Pages of sanctuary,story of the red mage.

imakeyouqq Posts: 36 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
EDITED: no more name giving but easy to tell who I am.

Alright so before leaving I guess I'd like to say a proper goodbye to sanctuary besides just my friends/faction and also my part in the sanctuary book and the pages I've been in. Long and boring or not,I just felt like writing this and would like it if more high lvl ppl would write theirs. ( I know GHY did one).

I have been here since early november,this being my 2nd MMO and none of the ones had very good PVP systems I was excited at how many pvp related possibilities are in this game (yes I love pvp as you all know). Despite the fact that I played CB and then started on lost city,I didn't even get to lvl 30 since I needed to stop playing for a while due to a busy 1st year college start. After I finally had more time to play I saw that a newer server was around,a.k.a sanctuary, so me and some rl friends decided to jump on this one,thinking that this game has enough pvp even for a pve server,a PVP is not really that needed (later I came to find out this was my very 1st and one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in PWI).

So...after reading some class guides I was mostly intrigued by mystic's/pandora's PVP guide which included 2 classes that were claimed to be the best at pk : wiz/archer . After reading it I decided I wanted to try a magical DD class for once so I end up making a wiz. I kept reading class guides and dueling ppl since lvl 20 realizing how weak is a wiz early game. However that didn't stop me from pvping ;I went pure magic,guildless till I got around lvl 50 when I decided to join my 1st guild ,ShockWave (SW).

2 lvls later it was when the 1st pvp wars of sanctuary started,and 1st one was against Legendary. All of us were excited,both us and them, on how fun a mass battle with 0 to little lag was ,we also didn't realize that we were the lucky ones and no1 else was experiencing fun 3 hour long equal battles like we did. Looking up to current SW leader GodsFear(yuk) and other ppl pking,I decided that at 55 it was time for me to join in as well.

I quickly got to lvl 60 and pk became much better using a tt weap,I met ppl like pervert_guild,verticoli,unorthodox,blackybetty,endz_pk (yuk) and other random old players. As I was too busy reading guides and trying out new combos to try and better improve my character I never gave too much attention to TW politics,not realizing the leader I looked up to was actually a moron who used spies and paid other factions just to get his way done.

As I lvl'ed to 69 I had one of my most epic fights so far against one of the best bms on sanctuary Ps_GG throughout all the swamp and....after getting beaten 2 or 3 times I came to know the power of calamity axes and zerk and after reading more guides and talking to old friend WarZed I decide to stat to LA at 70. The build was much more powerfull in terms of pvp around that lvl and I thus I decided it's time to try it out vs the top dogs in the server.Around that lvl I also meet this archer sarendena who once was apparently alone in pk mode at orchid temple just like myself and there were too many outside for any of us to solo.So he ask's me if I wanna team up,I reply with a "sure ,why not" and so after "cleaning up" we decide to become pk-partners and thus we made a very strong archer/wiz duo that could stop and take out ppl really fast no matter what class they were.Eventually saren introduced me to more Rebirth pkers who apparently was a guild that loved pvp much more than my own,I actually had more fights along them than with my own guild mates back then.

In the meantime ,godsfear was already out of SW but due to some arguments with a marshal about kicking some close friends for no reason a large part of us decided to take leave and join the other faction we had a few friends in and also the one we had the best battles with,with no Q_Qing involved just pure fun, a.k.a Legendary. That was basically SW's end ; after that it quickly lost lands to leg and ravenous till it was out of the picture.

So happy with a good evolving faction full of fun, ppl I kept seeking out new challenges in pk. I know one time I went up against an early 8x barb from seppuku called Verge who was around the highest lvls in the server despite being lvl 72 myself for the sole reason to test my new build and to see get a chance to mess around with the highest lvl ppl in sanctuary and make a name for myself ( ofc it ended up as draw since I couldn't kill him but I got to learn to kite better that way,had a lil'smack talking involved from my side to try and get to him though ,it worked too :P ),allot of great pk battles followed after with ppl from nemesis,nef,NWO,ravenous(though sometimes was allied with them)mythical,knightz etc.

Lvling and rising in power both myself and my faction the best era of sanctuary came to an end,some pkers I knew ending up quitting and some factions being wiped off the map.After a boring period of conquering a few lands that no1 even showed up to defend the 2nd good era(not as good as the 1st but decent) of sanctuary took place when Steel was born.

Seeing a sage or demon fairy was very rare at that time with heleina and boy being some of the highest lvl players leading steel,their faction started attracting the highest lvl ppl in sanctuary (mainly ppl from ex-fallen factions like ravenous ,knightz etc ). Before, I never actually had the need to have more than 1 squad from 1 faction to pk but against steels lvls and numbers,it was badly needed and the only leg pkers were Me,XCLUSiiVEMEi,Dylanne,Nassinew,Vincent_Son and Happles, though mostly it was me,mei,dyl siding up with whoever we could ( b:thanks again to the guys from Rebirth ). Steel didn't have much TW success,however in pk and Dragon Temple (DT) they mostly pwned every1 to the point that it made some of us including myself switch pk mode off(which I never did since 70 and just a few times around 6x) and start lvling up to 90 so that the 8x vs 9x battles will be over. So we do it but come to realize that steel came to an end ; with outlaw/rebirth/regicide being also off the map it became a red and orange one.
Shortly after steel became a PVE faction and ppl jumped in nef or leg ; also a large portion of rebirth I hear went to regi ,some to us,others to nef too.The once great outlaw was crushed and sadly I don't have much info about what happened to them after.

Not too long after the steer era was gone,the nef/leg wars finally started and while so-so fun at 1st it wasn't compared to the SW vs Leg ones,pk was close to dead,my goal of reaching top pk rank was achieved yet that made me a bit sad as it was 1 less thing for me to look forward to and the server became stale with ups and downs that eventually brought us to this day.

*Forgive me father for I have a MMO lulz) is a bit much to say for a game b:chuckle but I can say I'm sry for every time I seemed rude to ppl,trash talked etc.
After steel was gone,seeing how there is no more decent pk in this server I decided to make myself look like the bad guy ,and be an **** to opponents with the sole purpose of making them hate me so much to the extent of putting me on KOS and searching for me wherever I go just so that I could have some action ,that was my only intention, EVER, with the exception of a few ppl who were rude since I've met them and never stopped :P .
I've done allot of bad things in this server : I've pk'ed players while squad fish grinding,bms aoe spider/ant grinding,while doing WBs,killed WB tanks/sealed BBing clerics watching the rest die and laughing at them,pk'ed ppl in cube rooms other than 14-34,trash talked in WC/common chat,making me appear so full of myself. So I'm sry for any childish behavior that offended any1 in this server ( few exceptions to just 2-3 ppl though). Like I said most was just to get some more action going.

On the other hand I'd say I never felt I belonged to this server,I've wanted a PVP one at 1st but I didn't give it much though since the boring era of sanctuary only came when I was pretty much higher lvl and made too many friends here to restart on a new server. I've learned to play my class due to reading pvp guides from wizies from lost city,learned to counter other classes from reading their guides also from ppl from PVP servers. I never had any1 of my class to look up on this server since I got 70,in terms of PVP that is,which is one of the main reasons I play a MMO,along with doing silly stuff with friends and chatting allot (my guild knows I rant in fc all day when I'm on :b:victory ).
I shall remember PWI as a lesson to never ditch a PVP server on any MMO(if I'll ever play one again) ever again.

And with that I end my PWI journey . I will still be reading forums and mby post very rarely if I'm motivated enough to. As for in-game if you see me on after my ban expires it'll be either rozas,AndromedaB,XCLUSiiVEMEi,ChillaKilla or mby others if they let their friends play it (given they'll still be here).

Bye sanctuary !!! It's been a blast!!! Maybe keep forums fun so I have what to read b:laugh .
Post edited by imakeyouqq on


  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The only thing I dont like about your posts is that you never put a space after commas and periods. (Not like I read any of them anyways) b:bye
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    spoons said if u coem abkc on anotehr char u can get a permanent bann ><
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Jack_Nel - Sanctuary
    Jack_Nel - Sanctuary Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i read the first 5 lines its Ayanub-chan <3 i'm 100% sure
    i read it all...
    lol Ayano, i'll miss you nub, nice story, reminds me of the Good Old days in NWO TW-ing against OutLaw and others ><
    take good care Red Wiz :((((((

    "Many left many will leave but what keeps us happy is the time we spend and the way we leave.. for me the best good bye was of Magnate and Jack_Nel both got married and then left the game.. making each other the immortal couple of this game." by Herne_Hunter
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    attention much?
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • malator
    malator Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Ayano-hoe :D good to see u on the forums again :3
    we really miss you on scant everything is getting lamer and lamer
    sloooooooowly dying :/
    PK is virtually non existant and wc is extremely boring

    legendary has pretty much given up, and even if they didnt with their crippled numbers and charmlessness i am highly doubtful that they wil be able to defend
    nefarious has taken a hit too with the chat getting stale and the same people talking, trying to keep the mood up but this is all a sham

    duke is probably going to be muted next tues duing the regular maintaence
    (wich oddly has been skipped pretty much every time...) but even if they take the packs out, the packs will still have done the damage unless a rollback is done. there is aready a warsoul wep on scant i heard :(

    nearly 2/3 of the active people on my list have quit too so ill still play but not nearly as much, pretty much given up on trying to get good TT90 set b:surrender (and i dont think ill stay as a pure mage lol)

    PS: heard ya lured jewles lol silly nub :P where did u go and where u successful lol
  • Zelfine - Sanctuary
    Zelfine - Sanctuary Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Damn, I regret not knowing you much Ayano, seems like you're the kind of person I'd get along with -.-
    Nice adventure you've had there, behind all the cocky talk, I always thought you were pretty damned talented ^^
    Farewell to one of the best Wizards to touch this server. b:thanks
    b:bye PW.
    I'll still troll the forums >:D
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Aya the red mage? BS =/

    You were black when u got banned. Shoulda changed ur looks before u quit b:laugh.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    :o but i thought she changed her hair red again! that was only a catshop portrait tho.

    to aya: awww aya! i wish i had known u more. all we ever talked about was **** -.-' (and how flat astypoo is ^.^)
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    All i can say is with Ayano gone from this game we loose an epic wizard a legend a good friend. he was more than a friend more than a brother more than guide more than anything of what i am today its just cause of him and no1 else. Dude am still mad at you cause you never said a good bye to me .....

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    All i can say is with Ayano gone from this game we loose an epic wizard a legend a good friend. he was more than a friend more than a brother more than guide more than anything of what i am today its just cause of him and no1 else. Dude am still mad at you cause you never said a good bye to me .....

    Wonder why. b:cute