Are you kidding me???

FoG - Dreamweaver
FoG - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
PWI wants to "celebrate" its anniversary, so they decide to raise gold prices??? I literally saw the gold prices raise (already from 200k) to 400k!!!! Are you serious??? You want to celebrate your anniversary but at the same time rip the very players off who got you here in the first place??? I myself have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on this game and will no longer spend anymore due to the greediness of whoever this concerns. This is a TOTAL outrage and a slap in the face to PWIs dedicated players.

Remember...WE got you this far and to treat us like this and to rip us off the way you are trying to is a total OUTRAGE. I have a lvl 81 cleric and am giving him up due to this selfishness of the makers of this game. If this is the appreciation you want to show us players then fine, expect nothing else from us. I have uninstalled the game and will wait until **** comes out fully and then have my fun there. I refuse to have a part in this game where obviously it is about the money and nothing else.

Thanks a lot to PWI and its players right??? No wait, obviously its all about you. I hope this game FAILS at all its trying to do, because if it does, its all YOUR fault. I'd rather play a game that get its money UP front and doesnt try to charge its players selfishly and unexpectedly to make money such as WoW and ****. Its disgusting and selfish, and this will eventually be the downfall of this game. Good going, PWI cause you ruined a perfectly good game. Sad.

-Dreamweaver Server



  • Myralis - Sanctuary
    Myralis - Sanctuary Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    STFU pls?
    [ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]
  • Karst - Dreamweaver
    Karst - Dreamweaver Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    In before ban?
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just deleted all your threads. Do you not see this won't work?
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