there is a 'best' skin-color or nationality.
    Even though bass guitar rules all.

    Heheh, I like the way my sig usually takes up more space than my post :3
  • Mala_Curica - Lost City
    Mala_Curica - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    yeah its nice just cuz of image in background seems like it writes ''shoe'' not ''shot'' b:surrenderb:chuckle
  • Zenzell - Dreamweaver
    Zenzell - Dreamweaver Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You know what, to be honest I'm just glad the developers provided free ways to get ahold of gold. This is their money maker: what keeps new content coming and what makes bugs get fixed. They could have just as easilly made it paid only.

    If your REALLY upset about not being able to get ahold of gold, you can go to to get some free exchange for your sanity. I think after sitting through it for about 30 mins, you'll appreciate the ability to buy gold in-game, no matter HOW much it sells for.
    The 3 fundamental F's of Perfect World are "Fun, Fast, and Free."

    You may pick two.
  • PanaBella - Heavens Tear
    PanaBella - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You dont wanna pay 400k for gold?
    Dont pay 400k for gold.
    Wait for the price dropping again.
    Level a bit slower. Get some fresh air. Feed the fish. Play RL (the quests suck, but it has awesome graphx)...

    This game has lost like 12,500% of its players due to high gold prices (according to threads in this forum).
    I really ask myself, why i still read those threads. Must be some weird social-psychological-esoterical mechanism. like a TV-documentary about plastic surgery. You know, you dont wanna see it, but you keep watching.

    Pana (See you @ gold trading in late october, i suppose)

    P.S:: In case you did not notice: parts of this post contain sarcasm. But i wont tell you which parts...
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The bread is just an example. What i ment is that what if they increased ALL of the food costs. Then people wouldent be makeing enough money to even buy food.

    Lloyed it would be best if you just stop posting cuz you said you stoped playing so why are u still talking? You dont even know the current state of the game.

    First, it is not possible to increase ALL the food prices. There will always be sellers that undercuts other prices to get a faster sale. Then, others try to undercut this price as well. No one will be willing to buy the extremely high priced goods, and the sellers will eventually lower their prices. Again, *insert laws of supply and demand here*. The prices of goods are controlled by what the BUYERS are willing to pay.

    You dont know anything about me. Please dont post bull**** as I know much more about the current situation and PWI in general than you will ever know. I still go on to help a few friends and say hello, and read the forums of posts just like yours. Aka. QQ.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • peacefulsilence
    peacefulsilence Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Our money, our rules. Get a job if you don't like'em.

    Nuff said.
  • Cenminator - Dreamweaver
    Cenminator - Dreamweaver Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    maybe, just maybe, these high prices will get even higher and people won't be abel to afford their charms and will actually have to learn how to survive for more then 10 seconds at a time. would be great to have some more competent players on every server
  • Thelegion - Lost City
    Thelegion - Lost City Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    QQ again...

    Well just no buy gold that mean (No Charm cauze are like 800 k) no chram , is the same no Rebirth and many stuff like that... just wait till gold fixes
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1. Use event food and genie healing, cheap heals right now to allow for most PvE content in a good group.

    2. Grind minimum amount of time, earn enough coins to afford the gem quest daily and do just that. Or earn enough for wine cost and do BH as well. Then there is WQ from 70+. That alone is alot of xp and time that can be killed off while waiting for gold prices to go down again.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1. Use event food and genie healing, cheap heals right now to allow for most PvE content in a good group.

    2. Grind minimum amount of time, earn enough coins to afford the gem quest daily and do just that. Or earn enough for wine cost and do BH as well. Then there is WQ from 70+. That alone is alot of xp and time that can be killed off while waiting for gold prices to go down again.

    It's all nice and so forth, except if all of the people on your flist are either 50 levels below you or 15-20 levels higher than you. Kinda forces you to catch up to the high ones.

    Oh well, at 70, it's pretty good with a total of something like 330k exp a day if you do WQ, BH and CS, which means you level in 3-4 days. And of course there's always RB.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Bobimaster - Heavens Tear
    Bobimaster - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    so what? look we pay for the game and they destroy it. lol
    never give up! If you can look in the future never look back!
  • liljim
    liljim Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm not even legal age yet.

    That explains alot..
  • liljim
    liljim Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    You dont know anything about me. Please dont post bull**** as I know much more about the current situation and PWI in general than you will ever know.

    ROFL, the irony of that one sentence is amazing.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    liljim wrote: »
    ROFL, the irony of that one sentence is amazing.
    His analysis of sellers under-cutting other sellers and lowering the prices was spot-on, though. It's how I make my vast PWI fortune, in fact. If somebody undercuts me, I undercut them. As long as I'm still making a profit, I'm fine with charging less.

    The way I see it, people are greedy, so why not take advantage of that fact? The sellers are greedy, so they put their prices up high in hopes some sucker will come along and buy. Great! Their greed means I can undercut them. Then, other people are greedy too, so they look around and see that my shop is selling for less, and they buy from me.

    Greedy sellers + greedy buyers = Buckets of Coin for me.

    Meanwhile, the idiot squad comes on the forums and cries about how the mean old world isn't fair because of all the poopy-heads out there not willing to just give them what they want at the price they want, and how the only solution to high prices is for the GMs to treat us all like morons and dictate the "correct" prices to us.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Bunella - Harshlands
    Bunella - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Here is an idea that may work for you. Gold prices are so high, but gold still costs the same in rl. Spend some rl money and take advantage of the rates the gold is selling in game for. Instead of being so angry, use this to your advantage and spend a few actual dollars and get lots of coin :) Works for me.
  • elestrial
    elestrial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    After reading, and having people talk to me in game about how to make money, I have come to a conclusion. The bulk who cry about the gold prices tend to be those who don't wanna work to make more money.
    I have people ask me all the time how I make my money. So I give them ideas. Those who listen use the ideas I gave them and make money. Those who go I am to lazy to set up a cat shop are the ones who don't. Anyone in this game can make money. Without having to spend real life money on it. Yet the bulk do not want to take the time or effort to try. Even if you go afk for 30 mins set up shops. Prime example, you grind say 200k, you set up to buy 9 lucky tokens for 12k each. You turn those 9 tokens into 10 world chats that you sell for say 15k. Rinse and repeat, next thing you know you're buying 18, 27, and on. And you're making more coin in the process. If you don't put the effort in, you're not going to get anything else out of it. If you go afk, throw up your cat shop. If you work, set up while at work, or while at school. Over night when sleeping. If you have to use the computer for other things, go window mode and leave game in tray. It doesn't take much resources.
    I started this anniversary event with only enough coin to buy 3 anniversary packs, that I set up in cat shop to sell. Now I have upwards of 100 anniversary packs, plus I buy lucky tokens for world chats. If I can do it, with min effort, anyone else can.
    So maybe instead of crying about the price of gold, and not being able to afford things you want, look into ways into making the coin you want. Granted those who can set up shops for longer periods will make more money over all, but doesn't mean those who don't have as much time can't be making some also. Any little bit helps. :)
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    elestrial wrote: »
    Anyone in this game can make money. Without having to spend real life money on it. Yet the bulk do not want to take the time or effort to try.
    You assume it's because people are lazy, but actually I don't think it's laziness, though. I think it's a mental block, based upon emotions.

    When you grind or pay real-life cash for coin, the payout is immediate and tangible. There's a very strong stimulus-response bond between your actions and the results.

    But when I've tried to convince people to invest in Oracles, Spring Packs, Dyes, or whatever, there's always a big chunk of faith involved. One moment they're "rich", the next they have no coins and a stack of something they don't actually want. Then comes a couple of days of poor sales and they panic.

    That's not laziness. That's emotions.

    I'm not immune to it either. For a couple of days during this event I had zero sales and all I wanted to do was unload my stock and cut my losses. But when I rationally thought about it later I calmed down, lowered my prices even further, experimented with finding better locations to sell, tried out different items, and eventually picked right back up earning 3-5million per day in sales.
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