Once again looking for a faction (dreamweaver)

Sakuramiko - Dreamweaver
Sakuramiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Guild Banter
I am looking again for a faction on Dreamweaver, that is active and friendly. I am mostly a solo-er but do like to group up with good people and have fun.
I am an older player and I am not on 24/7 although I am on a lot (probably more than I should be lol). I am not about "end-game" and being "the best" (too many years of EQ and end game stuff just bores me now).
I am currently in a faction that I was ranked in before I had to take a month off for personal reasons, and now I am literally the only member who has logged in since I have been back, so really don't know why I have not resigned yet.
Not looking for a huge or "popular" faction, but one that is friendly and laid back, who helps and likes to have fun. And hopefully one who will accept a lvl 24 (and rising) Veno and maybe a lower alt both into the fold.
Please mail me in game, I tend to miss chat unless I am looking for it so mailing is easier than sending a pm. I tend to be most active early mornings and later at night (I am in central US time).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to say hi if you see me even if you aren't offering a place in a faction.
Post edited by Sakuramiko - Dreamweaver on


  • CrazedToo - Dreamweaver
    CrazedToo - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hey there, I'm a member of the faction Kinetic. We're a lvl 1 faction on Dreamweaver, will be lvl 2 soon. We're a friendly group of players and we are currently looking for any class lvl 20+. If you are interested in us, you can pm me in game (CrazedToo).
  • Sakuramiko - Dreamweaver
    Sakuramiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Cool, will mail or pm you. Guess I forgot to put which IGN for people to message/mail me it would be SakuraMiko or KiraRose (veno and wiz), which are the 2 I am currently working on.
  • CrazedToo - Dreamweaver
    CrazedToo - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well I'll be on later and we only accept an account's main character.....sorry we just want to get whichever character you're on the most. But pm me in game if you are still interested.
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Placid could possibly be of interest to you. Our recruitment thread is here:


    Feel free to message any of the people listed on that thread for more information. Good luck if we don't hear from you however. b:shy