Price Check on upgraded Iridescence Wings

SWeZapper - Lost City
SWeZapper - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
edited July 2009 in The Trading Post
Hi, a girl wants to trade upgraded wings, she says max upgraded, but i dont know if they are. 3/5?

Anyways, whats the price of the wings then?

(She wants to trade them for my nien)

Should i take this offer?
Post edited by SWeZapper - Lost City on


  • Tamaguchi - Harshlands
    Tamaguchi - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    You can't upgrade, they come automatically as 3/6. And they are a limited mount offered about 3 weeks back, at the time costs 50gold to buy. Dunno the gold prices on your server, about 7mil in just plain gold conversion, and now that they are forever extinct, you should expect them to be more expensive. So trading it for a Neinbeast would be fine, as the Neinbeast is another limited mount, that cost 50gold.