Contenents and TW Total Control Fix

Spinehealer - Sanctuary
Spinehealer - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Suggestion Box
Sorry for the huge text wall. i tryed to add some collors in b:shocked

As of now this game isnt perfect world. its perfect island.
At the beginning of the game, players would start on the current island. After the first spiritual cultivation, players have the option to move to a different island. They have until level 18 to deside, as then you wouldn't be trusted after you took up to defeat such a big wrath for the enemy. Each area would have different quests, but still have the same set up. for example (these numbers arnt accurate) at level 29 you get one SC, three monster killing quests, 1 random quest, ect ect. it would be the same, with the same rewords, the same exp, spirit. the difference would be that people would get different stats on their armor.

I'd see three islands. one geared towards offence and land fighting (meele), one geared towards defence and water fighting, and one geared towards spead and ranged fighting. These would make IvI (island versus Island) interesting.

It is possable to CvC when you reach level 40, are in a level 2 or 3 faction, and less than half of your island is controlled by wrathes.
The island based off of water fighting would have players from that island be faster in water, and their magic buffed in water. Range would get a nerf in water because of well, your kinda shooting a projectile from under water. you try it. this country would have multiple islands, seperated from water, aswell as floating citys. there would be some uninhabited islaneds rather large for land combat, and for invaders from the land country. I'l talk about this laterb:chuckle.
The country baced off of land would probably be the current one. Meleers would probably have a buff here, and people who chose here would be faster on land. not much explaining here. Platforms would be added to the sky for invaders, but not much things to do will be there.
The country baced off of sky. this will be an interesting one to discribe. Obvousally, people form here will be faster on land, and range will have a buff here do to the lack of obsticles. People will also require less manna to fly while in this country, do to there being little land and water. the way to travel here would be flight as there as amost all land will be seperated and in the air. For the water and land people, there will be random grids of floating rock and water. if you fall or swim (from sea level), you will eather be rescued by a random NPC and nerfed, or you will be sucked into a wirlpool and moved to the wrathelands.
All players not native to the island they are on have green names. You must be at least level 40 to CvC

Wether it be flying or swimming, there is always a way to get to the aposing country. Invaders would be forsed into IvI mode apon entering an aposing country. thay can only attack locals that are in PvP mode. In adition to the drops that they get, they also get soul stones. these can eather be used to replenish your chi in times of crisus, but can also be traded for coins at any elder in your country. the table explaining the reword for each veriody of stone will be displayed later. Invading will also allow you to get country specific equiptment.

As with every form of government, taxes are applied (these will only be applied to NPCs). As soon as 10 million coins are spent in a country to NPCs, a Attack will be avaliable. Attacks are when at least 15 level 3 factions with 10 or more level 50+s sign up, ride in a giant flying ship (that looks like a boat) and arives at the capitol city of the country. Wraths also see this opertounity and attack random teratories and if they win, that terratory is reset too. Up to 5 terratories can be attacked by wrathes, but if that is the case, then they will be weeker than if only one was attacked, in which case two or three level 70 or so bosses will attack along with normal wrathes. If the (player) attackers mannage to raid the treasury within the main city, then 3/4 of terratories will loose upkeep funds and be lost to wrathes. up to 150 mill devided into the 15 faction's surviving members can be earned. If you die durring this, you will be respawned back at your country. If you are local and you die there, you will respawn at one of the towns under attack by wrathes and you cant leave until somebody wins.
The wrathelands is a dangerous other demention that is home to the Wrathes. You can get in through a purple wirlpool located under the Sky baced country. In order to get out, you must have survived (outside of the protected campsite, which is a area that has a spell cast on it to prevent wrathes from entering, and people from getting out, unless it is through a portal, which teleports you to a random (safe for the time being) location. for every 50 levels in your squad one level 100 wrathe,(minimum of one) will hunt down your leader. the goal is to stay alive for a total of 30 minutes per person in your squad. as long as one hasnt died for that 30 minutes, the you can get out through the exit portal. killing one of these yeilds 100k for each person in your squad.
Soul Stone table
level difference.Chi Recovered if used or max..Money earned if turned in

Ps Spent an hour and a half writing this up, and two days to perfect the idea. And i know this would take like 2 years to code and graficisize... =S
Post edited by Spinehealer - Sanctuary on


  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's a neat idea, and has some good qualities, but you've got to give a good reason for the devs to make this. And one, question... where would you put all this? O.o