How to complete rebirth 100% of the time easy and cheap

Hippie - Harshlands
Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I wont write this guide alone, since i am pretty much stupid bout most classes, i only know BMs part, and the general. Also sorry for typos and crappy english. Also capsed parts doesnt mean we were high when writing this, but showing some important things...

Images coming soon!

Forgot GAMMA from the title =(

1. The build we used, also credits: ]
- We are all from harshlands server, Kylin.

1 WB - Gregoris
1 WR - Hippie
2 EA - CaLixTa, and KaulaPfosos
1 EP - Gin
1 MG – Satuki

This guide will be mostly bout this build. That should be a standard, not the only way u can complete it. After 1-2 try u will know ur own way beating element lord ;)

Whats the point? 3 DDs means crazy DPS, u can eat double wawe while barb delays one half a bit. Kills fast, and safe, since the aggro which couldnt be grabbed by BM divides to 3 DD, also moving a bit more thanx to crits and misses and DDs placement.

Other builds work aswell, just be sure to have enough DPS, and u ALWAYS need WB/WR/EP. Like 1 WB 2 BM 2 EA 1 EP works aswell, bit slower but safer, i would suggest this one for lower level teams.

Also some legend:

WB = barbarian
BM = WR = blademaster
EA = elf archer
EP = elf priest = cleric
MG = wizard
DPS = damage per second

2. What do u need:

U all will need to invest money. Maybe a lot. But believe its worth it!

Charms. Everyone should have HP charm, DDs also need MP charm. MGs and EPs mana wont be drained after mana 1 up, also EAs will tick slower(by the end u can get mana 3 which helps a LITTLE bit more, but dont make that a priority)

HP pots. Everyone will need these. I dont think u gotta buy purple ones, the few u get in there shall be fine.

Genie. Detailed for each class, but this will keep u alive and make bosses faster.

Decent gear. DDs should have refined weapon, BM/WB shetloadz of HP. The more dmg, the faster u kill, the more HP, the more aggro u can keep away from ur DDs.

If u r unsure bout ur gear etc, bring apo pots, dew of gods protection. The text is bad on it, it lasts 180 seconds, or mb even more, not sure.

Organisation. Everyone should know wat to do, things will go easy than. But its really easy to **** up, and hours of work, tons of gold may get wasted.

3. The things u can get, for wat price

1.5 mil + XP (quests give a bit less but non battle area mobs give nice xp too)
Mistical tome fragments – can be used for crafting blessings
Random G8 shards
20-80k coin each boss

Also no exp loss if u die, no dolls lost, red hours burn like hell, and a veno can level up her pet like crazy

Depends on ur class some charm burned (as BM i burn like a half hiero, and have repair costs of 100-300k), and repair costs.
If u finish it, really worth it. REALLY.

4. Auras:

Most numbers wasnt tested, and i am even kinda bout their origin, but mostly they seem to be okay.

Max aura level:

Alpha - 3
Beta - 4
Gamma - 5
Delta - 6

Costs: - beans

lvl1: 500
lvl2: 600
lvl3: 700
lvl4: 800
lvl5: 800
lvl6: 1000

Defense(phisical only): - %

lvl2: 160
lvl3: 190
lvl4: 220
lvl5: 250
lvl6: 279

Attack boost: - %

lvl2: 139
lvl3: 160
lvl4: 179
lvl5: 200
lvl6: 220

Life regen: - x/3 seconds

lvl1: 300
lvl2: 600
lvl3: 900
lvl4: 1200
lvl5: 1500
lvl6: 1800

Mana regen: - x/5 seconds

lvl1: 500
lvl2: 1000
lvl3: 1500
lvl4: 2000
lvl5: 2500
lvl6: 3000

Chi boost:

lvl1: 40/15 seconds
lvl2: 40/10 seconds
lvl3: 80/15 seconds
lvl4: 80/10 seconds
lvl5: 120/15 seconds
lvl6: 120/10 seconds

What to get?

MP1, HP1, Def 1, Attack1, HP 2, Atk 2, MP2, HP3, Atk3, Hp4, Atk 4, HP5, atk5, def3, chi1, def4, def5, chi2 OR mana 3

With robe MG u may consider getting def 2 bit earlier, cuz of massive bleed. We didnt need it, with robe user EP and LA MG.

5. Explanation for each class:
Barbarian: - credits go to gregoris

First of all sorry for my grammar mistakes(hope to understand me)

Part of Barbarians:

First of all you need a HP charm,with out that you and your team will be constantly dead,do not try it with out that because will just lose fo your badges!

Skills that Barbarian must have and USE:invoke,roar,beastial rage,flesh realm,slam and Frighten(i will explain further why you need that skills)
When rebirth start you must have full chi so please start all of you hitting npc(that you speak to start the rebirth) till all of you get full chi.

One of the main role of barbarian is to gather and bring them to zhen spot all together,that is because its easier for BM to keep the aggro on him!When you gather them and you are in the zhen spot(God's eye)you first 3 spells are:Invoke,roar,beastial rage and frighten.You use your invoke to get protect from the mobs as you have the first aggro for about 3-5 sec after the Roar(that depends on BM with hippie i usually have it only for 3 but i think he has all his aoe spells quite full).You open your beastial rage because for that 3-5 sec the mobs that are hitting you are giving you also Chi for invoke for the next wave.You use the frighten(most after the 5th boss but good is to use it always)to protect your team mates from big damage and also to save them from more lost of their charms Cool .After BM take the Aggro from you you return in True form,because they are range mobs that are our of the zhen spot that you must put them inside.In that moment you use your Slam you are going always on the opposite position than you want to send them and you Slam again and again till all mobs are in the Zhening area.(do not let the mobs out of the Zhening area because when the next wave come you have to go and take it and that mobs will hit over and over your teammates will they die Crying or Very sad .Now the main role(in my opinion)of barbarians is when double wave come.You must LURE the one wave far from the Zhening spot.How?The rebirth map is circle,so you are luring them and make a big circle till you come back to your team.Here is the hard part for all of us.You must use normal potion of course and do not stop running even for one sec(that mobs are doing slow also),if you do not have experience in that you must have Apothecary pot,NOT that you are not taking any damage for 8 sec because this pot also DO NOT LET YOU MOVE FOR 8 SEC Sad .You MUST have the Apothecary pot that absorb dmg(sorry guys but i am not remember their names Embarassed ) When you return to your team after that small walk you must use your Frighten first and w8 till the wave that you lure come.When the second wave come you invoke,roar and beastial rage and frigthen again, then true form and bla bla bla.Now that time will be chaotic for guys that doing it first time,Barbarians must have their mind for the next wave because will come before you totally clear that wave.You must DELAY it for a little bit till the most mobs are dead and then bring it to the Zhening spot.If you clear that wave too then all will be much easier.only singles waves and easy to kill.
Nullum crimen sine lege.
Post edited by Hippie - Harshlands on


  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Now some tips:

    After the 4th-5th boss the mobs are starting to hit hard so when you gather them do not go farther than the point the road split.Because after that point you are not taking the buffs and heals from the auras,that means that even if you do not die your charm you click like crazy.
    Also try do not forget push the mobs inside the Zhening spot,or else you may have big problem.
    Use your pot if you want to save as much Charm as you can.

    As hippie said Barbarians have the same problem!we are losing usually like 350kcharm(if you start getting experience in luring and have a good cleric may be 200k)and we are paying to repairs something like 200k-250k repairs.Do not care about that you already gain much much more money if you finish it.(Also there is no better way for Barbarian to lvl up fast so who cares about the money)

    Also and that is important while you are in true form you must return for some sec in tiger form again to frigthen again and to Flesh Realm some mob from the DD's and from the cleric and bring them back to the Zhening area(BM are not gods to keep all the mobs on them, we must help as much as we can).then you return in true form and continue your job. – Add by Hippie: after like 20 seconds from BMs first aoe stun he will have all good skills on cooldown, if u have weak MG/EP get aggro at this time, on late wawes.

    As for Bosses care the 3d boss because it has reflect damage so care of your spells!do not worry if your cleric is good you are not going to lose even one click from your charm.

    Important at the 5th wave(deflect mobs)help a lot your BM with Frighten over and over again.he is already taking a lot of dmg as he try to keep as much aggro on him,do not let him to lose more charm because you forgot to decrease the mobs damage! – Add from Hippie – BMs cant do much until mobs reflect off, i usually aoe stun, and risk one heavens flame thats all… there is still a chance to oneshot myself. U have to get as much aggro as u can.

    In case that your cleric die at a boss,INVOKE,you will enought time so your cleric come back.

    Also in Bosses that debuff,use again your invoke and return to true form to buff your self and your cleric and give some time to your cleric to buff you also.DO NOT AFRAID AS MUCH AS YOU HAVE THE INVOKE YOUR ARE NOT GOING TO DIE IN TRUE FORM.

    Also get some cloak because usually timer is bugged and do not show the remaining time:)you have 15min to kill the boss.

    Now some personal beliefs:

    Try to get people in squad that you can communicate.If you can not communicate with your party members and you are arguing all the time you propablu fail.
    You can beat it with every squad if everyone do his job.No one is more important that the other and no one do something more than he must,each guy has his role there.

    You need also to try it 1-2times to see how is going and then i think that you will finish it
    Start a good conversation because the rebirth is 3 hours to finish it Very Happy

    That all i think!
    if i forgot something please ask.


    The two most important things... understand ur role, and know timing well. This job requires some skill, focus, and u gotta stay calm all the time – U cant go afk! U always have to focus, a few sec late at start of a wawe may fail the whole team!

    It may be interesting, but u r the best DD, and the static tank. U have to grab all the aggro u can survive. Have gods eye selected, and keep it normal attacking from max range, from the way monsters invade. This will get u the chi, u need(till first boss done u wont have an eye, explained later). When u see monsters coming, start to spam ur skills.

    U will grab aggro on some of them, and when most kicked in, drop a heavens out. This will make em die rly fast. USE HEAVENS FLAME WHENEVER U CAN. (As first USE IN THE SAME TIME WHEN BARB RAWRS, SO U TAKE LIKE HALF OF AGGRO INSTANTLY)

    If u see ur DDs/EPs life falling or moving alot, u HAVO TO GRAB MORE AGGRO, TO KEEP THEM ALIVE! Use aoe stun - even if most monsters resist it, it grabs aggro pretty good - and spam ur aoes. U CAN ACTUALLY OUTDAMAGE DDs IN MOST CASE, AND GRAB AGGRO.

    Also when on one side is many monster, out of aoe range, and barb cant kick them in, u gotta go there and grab aggro with an aoe stun, so they attack u. Since they wasnt rly dmged yet, an aoe stun should grab the aggro instantly.

    Awhile u do that, u gotta keep urself alive. Watch ur HP bar, use pots, etc. Dont grab more aggro than u can survive. Rebirth dont like heros, just stay alive and do ur job.

    When u DD bosses, also use heavens flame. Before casting type <<D>> or something, so DDs know when to drop in ultimates. Use extreme posion, for ultimates it worth it. AFTER u press heavens, press extreme posion, then DD on. U DONT DD WITH NORMAL ATTACK. Once u have ,mana aura its free to spam skills, do it.

    After heavens flame u can score 3 hits in time, u will need that: Heavens flame – Fan of flames – Drakes sweep – Highalnds cleave. If u feel like lagging start with highlands, so u wont miss the biggest dmg.

    Some wawes will have mobs with DEFLECT. Pay attentien to these, CUZ U WILL ONESHOT URSELF, as i did a few times. These r robot dogs or something... Just spam aoe stun and single target attack something without deflect. Also if u have good hp, u can drop 1-2 heavens out. Use tree of protection before it, it gives u more max hp, so u wont oneshot urself. Also mobs deflect can expire… after like 10 sec feel free to DD.

    Till first boss, u will do it without the 2 EA, gods eye, and auras. Just stand near the MG, and aggro ALL the mobs with aoe stun as they come in. Use phisical marrow, u can tank em easy. And DD like mad ofc, u gotta keep aggro. Gather chi with marrows.

    At the first boss u will need to do 2 quests.

    At second boss u have to aoe the mobs right in the front of non battle area. Take 3-6 at the same time, they may eat ur charm but u have to do that fast.

    At third boss u will go on with others, and kill magic and archer mobs. Try to aoe as muchas possible, be fast. Dragons + Mage ulti really owns em. U can tank like 3-4 from magic mobs too…

    Skills MUST BE MAXED:

    HEAVENS FLAME - watever to say. No point of discussion just spam it.

    AOE STUN - useful on wawes u can stun, and at grabbing aggro.

    Highland cleave - At least 5+, ur best damage

    Drake sweep - at least 3+

    Fissure - at least 3+

    Sprints: Both u need.

    Genie skills: Tree of protection, tangling mire, holy path, balance

    Mage part – Credits go to Satuki

    MG: Needs both hp and mp charm(bronze hp charm should get you through one rebirth)

    you need your zhen skills, dragon's breath AT LEAST lvl 5(mine is at lvl 5 but my weapon is fairly good so its still strong)
    and your fire mastery as high as possible.

    oh and max earth barrier too if you haven't already.

    Gears: you need hp and hp and more hp. you will be tanking so that the Ep doesnt die(P.def should be easy cuz of the aura)
    your weapon should be + up a bit and shard with magic attack

    Build: both LA and robes can do it but its easier for LA cuz they can tank(have both P.def and HP) the first few waves easy.
    -Robes main thing that you should stack on is HP(and you have more damage so you will pull agro, meaning you will die faster). I have 4300 hp and i still die if i am not careful

    Genie skills: tree of protection and cauterize and extreme poison

    the mobs use bleed a lot in rebirths and it stacks up fast.
    -the tree is good to use after the charm ticks(or right before if you dont want to risk it) and pretty much it grants you no death for like 6 seconds, enough time to let your heiro recharge for another tick.
    -extreme poison for the bosses, cuz you want to show off how big your damage is. Crits up to 70-80k with attack aura lvl5!
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Apoth: pretty much useless cuz you can't use it during dragon's breath. still bring like 1 or 2 dew of lunar protection for the double waves( zhen skill takes one spark so its easy to reset it up again if needed)

    pretty much you will be tanking most of the time after the 3rd wave (other than bosses) so bring a few pots and use earth barrier before each round.
    when the boss comes you will be farming chest or killing mob for beans(beans give aura)
    in the later waves you HAVE to pay attention to your hp because they WILL **** if you don't pot and use genie correctly.
    its nice to have a spark pot too just in case your aoe gets cancel or you died.

    Make sure your aoe range is covering the archers too just in case they pull agro you can pull it back
    and the only boss they should be able to kill is the last boss cuz his aoe HURTS. to prevent just pot and stay in the range of the auras.

    hopefully i didn't forget anything scratch

    EA part, credits go to KaulaPfosos

    Archer part is kinda easy though is the most costly i think.
    Some general info first that havesnt been mentioned.We had some difficult time getting team for it cause noone wanted to invest in it.
    Dont expect to finish it if people dont invest loads of money at the begining.
    Rebirths are expensive to ALL members in a different ways and good sharp bm is the most important role.
    Get a bm with high level aoe skills -preferably maxed- and a decent hp.Bms with low level aoes are simply USELESS cause they cant get agroo from dds.

    Archers must get their barrage of arrows to at least 6+ and sharpened to max if possible.Archer with level 1 barrage is simply not needed.
    Your cost at mp charm is something arounf 350k and 450k and depends on your mana pool and aura setting and the cost of hp charm is around 100k-200k depends also on your
    hp and aura setting.
    By third stage we have mp2 which helps u preserve a tick from your charm every 2 mp charm ticks(two ticks from charm - one from aura).Thats 33% charm saving kinda cool(one free charm every two Very Happy)
    Going for higher mp aura doesnt help cause of lack of mana pool so no point in getting it.
    For archer build i think all will work though myself and calixta are both pure dex archers with around 5k hp fully buffed.

    For first stage just before the second wave dies both archers go to do quests.You can do one quest till boss arrives and one more while cleric tanks boss and still have time
    for like 6-7 chests.That way all quests are done after stage one(2 for each archer 2 for bm 2 for barb).

    At second stage one archer stays with the party and the other one goes for the chests at the far back room(second room after those stairs).U should be able to gather almost all chests from far back room by the time boss arrives, all of the chests on the room after the stairs and some on the cliff (by the stairs) by the time u need to go back to kill boss.

    At the third stage the archer that stayed with group goes to gather chests and kill mobs and the archer that gathered chests goes for barrage(this way u kinda split the charm cost with your fellow archer)
    Archer should now gather the remaining chests.

    At later stages archers stay with team, target the eye and barrages so its easy but costly work from now on.As it has been mentioned have red and purple pots on as they could come handy.
    There are some mobs that mana drain at various times so if ur mana pool is low (1.8k mp right now) be aware u might need mana pots too.

    For last boss that does tons of dmg.Use winged shell and wings of grace in rotation to avoid charms ticks at max range.Chi is not an issue cause of aura.

    I have been experimenting with mp gear (so that i can minize the cost of rebirths)results are inconclusive yet.If u are new to rebirth dont even try with mp gear cause u loose some hp(i go from 5.1k to 4k hp and from 1.8k to 3.5k mp) and some attack(around 1.5 less dmg from barrage).Get it done for like 3-4 times and start experimenting after that.
    I will try to update at some point wiht my results and calculations for the math lover such as me out there.

    Some insight on rebirth.
    1)Any team can do it.We have done it -except from the classic squad- with 2 ea 2 bm ep and barb and cause of mage got teleported outside we have finished it with 5 people too!
    In my experience two eps squad is tougher than other squads to complete though it might be better at lower levels.

    2)Full squad bean bonus is uselless imo.It gives u an advantage at the begining which is not so important cause it is allready kinda easy for the first five stages.
    We have been getting to stage 5 from the first-second time we tried it and to get after that we needed like 20 failed tries.
    And after the 6-7 stage all usefull auras(hp attack) are maxed other auras are at a satisfactory level and u dont rly care what to do with beans.
    One good thing with squads with veno though is parasitic nova cause it can give bm and barb time to coooldown their skills and regain agroo from mobs.

    3)Chi aura is kinda usefull if for some reason dds die it helps setting aoe back far quicker.Mp aura let it to level 2 for eas.(mg-cleric dont loose mana from level 1 mp aura allready)
    About def aura with level 1 def aura i have like 65% dmg reduction with level 5 74%.So it doesnt make any serious difference for ha and la.Though if u have cleric or mg that is not la get it to level 2 at some point.

    4)For squad without mage:
    One archer has to stay at first stage to aoe.Except if squad is bonus squad the eye doesnt apperars yet so u have nothing to target.What archer does is turn faction protection off,leave the party,target bm with barrage, bm asap invites him back and now u have a moving barrage of arrows Very Happy.Be aware that bm MUST stay inside archers range or barrage will cancel.After stage one everything goes to normal.

    5)For people that have never done it will take some failures to acquaint with it.Just be patient and get people that are willing to spend their time and coins to get it done.

    EP part, credits go to Gin

    1) You need to have 3,5k hp+, the more hp the better. it doesnt matter how you get the hp (refine gear, high grade shard, vit) you just need it.

    2) You need to have maxed ironheart, lvl 5 + purify, blue bubble, maxed debuff are nice to have but not that important, if the time to kill the bosss runs low red bubble is
    usefull also

    3) For the first tries bring alot hp pot your lvl and a few violett pot; genie skill: tree of protection, cauterize/bloodclot for arcane; hp charm

    4) You are not allowed to go afk

    With this setup your role is to keep to blue bubble alive. the bubble needs to be in range from atleast 1 aoe. Best place is a little behind the eye. Try to time the bubble heal with the aura heal so that not both heal come at the same time often.

    You only break the aoe when the bosses come. You will tank the 1 boss solo ( 1-2 iron, debuff,spark, atk till your hp drop and go from start again). While doing that you need to watch time (15min for each boss to kill). Usally there will be a message when 10/ 5 min left but that appears not every time. 1 Squad member needs to track the mine with a clock to be safe.

    After the bosss dead all rebuff. Then you set up the bubble again till next boss. Some bosses will debuff, dot etc so you need to purify the barb, maybe yourself when you have a low hp pool.

    If you take damage while blue bubble use pots, genie skill. Spam then. Do anything you can to not die. Aslong the bb and 1 aoe alive you can easily make it. If you die rebuff yourself, then go back and start heal the squad member who has the most agro/ need heal the most till you get 2 spark for bb. if you get atacked by a mob tell your squad, so that the bm/barb knows that and can get the mob away.

    Care for the last boss since his aoe really hurt (first time i died alot at this boss lol). Use plume shield to reduce dmg taken.

    Thats basicly all
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    6. General part, and quests

    U can enter this thing at spiritual disciples. U can find e min ADC, ST, DWP, near Elder. Godly warrior should be the quest to aquire tickets, u will need 6 of these at captain before u enter with taking quest Ashura.

    The leader can be basically anyone, usually its BM. Ppl with unstable connection shouldnt be caps, since if cap DC, team fails quest. If someone else DC… we already made it with 5 ppl few times, lack of DPS can be solved.

    Now buff, gather chi on metal messenger, and take quest Raise ur swords.

    Stage 1

    MG opens aoe, EP bb, WB lure, BM tanks all the mobs, the 2 EAs do 2 of the quests awhile.

    Race quest! Go to non battle area(portal next to harpy wraith) after second wawe. Quest giver and chests etc will appear than. Take quest from reciproator or something like that. Really stupid name. U will need happy valley ticket for that. Than just go from npc to npc, u have 10 mintues to finish one. At the end o fit u can use town portal, so u can return faster.

    The boss will be soloed by EP, while BM+WB do 2 quest, others open chests.

    Mobs only have melee phisical dmg, they dont hit too hard, but since u have only 1 DD and no auras will be harder than stage 2.

    I note here that u have 15 mins to defeat each boss, except last one(there u have all the time u had left from others). HAVE SOMEONE STOPPERING THE TIME, preferably BM. at 4-5 minutes left all should return, be sure to end boss in time.

    Stage 2

    MG aoe, EP BB, WB lure, BM tanks, 1 EA aoe on eye, the other gets chests, kills mobs(only magic/archer ones!)

    At boss WB and EP both needed, BM aoes frontal melee mobs, than opens chests with others.

    Stage 3

    same as, just switch EAs roles, so they use up same amount of charm, at least likely(since here u have mana 2)

    at boss WB+EP needed, take care of ur WB cuz of deflect

    others kill mobs left. chests should be done already, at the end of this boss all the beans should be done

    stage 4

    smooth part starts, everyone just do ur job. first deflect wawe comes, BMs watch out, cuz u may oneshot urself. spam aoe stun, and heavens when u feel like. use tree osf protection before heavens thou, it gives u more max hp. Other than that use magic narrow from now on, like lvl 2-3 u should have it at.

    boss purges ppl, and the first one randomly changing aggro. piece of cake.

    stage 5

    after first 2 wawe double wawe comes. dont be afraid, after some training we dont even need to pot here. barb should go and delay the LEFT WAWE. staying alive may be a problem awhile, use pots, apo pots... BM have to take the other wawe alone, and kill it asap. again.. stay alive. one wawe should be done till the next comes, easy. the next wawe will be mass chickens nuking ur **** outta dmg zone, barb has to lure em inside no idea how he do it ^^

    note: when BM doing first half of DW, run out, aoe stun and run back… so u get em into dmg area.

    Boss is easy, hits me for 1.5k, and has mass random aggro. enjoy =)

    stage 6 - 7 - 8

    booring. just do wat u have to do, othing special. pay attention for bosses reaggro, BB at bosses wherever u can. also squishy ones keep 2 sparks in stack so u can spark when boss comes. Beware of exploding mobs! A mass explosion may **** BM!

    boss #8 does HP debuff and hits hard, but nothing special.

    Boss 9. Has aoe stun, and phisical debuff, but still easy

    Dont believe myths… some training will make u complete that easy.

    Bugs we found irritating… :

    Memory leak at death…. The worst. PERIOD. If u die u auto respawn, and due to lag u may take some additional damage, so u die in non battle area. This will drop u out to TS. Solution? Dont die… getting back is possible but u sacrifice further auras, and also complicated.

    Not getting quest reward of some boss. As cap i experienced this a few times, just relog at end and u should get it.

    Barb cant buff. Leave to non battle area, and come back.

    Barb cant move. Relog.

    Hopefully we didnt miss anything. Screenshots soon.

    Enjoy ;)
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Wolfgang - Dreamweaver
    Wolfgang - Dreamweaver Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Here's a vid on how to run the quests. I use a genie with holy path now and the speed boosts when I have the herbs to make them.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Here's a vid on how to run the quests. I use a genie with holy path now and the speed boosts when I have the herbs to make them.

    well thx for the video thats a way of doing it. personally i think pots are waste of herbs, our EAs use holy path too sometimes i think
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear
    Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    where at are the mystical totems fragments at in here?
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    from the 5th boss each boss will drop 2 fragment or 2 mirage for each squad member
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I must disagree with your level req for dragon's breath. Level 1 suffices just fine and people complete it all the time with it.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Satuki - Harshlands
    Satuki - Harshlands Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I must disagree with your level req for dragon's breath. Level 1 suffices just fine and people complete it all the time with it.

    higher lvl= more damage= you pull agro from the EP and archers and you kill faster

    and imo it should be at 4 at the very least for zhenning.

    why should it be at one anyways you don't burn mp from doing it anyways(after lvl 1 mp aura)
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I must disagree with your level req for dragon's breath. Level 1 suffices just fine and people complete it all the time with it.

    Lvl 5+ is suggested and works for sure. U want to deal as many dmg as many u can, and not even lvl5 will eat ur charm after auras r on.

    U may do it with lvl1 too... as we sad thats a standard, not the only way.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Keita - Heavens Tear
    Keita - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Even level 10 dragon's breath doesn't eat my charm in delta.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well that is good to know. Mine is still level one because I am in that no sp stage still b:angry. Just putting what I have done on earlier gv's and what I have heard on this one. Thanks for the info.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I must disagree with your level req for dragon's breath. Level 1 suffices just fine and people complete it all the time with it.
    Even level 10 dragon's breath doesn't eat my charm in delta.

    well i still didnt restat to hp build, and i am not at ur endgame gear yet. dont expect 75-85 bms to have 12k hp with buffs. even if delta is much tougher.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ~bump~ its hard to find good teams for theses -.- to much you have to explain to them and when they die and reappear at the valley all they do is collect chests and then harpy dies b:surrender
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ~bump~ its hard to find good teams for theses -.- to much you have to explain to them and when they die and reappear at the valley all they do is collect chests and then harpy dies b:surrender

    well get a good guild with decent people o.O
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ~bump~ its hard to find good teams for theses -.- to much you have to explain to them and when they die and reappear at the valley all they do is collect chests and then harpy dies b:surrender

    um.... ever tried explaining to them prior the run what to do?

    I've never had a person die & start digging, more like not knowing how to get back b:bye cause we forgot to show how to, even then it's a few secs to type.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    um.... ever tried explaining to them prior the run what to do?

    I've never had a person die & start digging, more like not knowing how to get back b:bye cause we forgot to show how to, even then it's a few secs to type.

    having everyone on vent shouzld solve all these problems, for some people maybe obvious things arent obvious
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    10 chars required
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Why dont u guys have the BM do the running quest? We are by far the fastest. 5 m/s normal speed (mostly 5.2 cause of proud plate of corsaire everyone has) plus we have 3! speed skills: cloudsprint, will of the bodhisatva and Holy path. I can complete all 8 running quests before halfway second stage.

  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    unoxx wrote: »
    Why dont u guys have the BM do the running quest? We are by far the fastest. 5 m/s normal speed (mostly 5.2 cause of proud plate of corsaire everyone has) plus we have 3! speed skills: cloudsprint, will of the bodhisatva and Holy path. I can complete all 8 running quests before halfway second stage.


    U can do it that way too. When we first started doing rebirth we tryed that, and found out that having BM on site is easier for everyone, and we can just do the quests anyway.

    BUT that works also, watever is better for u. Also we arent that fast, we are just slightly faster than a barb :P
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Battlebash - Heavens Tear
    Battlebash - Heavens Tear Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    wat lvl do u have to be to do the rebirth quest?
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    wat lvl do u have to be to do the rebirth quest?

    Um.... Correct me if I'm wrong:

    40-55 Alpha
    56-70 Beta
    71-85 Gamma
    +85 Delta

    I started tanking gamma at 71 & was fine, beta is glitched I tell ya.. Barely got to stage 2... Never tried alpha.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Um.... Correct me if I'm wrong:

    40-55 Alpha
    56-70 Beta
    71-85 Gamma
    +85 Delta

    I started tanking gamma at 71 & was fine, beta is glitched I tell ya.. Barely got to stage 2... Never tried alpha.

    Each one has an over-lap with the previous.

    40-55 alpha
    55-70 beta
    70-85 gamma
    85+ delta

    To get the orders from the spiritual advisor, you must be 1 level higher than quest start. Usually just buy the orders to get around that.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • _Greed_ - Dreamweaver
    _Greed_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ok i got good BOA but i do not have good sharptooth and what is the point of sharptooth other than obvious reasons but how does it help on 2nd boss ive always been confused to that
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ok i got good BOA but i do not have good sharptooth and what is the point of sharptooth other than obvious reasons but how does it help on 2nd boss ive always been confused to that

    You got 15 mins for each boss. Depending on the cleric, but on most gamas I tanked clerics were *cough lazy cough* just healing & not atking... & my puppy isn't exactly DD material b:surrender . So sharpshooting helps to kill boss faster, giving the rest of the team more time to do their stuff & not hurry back.

    Same with 1st boss if the cleric is weak.
  • Ballador - Sanctuary
    Ballador - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    first of all, I have a veno in stead of one of the archers, because they are really fast at collecting beans from mobs and chests. second, I do the runs (I am a BM as you can see in the pavatar) Cloud Sprint, WIll of the Bodhisatva and holy path keep me almost constantly moving at around 9.5-15 m/sec holy path being the one of 15 m/sec. an advice for BM's: use marrows to generate chi so that you don't rely on the veno to pass you chi. third, of course you are gonna burn a lot of charm if you level the auras gradually. max HP reduces big time the HP charm burn of most of the squad, hence I get it ASAP, for example. and fourth, if you have a rainbow squad (all 6 classes in a squad) you get bonus beans in the start, thing that doesn't happen if you have two of one class
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Well time to eat my previous words. Gamma get DB to 10 and Fire Mastery to 10...make the barb keep the agg off you (Sorry Game ^.^). It really does make a big diff at this stage and people love you and the barb when you make them do minimal work on the waves. I still say level 1 to gamma is pleanty though.

    O.O my picture changed ???
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    first of all, I have a veno in stead of one of the archers, because they are really fast at collecting beans from mobs and chests. second, I do the runs (I am a BM as you can see in the pavatar) Cloud Sprint, WIll of the Bodhisatva and holy path keep me almost constantly moving at around 9.5-15 m/sec holy path being the one of 15 m/sec. an advice for BM's: use marrows to generate chi so that you don't rely on the veno to pass you chi. third, of course you are gonna burn a lot of charm if you level the auras gradually. max HP reduces big time the HP charm burn of most of the squad, hence I get it ASAP, for example. and fourth, if you have a rainbow squad (all 6 classes in a squad) you get bonus beans in the start, thing that doesn't happen if you have two of one class

    as i sad its one way of cpmpleteing it, that works for sure, its easy, cheap, and u never fail without dc basically.

    u can do it other ways, which has pros and cons.. we invented this without any help or guide from outside.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • ddaddi
    ddaddi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi im new in RB. Is there a order to take the auras? What should I pick for gamma?
  • Hipster - Harshlands
    Hipster - Harshlands Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ddaddi wrote: »
    Hi im new in RB. Is there a order to take the auras? What should I pick for gamma?

    the order is actually included in the guide