Wrath Infection Virus Idea

Zalum - Heavens Tear
Zalum - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Suggestion Box
Ok you are fighting monsters then out of the blue a Wrath, something that looks like a ghost shade, comes after you.... infects you....but since most people may or may not embrace the idea of being a wraith you will have a option....

Fight: Find a Apothicary in 3 hrs of being infected.... or you will become a wrath... but even then you can fight.... and be cured....

but you just have to do the mission..... if a wrath then you do it while fighting off the other 600 plater/pks that want to kill a you for the 30,000 xp and 500,000 spirit with a chance of 500,000 to 15,000,000 coins you would get for killing a infected player.
as a wrath
you can't
-use telaport people
-other stores Besides apothecary
-user stores
-skill trainers
-pet skills people
-buy, sell, or trade with people

But you do have
- move at 2 times normal moving speeds
- have 3 times your level in attack power and defence power
- can tellaport to Wrathaven (a town for wrath far away from other playes...for now)
-use mounts you have with you
-pets you have with you
-hide in shadows
-infect/reinfect other players
-get a Wrath Infection sword.... if traded to another player.... it infects them and being hit with the weapon also has a 25% chance of infecting players.
You can also learn Wrath Skills and such^_^

Cure: You do the misson you get 60,000 EXP, 1,000,000 Spirit but only 2,000,000 coins (enough to upgrade your guild^_^)

and you get the power to resist reinfection.... on top of that you get a shirt that says.... I suvived the infection.... the number goes up as to howmany times you got cured.... you can tade the shirt in for 30 rep per times you were cured.

Now one fully a Wrath..... things get some what fun.... other than you are still a walking Gold Mine.... that stays the same..... time it takes is 2 weeks to fully become a wrath.....your levle also drops back to 1 but your skills and such remain....

But as a Wrath you can now....
-Shadow Warp: warp from shadow to shadow....
-Use Wrath skills: most are related to shadows
-Tame Wrath infected (if a Venno)
-infect others

But the bad part is:
That all your mana and hp are all halved even though you have buffed skills and other stats...... also the cost go up by 40%

in addition you can only traide with other wraths and wrath platers....if you had a fraction then.... it is disbanded or the lead is Auto givin to director.
Post edited by Zalum - Heavens Tear on


  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This could be very good, or very bad. On the one hand, it would force people to be more aware of their surroundings if they don't want to be infected. But, on the other hand, it leaves a lot of room for abuse. A player could purposly be infected for the additional move speed to help farm mats. They could take advantage of the additional attack and defense to pk (If on a pvp server) everything that moves, or just take on a boss that they would normally need a party for. They would learn the wraith skills, and torment players on purpose, and go around infecting others with that sword your talking about. Plus, that exp, spirit, and coin reward for getting uninfected looks mighty tempting. I can see players getting infected just for that reward. Even the reward for killing an infected player could be abused like mad. A player gets infected after lvling up (Still has very little exp). His low level (or poor) friend shows up, and kills him, and gets the reward. The wraith player rez's for minimal exp loss, then repeats the process until the friend no longer needs the exp and/or money. Then, the infected player does the quest, gets cured, and gets the massive exp/spirit/coin reward for himself.

    If you lower the benefits of being infected, and make it actually bad to be a wraith, even for a little while, then it might be a fun thing to have around, and would help keep players on their toes, forcing them to learn how to be aware of things around them, and (hopefully) become better players because of that. Maybe the player only has the option to hide in shadows, and perhaps a few wraith skills, but other than that, the only thing being a wraith does is make you a target for other players (since you would show up as a normal mob to them).
    Be nice to people
  • Zalum - Heavens Tear
    Zalum - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Queston.... how are you going to farm mats if you can't sell or buy nor trade?

    once infected you can't do any of that unless you are in Wrathaven^_^

    that and once infected you are a walking gold mine.... people kill you get uber EXP, Spitit. and coin, you wake up in Wrathaven.

    you won't have time to worry about the stupid Golden Herb on the ground....for everyone will want to kill you.

    I'll do some editing.... but i will make ity worth peoples time to kill the infected.
  • Gabriil - Lost City
    Gabriil - Lost City Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Not that I'm an expert or anything, but this sounds like adding a whole new race, basically. There are no "wraith skills", "wraith city" etc for now. It would be a completely new expansion pack, like the "Rising Tide" one.

    Although I must admit that sounds fun, random pkers are annoying enough. Immagine randome "infecters" or w/e b:shocked crazy :)
  • Zalum - Heavens Tear
    Zalum - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It would divert the pkers away from noobs.... you kill a Infected player.... then you get uber cash and such^_^ why kill a noob for the little exp it gives you when you can go after a walking gold mine?

    That and well when infected you can be cured by any player with the cure on hand or talk to a apothicary for a quest ether way it will be a players choice.... and a Wrath/ Infected can't enter a Core city like Arch or what not..... and besides why not give players a choice to be a wrath or not? people love killing them.... why not give the wrath a break?

    also.... diffrent races should have diffrent immune levles.... like a Human is very suseptible to the infection while(75%) a Elf is normaly affected ( 50% chanc) and untamed are very strong aganst it (25%)..... the tied born are random.

    It would be worse off for the people in the PVP servers but in PVE people have a choice of being in pk mode or not and they are protected aganst pkers if they themselves are not in pk mode.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Queston.... how are you going to farm mats if you can't sell or buy nor trade?

    The act of farming has very little to do with the sale of the mats. Farming refers the gathering of mats and herbs, not the sale of said mats and herbs. And, if you can move faster than a normal player, then it makes this much, much easier.

    And there are many times when other players won't come into play at all. At certain times of day, a player that knows where to go can easily avoid all player contact until cured.
    Be nice to people
  • Zalum - Heavens Tear
    Zalum - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thasts right^_^ but while infected you can't Farm.... better?

    all you can do is Kill monsters, get squat for it ether until you fully change or are cured.

    Also the Beg for your life emotion action should be put in play her.... some people listin^_^

    Being infected sucks so ether change or be cured it is up to you.... but when infected you can't farm, shop, trade, refine, pic up, or get anything from killing mosters..... is that better?

    Being infected will give you time to make a choice between being a Wrath or not being a Wrath...... as i said befor once changed you can go back to doing what ever other than you can't enter any town lv 2 or higher.... and you are PK and Normal player bate till you cured.... but if you embrase the wrath.... then you get skills and such.... dark and powerful skills.....

    later on there will be a redemption thing where you can some how become normal again but it will be like one of the hardest quests of your PW life^_^
  • Floyd - Heavens Tear
    Floyd - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    idk about that <.< that'd just be annoying to not being able to pick anything up alot fo looting will be around alot mroe then what it is lets say you get a really good drop you know? but you can't pick it up cuz your stuck with the sickness lol to me posion is just as good as the idea is kinda is tbh i think
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] shed no tears, show no fear
  • Sindermann - Lost City
    Sindermann - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    for the 30,000 xp and 500,000 spirit with a chance of 500,000 to 15,000,000 coins you would get for killing a infected player.
    Get A Wrath Infection Sword.... If Traded To Another Player.... It Infects Them And Being Hit With The Weapon Also Has A 25% Chance Of Infecting Players.
    It would divert the pkers away from noobs.... you kill a Infected player.... then you get uber cash and such^_^ why kill a noob for the little exp it gives you when you can go after a walking gold mine?

    Wouldn't it draw the pkers towards the noobs?

    1.High-level pker gets "Wraith Infection Sword". b:question

    2.Pker attacks 30x and 40x players with sword, hoping to infect them (which has a 25% chance per hit) b:sin

    3.Pker successful kills the target, getting 30,000 xp and 500,000 spirit with a chance of 500,000 to 15,000,000 coins. b:victory

    4.Very happy pker b:pleased

    I'm pretty sure this would get abused. Not a bad idea, overall, but this sword probably won't make it.
    "Guard Yang deals 254941 damage"

    -Nobody messes with the guards. b:avoid
  • Zalum - Heavens Tear
    Zalum - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Then Lets kill the sword idea....

    But while infected it is best to hide or try to get the cure quest done..... or you will be killed.... it is just amater of time....

    The Drawbacks are put in place so you can't do supper uber farming and such because then what would be the point of being infected if you could do that?

    and PKers can't attack Blue name players.... so they would have to go after white names or other pk's..... and In PvE a infected player can be killed by other players.... a infected can only attack a Blue name if they attack first.

    Is that better?