Shut Duke Up Please

Myreth - Dreamweaver
Myreth - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
The occasional announcement from Duke was fine. I honestly can't say that I cared one way or the other to know who acquired what pet egg ticket. With these Anniversary packs I'm getting announcements ever 30 seconds. It's annoying and it screws me up when I'm trying to have a conversation. Could we please shut him up, or at least give us the option to turn those announcements off. Frankly, I really don't care who got what when. If anyone else agrees with me, please reply to this post and show PWI that Duke just needs to STFU.
Post edited by Myreth - Dreamweaver on


  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well he DOES need to stfu, world chat is now impossible!b:shutup
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The GMs are aware of the situation. They'll probably have the option in the next patch.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well he DOES need to stfu, world chat is now impossible!b:shutup

    Then there's the Silver Lining.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    he means that there are so many mesages that he cnat hold track of wc lol
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    One would think that this wouldn't happen again especially with the outcry of Duke in the first ever Jolly event.

  • Rick Hunter - Sanctuary
    Rick Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yeah, please make him be quiet.
  • Ztinzib - Sanctuary
    Ztinzib - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I agree he needs to stfu, mainly coz I didnt get a single rare from 50 Aniv Boxes and he just rubs it in lolz b:laugh hahha yeah JL'd much lolz
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A "Mute Duke" option would be nice. Just seperate him from system or something and have wraith attacks go across the screen so no one misses it.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Myreth - Dreamweaver
    Myreth - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just wanted people to know that I already tried blacklisting Duke as well as reporting him for harassment. Still can't get him to shut up. b:laugh
  • Hopsu - Heavens Tear
    Hopsu - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yes... I agree with you all...

    Someone needs to shut Duke up... T____T;; It's sooo annoying....
    Sage cleric 103 / 101 / 101

    - Heaven's Tear -
  • HaJaRaEddie - Heavens Tear
    HaJaRaEddie - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    want to get gold out of the servers? I will pay 500k to get an option to shut him up.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't mind the normal annoucemnts for the duke but all these as of Wednesday are to much pet eggs and wedding are enough.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • benwaballs
    benwaballs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    turn that **** off or just shoot the duke.. do something please its annoying
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I agree he needs to stfu, mainly coz I didnt get a single rare from 50 Aniv Boxes and he just rubs it in lolz b:laugh hahha yeah JL'd much lolz

    I know the pain. 73 boxes yesterday, two that weren't Luck Tokens.

    What I want to know, is why did they even make Duke shout out whenever someone got something other than Luck Tokens from these things. Other packs I can understand why he shouts out when someone gets something good, since it was pretty much just the rare mounts (Goldmane Lion, and Nintails). I can even see the Herc/Nix announcements. But this? This is just excessive is what it is. It's just taunting us that there's all this great stuff available, and most people aren't getting any of it. Other than reminding us how unlucky most people are, all this does is cause lag everywhere in PWI, not just in Arch like it used to. Please GMs/Devs (idk who to plead to in this case), please make him stop.
    Be nice to people
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Duke says: Look, a bee!b:chuckle
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • Alexeno - Sanctuary
    Alexeno - Sanctuary Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Duke Shouts: Let it be known that my seventh wife has filed for a divorce!


    "Hell hath no fury like Alexeno trying to prove his point" -Mizuoni
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    as stated in previous threads, we already plan to get this fixed for next maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime
This discussion has been closed.