Time'sEye[Sanctuary] Recruitment

Xserionx - Sanctuary
Xserionx - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Guild Banter
We are currently looking for friendly active players. (lvl 2 Faction atm)

We Offer QUEST HELP , POWER LVLS and COOKIES XD (cookies are subject to teleporter access)

1)lvl 10+(with exceptions. Inquire with me for info)
2)Must be active(online about once a week or so. Please let us know if you're taking a break for rl schedules and/or using alts. Any unannounced afk idling without response can be counted as inactivity and may result in loss of post)

Rules (usually quite lax)-
1)Follow ALL tos
2)Do NOT ks(what's the point of that anyway?)
3)Squadders with me take only what YOU kill(based on most damage, also in compliance with 2) unless told otherwise(I put loot on free. Kill help is acceptable, just split loot or share it or something)
4)Be helpful(no, you don't need to be mushy about it lol)
Have fun(but keep it in good taste XP)
5)In accordance with Req.No.2, over 2 months of un-notified inactivity will result in loss of post. Re-admittance is available with just cases.

Ranking system (based on lvl and standings)-
10-15: Recruit(rcrt) Starting Class- Basic standings.
16-25: Initiate(init) Mid Class- Should start deciding your Grand Title(optional).
26-35: Apprentice(aprn) High Class- On your way to getting your Grand Title, this is not mandatory but it could be fun to play with.

Current Grand Titles & Uniforms
Drgn - M:Dark Red Vestment F:N/A atm
Mous - M:N/A atm F:N/A atm
Wyrm - M:Green Vestment F:N/A atm
K9 - M:N/A atm F:N/A atm
Phnx - M: N/A atm F:N/A atm
Jelo - M:N/A atm F:N/A atm
Neko - M:N/A atm F:N/A atm

I am usually on between 10:30-14:50pst/pdt and 21:00-23:30pst/pdt (varies each day).
If you wish to join, pm me or send me a letter in game with your info(those who join through pw mail will get their 500coins back from me if wished). You can also reach me through personal site from my profile info. Or click here http://eternalsanctum.wordpress.com/
Donations to the faction and it's members are welcomed, I recommend you hold onto all money though until we need it.

We fight for truth, justice, and....What was I doing again???

In shadows we find truth, Eternity's Eye sees all.
Truth and Time oft intertwine...For in Time is Truth revealed...