Axes or poleblades?

BeccaD - Heavens Tear
BeccaD - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Blademaster
Which is better and why? I'm trying to decide between 2 Bms that I created and am liking the poleblade BM but am having a hard time finding weapons for her every few lvls.

I've been told that the axes are much easier to go with and that they get AOEs, but the rate at which I'm lvling is driving me insane(attack rate is mainly what is bugging me).

Oh, and I don't plan on PvPing

So uhm...opinions?
Post edited by BeccaD - Heavens Tear on


  • yeh
    yeh Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    What the axes lack in attack speed, they make up for in spike damage, though that might be less noticeable at earlier levels. I'd recommend building your stats toward being poleblade at the onset, but splice into axes later on. The thing is, they have their strengths in different situations, so you might have to consider investing points/money into both skill trees. In PvE for example, while axes are good for aoe grinding, I think poleblades are better for DPS against bosses.
    Ideally, you could choose one of your BMs over the other and augment stat points so that you can wield both weapons. One of the great things about BMs is the versatility with which you can switch weapons and skill sets depending on the circumstance. The only thing you'd have to watch out for is having enough STR for dual axes and the DEX needed for poleblades.
  • Axemanek - Heavens Tear
    Axemanek - Heavens Tear Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i am axe/sword hybrid...just bought my calamities aswell
    i am planning to use my axes while AoE grinding with a cleric or zhenning, and using the sword during quests and such (plus they look cooler) =P
    I Want To Eat Estasi & Send Her Into Extasy!! b:victory

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  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    boo4u wrote: »
    Look her is my theory...buidl your bm as axe..cap our dex at 80 so u can use pole..though my dex is 90 at lvl wich i capped a 90 for now.To me Axes are much better..slow hitting...i tend to laugh at that everytime i see some one say that.

    You can laugh at some1 saying axes hit slower, but it is a fact lol... Not only normal attack, the skills cast slower as well. Anyways, this is practically a non-issue since axes have spike dmg to make up for this.

    Ppl always say axes are better for AoE because of betther AoE skills, this is only true when you attack a low amount of mobs, or mobs with magic attacks so push back is suicide.
    For REAL AoE grinding tho, poles are way more effective. Why? Cause of push back skill: Meteor rush. This skill, together with the other AoE skills of course allows me to gather as many mobs as I like and kill them WITHOUT charm ticks. This makes up big time for the slightly slower killing than axes would do.

    However, axes are better in groups, cause pushback annoys the **** out of any party. So for fb's and TT's etc axes are better for the mobs. For bosses I wouldnt rly know, I guess poles and axes are about equal here. Except always use ur 2 sparks for axe ultimate heavens flame. Much more beneficial for entire party. The best weapon here is fist tho, highest DPS, rly noticeable when nonstop attacking a boss for 10 mins.
    Finally when you do rebirth, axes are a must. Rebirth with pole only is fail. Having one is very wise tho, since you can help the barb push the mobs into AoE. same for zhenning here I guess.

    Bottom line: go axe/pole hybrid. best ever. period.

    I wont go into pvp here cuase this topic is about pve only.
  • AyaBrea - Harshlands
    AyaBrea - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Although skillwise/theoretically Pole would be better than axe in 1v1, its simply not the case until perhaps 9x. This is because of one reason: Zerk axes @ 70. Berserker makes a HUGE difference. you can have an AMAZINGLY godly HH80spear and still be outdamaged in pvp by medeocre XS. The speed question should not even be brought up, Skills do not take into account attack speed. axes can easily get rid of their speed flaw by simply attacking. Axe lv 29 skill and lv 59 skill are the best for their lvs - the 29 skill doing massive damage AND 100% stun for 5seconds and the 59skill doing high damage and DOUBLING all damage the enemy takes for a few seconds. Although I am a pb user who will never use axe, I do believe that anyone with any brain would understand that axes are the best path in PVP and PVE
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Don't choose one or the other. Use both, axes and poles are the highest DMG anyways so use.

    Also you should have at least 3 STR, 1 DEX every LVL, and as Lyndura said, suggested for VIT b:chuckle you can have 1 VIT per LVL

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    My god... I dont think AyaBrea or boo4u has read my previous post and they sure have no idea what they are talking about. Dont listen to them. I use both paths, and what I posted before is the simple plain truth. Unless you have no skills at all, go axes only or you wont hit anything with pole AoE's, but that is only for morons.

    On another note, I reccomend to use poles first, because they require more skill to use effectively and using them to do your quests will teach you these skills. Just make sure to have enough str when you start to use axes.

    If you want to use axes early on, just get lvl 1 of each axe skill and maybe lvl up highland cleave casually. When you have spare money/spirit lvl other axe skills. But put priority on farstrike and perhaps meteor rush (once you start AoE grinding).
    If you will ever do some PvP, you will notice poles are a fantastic PvP weapon path.
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    unoxx wrote: »
    My god... I dont think AyaBrea or boo4u has read my previous post and they sure have no idea what they are talking about. Dont listen to them. I use both paths, and what I posted before is the simple plain truth. Unless you have no skills at all, go axes only or you wont hit anything with pole AoE's, but that is only for morons.

    On another note, I reccomend to use poles first, because they require more skill to use effectively and using them to do your quests will teach you these skills. Just make sure to have enough str when you start to use axes.

    If you want to use axes early on, just get lvl 1 of each axe skill and maybe lvl up highland cleave casually. When you have spare money/spirit lvl other axe skills. But put priority on farstrike and perhaps meteor rush (once you start AoE grinding).
    If you will ever do some PvP, you will notice poles are a fantastic PvP weapon path.

    I used fists/claws first and don't have a problem xP. But, I would try using poles and swords, I don't want to use axes on my BM so b:chuckle I use only 3 weapons, i use axe on my barb b:chuckle. But yeah all weapons are good, just gotta know how to use them.

    Also AyaBrea and boo4u should learn to read. Also boo4u is a silly nickname LOLz. Anyways, I love using blades on a BM, aside from fists and axes but, restriction too high and no skills for fists on a barb so. best in PVP and PVE is playstyle, not the weapon

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    lol you actually make sense, congratz ^_^

    just keep in mind you can't rly AoE grind with fists or blades