What shall I do?

Nerithos - Sanctuary
Nerithos - Sanctuary Posts: 370 Arc User
edited June 2009 in General Discussion
So today I'm helping a level 23 veno run fb19 (untamed - den of Rabid Wolves), and some of her friends tag along (17 Veno, 19 barb, 19 barb).

Easy stuff, right? Barbs hold aggro, wiz/venos pummel the mobs to death, easy.

Well, right off the bat, the barbs refuse the enter the fb, mumbling about some "getting ep" jazz. So the two venos and I go into the dungeon to clear out some mobs. All goes quite nicely until the 23 veno's magmite draws the ire of four or five Darkbreed Wolfkin and Blackspire Tarantulaxes.

I, of course, start channeling. While the spell channels, I take a look at the other veno and she's just STANDING there. Her pet magmite is out, it's got full health, she has full HP and MP, and she is just refusing to do anything. So eventually after a few seconds of Dragon's Breath, the mobs are dead. And then that selfsame veno leaves the dungeon because "I'm not geting any xp guys."

My question is, what would be the "correct" way to behave in this instance? Take leadership and disband the squad? Kite something to kill that idiot? QQ?

I personally ended up leaving the squad along with the other veno and then getting DC'd.

What IS the correct way of responding?
Post edited by Nerithos - Sanctuary on


  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'd say kick and pk, but your low level in a PvE server so you're definately screwed.
  • wnight
    wnight Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lets see :
    comment about
    1.getting close to none exp- gee what she expected from mobs 5-7 levels lower ? even same lvl mob of those levels are giving pretty much lame exp anyway. Main EXP comes from killing TABBED boss.
    2. Just ignore idiots help to finish quest and get nice 5% exp+ Rep ( considering you being 44 , you should be able to solo that fb without too much troble)
  • Nerithos - Sanctuary
    Nerithos - Sanctuary Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    wnight wrote: »
    lets see :
    comment about
    1.getting close to none exp- gee what she expected from mobs 5-7 levels lower ? even same lvl mob of those levels are giving pretty much lame exp anyway. Main EXP comes from killing TABBED boss.
    2. Just ignore idiots help to finish quest and get nice 5% exp+ Rep ( considering you being 44 , you should be able to solo that fb without too much troble)

    Er...the complaining one was the level 17 veno who didn't lift a finger to help the other veno.
    Also, I'm level 41, and I mos' def can't solo it XD (Arcane wizard b:surrender)

  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    kick their butts, leave and say F U
  • Vilandil - Sanctuary
    Vilandil - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Er...the complaining one was the level 17 veno who didn't lift a finger to help the other veno.
    Also, I'm level 41, and I mos' def can't solo it XD (Arcane wizard b:surrender)


    The level 17 wont get any EXP anyway as need to be 19+ to get EXP from the tabbed bosses in FB19, their just wasting their time and probably going to complain a whole lot.

    What to do? Its hard to say, I always assume no one can speak, uderstand or make an effort to read plain English. So I try to explain like you would to a very young child at the start of the dungeon raid what you're wanting each class to do. Getting them to form some type of responce back accepting what you've said can be tricky.

    You're the highest level so should take seniority over the group asking polietly for each of the people there to do different things. If they cant understand you after attempting to explain 2-3 times leave the squad. The free 10k exp at your level isn't worth the hassle.
  • FedTehNoob - Lost City
    FedTehNoob - Lost City Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Tell them to come back, lead them to boss, say "Gl, bai bai now b:bye", teleport out. ^^
  • wnight
    wnight Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    "Er...the complaining one was the level 17 veno who didn't lift a finger to help the other veno.
    Also, I'm level 41, and I mos' def can't solo it XD (Arcane wizard )"

    b:surrender <--- 35 Arcane completed fb's 19 on daily basis only Boss made me waste few instant pots. and agree about point getting xp being underlevel
  • Eriestrength - Sanctuary
    Eriestrength - Sanctuary Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    well honestly i would have either ran the fb solo at ur lvl and just killed the boss to be an ****.

    or i would have told them they got 2 choices.

    A. shut up and help and get ur exp and rep

    B. go QQ somewhere else and stop wasting peoples time
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I gotta ask... Was this an FB from World Chat? Because I wouldn't touch those idiots with a 39 and 1/2 foot pole... A lot of people desperate enough to ask for an FB run via World Chat aren't the greatest players, and 19 runs from World Chat is just asking for pain. Either way... If that happened to me, I'd stop, right then and there, kick out all the idiots, and be very blunt with the person tabbing and ask her why on Earth she'd actually consider people who would abandon her like that her friends. Depending on how she reacted, and if she still wanted to run the FB, considering the same situation, which, as I'm a Veno, is null and void as I could solo FB 19's at your level... As a Wizard in your situation, I would either A. Ask her if I could get some of MY friends, or B. Failing that, tell her PRECISELY how we are going to have to run this, being as there are only 2 of us. Which, I'm assuming would be to have her lure her way through the dungeon, and attempt to tank the Boss with her Magmite. Failing a Magmite Tank, however, the easiest, and most simple way to do the boss is to have one person take aggro and run like hell while the other person fires spells to get it off, and then the two people switch jobs. It's messy, but it got me through my 19 beautifully.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hmm it totally depends how well you know this LV17. Few times I have actually asked low levels to do just that - stand back and not attacking because higher level BM is rather dangerous to follow around - s/he can (and usually do) sprint around the hall aggro every physical mob in there and then blast away AoE's non-stop till they die.

    However in your case I would have ask "Will you just stand there and watch?"
    and after that if she starts to move- proceed the dungeon. If not- ask the squad leader to kick her out. And then proceed normally like she'd never been there

    LV41 sounds too low to solo a FB especially if you're squishy. Maybe Elvish FB is somewhat doable but untamed and human one are dominated by physical mobs. No way LV41 can do that unless willing to burn lot of charm for umm..fun? And I don't think charmed single runs really show the capability to solo.
  • XBloodKingx - Heavens Tear
    XBloodKingx - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    me a good cleric and a tabber can solo untamed and human fbs.
    i run around getting all aggro than AoE em all to helll but most mobs in there only hit 15-30 on me so that helps to i would have helped them get to boss get 1 of them to get aggro of boss and say: bye bye suckers b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]you have just meet death

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
    - Frank Outlaw

    credit to ForsakenX for the sig
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i would tell trhe veno to pull some more stuff and i wouldnt help her the result= she gets killed
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .... your lvl 41 and still have problems in fb 19?

    it doesnt matter what they do... your high enough lvl to solo the whole place.
  • Nerithos - Sanctuary
    Nerithos - Sanctuary Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm a squishy, squishy mage. Plus, I'm too poor to get instant elixirs and stuff.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .... your lvl 41 and still have problems in fb 19?

    it doesnt matter what they do... your high enough lvl to solo the whole place.

    Umm if you take a cleric with you then it's not soloing. And if you are charmed- then basically it's like playing normal RPG with cheatcodes and it's not accomplishment anymore.

    If you suggest there's 3rd way to so FB19 as BM- truly solo and uncharmed then by all means share the wisdom- I'm all ears
  • Eriestrength - Sanctuary
    Eriestrength - Sanctuary Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Umm if you take a cleric with you then it's not soloing. And if you are charmed- then basically it's like playing normal RPG with cheatcodes and it's not accomplishment anymore.

    If you suggest there's 3rd way to so FB19 as BM- truly solo and uncharmed then by all means share the wisdom- I'm all ears

    as a BM at lvl41?

    solod it with pots and powders.

    took a little bit but i still solod it. just make some life powder grab some pots and boom ur good.
  • Farain - Dreamweaver
    Farain - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok, Why would somebody not do a fb just because there was no experience in it? There are still drops, and a preview of what they are going to face in the non too distant future.

    The fb's should be an experience, and should be enjoyed as well as feeling good about accomplishing something, at least that's how I look at them.

    I am still working on my fb 19, trying to solo it, and have failed multiple times.
    I see it as a chance to learn my pulling techniques, and learning what I can do and what I can't.

    I had a bad experience with my archers Fb19. I asked my faction, and a whole bunch of high level people showed up. The lead guy said, "just stay behind me." So I did.
    They ran through in 10 minutes, I followed picking up the coins they were leaving behind.
    At the end I got 3000 coin, no drops, I honestly don't remember getting experience, and there was absolutly no feeling of accomplishment. Then they all left, and I was left alone. I felt more than a little abused.