
device Posts: 1 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Wizard
Okay, I know this is next to impossible, but i was just messing around with Char Calcs and came up with this

Imagine that in PvP b:shocked
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  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    device wrote: »
    Okay, I know this is next to impossible, but i was just messing around with Char Calcs and came up with this

    Imagine that in PvP b:shocked

    Why do people keep posting things like this? On top of that, if you're going to make an impossible build, you need to do it right. Lunar rings, lunar boots, robe, puzzle neck, shards should be mostly HP, and you should at least have self buff activated. Warsoul wep would be a + too.

    edit: Also you'd probably want a different robe, belt, and helmet too..
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  • EmiliaGray - Lost City
    EmiliaGray - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    is this possible?
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    is this possible?

    Sure, if you own PWE or are a billionare.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Levoden - Heavens Tear
    Levoden - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sure, if you own PWE or are a billionare.

    I'm sure by now, if you do own PWE, you ARE a billionaire .
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    device wrote: »
    Okay, I know this is next to impossible, but i was just messing around with Char Calcs and came up with this

    Imagine that in PvP b:shocked

    Go play a private server if you like that so much, we normal wizards have no single use in reading posts like yours and have no single use in looking at this kind of chars. We already know what is the best armor in the game, you dont need to tell us that.
  • Atalan - Sanctuary
    Atalan - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    is this possible?
    You'd farm forever to even get close to that. Or charge like 10k in zen.
    Sure, if you own PWE or are a billionare.

    Haha true.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I little improved your wizzy.
  • Atalan - Sanctuary
    Atalan - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I little improved your wizzy.

    Dude. I would be scared to see a Wiz with that much HP.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2009
    every time i see these post it's the same generic thing:

    either some clueless newb who just found the site, or some pserver addict that thinks showing off what he has here is going to get him somewhere. ok let's try the most suicidally epic mage in the game:

    have you ever seen a mage cast with no chant? b:bye
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    prof wrote: »
    every time i see these post it's the same generic thing:

    either some clueless newb who just found the site, or some pserver addict that thinks showing off what he has here is going to get him somewhere. ok let's try the most suicidally epic mage in the game:

    have you ever seen a mage cast with no chant? b:bye

    The channeling is nice, but wouldnt the cooldown hurt? You cant use gush pyro gush anymore. I think I would prefer 70 % crit :P
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2009
    i believe someones posted an animated .gif of this type of -chant. somewhere. a combo such as:

    use dark.moistcuring: combo mountian press > rock fall > blizzard blast > hailstorm > divine pyro > blazing > gush > phoenix.

    okay. this, of course, requires full vigor. it also takes about 5s. everything before divine pyro = all hits at the same time. means mountain press, rock fall, blizzard blast and hailstorm will all do direct damage AT THE SAME TIME. all animations will hit so quickly and damage will build so fast that it would be surprising if something lived through that. so if that didn't kill them, you still have 4 skills left and 10 more seconds to use this; you just have to wait for your skills to cooldown b:bye
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    prof wrote: »
    i believe someones posted an animated .gif of this type of -chant. somewhere. a combo such as:

    use dark.moistcuring: combo mountian press > rock fall > blizzard blast > hailstorm > divine pyro > blazing > gush > phoenix.

    okay. this, of course, requires full vigor. it also takes about 5s. everything before divine pyro = all hits at the same time. means mountain press, rock fall, blizzard blast and hailstorm will all do direct damage AT THE SAME TIME. all animations will hit so quickly and damage will build so fast that it would be surprising if something lived through that. so if that didn't kill them, you still have 4 skills left and 10 more seconds to use this; you just have to wait for your skills to cooldown b:bye

    This mage has also very little channeling time and he doesn't have problems with cooldown times.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2009
    that mage has very little -chant at all. he uses gush in the time i use blizzard blast, i think.
  • Rupture - Dreamweaver
    Rupture - Dreamweaver Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited September 2009
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Whats the difference?
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2009
    there isn't a difference. he's just as clueless as the op.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    prof wrote: »
    there isn't a difference. he's just as clueless as the op.

    That was infact the sarcastic message hidden in my question:)
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited September 2009
    indeed there was. i apologize if i sounded a bit aggressive. b:surrender
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    prof wrote: »
    every time i see these post it's the same generic thing:

    either some clueless newb who just found the site, or some pserver addict that thinks showing off what he has here is going to get him somewhere. ok let's try the most suicidally epic mage in the game:

    have you ever seen a mage cast with no chant? b:bye

    ya no chant and no pdef...
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