Gold Prices

Kimicat - Sanctuary
Kimicat - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
ok this is becoming a serious issue for me. why is the gold price so high? its getting a little rediculous i mean SERIOUSLY. all i want is to buy some spurs and i gotta pay almost 25 gold for a 15 gold item??? WTH come on sanctuary we gotta stop this price hike stuff PLEASE for the sake of the server. not enough coin going in to buy at that.... not most people anyway. im sorry i just felt i needed to get this off my chest and if you read it please be nice and not angry at me just stating the truth
Post edited by Kimicat - Sanctuary on


  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    As much as the prices do suck (being a non zhen charger myself), this is people's RL money we're talking about here. It is their decision on what they want to charge for it. And let's not even talk about greedy, because who has the right to put a price tag on people's earned cash. Without gold sellers, we non gold sellars would not have access to half the items out there, ie D orbs, xp scrolls, charms, GAs, tele incenses, fast flyers and ground mounts, fashion, etc.

    p.s. Please lower the gold exhange rates. Thank you! b:cute
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary
    CRYSTY_III - Sanctuary Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    p.s. Please do not buy the gold at this insane prices for a while. Thank you! b:laugh
    i used to buy few golds sometimes.Now i dont buy anymore.I prefer to save coins.Why ? Anyway boutique items purchased with gold will be underestimated and it can be more cheap to buy later, all new items from boutique ;)
    We keep this price high,its our fault b:surrender.Do not buy for a while gold, they will need to lower the price b:victory

    p.s. A aggressive market can be calm down with aggressive decision b:mischievous
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] srry about my english, im sure you'll get the point what im trying to say b:chuckleb:bye
    Happy Holidays ! b:victory
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ever since the first orb sale PWI has released one sale after another which has kept the price of gold high (without much of anything in the way of new content). To tell the truth the constant sales reek of desperation. I think PWI has concerns over the long-term survivability of the game and is cashing out now as much as it can.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    gold can go at maximun 1.000.000 coins per gold. I am pretty sure this will happen in the end game, because when that time come lots of players already had give up and the server wil be more empty with will make gold prices being so high... I think the time the gold were 105K or 110K each have ended... this game already had his maximun. Of course sales helps a bit in changing the gold prices.

    edit: I cant even imagine if I am playing this game in about 1 year... but boutique items will be at double our triple price. Gold charms for 1300K... not bad.
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    gold can go at maximun 1.000.000 coins per gold. I am pretty sure this will happen in the end game, because when that time come lots of players already had give up and the server wil be more empty with will make gold prices being so high... I think the time the gold were 105K or 110K each have ended... this game already had his maximun. Of course sales helps a bit in changing the gold prices.

    edit: I cant even imagine if I am playing this game in about 1 year... but boutique items will be at double our triple price. Gold charms for 1300K... not bad.
    prices wont jack up that easily if one of the factors remain constant. And that is PWs price with 1$=1Gold. If this factor isnt constant then its another story.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I am getting a little sick of these cash shop sales raining upon us constantly every week. Its exhausting trying to 'catch the deal' when it arrives, while slacking on other things I should be focusing on.

    Hopefully after this patch tonight, and this last 'charm pack and d. orb sale', things will settle down. The company has got to realize they are starting to irritate and exhaust their players.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ok this is becoming a serious issue for me. why is the gold price so high? its getting a little rediculous i mean SERIOUSLY. all i want is to buy some spurs and i gotta pay almost 25 gold for a 15 gold item??? WTH come on sanctuary we gotta stop this price hike stuff PLEASE for the sake of the server. not enough coin going in to buy at that.... not most people anyway. im sorry i just felt i needed to get this off my chest and if you read it please be nice and not angry at me just stating the truth

    At least you're not on HL. Gold here is usually 170k each or so...when sales occur, around 185k-200k.
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    *spanks Saveless and screams "CHARLIE"*
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I'd rather see more end-game content than all these so-called events a.k.a "sales" week after week. They actually ruined really fun (or used to be) weekly event due to some boutique item adds, and yes I'm talking about DT. Normal bikinis on sale was bad enough and for such a low price,now we got even other sets of bikinis that surpasses the original lowering the normal bikini price even further.Most of the ppl who come to DT now mostly do it for the pvp alone.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    As much as the prices do suck (being a non zhen charger myself), this is people's RL money we're talking about here. It is their decision on what they want to charge for it. And let's not even talk about greedy, because who has the right to put a price tag on people's earned cash. Without gold sellers, we non gold sellars would not have access to half the items out there, ie D orbs, xp scrolls, charms, GAs, tele incenses, fast flyers and ground mounts, fashion, etc.

    p.s. Please lower the gold exhange rates. Thank you! b:cute

    The problem is that most gold in AH isnt earned RL money.. most comes from people that bought gold low to sell high

    ATM gold on Sanc is 170-185k ...great .. continue that way people

    With the patch = you do the cube.. you get the chest of coin, you need an iron hammer to open it...
    Chest of coins contains 1M coins, hammer is 5 gold.

    With gold at 185 it makes the hammer at 925k (without counting the 5% exchange rate will you open it ?

    The problem is IMO, that PWE is killiing the golden hen, to much cash events, so people need to put more money in the game ( or find a way to buy more gold)

    how much moiney have you put in game lately ( or how many gold have you bought in game lately)
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The problem is that most gold in AH isnt earned RL money.. most comes from people that bought gold low to sell high

    ATM gold on Sanc is 170-185k ...great .. continue that way people

    With the patch = you do the cube.. you get the chest of coin, you need an iron hammer to open it...
    Chest of coins contains 1M coins, hammer is 5 gold.

    With gold at 185 it makes the hammer at 925k (without counting the 5% exchange rate will you open it ?

    The problem is IMO, that PWE is killiing the golden hen, to much cash events, so people need to put more money in the game ( or find a way to buy more gold)

    how much moiney have you put in game lately ( or how many gold have you bought in game lately)

    So true...Pwi wearing the players out with all these events. Just recently I spent like 300 bucks on the sale event and now they come out with charm pack and D. orbs sale againb:surrender...not to mention the new chest added in cube required us to use cash shop hammer to open. Gold prices went though the roof so I didn't even bother to buy it with coins. Like much of the previous posts...I would rather they fix the bugs and focus on giving us new content rather than finding ways empty our wallets (both virtual and real currency).
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    0 ftw b:victory

    I waste all my money on pulling off leeroys trying to solo 3-4 higher lvl/better geared full buffed ppl at once which result's in a pretty high(overtime) GA + charm cost.

    Why do I do it? Because I can !!! b:cute .

    Besides PROness and POORness match ,that would be a shame to change now wouldn't it ^_^ .
    No I'm not c0cky I'm realistic. Peace ya'll.
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    and now behold... gold at 180K each...
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary
    NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    all i can say as far as gold prices for is bluh!

    as they go up so do things like teles/esos and other stuff.

    i know some who have quit because prices of gold and other boutique items being sold on game is just unacceptable.

    yes some people buy with real money but like said before most is bought cheap to sell for more -.- really now?

    this is just crazy
    The knife slides down the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I kinda like it >_>
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary
    Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hopefully telecoustics still cost at least 12k even though gold cost like super duper 180k... Yay for WC spammage!
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    all i can say as far as gold prices for is bluh!

    as they go up so do things like teles/esos and other stuff.

    i know some who have quit because prices of gold and other boutique items being sold on game is just unacceptable.

    yes some people buy with real money but like said before most is bought cheap to sell for more -.- really now?

    this is just crazy

    It's not from gold reselling, it's from people buying all the cheap gold, then constantly one-upping each other in bidding for the next gold infusion. And that happens at a far faster rate than people putting gold in. Somtimes enough people will put alot in at one time, and gold will drop back to 140k and such. But usually the ceiling on bid will be reached when someone just doesn't think they can turn a profit selling CS items and rebuying gold off the proceeds. And currently, it is definitely the jones event causing this. Even at 170k, they can still turn a pretty good profit in their attempt to get gems to sell later on, or to cheaply fully shard their armor.
  • NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary
    NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    haha u lost meh <.<

    either way its just freeaking crazy
    The knife slides down the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
  • satown
    satown Posts: 9
    edited July 2009
    these gold prices is either ppl just tryin to make them pockets fat or its 2009 and everyone is tryin to get over ive seen it all over ppl in real life and in game but if u dont control the supply then those who do can make it wat they want sad fact but tru
  • Akasera - Sanctuary
    Akasera - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ever since the first orb sale PWI has released one sale after another which has kept the price of gold high (without much of anything in the way of new content). To tell the truth the constant sales reek of desperation. I think PWI has concerns over the long-term survivability of the game and is cashing out now as much as it can.

    This. Lack of development has left a stale end-game, where there's so very little to do except excruciatingly repetitive and long instances (delta, lunar, TT 3/2-3/3). PvP is largely dead, the one functional event rendered meaningless thanks to its primary prize being added to the cash shop, all other events still yet to be implemented/fixed, bugs proliferate and remain unaddressed for months, etc. At this point, practically everyone I know is staying for the people in the game, not the game itself; guess what happens when a new game(s) comes then that attracts them all, as is coming soon.

    PWI knows this, and seems to have elected to take a strip mining approach to the game at the expense of any semblance of economic balance rather than try and revise long-term planning. The result is sale after sale of everything they can offer in rapid succession to grab cash shop players and their wallets before they move on. Cube boxes are the dead giveaway; they have essentially offered cash shop players a permanent 2:1 return on their money compared to the traditional 1g~100k, which in turn assures that gold prices are never going to go down. Rather telling how it's the cash shop content that took priority and was rushed in for this expansion, while the first actual new gameplay content in a year (genies don't count) remains a work in progress.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This. Lack of development has left a stale end-game, where there's so very little to do except excruciatingly repetitive and long instances (delta, lunar, TT 3/2-3/3). PvP is largely dead, the one functional event rendered meaningless thanks to its primary prize being added to the cash shop, all other events still yet to be implemented/fixed, bugs proliferate and remain unaddressed for months, etc. At this point, practically everyone I know is staying for the people in the game, not the game itself; guess what happens when a new game(s) comes then that attracts them all, as is coming soon.

    PWI knows this, and seems to have elected to take a strip mining approach to the game at the expense of any semblance of economic balance rather than try and revise long-term planning. The result is sale after sale of everything they can offer in rapid succession to grab cash shop players and their wallets before they move on. Cube boxes are the dead giveaway; they have essentially offered cash shop players a permanent 2:1 return on their money compared to the traditional 1g~100k, which in turn assures that gold prices are never going to go down. Rather telling how it's the cash shop content that took priority and was rushed in for this expansion, while the first actual new gameplay content in a year (genies don't count) remains a work in progress.

    Lol, when I suggested this in the General forum, GM says I was defaming PWI.b:chuckle

    Yeah, it was a stickied thread, they probably haven't seen this thread, safely hidden and tucked away.b:victory
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    spoons knows all and sees all. Its his job to troll the forums in every nook and cranny.

    I think he was a bit grumpy that day, he had several thousand people to try and calm down on the forums. I dont blame him, really. A lot of people are really pissed at these recent sales, and he cant do much about it, besides take notes and submit them to the feedback team. Poor guy.

    What irritates me most though, is that Xarfox tries to do damage control by explaining that they are trying to de-inflate gold prices, and then tries to sidetrack us by telling of wondrous things to come, like we havent heard that before.

    Anyway, Im just accepting it and patiently waiting it out.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Venomeow - Sanctuary
    Venomeow - Sanctuary Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh no! Gold prices are through the roof! I can't buy anything!



    So now you have the following options:

    -Wait it out.
    -Suck it and buy gold anyway.
    -Spend real life money.
    -Become a ninja GM, **** the server, and get everything you want.

    Take your pick~ b:victory
  • PoisonArtz - Harshlands
    PoisonArtz - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    LOL Dreamweaver has it the worst with 220k for gold nowb:surrender...charms are 550k minimumb:cryand im just curious but did PWI nerf veno's heal skill or pump up fb59 boss damage?...i use to be able to solo fb59 all the bosses at lvl 61 with herc and now i cant even kill the weakest of the bosses after the updateb:sad
  • Venomeow - Sanctuary
    Venomeow - Sanctuary Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I would just let the herc solo it. I attacked it, and it was like INSTANTAGGROPLZ. Regarding your heal, I didn't notice anything different. If anything it should be easier due to +10% attack. But that's up for discussion in a different thread.

    220k? Sanc is only 170k. Didn't say I would ever say only. Got a charm yesterday for 375k though. -happy-
  • PoisonArtz - Harshlands
    PoisonArtz - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I would just let the herc solo it. I attacked it, and it was like INSTANTAGGROPLZ. Regarding your heal, I didn't notice anything different. If anything it should be easier due to +10% attack. But that's up for discussion in a different thread.

    220k? Sanc is only 170k. Didn't say I would ever say only. Got a charm yesterday for 375k though. -happy-

    well i been doin solo fb59's at lvl 61 for 3weeks, it was my main source of income for the insane prices here and all do is constant heal cause the bosses are lvl 65 an i dont have time to throw in a attk so i let herc just constantly atk while i spam heal and i was doin it for weeks, farmed over 20m income but NOW my herc cant even get the HP down to 1/4 of there HP w/o getting wasted, i tried each boss in the fb an each one kills my herc and zimo kills him almost instantly and the 10% to damage doesnt affect heal skill
  • Venomeow - Sanctuary
    Venomeow - Sanctuary Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I just noticed the second charm sale. hello to high prices.

    This is getting off topic, but poison if you say so, then I guess they did change something. At my level I can't really tell >_> lol.
  • PoisonArtz - Harshlands
    PoisonArtz - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I just noticed the second charm sale. hello to high prices.

    This is getting off topic, but poison if you say so, then I guess they did change something. At my level I can't really tell >_> lol.

    lol true but i can lvl an still do it but im just trynna figure if the heal was nerfed or if bosses was pump'd