5gold = 1mil; period.



  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I just wanted to say, to all those people that keep saying

    Your an idiot I have played well over 20 mmo game's and have watched major exodus's from a game because GM's and game owners decided to do what they thought was right and not listen to the player community.

    good case in point Star Wars great game great player base till the decided they wanted to overhaul the entire game structure. Result they lost over 2/3 of there player base and have only just started to recover since they did this five years ago.

    Look at Cabal another great free to play game that lost ALOT of player base
    for one main reason its suppose to be free to play but after lvl 15 or so if you don't put 15$ or so in every 2 weeks you fail.

    Secret of Solstice ect ect ect

    Stop being slow games that are free to play start great they depend on cash shop items to make revenue to stay alive but they care about there player base to bring people in but in the end greed controls the world and next thing you know they come up with things to get prices to go up and eventually the player base starts to exodus. Most of the time to the next up and coming mmo.

    GM's Take note if people that play for free had on bare minimum 15$ a month to shovel into a game to stay on top they would play a game that's pay to play where they don't have to deal with all the drama that comes with cash shops

    And it's true you did slap us in the face with your post about how you care about gold prices rising in server we all know this isn't true. I personally don't care for people who QQ about us posting in these threads go keep living on daddy or mommy debit card.

    I have three kids I play mmo's as a way to relax so that I am around my kids when they need me and yes if I did not spoil my kids rotten I would still be playing World of ********. But I choose to put most of my cash into my children and play free to play mmo's where I can chose when to buy things!

    But once again a game shows me that in the end they will **** the consumer for what they are worth then discard us.

    The most terrible thing is this free mmo actually kicks butt over all: good graphics and good playability. But in the end if things keep going like this people will leave.

    Listen to your player base and save yourselves before you lose more of your revenue.

    Mentioning other game names on the forums is against the rules. IN B4 LOCK.

    If you want to leave, then leave. Go take care of your kids. No amount of long-winded, full-of-hot-air, unwarrented-self-importance, wall-of-text post is going to change my mind, or the minds of the people who work for this game.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be here entertaining myself and providing a calming getaway from college.

    Again, I'll say this. You are replaceable. You are worthless. Just leave already, if you're hating this game and its supposed "greed" so much.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Mentioning other game names on the forums is against the rules. IN B4 LOCK.

    If you want to leave, then leave. Go take care of your kids. No amount of long-winded, full-of-hot-air, unwarrented-self-importance, wall-of-text post is going to change my mind, or the minds of the people who work for this game.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be here entertaining myself and providing a calming getaway from college.

    Again, I'll say this. You are replaceable. You are worthless. Just leave already, if you're hating this game and its supposed "greed" so much.

    1G = $1 should be enough to convince you that they're greedy. The GMs brag about the players' ability to buy gold with in-game money, but the company doesn't lose anything at all through that. The reason is that ALL of that gold had to be bought by players from the company. How does that make the company kind or cheritable? So they chose to make the game free. Big freakin' deal. They simply chose a more risky business model than P2P MMOs. If they had stuck with PW-MY's prices all along, they would be making far more money than many popular P2P MMOs. Wake up, man. As for the previous post, I like most of what she (he) said.
  • Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Mentioning other game names on the forums is against the rules. IN B4 LOCK.

    If you want to leave, then leave. Go take care of your kids. No amount of long-winded, full-of-hot-air, unwarrented-self-importance, wall-of-text post is going to change my mind, or the minds of the people who work for this game.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be here entertaining myself and providing a calming getaway from college.

    Again, I'll say this. You are replaceable. You are worthless. Just leave already, if you're hating this game and its supposed "greed" so much.

    Who is more worthless here,the people that care enough to try to bring problems to GM attention and get fixes,solutions...

    Or the over excitable brown noser that populates the forums with stupid awesome sauce faces and lines of "I SEE WHAT U DID THAR" in every thread.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    1G = $1 should be enough to convince you that they're greedy. I've seen other games with the same, sometimes even more unbalanced system. In a certain Korean-Turn-"Global" MMO, $10 will barely get you one, maybe two items from the cash shop, and those are the CHEAP ones.

    The GMs brag about the players' ability to buy gold with in-game money, but the company doesn't lose anything at all through that. You're right, they don't lose anything. But the players GAIN so much more, with the ability to not have to actually pay real-life money for their Gold.

    The reason is that ALL of that gold had to be bought by players from the company. How does that make the company kind or cheritable? See above argument.

    So they chose to make the game free. Big freakin' deal. They simply chose a more risky business model than P2P MMOs. It goes without saying that F2P's are always more risky than P2P's...but this game has been doing one of the best jobs I've ever seen with it. When comparing the pricing, the service, and the quality of the game. It is truly deserving of the title it won a few months ago: "Year's best Free to Play MMO".

    If they had stuck with PW-MY's prices all along, they would be making far more money than many popular P2P MMOs. ...but at what cost? If anything, I DON'T wanna be ANYTHING like the poor quality of MY. I thought that's why we made a NEW, cleaner version.

    Wake up, man. I am, thank you, been awake since five this mornin'.

    As for the previous post, I like most of what she (he) said.Good for you. Look closely.


    ...does it look like I care? Agree with whomever you wish, you're not changin' this Wizard's mind.

    Lemme break this one up.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Who is more worthless here,the people that care enough to try to bring problems to GM attention and get fixes,solutions...

    Or the over excitable brown noser that populates the forums with stupid awesome sauce faces and lines of "I SEE WHAT U DID THAR" in every thread.

    ...you r quitzors, you have no opinion here. You're like the one skinny woman at a Weight Watchers convention: You're already done, why stay?

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Blind. Simply blind. I should quit posting now before the flaming starts. Just... utter nonsense.
  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Blind. Simply blind. I should quit posting now before the flaming starts. Just... utter nonsense.

    That's non utter nonsense, THIS is utter nonsense!

    Now, this is a story all about how
    My life got flipped-turned upside down
    And I liked to take a minute
    Just sit right there
    I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

    In west Philadelphia born and raised
    On the playground was where I spent most of my days
    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
    And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
    When a couple of guys
    Who were up to no good
    Started making trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

    I begged and pleaded with her day after day
    But she packed my suite case and send me on my way
    She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
    I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

    First class, yo this is bad
    Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
    Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like?
    Hmmmmm this might be alright.

    But wait I hear they're prissy, wine all that
    Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat?
    I don't think so
    I'll see when I get there
    I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

    Well, the plane landed and when I came out
    There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
    I ain't trying to get arrested
    I just got here
    I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said 'FRESH' and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I can say this cab is rare
    But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

    I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
    And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
    I looked at my kingdom
    I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, except for those of us who know he's absolutely right. Take a look around the forums at the number of players admitting that they too made 50-100million on Jolly Jones. We know what's driving the Gold market, because we're the ones buying those tons and tons and tons of Gold.

    Meanwhile, where are the people posting about how they've been buying 100+ Gold every single day to open their 20+ cash boxes every single day, all for a very slim profit? They're absent. Why? Because they don't exist.
    See, I love this... I love how the people who profited from from this say "oh xarfox was absolutely right, you just gotta know how to play the market."

    No, xarfox is still wrong... because what he said was, that coins would be drained from the economy. They haven't. They've just gone to people like you. I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong with making a profit (as long as you do it by honest means), but xarfox said "coins will be drained," not "coins will be given to Warren."

    So unless you plan on spending all that profit on things that would be taken by the system in fees, or otherwise be non-recyclable, coins have not been drained. And we can't say with a straight face that PWI could honestly expect you to do that. It's trusting the rich to do the right thing... and how many times has that ever worked? -_-

    Now don't get me wrong, I'll have made a little profit before all this is over, myself. But the few mil I'm making? That will have been given to me. It will not have been "drained."

    If PWI was really serious about draining money, they'd have done one of two things:
    • Removed the GA option entirely and force Spring Packs to a flat rate of 100k/Pack, all of which would be taken by the system.
    • Create a temporary option to purchase gold directly with coins from the system, at a flat rate (maybe 150k?). This would not only drain coins, but it would force gold sellers to sell below 150k.

    So how 'bout it, xarfox? We're about due for another statement from you. :-/
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Your in idiot, you should know if yous a "high lvl" that when you start getting high lvl it is essential to start using cash shop items unless you want to lose the game.

    Now before you say...oh you dont need any of it. WRONG.

    How can you even compare to some one of equal lvl when they have a hp charm on...you cant.
    How can you even compare to some one of equal lvl when they have +7 gear on...you cant.
    How can you PVP when you cant use cash shop...you cant.
    How can you protect your items when you cant use cash shop...you cant.
    How can you get a faster mod of transportation if your not a elf....you cant.

    you see where im going here?

    True....kind of sorta. I've been playing this game for along time and still have yet to pay one cent for this game. I agree with 100% that you can't compare to someone of equal lvl with all those things, but going as far as saying its essential to use cash shop items yea... At my lvl its really easy to grind out 100K or more and so I'll pay that 100K for items ppl spend irl money on. Its a pain and all and takes a lot of patience but in the end to me this is just a game and when I finally do quiet I can look back and say hey I had a lot of FREE fun :)
  • Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    *sighs in general direction of thread*
This discussion has been closed.