A Proper PVP Ranking System Please!!!

DawnRazor - Lost City
DawnRazor - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Suggestion Box

I have been gaming longer than most, both fps, and mmo, over 15 years. The one thing that is wrong with this game is the pvp. Granted its a pve game trying to be a pvp one, on 2 of the servers, but its making a pigs ear of it. At the moment a kill is 1 kill, no levels taken into account etc. Most pro pvp mmo's punish severely a high level getting last hit by a lowbie, and give sod all reward for high levels pking low level players. Suggest its about time that maybe via rep system we have a proper pvp system, that gives very little reward for pking low level players, and a high reward if a low level is lucky enough to last hit a high level in a gang bang. maybe with a daily loss cap. This is the way all pro mmo's work that encourage pvp. The 1 kill = 1 kill is just pathetic to be honest, and any lvl 80 nub can go kill 9000 lvl 35s and be top pker. The pker table has no value, and no reflection of skill in any way. To be honest its laughable. I could be top pker in 2 weeks and would not even think it had any skill value, or sense of satisfaction from it. Would like people to comment in a contributory way, especially those from previous mmos.
Post edited by DawnRazor - Lost City on


  • Nerithos - Sanctuary
    Nerithos - Sanctuary Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Perhaps add the levels of all the people you ganked for a rough approximation? Put your kill count alongside it too, so the people with mediocre level rankings but massive kill counts are obviously ganking newbies.
  • Flame$ - Lost City
    Flame$ - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Im not rly sure what your saying but if its about pkking on the low levels. I think its mean and kinda sad i mean its not there fault there so low were once that lvl so i dont think we should gang up on em unless they r red! b:surrender
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I do agree with a reputation system that rewards those extra tough kills.

    The idea about an avg of all the levels you killed would add quite a bit of credibility to the more skillful players of the pvp ranking board... although it might also lead to coordinated pk between friends to artificially boost the numbers. Either way it probably would protect the weak from being picked on ever so slightly.

    And as for Flame$, best to leave the lowbie reds alone too. If anything they worked the hardest to get kills. Your first post just made you a wanted target by me b:dirty

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

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    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Moved to the Suggestion box.
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Solution is simple = ranking reset + introduction of new scoring system.

    For each kill you get amount of points defined by opponent's level (lvl 30 = 1 point, lvl 40 = 11 points, lvl 54 = 25 points, lvl 100 = 71 points, etc)

    Still, some high levels would prefer to "farm" low level kills than attacking someone their own size, so...
    For killing player 10 (15?) or more levels lower than you you get only 50% of points.
    BUT, for killing player 10 (or 15) lvls higher than you you get 150% of the points.

    If you were in the squad when you PKed someone, the score would be shared between squad members *if they were in the "exp share" distance from you*

    Now, sum this all up and show on PWI main site for people to admire :)

    In ranking, near every top 10 player's name should be their score, number of kills and personal best scored hit.
    Packs World International
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I have been gaming longer than most, both fps, and mmo, over 15 years. The one thing that is wrong with this game is the pvp. Granted its a pve game trying to be a pvp one, on 2 of the servers, but its making a pigs ear of it. At the moment a kill is 1 kill, no levels taken into account etc. Most pro pvp mmo's punish severely a high level getting last hit by a lowbie, and give sod all reward for high levels pking low level players. Suggest its about time that maybe via rep system we have a proper pvp system, that gives very little reward for pking low level players, and a high reward if a low level is lucky enough to last hit a high level in a gang bang. maybe with a daily loss cap. This is the way all pro mmo's work that encourage pvp. The 1 kill = 1 kill is just pathetic to be honest, and any lvl 80 nub can go kill 9000 lvl 35s and be top pker. The pker table has no value, and no reflection of skill in any way. To be honest its laughable. I could be top pker in 2 weeks and would not even think it had any skill value, or sense of satisfaction from it. Would like people to comment in a contributory way, especially those from previous mmos.

    Wow another expected weak player on a PK server looking for praise and something to have good ego on. Yes.. "pros" PK lowbies alright

    First telling people on PVE servers that they don't know how to PVP, now wants a ranking for killing lowbies? what's next how to PK a LVL1? b:chuckle

    Sorry, but thats just epic fail

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

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    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think maybe you should work on your reading skills?

    And, I agree with the original poster: I do not mind high levels getting some credit for killing me, but I do mind that if they kill someone their level (or higher) they get equal credit.

    I sort of understand the game designer's intent (this adds some challenge and risk for low level characters), but I think they could have handled things differently.

    What good is killing someone who don't fight back? Easy credit to farm off of lowbies... lol. Go get a marker and spot on your keyboard and call someone to take credit off of. Or maybe... well? Try taking paper and write birdman with a marker. You want credit for that? b:laugh

    Anyways I agree with kill count on people's same LVL range or higher... not lower. Only a real fail would farm lowbies and act like the king (or queen) of PVP because they PKed someone 30 LVLs beyond lower than them

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • DawnRazor - Lost City
    DawnRazor - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What good is killing someone who don't fight back? Easy credit to farm off of lowbies... lol. Go get a marker and spot on your keyboard and call someone to take credit off of. Or maybe... well? Try taking paper and write birdman with a marker. You want credit for that? b:laugh

    Anyways I agree with kill count on people's same LVL range or higher... not lower. Only a real fail would farm lowbies and act like the king (or queen) of PVP because they PKed someone 30 LVLs beyond lower than them

    Lol need to read more carefully. I wasn't boasting I could be top pker, I was saying the way it works at the moment anyone could, if they set off to go about it by farming lower lvls all day. And I wasn't knocking the PVE servers, I was saying the problem is the game design, as apart from TW, its not really a PVP game, never came with any real ranking system, or loss/gain to reflect true PVP skills. At the moment 2 players could have say 2000 kills each and are both lvl 90 say. No way to know that one farmed lowbies, while the other killed all 85+, and is really the true pvper of the 2.