LVL 70 weps

Msmunholy - Lost City
Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Archer
seen a lot about unicorn/W&C havent heard much about thundercrack... seems a bit more expencive. is it ok for other than pvp?
Post edited by Msmunholy - Lost City on


  • Thc - Harshlands
    Thc - Harshlands Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    PVP -> Thundercrack xbow (not good for grinding, )
    PVE -> Gold lvl 69 slingshot (not that good for PVP)
    Mixed -> Unicorn. (avg in PVP & PVE)

    You should def. get the sling.. its also very cheap..
  • Death - Harshlands
    Death - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you've done your job properly, you've amassed a ton of explosive and lead shot by now, I know I've saved up at least 10k and will probably have more than 15k when I get to craft and use my Wind & Clouds. Either Thundercrack or W&C for PvP, especially if refined +4-+5 consistent damage and fast attack rate ftw.
  • Ebrithiill - Lost City
    Ebrithiill - Lost City Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    based on my fighting style, attack rate really isnt that important when it comes to pvp since I tend to use skills more. And when it comes to pve, W&C is probably better, but if you are a good archer, you should know how to keep monsters away from you by now so uncorn and thuderstrike bow should also do fine and not really be a problem using when it comes to pve. If I were you, I would take the thunderstike or unicorn-u can get a good unicorn for like 150k so its not even that expensive-but thunderstrike is the best due to high damage. thunderstrike is more expensive though.

    There might be bias in my opinion (b:laugh) mainly due to my personal dislike of slingshots. I mean seriously, what type of archer goes of to battle with a slingshot -.- but my opinion is really logical.