Please Look Over

Sabuku - Dreamweaver
Sabuku - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Suggestion Box
so i previously wrote a forum and not alot of ppl liked it but this one i hope will open ppls eyes to the things this game should hold..

For one thing i think that the marrige cost should be lowered to 15 each... a little more reasonable and maybe make a account bound marrage cause what if ur spouse wants to change characters?... then u just got shorted 60 bucks...

one other thing i think would be a little neat is an aprentice thing where if a other player is lets say 20 lvls lower then u u can be his or her mentor and help them with lvling and if ur in there team u could gain mentor exp used for normal exp or spirit plus the more lvling they do u could get mentor exp from that to and maybe have mentor lvls and higher u are more prentices u can have....

another interesting thot is maybe a male veno... everyone wants one i hear it all the time

i think maybe more couple commads like sure i can hold her but what about holding hands or cuddling kinda things? just a thot

so tell me ur ideas and try not to be to critical :P
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