bounty hunter reset

kostas Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2009 in General Discussion
anyone knows after how many hours bounty hunter resets and you get your second qs the same day? i used to do 2 bh a day but now i cant anymore?? anyone knows something about that?
Post edited by kostas on


  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    3 hours after the day change server time.

    Sometimes you cannot get two, It depend on which boss you get. You cannot get two if the second one would give you the same boss as the first one.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Absoluth - Heavens Tear
    Absoluth - Heavens Tear Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I heard that if you get the same boss, 1 cancels the other out thus giving you only 1 per day. Considering i get polearm 90% of the time and usually 1 bh, im guessing its true ^^
    "Free to play. Pay to win"

  • ThommiX - Lost City
    ThommiX - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Never got second on same day without waiting a day in between,just like stacking crazy stone. Tried 4-8 hours about.

    Even then time of day seem to matter as the boss seems to change a bit and you can only stack two different bounties.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    -Lost city-
  • Matche - Heavens Tear
    Matche - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    At 4 am server time, the Head Hunter NPC despawns and respawns himself, causing the reset of the Bounty Hunter quest. But lastly, HH didn't bring any new quests with the reset, so I assume @Blanch and @Absoluth are right...
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I have donne 2 BH in one day.

    I have the BH from yesterday and today i will get a new one (the bosses need to be diferent). Doing 2 BH in one day saves lots of wines :P... maybe I will start doing BH from 2 and 2 days, and not daily.
    Happy Sauce face

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  • whiteproudandstupid
    whiteproudandstupid Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Sometimes u get 2 BH per day! Withought stacking the ones from previous days. Ussually 2-3 days a week i have 2 BH rest of days only 1 per day. don't know really what is triggering the second BH but i noticed i allways get it when i am trying to turn the first 1 in.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Sometimes u get 2 BH per day! Withought stacking the ones from previous days. Ussually 2-3 days a week i have 2 BH rest of days only 1 per day. don't know really what is triggering the second BH but i noticed i allways get it when i am trying to turn the first 1 in.

    You must take the first one before the NPC reset and can give you a second one. (for me it's at 7:00 AM North Amreican East Coast), so you must take the first one at 3:00 AM server time.

    Also, you will not get a second one if it calls for the same boss you got the first time you took it in that day.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Lord__Zoa - Harshlands
    Lord__Zoa - Harshlands Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    the first week when the new BH daily came out i used to get 2 bosses per day. i was in my 60's and i did get fushma twise in the same day and had them both on my Quest list; however when the server updated last time,palt charms update, i started getting 1 boss a day only. so i brought it to guild chat and everyone seems to stop getting 2 bosses in 1 day. so i'm guessing it was a glitch in the system.

    but the only one who can prove this right or wrong is a GM. so i hope they reply to your question.
  • Axemanek - Heavens Tear
    Axemanek - Heavens Tear Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    got my 2 today
    I Want To Eat Estasi & Send Her Into Extasy!! b:victory

    May The Force Not Be With You!
  • ThommiX - Lost City
    ThommiX - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Stacked all 3 of bounty hunts on my quest log now. Did it simply by waiting to next day.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    -Lost city-
  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    you can get 2 BH everyday IF:
    1. you pick 1st BH within 4 hours since PWI day reset
    2. after BH npc reset there is new quest for different boss then it was 1 day before.
  • SultryShade - Dreamweaver
    SultryShade - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's rather interesting imo, at level 51 you can get a total of 200k exp per day with the two BHs and CS, and that leaves all of 60k-ish to grind, or get from quests. Also great for leveling genies like I'm doing ^^
    I will not hesitate to beat you over the head with your own stupidity.

    Yes I am a hypocrite.
  • Urbanpulse - Heavens Tear
    Urbanpulse - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    yall need to quit talkin about it b4 they decide to fix it so you only get 1 per day like is supposed to happen...oops