New Sauce Faces
SPC_Senge - Dreamweaver
Posts: 157 Arc User
time to create new sauce faces. here is ur materials:
ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ ಋ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಅಂ ಅಃ
ಕ ಕಾ ಕಿ ಕೀ ಕು ಕೂ ಕೃ ಕೆ ಕೇ ಕೈ ಕೊ ಕೋ ಕೌ ಕಂ ಕಃ
ಖ ಖಾ ಖಿ ಖೀ ಖು ಖೂ ಖೃ ಖೆ ಖೇ ಖೈ ಖೊ ಖೋ ಖೌ ಖಂ ಖಃ
ಗ ಗಾ ಗಿ ಗೀ ಗು ಗೂ ಗೃ ಗೆ ಗೇ ಗೈ ಗೊ ಗೋ ಗೌ ಗಂ ಗಃ
ಘ ಘಾ ಘಿ ಘೀ ಘು ಘೂ ಘೃ ಘೆ ಘೇ ಘೈ ಘೊ ಘೋ ಘೌ ಘಂ ಘಃ
ಙ ಙಾ ಙಿ ಙೀ ಙು ಙೂ ಙೃ ಙೆ ಙೇ ಙೈ ಙೊ ಙೋ ಙೌ ಙಂ ಙಃ
ಚ ಚಾ ಚಿ ಚೀ ಚು ಚೂ ಚೃ ಚೆ ಚೇ ಚೈ ಚೊ ಚೋ ಚೌ ಚಂ ಚಃ
ಛ ಛಾ ಛಿ ಛೀ ಛು ಛೂ ಛೃ ಛೆ ಛೇ ಛೈ ಛೊ ಛೋ ಛೌ ಛಂ ಛಃ
ಜ ಜಾ ಜಿ ಜೀ ಜು ಜೂ ಜೃ ಜೆ ಜೇ ಜೈ ಜೊ ಜೋ ಜೌ ಜಂ ಜಃ
ಝ ಝಾ ಝಿ ಝೀ ಝು ಝೂ ಝೃ ಝೆ ಝೇ ಝೈ ಝೊ ಝೋ ಝೌ ಝಂ ಝಃ
ಞ ಞಾ ಞಿ ಞೀ ಞು ಞೂ ಞೃ ಞೆ ಞೇ ಞೈ ಞೊ ಞೋ ಞೌ ಞಂ ಞಃ
ತ ತಾ ತಿ ತೀ ತು ತೂ ತೃ ತೆ ತೇ ತೈ ತೊ ತೋ ತೌ ತಂ ತಃ
ಥ ಥಾ ಥಿ ಥೀ ಥು ಥೂ ಥೃ ಥೆ ಥೇ ಥೈ ಥೊ ಥೋ ಥೌ ಥಂ ಥಃ
ದ ದಾ ದಿ ದೀ ದು ದೂ ದೃ ದೆ ದೇ ದೈ ದೊ ದೋ ದೌ ದಂ ದಃ
ಧ ಧಾ ಧಿ ಧೀ ಧು ಧೂ ಧೃ ಧೆ ಧೇ ಧೈ ಧೊ ಧೋ ಧೌ ಧಂ ಧಃ
ನ ನಾ ನಿ ನೀ ನು ನೂ ನೃ ನೆ ನೇ ನೈ ನೊ ನೋ ನೌ ನಂ ನಃ
ಟ ಟಾ ಟಿ ಟೀ ಟು ಟೂ ಟೃ ಟೆ ಟೇ ಟೈ ಟೊ ಟೋ ಟೌ ಟಂ ಟಃ
ಠ ಠಾ ಠಿ ಠೀ ಠು ಠೂ ಠೃ ಠೆ ಠೇ ಠೈ ಠೊ ಠೋ ಠೌ ಠಂ ಠಃ
ಡ ಡಾ ಡಿ ಡೀ ಡು ಡೂ ಡೃ ಡೆ ಡೇ ಡೈ ಡೊ ಡೋ ಡೌ ಡಂ ಡಃ
ಢ ಢಾ ಢಿ ಢೀ ಢು ಢೂ ಢೃ ಢೆ ಢೇ ಢೈ ಢೊ ಢೋ ಢೌ ಢಂ ಢಃ
ಣ ಣಾ ಣಿ ಣೀ ಣು ಣೂ ಣೃ ಣೆ ಣೇ ಣೈ ಣೊ ಣೋ ಣೌ ಣಂ ಣಃ
ಪ ಪಾ ಪಿ ಪೀ ಪು ಪೂ ಪೃ ಪೆ ಪೇ ಪೈ ಪೊ ಪೋ ಪೌ ಪಂ ಪಃ
ಫ ಫಾ ಫಿ ಫೀ ಫು ಫೂ ಫೃ ಫೆ ಫೇ ಫೈ ಫೊ ಫೋ ಫೌ ಫಂ ಫಃ
ಬ ಬಾ ಬಿ ಬೀ ಬು ಬೂ ಬೃ ಬೆ ಬೇ ಬೈ ಬೊ ಬೋ ಬೌ ಬಂ ಬಃ
ಭ ಭಾ ಭಿ ಭೀ ಭು ಭೂ ಭೃ ಭೆ ಭೇ ಭೈ ಭೊ ಭೋ ಭೌ ಭಂ ಭಃ
ಮ ಮಾ ಮಿ ಮೀ ಮು ಮೂ ಮೃ ಮೆ ಮೇ ಮೈ ಮೊ ಮೋ ಮೌ ಮಂ ಮಃ
ಯ ಯಾ ಯಿ ಯೀ ಯು ಯೂ ಯೃ ಯೆ ಯೇ ಯೈ ಯೊ ಯೋ ಯೌ ಯಂ ಯಃ
ರ ರಾ ರಿ ರೀ ರು ರೂ ರೃ ರೆ ರೇ ರೈ ರೊ ರೋ ರೌ ರಂ ರಃ
ಲ ಲಾ ಲಿ ಲೀ ಲು ಲೂ ಲೃ ಲೆ ಲೇ ಲೈ ಲೊ ಲೋ ಲೌ ಲಂ ಲಃ
ವ ವಾ ವಿ ವೀ ವು ವೂ ವೃ ವೆ ವೇ ವೈ ವೊ ವೋ ವೌ ವಂ ವಃ
ಶ ಶಾ ಶಿ ಶೀ ಶು ಶೂ ಶೃ ಶೆ ಶೇ ಶೈ ಶೊ ಶೋ ಶೌ ಶಂ ಶಃ
ಷ ಷಾ ಷಿ ಷೀ ಷು ಷೂ ಷೃ ಷೆ ಷೇ ಷೈ ಷೊ ಷೋ ಷೌ ಷಂ ಷಃ
ಸ ಸಾ ಸಿ ಸೀ ಸು ಸೂ ಸೃ ಸೆ ಸೇ ಸೈ ಸೊ ಸೋ ಸೌ ಸಂ ಸಃ
ಹ ಹಾ ಹಿ ಹೀ ಹು ಹೂ ಹೃ ಹೆ ಹೇ ಹೈ ಹೊ ಹೋ ಹೌ ಹಂ ಹಃ
ಳ ಳಾ ಳಿ ಳೀ ಳು ಳೂ ಳೃ ಳೆ ಳೇ ಳೈ ಳೊ ಳೋ ಳೌ ಳಂ ಳಃ
lets make something to make Kon proud ಥ_ಥ
ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ ಋ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಅಂ ಅಃ
ಕ ಕಾ ಕಿ ಕೀ ಕು ಕೂ ಕೃ ಕೆ ಕೇ ಕೈ ಕೊ ಕೋ ಕೌ ಕಂ ಕಃ
ಖ ಖಾ ಖಿ ಖೀ ಖು ಖೂ ಖೃ ಖೆ ಖೇ ಖೈ ಖೊ ಖೋ ಖೌ ಖಂ ಖಃ
ಗ ಗಾ ಗಿ ಗೀ ಗು ಗೂ ಗೃ ಗೆ ಗೇ ಗೈ ಗೊ ಗೋ ಗೌ ಗಂ ಗಃ
ಘ ಘಾ ಘಿ ಘೀ ಘು ಘೂ ಘೃ ಘೆ ಘೇ ಘೈ ಘೊ ಘೋ ಘೌ ಘಂ ಘಃ
ಙ ಙಾ ಙಿ ಙೀ ಙು ಙೂ ಙೃ ಙೆ ಙೇ ಙೈ ಙೊ ಙೋ ಙೌ ಙಂ ಙಃ
ಚ ಚಾ ಚಿ ಚೀ ಚು ಚೂ ಚೃ ಚೆ ಚೇ ಚೈ ಚೊ ಚೋ ಚೌ ಚಂ ಚಃ
ಛ ಛಾ ಛಿ ಛೀ ಛು ಛೂ ಛೃ ಛೆ ಛೇ ಛೈ ಛೊ ಛೋ ಛೌ ಛಂ ಛಃ
ಜ ಜಾ ಜಿ ಜೀ ಜು ಜೂ ಜೃ ಜೆ ಜೇ ಜೈ ಜೊ ಜೋ ಜೌ ಜಂ ಜಃ
ಝ ಝಾ ಝಿ ಝೀ ಝು ಝೂ ಝೃ ಝೆ ಝೇ ಝೈ ಝೊ ಝೋ ಝೌ ಝಂ ಝಃ
ಞ ಞಾ ಞಿ ಞೀ ಞು ಞೂ ಞೃ ಞೆ ಞೇ ಞೈ ಞೊ ಞೋ ಞೌ ಞಂ ಞಃ
ತ ತಾ ತಿ ತೀ ತು ತೂ ತೃ ತೆ ತೇ ತೈ ತೊ ತೋ ತೌ ತಂ ತಃ
ಥ ಥಾ ಥಿ ಥೀ ಥು ಥೂ ಥೃ ಥೆ ಥೇ ಥೈ ಥೊ ಥೋ ಥೌ ಥಂ ಥಃ
ದ ದಾ ದಿ ದೀ ದು ದೂ ದೃ ದೆ ದೇ ದೈ ದೊ ದೋ ದೌ ದಂ ದಃ
ಧ ಧಾ ಧಿ ಧೀ ಧು ಧೂ ಧೃ ಧೆ ಧೇ ಧೈ ಧೊ ಧೋ ಧೌ ಧಂ ಧಃ
ನ ನಾ ನಿ ನೀ ನು ನೂ ನೃ ನೆ ನೇ ನೈ ನೊ ನೋ ನೌ ನಂ ನಃ
ಟ ಟಾ ಟಿ ಟೀ ಟು ಟೂ ಟೃ ಟೆ ಟೇ ಟೈ ಟೊ ಟೋ ಟೌ ಟಂ ಟಃ
ಠ ಠಾ ಠಿ ಠೀ ಠು ಠೂ ಠೃ ಠೆ ಠೇ ಠೈ ಠೊ ಠೋ ಠೌ ಠಂ ಠಃ
ಡ ಡಾ ಡಿ ಡೀ ಡು ಡೂ ಡೃ ಡೆ ಡೇ ಡೈ ಡೊ ಡೋ ಡೌ ಡಂ ಡಃ
ಢ ಢಾ ಢಿ ಢೀ ಢು ಢೂ ಢೃ ಢೆ ಢೇ ಢೈ ಢೊ ಢೋ ಢೌ ಢಂ ಢಃ
ಣ ಣಾ ಣಿ ಣೀ ಣು ಣೂ ಣೃ ಣೆ ಣೇ ಣೈ ಣೊ ಣೋ ಣೌ ಣಂ ಣಃ
ಪ ಪಾ ಪಿ ಪೀ ಪು ಪೂ ಪೃ ಪೆ ಪೇ ಪೈ ಪೊ ಪೋ ಪೌ ಪಂ ಪಃ
ಫ ಫಾ ಫಿ ಫೀ ಫು ಫೂ ಫೃ ಫೆ ಫೇ ಫೈ ಫೊ ಫೋ ಫೌ ಫಂ ಫಃ
ಬ ಬಾ ಬಿ ಬೀ ಬು ಬೂ ಬೃ ಬೆ ಬೇ ಬೈ ಬೊ ಬೋ ಬೌ ಬಂ ಬಃ
ಭ ಭಾ ಭಿ ಭೀ ಭು ಭೂ ಭೃ ಭೆ ಭೇ ಭೈ ಭೊ ಭೋ ಭೌ ಭಂ ಭಃ
ಮ ಮಾ ಮಿ ಮೀ ಮು ಮೂ ಮೃ ಮೆ ಮೇ ಮೈ ಮೊ ಮೋ ಮೌ ಮಂ ಮಃ
ಯ ಯಾ ಯಿ ಯೀ ಯು ಯೂ ಯೃ ಯೆ ಯೇ ಯೈ ಯೊ ಯೋ ಯೌ ಯಂ ಯಃ
ರ ರಾ ರಿ ರೀ ರು ರೂ ರೃ ರೆ ರೇ ರೈ ರೊ ರೋ ರೌ ರಂ ರಃ
ಲ ಲಾ ಲಿ ಲೀ ಲು ಲೂ ಲೃ ಲೆ ಲೇ ಲೈ ಲೊ ಲೋ ಲೌ ಲಂ ಲಃ
ವ ವಾ ವಿ ವೀ ವು ವೂ ವೃ ವೆ ವೇ ವೈ ವೊ ವೋ ವೌ ವಂ ವಃ
ಶ ಶಾ ಶಿ ಶೀ ಶು ಶೂ ಶೃ ಶೆ ಶೇ ಶೈ ಶೊ ಶೋ ಶೌ ಶಂ ಶಃ
ಷ ಷಾ ಷಿ ಷೀ ಷು ಷೂ ಷೃ ಷೆ ಷೇ ಷೈ ಷೊ ಷೋ ಷೌ ಷಂ ಷಃ
ಸ ಸಾ ಸಿ ಸೀ ಸು ಸೂ ಸೃ ಸೆ ಸೇ ಸೈ ಸೊ ಸೋ ಸೌ ಸಂ ಸಃ
ಹ ಹಾ ಹಿ ಹೀ ಹು ಹೂ ಹೃ ಹೆ ಹೇ ಹೈ ಹೊ ಹೋ ಹೌ ಹಂ ಹಃ
ಳ ಳಾ ಳಿ ಳೀ ಳು ಳೂ ಳೃ ಳೆ ಳೇ ಳೈ ಳೊ ಳೋ ಳೌ ಳಂ ಳಃ
lets make something to make Kon proud ಥ_ಥ
Post edited by SPC_Senge - Dreamweaver on
-dies- b:shocked>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0
Hey thanks for copying and pasting all my work from your poll dude.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
no prob bob
hmm, this one looks girly, wut should it be called[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Probably "Stolen-Fail-Face"
I worked pretty hard on making them. At LEAST you could give me credit.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
O_____________O these didnt come from character map?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Uhh, No. I didn't just copy and paste these like you did, dude. I actually typed each one out individually.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
CHOPPED out, as per request from the master himself..XME_Norou: lvl 8x Archer, pure Dex build.
Proud *EX* Member of XBushidoXb:victory
Done with PWI, moved on to my next game.0 -
i was actually under the impression u made the font for these. ouch, typing them out mustve taken forever. good work[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
XME_Norou - Dreamweaver wrote: »CHOPPED out, as per request from the master himself..[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
XME_Norou - Dreamweaver wrote: »pst.. hey guys.. check THIS out, and copy and paste as needed
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
The power of the internet is amazing.. that same site has a utility that makes typing those chars MUCH easier as well.XME_Norou: lvl 8x Archer, pure Dex build.
Proud *EX* Member of XBushidoXb:victory
Done with PWI, moved on to my next game.0 -
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
Its not quite cheating... the utility still doesn't allow you to type them in game
..Hence this line:
ൠSupporter of PWI making it possible to type Sauce Faces ingameൠXME_Norou: lvl 8x Archer, pure Dex build.
Proud *EX* Member of XBushidoXb:victory
Done with PWI, moved on to my next game.0 -
Copy-right Infringement...b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!
"Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous0 -
RedsRose - Lost City wrote: »Copy-right Infringement...b:surrender
Indeed.. i should have added this post somewhere:Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's still a Sauce-Face. And as I said before, I retain at least 33.3 (repeating)% of any "Face" of the Sauce variety.
You guys have been warned.XME_Norou: lvl 8x Archer, pure Dex build.
Proud *EX* Member of XBushidoXb:victory
Done with PWI, moved on to my next game.0 -
Thanks for reminding them, Comrades Reds and XME...
...they are correct. If it was any other day, and any other person...I'd immedately strive to have this topic closed, and the first post erased, for two reasons. One, only I should be able to tame the Sauce Faces...and second, in the wrong hands, the Sauce Faces will be spammed across the boards, and we will never see the glorious day that is typing Sauce Faces in-game. I might even be banned for starting the whole craze... b:shocked
So tread seem to be...rushing into things you don't quite understand just yet...
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Why do people think that sauces can be just thrown out there like nothing.
This is a very delicate situation and Kon should be the one doing this or it might get out of hand and things could get, do I dare say, normal.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »Why do people think that sauces can be just thrown out there like nothing.
This is a very delicate situation and Kon should be the one doing this or it might get out of hand and things could get, do I dare say, normal.
The reason people love the Sauce Faces is BECAUSE they're not normal. You don't see them in every post (though mostly in mine)...and it's a nice little surprise when people realize that those characters are typable.
Again...I'd recommend against posting a public list of these once these Sauce Faces become a normal text kind of thing...I'm done with them.
b:scorn b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
ಫ_ಫ 10 char[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
TheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »ಫ_ಫ 10 char
That's a teardrop variation of the Happy-Sauce-Face.
I'll call it...Miracle-Sauce-Face![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »That's a teardrop variation of the Happy-Sauce-Face.
I'll call it...Miracle-Sauce-Face!
... k o.o
TheGoliath - Heavens Tear wrote: »o.O
... k o.o
I claim 69% ownership.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »I claim 69% ownership.
eh oh uh...
sounds fair
(I feel tricked)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
ت_ت <---Depressed Sauce Face.
ꁸ_ꁸ <---Name it!
ꃋ_ꃋ <---QQ-Sauce-Face
ꇊ_ꇊ <---Name it!
ꈔ_ꈔ <---Name it![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
ت_ت <---Depressed Sauce Face.
ꁸ_ꁸ <---Name it!
ꃋ_ꃋ <---QQ-Sauce-Face
ꇊ_ꇊ <---Name it!
ꈔ_ꈔ <---Name it!
*sigh* The flood of amateur Sauce-Face makers is coming...
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Oh boy, this will be fun.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »*sigh* The flood of amateur Sauce-Face makers is coming...
Just dont have time to fiddle atm tbh.
Ill get back to you when I've fiddled around and made a good one.
Im just bored of PWi right now :O[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »*sigh* The flood of amateur Sauce-Face makers is coming...
b:sadAustin_Power - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh boy, this will be fun.
Do you see what you two have done!!! This will tear apart the boundaries between cool authentic sauce faces and these lame-notsosaucy sauce faces!!! How could you??!!b:angry>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0 -
It's what I do. Konari isn't really involved in this'n.
EDITWith all honesty, I hope this thread gets COMPLETELY erased, to prevent the flood of spammed "Sauce" faces.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
Austin_Power - Heavens Tear wrote: »It's what I do. Konari isn't really involved in this'n.
I lol'ed at this one[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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