couldn't tab an fb69 boss

XtinkX - Sanctuary
XtinkX - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Support Desk
so it went like this. one person had a tab for the first fb69 boss, that resentful pyrothesis (sp?) and we finished it. next i was gonna tab the last two bosses, polearm and gaurnob. i tabbed polearm and finally killed it (after 4 triesb:chuckle) and then when i went to tab gaurnob, it immediately said i failed but i still had 2 tabs left (i didnt tab pyro). some1 mind telling me why i couldn't tab gaurnob?
Post edited by XtinkX - Sanctuary on


  • sidmeyster
    sidmeyster Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Happened to me once, turned out a member had quest list full. The boss died, we didn't get any exp and the quest failed (tab returned) .. perhaps something similar happened in your case?

    out of curiosity .. I always thought once instance per tabber.. is it possible for people to share tabs like you did (one person tabs for one boss then another for a different boss) ?
  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Did u check if u got lead? maybe thats why u cant be able to tab that two last bosses if the other person who tab the first boss still was been lead u cant tab it......
    Anyway it will work cuz u didnt need the same bosses then someone got lead and tab it, kill boss, change lead and tab the others..........if u got the quest activate it must work

    Good luck next time b:bye
    Arshies - Sanctuary
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