My Perceptions and Whether to Alter Them



  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There's plenty of ways to get cash shop items other than spending RL $ if one is willing to put in the time and effort.

    Again, tell that to a 10-year-old. I've never met a 10-year-old who actually grinded in a game. Heck, I think I was around 11 or 12 when I first started grinding in Final Fantasy for those perfect stats. And I still haven't finished with those.
    people might act like 10 year olds, but i would really be interested to see how many real 10 year olds are around. would you happen to be one of them?

    Unfortunately no, I'm not. I'm just not the kind of person who would want to spend money on a game that I only end up playing for a while. Happened once already, quite recently. And I don't really mind the part about getting big amounts of coins, I actually like having a lot of coins.
    there are certain aspect of the game that force you in to pvp. cube and dragon temple is a good example of force pvp. so it doesn't hurt to aleast have some know how before being slapped in the face. he can take it or leave it, but i fail to see how giving advice is ridicules (even if it doesn't apply to his immedidate sitution). as a final note, any skill that apply in pvp will also apply in pve.

    The fellow is lvl 34, it's going to take a while for him until he's even competent enough not to die in those PK-enabled rooms in Cube of Fate. And hey, I'm over 20 levels higher than him and I've not been forced into PvP yet, nor do I have any intentions to do so in a while, as I want my W&C as soon as possible.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Challotte - Dreamweaver
    Challotte - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Again, tell that to a 10-year-old. I've never met a 10-year-old who actually grinded in a game. Heck, I think I was around 11 or 12 when I first started grinding in Final Fantasy for those perfect stats. And I still haven't finished with those.

    With all due respect, I stand by my original response that there are plenty of other ways to get cash shop items other than spending RL money. The fact that someone is 10 years old and/or not patient or willing to put forth in the time and effort doesn't negate that fact.
    as I want my W&C as soon as possible

    On a lighter note, Im VERY happy so far with my W&C. It's actually a pretty reasonably priced mold or item to get in game - especially considering it's offensive prowess. Honestly, I don't really like running around with a slingshot as I think it looks goofy, but I LOVE having fast weapons and once I get enough silver DO's to get the Bracers of Blood Moon I'm going to love it even more.

    Although I know they have their places, I just don't care for X-bows. I dislike both the slow firing speed as well as the wide range of damage they do. It may just be me, but I'm willing to give up a little "average" damage to be faster and more consistent with a slingshot or even a good bow.

    Good luck on getting your W&C and I'm almost positive you'll really enjoy it too!
  • Falcondance - Heavens Tear
    Falcondance - Heavens Tear Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    With all due respect, I stand by my original response that there are plenty of other ways to get cash shop items other than spending RL money. The fact that someone is 10 years old and/or not patient or willing to put forth in the time and effort doesn't negate that fact.

    On a lighter note, Im VERY happy so far with my W&C. It's actually a pretty reasonably priced mold or item to get in game - especially considering it's offensive prowess. Honestly, I don't really like running around with a slingshot as I think it looks goofy, but I LOVE having fast weapons and once I get enough silver DO's to get the Bracers of Blood Moon I'm going to love it even more.

    Although I know they have their places, I just don't care for X-bows. I dislike both the slow firing speed as well as the wide range of damage they do. It may just be me, but I'm willing to give up a little "average" damage to be faster and more consistent with a slingshot or even a good bow.

    Good luck on getting your W&C and I'm almost positive you'll really enjoy it too!

    Wouldn't it be possible to spend an afternoon gathering ~500-1000 herbs (Not as hard as it sounds; try Hidden Orchid Valley) and then catshop them for 1k each by a npc that asks for them during a quest?

    Sounds like easy cash to me. And I myself am a victim of spending 15k on tuckahoes.

    "I always thought I'd be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never care enough to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable, and making someone fall in love with you is easy, and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can't just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone's idea of love, but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do."
    Sig pic by Nowitsawn
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    With all due respect, I stand by my original response that there are plenty of other ways to get cash shop items other than spending RL money. The fact that someone is 10 years old and/or not patient or willing to put forth in the time and effort doesn't negate that fact.

    Of course there are, but this guy basically insisted on spending RL money. And hey, you cannot argue that maxing Flight Mastery is ALWAYS cheaper than the CS wings, as it only costs a total of 139,950 coins and 107,300 spirit. And that's for lvl 10.

    And my point is exactly that: if someone cannot, for one reason or another, afford the CS wings at 2.0 m/s or higher speeds by lvl 54, they can just alter for the Flight Mastery, as it's not too expensive for that level.
    On a lighter note, Im VERY happy so far with my W&C. It's actually a pretty reasonably priced mold or item to get in game - especially considering it's offensive prowess. Honestly, I don't really like running around with a slingshot as I think it looks goofy, but I LOVE having fast weapons and once I get enough silver DO's to get the Bracers of Blood Moon I'm going to love it even more.

    Ah, I'm still loving my Sinister Shooter, but I cannot wait for the W&C at 69. I don't even dare to imagine something crazy like W&C and Bracers of Blood Moon.
    Although I know they have their places, I just don't care for X-bows. I dislike both the slow firing speed as well as the wide range of damage they do. It may just be me, but I'm willing to give up a little "average" damage to be faster and more consistent with a slingshot or even a good bow.

    Ah, I'm only planning to have a crossbow if I ever decide to go PK Mode, as TWs are not an option for me due to the timing.
    Good luck on getting your W&C and I'm almost positive you'll really enjoy it too!

    Ah, first I need to get to 69, and that's a bit of a long way to go.
    Wouldn't it be possible to spend an afternoon gathering ~500-1000 herbs (Not as hard as it sounds; try Hidden Orchid Valley) and then catshop them for 1k each by a npc that asks for them during a quest?

    Of course it would be. Heck, it didn't take me too long to farm the mats to bring my Apothecary from 30/30 to 40/40 with a decent route. And by the way, I made the money for my Sinister Shooter by farming Element Fragments from the Torgirn Warriors until I was 41 and selling them at the Master Bladecraftsman. Personally, I think it was so easy that it's regretful that I cannot do it anymore. So, now I farm Anthracite instead, as there's usually someone willing to pay 2.2-2.5k each in West Archosaur. It's a lot slower, but it's still doable.

    However, there are people who are both not willing to spend cash nor willing to farm and still want those fast wings. Flight Mastery is a good choice for such people, as it's far cheaper than the other skills in the 50s. And besides, it's just Spirit and a bit of coins, you can easily get the Spirit from quests and the coins from DQs that drop from the mobs required for those quests. I know, I did that. I even had enough spare to buy a Sinister Shooter, refine it to +2 and buy a Perfect Iron Hammer. Well, I did do a lot of farming on the side.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Challotte - Dreamweaver
    Challotte - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Of course there are, but this guy basically insisted on spending RL money. And hey, you cannot argue that maxing Flight Mastery is ALWAYS cheaper than the CS wings, as it only costs a total of 139,950 coins and 107,300 spirit. And that's for lvl 10.

    And my point is exactly that: if someone cannot, for one reason or another, afford the CS wings at 2.0 m/s or higher speeds by lvl 54, they can just alter for the Flight Mastery, as it's not too expensive for that level.

    Point taken - I may have misunderstood the context of your original comment. I have no problem with maxing flight mastery as you're correct that in the long run it's not very expensive to do (in both SP and coin).

    As far as W&C goes...

    I've read and understand the arguments back and forth between Xbow vs. sling and speed vs. more powerful dmg and there are definitely 2 sides to it. That said, in actual practice (for me that is), I find that using a -interval sling like W&C, allows me to kill more non-melee mobs JUST AT THAT POINT before they get off that last ranged attack. When dealing with "dOT'ing" mobs, it allows me to continuously kill without taking any break. With equivalent lvl crossbows, there are just too many times where I get hit at just that last second before the mob dies and that drives me nuts!

    Since you have a ways to go to get your W&C anyways, I'd just keep saving up coin and watching the AH for a really good deal on one and snag it when you can. I picked mine up around lvl 60 or so refined to +1 and with some nice socket stones for ~250K - I spend the next 9 levels looking at it in the bank just waiting :). I've been buying silver DO's for quite awhile now too whenever I have spare 200K or so. I've read that the Bracers of Blood Moon are effectively usable at least to 90 and even to 100 if you want, so I figure there's no rush to get them and I KNOW they will be useful.

    Start setting up a "slush fund" to pick up the bargain priced silver DO's when you see them and you'll be surprised when you get to lvl 69/70 and realize you only need a few more :)

    Have fun
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    there is plenty of flyers for under 500k (the 5 gold ones)... they may not be the best, but they work. since you don't want to pay, don't expect the best.
    Of course there are, but this guy basically insisted on spending RL money.

    did you miss the part where i said that there are flyers for under 500k... i said that under the impression most people with common sense would assume the 500k is talking about coins.

    no one have to spend real money in this game. what i said is that in order to stay competitive... real money is pretty much a requirement. the amount of real cash one spent (or need to continue to spent) is pretty much determined by one's business sense. i said this before and will say it again, you need money to make money. and penny penching isn't the way to go about it.

    we all play the game the way we want. if you don't want to stay competitive and choose to get one shotted by half of the server thats your problem. but i on the other hand i choose to spend a few bucks on a game that i played for a few months, i see it as buying the game. and as a result, i don't get one shotted every time i walk down the street. and if you choose to stay 100% pve, thats also your problem. but you are effectively locking yourself out of certain aspects of the game.

    the op might be in his 30s right now. but slap a couple of charms on him and he could easily out level you in a week. so who are you to decide whats realvent for him or not.

    and on a last note, this is exactly one of the reason that some of the higher levels don't post advice and answer questions. you criticize them when they include some extra information along with the answers. heck, i got better stuff to do with my time then answering questsion from lower levels. they can figure everything out themselves.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Again, tell that to a 10-year-old. I've never met a 10-year-old who actually grinded in a game. Heck, I think I was around 11 or 12 when I first started grinding in Final Fantasy for those perfect stats. And I still haven't finished with those.

    So, your a 11 year old that spend $50 to buy the game and then a $10 monthly fee. And now your here saying a 10 year old can't spend a few bucks on this.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    did you miss the part where i said that there are flyers for under 500k... i said that under the impression most people with common sense would assume the 500k is talking about coins.

    Of course I know that. However, even getting 500k is a tough job if you dislike farming. And hey, I've never seen a 2.0 m/s wing going for less than 750k. And you know what, the Flight Mastery still only costs 140k coins.
    we all play the game the way we want. if you don't want to stay competitive and choose to get one shotted by half of the server thats your problem. but i on the other hand i choose to spend a few bucks on a game that i played for a few months, i see it as buying the game. and as a result, i don't get one shotted every time i walk down the street. and if you choose to stay 100% pve, thats also your problem. but you are effectively locking yourself out of certain aspects of the game.

    Ah, but I've only played the game for only a bit over 2 months so far. Personally, I will consider spending actual money at some point.
    the op might be in his 30s right now. but slap a couple of charms on him and he could easily out level you in a week. so who are you to decide whats realvent for him or not.

    Of course he could, I don't play too much. I pretty much just do the quests for my level, CS and then grind an hour or two a day with or without esotericas.
    So, your a 11 year old that spend $50 to buy the game and then a $10 monthly fee. And now your here saying a 10 year old can't spend a few bucks on this.

    No. When I was 11, it was Final Fantasy 10, back almost 8 years ago. Or well, seems like it was closer to 6-ish, since the game was released in May 2007 and my version is a Platinum. Oh well, I know for sure that it was over 6 years ago. And for the record, I never even considered Final Fantasy XI the moment I learned it was pay-to-play. Same with Matrix Online and a few other pay-to-play games.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Anyone that's grinded or did any kind of fighting knows i aoe like a **** and lemme tell ya the extra vit wont save you. Archers job is get the kill done before getting killed so its kinda pointless to tank mobs with your already low hp. With that said itd be more ideal to be pure dex so you can kill all the mobs really fast. But archers shouldnt have much money problems in the 60s. Especially when you plvl on the minions of alucard from 66+. 100k+ an hour and on good days 250k+ an hour.

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~